991 resultados para Infecção pelo Trypanosoma cruzi


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Em grupos de camunáongos inoculados com as cepas FL, MR, Berenice e Y, a freqüência de parasitismo encefálico avaliada através do encontro de parasitas em cortes semi-seriados variou entre 1.6-22%, ao passo que nos animais inoculados com cepa PNM essa percentagem alcançou 20.5%. Os autores sugerem que esses resultados se devam a diferentes tropismos do parasita e discutem a importância do estudo de modelos experimentais para a investigação de lesões encefálicas causadas por T. cruzi.


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An investigation was made about the influence of environment temperature on the infectivity of flagellate of T. cruzi Peru sample in triatomine feces by periconjuntival instilation in albino mice. The results demonstrate that infection, measured by patent parasitemia decreases when fecal suspension is maintained at 30ºC. The possible implication of these findings in relation to transmission of T. cruzi to human, in field, is briefty discussed.


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Foi verificada a transmissão sucessiva do T. cruzi em três gerações da cobaia Cavia porcellus sem a participação de triatomíneos. Embora não fosse determinado qual das vias, se placentária, leite, excreções ou contágio direto pelo qual o protozoário foi transmitido para os descendentes, chama-se atenção para a importância da manutenção de reservatórios da Doença de Chagas, mesmo na ausência de vetores invertebrados.


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Single organisms of Trypanosoma cruzi of the virulent Peru strain were isolated by direct visualisation and were injected peritoneally into CFI mice. Single trypanomastigotes of different morphology and from different sources (mouse blood, in vitro cufture and bug faeces) were used. Single trypanomastigotes from mouse blood caused parasitaemia and fataiity in a high percentage of mice. This was true irrespective of the morphology (broad or narrow form) of the trypano mastigo tec. Single organisms of the culture forms were also capable of causing infection, although these were less infectious than single trypanomastigotes obtained from mouse blood or the reduviid bug. The difficulties attendant on the performance of the cloning technique are discussed and some indication is given of how these problems can be overcome.


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Antígenos preparados de culturas de Trypanosoma cruzi foram experimentados com um sôro chagásico de referência, em reações quantitativas de fixação do complemento. Quatro deles foram liofilizados em pequenos volumes e mantidos em geladeira. Um outro foi mantido em estado líquido, com az ida sódica e a 3-6º C. Os títulos do complexo-imune, em termos de sôro ou de antígeno foram determinados como a inclinação da linha de regressão traçada quando se projetam as quantidades de complexo (em termos de sôro ou de antígeno) necessárias para 50% de hemólise contra o número de unidades de complemento usadas na reação. Dividindo-se o título do antígeno pelo título do sôro, obtem-se um índice de reatividade específica (I.R.E.), que informa sobre a reprodutibilidade e estabilidade do antígeno. Examinando os antígenos, de frascos colhidos ao acaso, verificou-se que os antígenos B.W. 89 e CDC 10-75 apresentaram um I.R.E. com pequena diferença entre as amostras, enquanto maior variação foi observada com os antígenos B.W. 105 e 760130. Antígenos reconstituídose mantidos em geladeira, até oito meses, perdiam lentamente sua capacidade reativa, com exceção do antígeno B.W. 89 e CDC 10-75. Os dados sugerem que o uso de antígenos de para reações de fixação do complemento devem ser empregados quando reconstituídos, evitando-se sua manutenção em estado líquido, pela queda do seu poder fixador.


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Callithrix jacchus geoffroy marmosets (HumBol. 1812) were injected once subcutaneously with 10.000 parasites/g body weight and followed for a period of six months. The PF strain of Trypanosoma cruzi was used. Follow-up was done through blood cultures, xenodiagnosis, serological tests, and ECG. A small number of normaI animais served as control.


