309 resultados para Issar, Galina
Coral reefs are declining worldwide due to increased incidence of climate-induced coral bleaching, which will have widespread biodiversity and economic impacts. A simple method to measure the sub-bleaching level of heat-light stress experienced by corals would greatly inform reef management practices by making it possible to assess the distribution of bleaching risks among individual reef sites. Gene expression analysis based on quantitative PCR (qPCR) can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine coral condition in situ. We evaluated the expression of 13 candidate genes during heat-light stress in a common Caribbean coral Porites astreoides, and observed strong and consistent changes in gene expression in two independent experiments. Furthermore, we found that the apparent return to baseline expression levels during a recovery phase was rapid, despite visible signs of colony bleaching. We show that the response to acute heat-light stress in P. astreoides can be monitored by measuring the difference in expression of only two genes: Hsp16 and actin. We demonstrate that this assay discriminates between corals sampled from two field sites experiencing different temperatures. We also show that the assay is applicable to an Indo-Pacific congener, P. lobata, and therefore could potentially be used to diagnose acute heat-light stress on coral reefs worldwide.
(Table 3.6) Chemical composition of interstitial waters from sediments of the TAG Hydrothermal Field
Distribution of diatoms and planktonic and benthic foraminifers, as well as correlation of components of sandy grain size fraction were studied in the Quaternary sediment core LV28-42-5 (720 cm long) col¬lected on the southeastern slope (1045 m depth) of the Institute of Oceanology Rise, Sea of Okhotsk. This study allowed to reconstruct principle features of paleoceanographic evolution. In the course of penultimate and last continental glaciations (isotope stages 6 and 4-2) and during the later period of the last interglacial (substages 5.d-5.a) the following conditions were characteristic of this area: low temperatures of surface water, terrigenous sediment accumulation including coarse grained ice-rafted material, minimum bioproductivity and microfossil content in sediments, low sea level, reduced water exchange with the ocean, low position of old deep Pacific water. During the interglacial optimum (substage 5.e), as well as in the last deglaciation and Holocene (stage 1) water temperature and bioproductivity increased, sea level rose, and active surface water exchange between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan took place. This resulted in intensive inflow of the old deep Pacific water into the Sea of Okhotsk and elevation of its upper boundary by few hundred meters. During the later intervals of these warm periods a dichothermal structure of the upper water layer formed and diatom oozes accumulated.
Results of petrographic, chemical and X-ray studies of zeolites in sediments in the Transpacific lithological profile from the coast of Japan to the coast of Mexico are reported. For ocean phillipsites constancy of Si/Al ratio (2.44-2.87) and unstable cation composition in quantitative predominance of potassium over sodium are characteristic. Two groups of ocean phillipsites are distinguished: of deep-water basins and of submarine rises. The first spread over broad areas of the pelagic zone, and are formed by diagenetic transformation of fine dispersed pyroclastic material in minimum sedimentation rates, the latter occur locally - in areas of basaltic volcanism manifestations.
Lithofacial types of sediments formed in certain geographic and physical-chemical conditions of the Pacific Ocean are distinguished and characterized. It is shown that the regular change of bottom sediment types forming a genetic series from the coast to the pelagic zone clearly demonstrates a leading role of biogenic-terrigenous sedimentation in their formation. In the pelagic zone of the ocean erosion of islands and seamounts, basalt volcanism of anticlinal uplifts, as well as exhalative contribution play some role in addition to the main source of terrigenous and pyroclastic material from continents. These sources do not change, but only complicate terrigenous sedimentation in the studied area of the ocean.
Acknowledgments The VIVIANE study was funded and coordinated by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA, which also covered all costs associated with development and publication of this report. We thank all study participants and their families. We gratefully acknowledge the work of the central and local study coordinators, and staff members of the sites who participated in this study. Writing support services were provided by Mary Greenacre (An Sgriobhadair, Isle of Barra, UK), on behalf of GSK Vaccines; editing and publication coordination services were provided by Jérôme Leemans (Keyrus Biopharma, Lasne, Belgium), Stéphanie Delval (XPE Pharma and Science, Wavre, Belgium), and Matthieu Depuydt (Business Decision Life Sciences, Brussels, Belgium), on behalf of GSK Vaccines