988 resultados para Judah, ha-Nasi, ca. 135-ca. 220.
Marine palynology and benthic and planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry are combined to reveal long- and short-term (Milankovitch-scale) paleoceanographic changes across the upper half of the Olduvai Subchron (ca. 1.86--1.77 Ma, lower Pleistocene) in DSDP Hole 603C from the lower New Jersey continental rise. Planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios reveal annual sea-surface temperatures between 14.5° and 25°C, whereas modern values vary between 16° and 20°e. Despite evidence of downslope transport in much of the studied interval, dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch assemblages appear to reflect fluctuating temperate to subtropical water masses. These assemblages comprise both neritic and oceanic species, and are marked by a transition upsection from warm conditions, dominated by Lingulodinium machaerophorum, Polysphaeridium zoharyi and Cymatiosphaera? invaginata, to cooler conditions dominated by Filisphaera filifera. Combining dinoflagellate cyst proxies with planktonic foraminiferal geochemistry allows downslope transport events to be recognized during glacial episodes, and events dominated by intensified bottom-water circulation during interglacial episodes. Sixtytwo in-situ dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa were recorded including several not previously described.
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1313, located at the northern boundary of the subtropical gyre in the central North Atlantic, lies within the southern part of the ice-rafted debris belt. Seventy-three palynological samples were studied from an uninterrupted interval ca. 726–603 ka (upper Marine Isotope Stage [MIS] 18 through lower MIS 15) to resolve conflicting paleoceanographic interpretations. Glacial stages were characterized by high productivity surface waters reflecting a southward shift of the Arctic Front. Sea surface salinities (SSSs) and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were obtained by transfer functions using the Modern Analogue Technique. The lowest SSTs of 9ºC (±1.3) and 10ºC (±1.3) were recorded in glacial MIS 16 and MIS 18 respectively. However, these reconstructions are influenced by abundant heterotrophic taxa and may reflect elevated nutrient levels rather than lowered temperatures. Reworked palynomorphs uniquely indicate a Cretaceous as well as Paleozoic provenance for the first Heinrich-like events.
Fairview School (9th Street Louth, St. Catharines, Ontario) photograph, ca. 1933 Individuals in the photograph are identified as follows: Front Row, L to R: Stuart McDonald, Pete Burtch, Carl Schwenker, Bill Davey, Jim Barnes, ? McDonald, Marie Youngblutt, Lorraine Havens, Margaret Sinclair, Carla Prince, Verna Sinclair, Helen Welsh, Margaret Welsh, Elsie Backshall, Smith girl, Amy McDonald. 2nd Row, L to R: Nelson Sinclair, Gordon Wilson, Ivan Burtch, ? Smith, George Corman, Roy Burtch, Mort Corman, Bob Bell, ?Wilson, Jim Combe, Murray Combe, Jack High, George Welsh, Larry Downes, Gordon Schwenker, Albert Davey, Harvey Davey. Back Row, L to R: Bert Sinclair, Jim Mason, Len Corman, Johnny Corman, David Hallett, Lloyd Graham, Paul Harndon?, Gordon Dormes, George Bell, Doug Garriock, ?McDonald, Mary? Honsberger, Mary Backus, Hilda Wilson. The teacher may be Beatrice Armstrong.
James Monroe (1758-1831) was appointed Secretary of State by President James Madison in 1811. He remained in this position until March, 1817, with the exception of the period from October 1, 1814, to February 28, 1815, when he was ad interim Secretary of State. Monroe encouraged President James Madison and Congress to declare war on Great Britain, feeling it would be the most effective way to change offensive British policies. The United States declared war on June 17, 1812, after which he served as Secretary of War. Monroe later became President of the United States from 1817 until 1824.
Lightning Fastener Co. Ltd. was a zipper manufacturer located on Niagara Street in St. Catharines. It was founded by Gideon Sundback, the inventor of the modern fastener. Sundback was born in Sweden, but settled in the United States in 1905. It was here that he designed and patented a “separable fastener” in 1913. Although he lived in Hoboken, New Jersey, he decided to establish a manufacturing facility for his invention in Canada, choosing St. Catharines over other locations such as Fort Erie and Hamilton. At the height of its success, the company employed more than 500 people and produced more than 50 million zippers annually. Over time, the company had difficulty remaining competitive and was forced to close in 1981.
A letter of marque addressed to Captain James Rogers, commander of the boat Retaliation, and signed by James Monroe, secretary of state. Letters of marquee provided legal authority for an armed vessel to capture enemy ships and commit acts which would otherwise constitute piracy. The letter has no date, but was likely created during the War of 1812, and authorizes the Captain to attack and capture enemy vessels.
One broadside advertising the Niagara Falls Seminary [school for young Ladies], run by Mrs. Shotter of Drummondville, ca. 1840. The advertisement contains information about fees and courses, including a complete English education, music, French, drawing and flower painting, and dancing. The bottom of the page contains a list of references for Mrs. Shotter, including Ex-Consul Buchanan, Colonel Delatre, Rev. W. Leeming, Rector of Chippawa (all of Drummondville); Dr. Mewburn (Stamford); Rev. T.B. Fuller, Rector of Thorold; John Stayner, Esq., P.M. Queenston; William Gamble, Esq., Milton, near Toronto; and Hon. John Hamilton, Kingston.
Benjamin Bates was a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and served as Clerk of the Society at the time that the Memorial and Petition was written.
Benjamin Bates was a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and served as Clerk of the Society at the time that the Memorial and Petition was written.
One broadside advertising the Niagara Falls Seminary [school for young Ladies], run by Mrs. Shotter of Drummondville, ca. 1840. The advertisement contains information about fees and courses, including a complete English education, music, French, drawing and flower painting, and dancing. The bottom of the page contains a list of references for Mrs. Shotter, including Ex-Consul Buchanan, Colonel Delatre, Rev. W. Leeming, Rector of Chippawa (all of Drummondville); Dr. Mewburn (Stamford); Rev. T.B. Fuller, Rector of Thorold; John Stayner, Esq., P.M. Queenston; William Gamble, Esq., Milton, near Toronto; and Hon. John Hamilton, Kingston.
The collection consists of two photo albums from Eureka Lodge #20, Prince Hall, Toronto, Ontario. The first album consists of 57 colour photographs of Black Shriners and Masons, some featuring a trip to Puerto Rico, circa 1970. Several loose items are enclosed, including photographs, news clippings, and a certificate. The second album contains 26 colour photographs, and 9 loose photographs, circa 1980. Includes photographs of Arthur Downes, one of Canada’s first Black Canadian Grand Masters and Joe Halstead (Order of Canada). Most of the photographs feature members in the lodge interior.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Químicas con Especialidad en Química Orgánica) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química Analítica) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Eléctrica con Especialidad en Potencia) - U.A.N.L, 1997
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Química de los Materiales) UANL, 2012.