835 resultados para ISCHEMIC STROKE


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Excitotoxicity, resulting from sustained activation of glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype, is considered to play a causative role in the etiology of ischemic stroke and several neurodegenerative diseases. The NMDA receptor is therefore a target for the development of neuroprotective agents. Here, we identify an N-benzylated triamine (denoted as NBTA) as a highly selective and potent NMDA-receptor channel blocker selected by screening a reduced dipeptidomimetic synthetic combinatorial library. NBTA blocks recombinant NMDA receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with a mean IC50 of 80 nM; in contrast, it does not block GluR1, a glutamate receptor of the non-NMDA subtype. The blocking activity of NBTA on NMDA receptors exhibits the characteristics of an open-channel blocker: (i) no competition with agonists, (ii) voltage dependence, and (iii) use dependence. Significantly, NBTA protects rodent hippocampal neurons from NMDA receptor, but not kainate receptor-mediated excitotoxic cell death, in agreement with its selective action on the corresponding recombinant receptors. Mutagenesis data indicate that the N site, a key asparagine on the M2 transmembrane segment of the NR1 subunit, is the main determinant of the blocker action. The results highlight the potential of this compound as a neuroprotectant.


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Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) assume em Portugal elevadas taxas de morbilidade e reinternamento hospitalar. A disfagia surge como uma complicação frequente deste evento neurológico, com índices de morbilidade elevados pelo risco de desnutrição, desidratação e aspiração broncopulmonar. O diagnóstico e a sua monitorização no processo de reabilitação do doente são ações fundamentais na prevenção de aspirações alimentares, redução do internamento hospitalar e na eficácia da reabilitação do doente. Objetivo: Identificar e avaliar o grau de disfagia na pessoa com AVC e analisar a relação entre esta, e as variáveis socio-demográficas e clínicas no sentido de poder melhorar futuramente os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlacional de caráter quantitativo, que foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 25 doentes com diagnóstico de AVC, internados na Rede Nacional Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI), em unidades de Convalescença e Reabilitação. O instrumento de colheita de dados integra uma seção de caracterização sócio-demográfica e clínica e duas escalas: Escala Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) e Índice de Barthel, a fim de avaliar a disfagia e a funcionalidade, respetivamente. Resultados: A amostra apresenta uma média de idade de 76,8 anos, sendo 68% do sexo feminino e 32% do sexo masculino. Verificámos que 68% dos participantes apresenta mais de dois antecedentes clínicos e apenas 24% dos participantes não apresenta disfagia. Dos restantes, 12% apresenta disfagia grave, 36% moderada e 28% disfagia ligeira. A área de lesão parece influenciar a deglutição, demonstrando a Artéria Cerebral Média (ACM) e Artéria Cerebral Posterior (ACP) como áreas de maior sensibilidade. Denotou-se que quanto maior o grau de dependência, maior gravidade de disfagia. Conclusão: Doentes com AVC isquémico apresentam disfagia, com gravidade relacionada com a área vascular. A existência de vários antecedentes clínicos pode gerar perturbações na deglutição do doente. De igual modo, quanto maior for a dependência funcional do doente, maior é o grau de disfagia e o risco de aspiração pulmonar. Palavras-chave: AVC; Disfagia; Reabilitação.


