289 resultados para Ileum


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Disruptions to circadian rhythm in mice and humans have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The gut microbiota is known to be essential for the maintenance of circadian rhythm in the host suggesting a role for microbe-host interactions in the regulation of the peripheral circadian clock. Previous work suggested a role for gut bacterial bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity in the regulation of host circadian gene expression. Here we demonstrate that unconjugated bile acids, known to be generated through the BSH activity of the gut microbiota, are potentially chronobiological regulators of host circadian gene expression. We utilised a synchronised Caco-2 epithelial colorectal cell model and demonstrated that unconjugated bile acids, but not the equivalent tauro-conjugated bile salts, enhance the expression levels of genes involved in circadian rhythm. In addition oral administration of mice with unconjugated bile acids significantly altered expression levels of circadian clock genes in the ileum and colon as well as the liver with significant changes to expression of hepatic regulators of circadian rhythm (including Dbp) and associated genes (Per2, Per3 and Cry2). The data demonstrate a potential mechanism for microbe-host crosstalk that significantly impacts upon host circadian gene expression. Disruptions to circadian rhythm in mice and humans have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. The gut microbiota is known to be essential for the maintenance of circadian rhythm in the host suggesting a role for microbe-host interactions in the regulation of the peripheral circadian clock. Previous work suggested a role for gut bacterial bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity in the regulation of host circadian gene expression. Here we demonstrate that unconjugated bile acids, known to be generated through the BSH activity of the gut microbiota, are potentially chronobiological regulators of host circadian gene expression. We utilised a synchronised Caco-2 epithelial colorectal cell model and demonstrated that unconjugated bile acids, but not the equivalent tauro-conjugated bile salts, enhance the expression levels of genes involved in circadian rhythm. In addition oral administration of mice with unconjugated bile acids significantly altered expression levels of circadian clock genes in the ileum and colon as well as the liver with significant changes to expression of hepatic regulators of circadian rhythm (including Dbp) and associated genes (Per2, Per3 and Cry2). The data demonstrate a potential mechanism for microbe-host crosstalk that significantly impacts upon host circadian gene expression.


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The PARABAN project has been a Scotland-wide initiative to develop and deliver farm-specific ‘best practice’ for the control of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cattle using ‘Knowledge Exchange’. A range of partners have been involved, including nine ‘Champion Farms’. With input from the farmer, his/her vet and PARABAN advisors, a tailored monitoring and control programme was devised for each ‘Champion Farm’, taking into account the history of the disease on the farm, the physical facilities available and farmer objectives. Culling decisions based on live animal test results were incorporated into each farm-specific programme to complement the management programme already in place to maintain each herd. Results were analysed and discussed with all the partners throughout the project and then offered for wider scrutiny at farm open days. Feedback and questions from these open days have been used to complete the ‘Knowledge Exchange’ cycle. As a major component of the PARABAN project the author collected samples from all adult animals culled from ‘Champion Farms’ at slaughter or as fallen stock, irrespective of in-life MAP test status. These were then subjected to histopathological examination by experienced veterinary pathologists and the results compared with the results from in-life MAP testing. This was intended to evaluate the contribution slaughterhouse sampling could make towards decision making for disease control on farm and formed the main aim of this thesis. In total, samples of terminal ileum and draining lymph node were collected from three-hundred and fifty-two animals. A positive result on histopathology was defined as the presence of lesions typical of MAP and also the presence of acid-fast bacteria within the sections. There was found to be fair agreement between the overall results from histopathology and serum ELISA (Kappa = 0.33), though there appeared to be some variation in agreement between the tests on the individual ‘Champion Farms’. The presence of MAP was confirmed in seven of the eight farms which contributed animals to this study, despite sometimes prolonged efforts at controlling the disease. A separate study was undertaken to make use of the archives of the Scottish Centre for Production Animal Health and Food Safety at the Veterinary School, University of Glasgow. The archive contained records of cases from across southern Scotland and northern England. Analysis of the data generated from examination of these records suggested that MAP is widespread within the Scottish cattle herd and may well be increasing


