987 resultados para Info Lit 101
Eukaryotic cells make many types of primary and processed RNAs that are found either in specific subcellular compartments or throughout the cells. A complete catalogue of these RNAs is not yet available and their characteristic subcellular localizations are also poorly understood. Because RNA represents the direct output of the genetic information encoded by genomes and a significant proportion of a cell's regulatory capabilities are focused on its synthesis, processing, transport, modification and translation, the generation of such a catalogue is crucial for understanding genome function. Here we report evidence that three-quarters of the human genome is capable of being transcribed, as well as observations about the range and levels of expression, localization, processing fates, regulatory regions and modifications of almost all currently annotated and thousands of previously unannotated RNAs. These observations, taken together, prompt a redefinition of the concept of a gene.
Understanding the genetic structure of human populations is of fundamental interest to medical, forensic and anthropological sciences. Advances in high-throughput genotyping technology have markedly improved our understanding of global patterns of human genetic variation and suggest the potential to use large samples to uncover variation among closely spaced populations. Here we characterize genetic variation in a sample of 3,000 European individuals genotyped at over half a million variable DNA sites in the human genome. Despite low average levels of genetic differentiation among Europeans, we find a close correspondence between genetic and geographic distances; indeed, a geographical map of Europe arises naturally as an efficient two-dimensional summary of genetic variation in Europeans. The results emphasize that when mapping the genetic basis of a disease phenotype, spurious associations can arise if genetic structure is not properly accounted for. In addition, the results are relevant to the prospects of genetic ancestry testing; an individual's DNA can be used to infer their geographic origin with surprising accuracy-often to within a few hundred kilometres.
BACKGROUND: Adding temozolomide (TMZ) to standard radiotherapy as a first-line therapy for glioma may increase costs to a disproportionate degree compared with the resulting survival benefits. METHODS: Forty-six consecutive patients (28 males and 18 females; median age, 52 years; age range, 24-70 years) received concomitant TMZ with radiotherapy for 6 weeks followed by adjuvant TMZ for 6 cycles, and they were followed until disease recurrence and then until death. The authors assessed the costs associated with the four phases of treatment from a hospital-centered perspective. RESULTS: Treatment was discontinued early in 3 patients, 9 patients, and 15 patients during concomitant TMZ, before adjuvant TMZ, and during adjuvant TMZ, respectively. Karnofsky index values varied between 85% (at the beginning of treatment) and 76% (at the end of treatment). The nature of care after disease recurrence was diverse. Overall survival ranged from 1.4 months to 64.3 months (median, 15.8 months) and was better if surgical debulking could be carried out before treatment. Global costs amounted to Euros 39,092 +/- Euros 21,948 (concomitant TMZ, Euros 14,539 +/- Euros 4998; adjuvant TMZ, Euros 13,651 +/- Euros 4320; follow-up, Euros 6363 +/- Euros 6917; and recurrence, Euros 12,344 +/- Euros 18,327), with 53% of these costs being related to the acquisition of TMZ; this represented an eightfold increase in cost compared with radiotherapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: TMZ may be an effective but costly adjuvant outpatient therapy for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Definite cost-effectiveness/utility must be assessed in a randomized Phase III trial.
Peripheral venous cannulation is the preferred method of inserting central venous silastic catheters in premature infants. The standard techniques are placement of the catheter using a breakaway introducer needle or introduction of the catheter through a cannula. In extremely low birth weight infants (<1000 g) successful cannulation is impeded by the small size of the vessels. After repeated attempts, both procedures can be time-consuming and stressful to the infant. We present a modified insertion technique of the standard 2-French silastic catheter with an increased success rate, thus reducing insertion time, stress to the infant, and costs. The method uses the tip of a 20-gauge cannula as dilator/introducer for the 2-French catheter. This tip is inserted into the vessel with a standard 24-gauge cannula. After successful insertion of the dilator/introducer cannula, the standard 2-French catheter can then be advanced easily.
BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has a growing impact on morbidity and mortality in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We assessed trends in HCV incidence in the different HIV transmission groups in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). METHODS: HCV infection incidence was assessed from 1998, when routine serial HCV screening was introduced in the SHCS, until 2011. All HCV-seronegative patients with at least 1 follow-up serology were included. Incidence rates (IRs) of HCV infections were compared between men who have sex with men (MSM), injection drug users (IDU), and heterosexuals (HET). RESULTS: HCV incidence was assessed in 3333 MSM, 123 IDU, and 3078 HET with a negative HCV serology at baseline. Over 23 707 person-years (py) for MSM, 733 py for IDU, and 20 752 py for HET, 101 (3%), 41 (33%), and 25 (1%) of patients seroconverted, respectively. The IR of HCV infections in MSM increased from 0.23 (95% credible interval [CrI], .08-.54) per 100 py in 1998 to 4.09 (95% CrI, 2.57-6.18) in 2011. The IR decreased in IDU and remained <1 per 100 py in HET. In MSM, history of inconsistent condom use (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 2.09; 95% CI, 1.33-3.29) and past syphilis (adjusted HR, 2.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-3.20) predicted HCV seroconversion. CONCLUSIONS: In the SHCS, HCV infection incidence decreased in IDU, remained stable in HET, and increased 18-fold in MSM in the last 13 years. These observations underscore the need for improved HCV surveillance and prevention among HIV-infected MSM.
O presente capítulo visa, con recurso ao universo teórico e ao referencial metodolóxico da ciencia política e das relacións internacionais, analizar a evolución histórica da CPLP, as rupturas, mudanzas e (des) continuidades verificadas na acción externa e diplomática da organización na súa relación coa organización política do mundo, o seu argumentario político de referencia, o discurso lexitimador(1) (Maltez, 1996: 153; Sarmento, 2008: 251; Costa, 2009: 9) e a retórica discursiva que preside a constitución dunha comunidade política ‘lusófona’ asentada en solidariedades horizontais (Moreira, 2001: 15). Percibida polas elites políticas como unha oportunidade histórica sen precedentes (Cabral, 1994: 2;) emerxe analiticamente como unha fonte explicativa da crecente complexidade do fenómeno político no espazo lusófono, e modelo institucional capaz de potenciar e descentralizar o diálogo intercontinental (Gama, 1996: 7) entre os países que teñen a lingua portuguesa como vehículo privilexiado de comuni- cación, e mecanismo formatador dun “modo portugués de estar no mundo”(3)(Moreira, 1956; Castelo, 1998: 13 e 101).
This 30-year-old woman presented with clinical symptoms and signs of intracranial hypertension and Parinaud syndrome secondary to ventriculoperitoneal shunt dysfunction. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed gross triventricular hydrocephalus with a large suprapineal recess due to aqueductal stenosis. Using an endoscopic approach, a ventriculostomy was performed within the floor of the dilated suprapineal recess. Following this procedure the patient experienced alleviation of all her neurological symptoms and signs. Postoperative MR imaging and cerebrospinal fluid flow studies demonstrated a functioning ventriculostomy. The anatomy of the suprapineal recess and its suitability for endoscopic ventriculostomy are discussed.
O propósito da Web Semântica é conseguir uma Web de dados totalmente ligada, isto é, numa perspetiva Linked Open Data. A Web Semântica deve garantir (estabelecendo padrões tecnológicos, vocabulários, linguagens lógicas, etc.) que os conteúdos publicados na Websejam inteligíveis quer por agentes humanos, quer por agentes máquina. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo responder à um problema delimitado, propondo uma solução no quadro da Web Semântica e suas tecnologias. Partindo-se de uma lista de termos em linguagem natural utilizados no Website da ANACOM (Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações), propomos uma organização de acordo com metodologias de construção de ontologias e vocabulários. Inspirámo-nos em duas metodologias, o Ontology Development 101 e o Process and Methodology for Core Vocabularies. O vocabulário controlado resultante, tem como base tecnológica o modelo de organização de conhecimento, recomendado pelo W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), o SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System). Trata-sede uma tecnologia standard da W3C desde 2009, utilizada na criação de tesauros,esquemas de classificação, taxonomias, glossários e outros tipos de vocabulários controlados. Como resultado da nossa intervenção, conseguimos organizar e codificar em SKOS, cerca de cinco centenas de termos identificados no Website da ANACOM. Para além da proposta do vocabulário controlado, passámos em revista às tecnologias e teorias que sustentam a temática da Web Semântica.