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Mice were infected with blood forms of 17 Trypanosoma cruzi strains recently isolated from chronic patients, which were dassified as of low, medium or high virulence on grounds of the prepatent period, parasitemia and mortality at the acute phase. A total of 212 mice were studied after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of infection. In the chronic phase, intracellular parasites were detected in 11.0%,27.9%and 54.0,% of mice inoculated, respectively, with the low, medium and high virulent strains (r= 0.98, p < 0.005). Heart fibrosis was also related to virulence, affecting 5.7%, 11.6%and30.8% (r = 0.98, p < 0.001) of the mice inoculated with the above strains; a similar relationship was observed between intensity and frequency of the heart inflammatory reaction and the severity of infection at its early stage. Necrotizing arteritis was detected in 12.2% of the inoculated animals and this lesion was related to the infection duration rather than to strain characteristics. Inflammatory lesions and tissue parasitism were stable within the period of observation, whereas fibrosis was Progressive. The findings suggest that mice may reproduce heart lesions resembling human pathology and that organ damage apparently depends on the parasite virulence.


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An electron microscopy study shows that the administration of a single dose (500 mg/kg, p.o.) of 2-amino-5-(1-methyl-5-nitro-2-imidazolyl)-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole induces in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi results in degenerative lesions of the intracellular stages. Ultrastructural alterations are detected as early as 6 hours after the drug administration and destruction of the parasites occurs within 18 - 36 hours. Trypomastigotes are cleared from the bloodstream 4 to 6 hours after treatment. The combined effect on both developmental stages is apparently responsible for the in vivo ejfects of this drug which is the most active drug ever tested in our laboratory in experimental Chagas' disease.


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Coelhos jovens de ambos os sexos (1-2 meses de idade), outbred, inoculados com tripomastigotas da cepa Colômbia de Trypanosoma cruzi desenvolveram lesões cardíacas, macro e microscópicas, além de características parasitológicas e imunológicas, muito semelhantes às observadas na doença de Chagas humana, tanto na fase aguda como na fase crônica. Na fase aguda a síndrome cardíaca caracteriza-se macroscopicamente por discreta cardiomegalia, com dilatação de câmaras direitas, e miscroscopicamente por miocardite focal pouco acentuada; na fase crônica, por cardiomegalia moderada ou acentuada, com hipertrofia e dilatação de câmaras e adelgaçamento da ponta (aneurisma apical), predominantemente do ventrículo esquerdo, e por miocardite focal, cóm áreas de necrose miocitolítica e degeneração de miocélulas, associadas a infiltrado inflamatório, principalmente composto de linfócitos, e fibrose intersticial. Devido à reprodução de aspectos da doença cardíaca chagásica humana em tempo relativamente curto, à simplicidade, à disponibilidade para múltiplos pesquisadores e ao baixo custo, o modelo representado pelo coelho constitui uma alternativa para estudos dos mecanismos, patologia e tratamento da cardiopatia chagásica.


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One-hundred and thirty-five bats from 12 species were examined for thepresence of trypomastigotes by means of direct blood examination, xenodiagnosis, and hemoculture. Of those, 44 specimens (32.6%) from 8 species were infected with trypanosomes. Phyllostomus discolor discolor presented the highest rate of infection, being captured only in one locality, while Phyllostomus hastatus hastatus captured in four localities showed high rates. Two species, Anoura geoffroyii and Pteronotus (Phillodia) pamelli rubiginosa, were found infected by T. cruzi-like trypanosomes, apparently described for thefirst time. Flagellates from Artibeus jamaisensis jamaisensisa and A. geoffroyii were able toproduce detectable parasitaemia in young mice. One triatomine bug was found infected in natural conditions, Triatoma brasiliensis was associated with a P.h. hastatus colony, in which six captured bats were also found infected.


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Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi in mice depresses hepatic granuloma formation around Schistosoma mansoni eggs. This immunodepressive effect occurred in mice with Chagas' disease at the acute and/or chronic phases, granulomas being signijicantly smaller than those in Controls. Data suggest that Chagas ' disease depresses the delayed hypersensitivity immune response directly.