737 resultados para In-hospital Care
Service user involvement in social work education is now a firmly established concept in UnitedKingdom.As a result, it is common practice for service users to occupy central roles the education and training of social work students and staff in both qualifying and postqualifying programmes. This paper describes an initiative, undertaken inNorthern Ireland, which compares two methods of user involvement employed with undergraduate and postqualifying social work students. In both situations the students firstly observed discussedDVDexcerpts of narratives from people affected by cancer and secondly observed live facilitated interview with a 25-year-old male service user who shared his experiences being diagnosedwith cancer at a young age.Understanding the social work role in palliative care is crucial as all social workers, regardless of practice context, will have some degree involvement in helping individuals and families to address end-of-life care issues. paper compares the findings of evaluations from two student groups which may help inform social work educators about the effectiveness of different teaching methods used achieve meaningful and effective user involvement with seldom heard groups.
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of conducting a definitive study to assess the impact of introducing a rapid PCR-based test for candidemia on antifungal drug prescribing. Method Prospective, single centre, interrupted time series study consisting of three periods of six months' duration. The assay was available during the second period, during which the PCR assay was available for routine use by physicians Monday–Friday with guaranteed 24-h turnaround time. For each period total antifungal drug use, expressed as treatment-days, was recorded and an adjustment was made to exclude estimated use for proven candidemia. Also, during the intervention period, antifungal prescribing decisions for up to 72 h after each PCR result became available were recorded as either concordant or discordant with that result. Results While overall antifungal use remained relatively stable throughout, after adjustment for candidemia, there was a 38% reduction in use following introduction of the PCR test; however, this was nonsignificant at the 95% level. During the intervention period overall concordance between the PCR result and prescribing decisions was 84%. Conclusions The PCR assay for candidemia was requested, prescribing decisions were generally concordant with the results produced and there was an apparent decrease in antifungal prescription, although this was sustained even after withdrawal of the intervention; these findings should be more thoroughly evaluated in a larger trial.
AIMS Screening tools have been formulated to identify potentially inappropriate prescribing (IP) in older people. Beers’ criteria are the most widely used but have disadvantages when used in Europe. New
IP screening tools called Screening Tool of Older Person’s Prescriptions (STOPP) and Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START) have been developed to identify potential IP and potential prescribing omissions (PPOs). The aim was to measure the prevalence rates of potential IP and PPOs in primary care using Beers’ criteria, STOPP and START.
Case records of 1329 patients 65 years old from three general practices in one region of southern Ireland were studied. The mean age SD of the patients was 74.9 6.4 years, 60.9% were female. Patients’current diagnoses and prescription medicines were reviewed and the Beers’ criteria, STOPP and START tools applied.
The total number of medicines prescribed was 6684; median number of medicines per patient was ?ve (range 1–19). Overall, Beers’ criteria identi?ed 286 potentially inappropriate prescriptions in 18.3% (243) of patients, whilst the corresponding IP rate identi?ed by STOPP was 21.4% (284), in respect of 346 potentially inappropriate prescriptions. A total of 333 PPOs were identi?ed in 22.7% (302) of patients using the START tool.
Potentially inappropriate drug prescribing and errors of drug omission are highly prevalent among older people living in the community. Prevention strategies should involve primary care doctors and community pharmacists.