O cumprimento dos caudais de referência impostos pela nova situação regulamentar contribui para custos de energia elevados em edifícios escolares. Daí a importância de fazer um estudo aprofundado de como a ventilação natural ou híbrida pode contribuir para reduzir esses custos. É neste âmbito que se enquadra o presente trabalho, cujo objectivo é a avaliação dos caudais de ar novo garantidos por sistemas de ventilação natural ou híbrida em edifícios escolares. Avaliou-se a contribuição da ventilação natural para o caudal de ar novo. Fez-se uma análise dos modelos que descrevem a ventilação natural que permitem obter uma estimativa da área das aberturas nas fachadas, a partir de cada estratégia da mesma (efeito da diferença de temperaturas, do vento e da sua acção conjunta). Apresentam-se duas metodologias de estimativa das áreas das aberturas nas fachadas do edifício, através da ventilação natural. A primeira consiste na utilização de uma ferramenta de cálculo simplificado ClassVent, disponibilizada no regulamento de ventilação para edifícios escolares aos projectistas ingleses, BB101 (Building Bulletin 101). Na segunda recorre-se a um modelo empírico (The Britsh Standard Method), para desenvolver um software simplificado (Ventilação Natural), que foi elaborado em linguagem Visual Basic pela autora.
Reportan los valores de las condiciones hidroquímicas del agua de mar observadas durante el Crucero de Evaluación de la Biomasa Desovante de Anchoveta y Sardina, BIC Humboldt y BIC SNP-1 9508-09. Se trata de la evaluación y cuantificación de los valores de las principales sales nutritivas y (fosfatos, nitratos, nitritos y silicatos) del oxígeno disuelto y la clorofila "A", En su distribución superficial y vertical. Frente a Salaverry, entre las 20 y 50 millas náuticas se halló concentraciones altas de clorofila "a" (30-50 ug/L) como producto de una intensa actividad fitoplanctónica, asociada con valores de 7,0 mL/L de oxígeno disuelto.
Résumé : La clozapine (Leponex®) est un neuroleptique atypique utilisé depuis une quarantaine d'années (synthétisée en 1959) dans le traitement de la schizophrénie résistante. Son utilisation a fait l'objet de controverses importantes en raison de son profil d'effets secondaires, potentiellement fatals (agranulocytose), et a entraîné son retrait de certains pays pendant de nombreuses années, malgré certaines caractéristiques qui en font une molécule très intéressante sur le plan clinique. On peut citer à cet égard une efficacité antipsychotique importante tant sur les symptômes positifs que sur les symptômes négatifs de la maladie, ainsi que l'absence d'effets secondaires extrapyramidaux, tels que ceux entraînés par les neuroleptiques classiques. Depuis la réadmission de la clozapine par la FDA aux Etats-Unis en 1990, suite notamment aux travaux montrant l'amélioration, grâce à cette molécule, des dyskinésies tardives induites par les neuroleptiques classiques, on assiste à un regain d'intérêt marqué pour ses possibilités thérapeutiques. L'indication reste toutefois limitée à l'heure actuelle au traitement de la schizophrénie résistante à d'autres neuroleptiques, donc un traitement en deuxième intention. Sachant que l'évolution de la schizophrénie est influencée, entre autres facteurs, par la durée des manifestations symptomatiques, il nous a semblé intéressant d'évaluer le devenir de jeunes patients schizophrènes mis d'emblée au bénéfice d'un traitement par la clozapine. C'est le sujet de la présente étude. Cette étude a été initialement conçue comme une étude de cohorte, randomisée, en double aveugle, multi-site à l'échelle romande, avec un suivi des patients sur une année. Les difficultés rencontrées, qui ont abouti à une interruption précoce ne permettant le relevé que des observations de six patients, sont détaillées. Après une brève introduction sur la schizophrénie et sur la clozapine, ce travail décrit l'historique de l'étude, ses buts et sa méthodologie. Suit une description des six patients et leur évolution au cours de l'étude. Dans le chapitre IV, les résultats sont analysés et discutés dans une perspective descriptive. Précédant la bibliographie et les annexes, la conclusion fournit l'opportunité de discuter les apports et les limites de ce travail, en le resituant dans le contexte international actuel de regain d'intérêt pour l'utilisation de la clozapine dans le traitement de la schizophrénie.