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ABSTRACT: In order to evaluate the efficiency of phytase in diets with low and high phytate phosphorus (PP) content, as a consequence of wheat bran inclusion, on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry and performance, three hundred and eighty-four male Cobb500 broilers were housed in metabolic cages. Animals were assigned into four treatments in a 2x2 factorial scheme in a randomized block design with eight replicates of 12 birds each. From 11 days of age birds received experimental diets, which consisted of: Diet low in PP; Diet low in PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1); Diet with a high PP and Diet with a high PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1). At 22 and 32 days of age two birds were slaughtered in order to collect gizzard, heart, liver, cecum, cloacal bursa, and at 32 days, a portion of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was collected for morphometric evaluation. From 22 to 32 days of age average feed intake, average weight gain, average body weight and feed conversion ratio were also evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, fixed effects of diet and phytase and interaction between factors as well as the random block effects were tested. There was no significant interaction for the variables studied, concluding that phytase in diets with low or high phytate phosphorus content did not change the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometrics and performance; only isolated effects were observed. RESUMO: Para avaliar a eficiência da fitase em dietas com baixo e alto teor de fósforo fítico (PP), em função da inclusão ou não do farelo de trigo, sobre o peso relativo de órgãos, morfometria intestinal e desempenho, foram alojados 384 frangos de corte, machos da linhagem Cobb500, em gaiolas metabólicas. Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos em um arranjo fatorial 2x2 em delineamento de blocos casualizados com oito repetições e 12 aves por unidade experimental (UE). A partir de 11 dias de idade as aves receberam as dietas experimentais, que consistiram em: Dieta com baixo teor de PP; Dieta com baixo teor de PP com fitase (500FTU kg-1); Dieta com alto teor de PP e Dieta com alto teor de PP com fitase (500FTU kg-1). Aos 22 e 32 dias de idade foram abatidas duas aves por UE para coletar a moela, coração, fígado, ceco, bolsa cloacal, e aos 32 dias foi coletada uma porção do duodeno, jejuno e íleo para avaliação da morfometria. No período de 22 a 32 dias de idade foram avaliados o consumo médio de ração, ganho de peso médio, peso médio corporal e a conversão alimentar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, onde foram testados os efeitos fixos de dieta e fitase e a interação entre os fatores, bem como o efeito aleatório de bloco. Não foi observada interação significativa para nenhuma das variáveis estudadas, concluindo-se que a fitase em dietas com baixo ou alto de PP não altera o peso relativo dos órgãos, a morfometria intestinal e o desempenho, apenas efeitos isolados foram observados.


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The enteric nervous system (ENS) modulates a number of digestive functions including well known ones, i.e. motility, secretion, absorption and blood flow, along with other critically relevant processes, i.e. immune responses of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, gut microbiota and epithelial barrier . The characterization of the anatomical aspects of the ENS in large mammals and the identification of differences and similarities existing between species may represent a fundamental basis to decipher several digestive GI diseases in humans and animals. In this perspective, the aim of the present thesis is to highlight the ENS anatomical basis and pathological aspects in different mammalian species, such as horses, dogs and humans. Firstly, I designed two anatomical studies in horses:  “Excitatory and inhibitory enteric innervation of horse lower esophageal sphincter”.  “Localization of 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 receptor (5-HT4R) in the equine enteric nervous system”. Then I focused on the enteric dysfunctions, including:  A primary enteric aganglionosis in horses: “Extrinsic innervation of the ileum and pelvic flexure of foals with ileocolonic aganglionosis”.  A diabetic enteric neuropathy in dogs: “Quantification of nitrergic neurons in the myenteric plexus of gastric antrum and ileum of healthy and diabetic dogs”.  An enteric neuropathy in human neurological patients: “Functional and neurochemical abnormalities in patients with Parkinson's disease and chronic constipation”. The physiology of the GI tract is characterized by a high complexity and it is mainly dependent on the control of the intrinsic nervous system. ENS is critical to preserve body homeostasis as reflect by its derangement occurring in pathological conditions that can be lethal or seriously disabling to humans and animals. The knowledge of the anatomy and the pathology of the ENS represents a new important and fascinating topic, which deserves more attention in the veterinary medicine field.