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Introdução- O Acidente Vascular Cerebral continua a ser a primeira causa de morte em Portugal, sendo também responsável pelo elevado índice de incapacidade e dependência funcional da população adulta portuguesa, afetando significativamente os aspetos da vida física, económica e social. Os processos de reabilitação continuados têm-se mostrado bastante eficazes na recuperação da independência funcional destes doentes. Assim sendo o objetivo geral deste estudo consiste em avaliar o nível de independência funcional e os fatores determinantes nesses níveis, em doentes sujeitos a programas de reabilitação continuados e doentes sem reabilitação. Métodos- O presente estudo é de carácter quantitativo, enquadrando-se num desenho de estudo descritivo transversal e analítico, no qual participaram 60 indivíduos que sofreram AVC, pertencendo 36 ao grupo experimental e 24 ao grupo de controle. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através de um questionário composto por questões de caracterização sociodemográfica, de caracterização clinica, uma escala de APGAR Familiar e uma Escala de Medida de Independência funcional (MIF). Resultados- A análise por grupos mostra que o grupo experimental é mais independente que o grupo de controle, ou seja, o nível de independência funcional é mais elevado na sua generalidade na amostra de indivíduos sujeitos a processos de reabilitação. As variáveis que influenciaram significativamente a independência funcional foram: o género (no comportamento social no G.cont),o estado civil (solteiros/viúvo mais independentes aos níveis dos cuidados pessoais, controle dos esfíncteres, mobilidade e locomoção no G. exp), habilitações académicas (maior escolaridade maior independência no G. exp) fatores de risco (doentes sem fatores de risco no G. cont são mais independentes nos cuidados pessoais, controle de esfíncteres e locomoção), indivíduos com AVC isquémico são mais independentes nos cuidados pessoais e locomoção, e os que realizaram trombólise são mais independentes nas diferentes dimensões nos dois grupos. Conclusão- As variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas exercem influência apenas em algumas dimensões da independência funcional dos utentes após o AVC e a reabilitação desenvolvida de forma continuada, aumenta o grau de independência dos doentes diminuindo o grau de incapacidade. Palavras-chave- Acidente Vascular Cerebral, Incapacidade, Independência Funcional, Reabilitação.


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Teleneurology enables neurology to be practised when the doctor and patient are not present in the same place, and possibly not at the same time. The two main techniques are: (1) videoconferencing, which enables communication between a doctor and a patient who are in different places at the same time (often called real-time or synchronous), and (2) email, where the consultation is carried out without the patient being present, at a time convenient to the doctors involved (asynchronous or store-and-forward teleneurology). Some problems that can be solved by teleneurology include: (1) patients admitted to hospital with acute neurological symptoms rarely see a neurologist; (2) delayed treatment for acute stroke; (3) non-optimum management of epilepsy; (4) unproductive travel time for neurologists; (5) extremely poor access to a neurologist for doctors in the developing world; (6) long waiting times to see a neurologist. Neurology is a specialty that, because of the emphasis on accurate interpretation of a history, does lend itself to telemedicine. It has been a late starter in realizing the benefits of telemedicine and most of the publications on teleneurology have been in the last five years. Its uptake within the neurological community is low but increasing. Telemedicine requires a significant change in how neurologists practise. The evidence to date is that teleneurology can narrow the gap between patients with neurological disease and the doctors who are trained to look after them.


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Introdução – O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) representa a principal causa de dependência funcional da população adulta portuguesa. Conhecer os fatores que possam aumentar os ganhos em independência funcional é crucial para uma melhoria na abordagem destes doentes. Objetivo – Analisar os ganhos em independência funcional no doente que sofreu AVC considerando a diferença no Índice de Barthel entre a admissão e a alta e desde a alta até à primeira consulta. Métodos – Estudo de coorte retrospetivo, utilizando a base de dados hospitalar para doentes admitidos numa unidade de AVC entre 2010 e 2014. O Índice de Barthel (IB) na admissão, alta e primeira consulta após alta foi usado para calcular ganhos em independência funcional por dia entre a admissão e a alta (diferença entre IB na alta e na admissão dividindo pelo número de dias de internamento) e por semana entre a alta e a primeira consulta (diferença entre IB na primeira consulta e na alta dividindo pelo número de semanas entre a alta e a consulta). Com modelos de regressão linear avaliou-se a influência de fatores demográficos, clínicos e o destino após a alta nos ganhos em independência funcional por dia e por semana, obtendo-se coeficientes de regressão e respetivo intervalo de confiança a 95% (IC95%). Resultados – Nos 483 doentes estudados, a idade mediana é 76 anos, 59,0% são homens, 84,3% têm AVC isquémico e 30,6% foram para o domicílio após a alta. A independência funcional por dia aumentou nos anos mais recentes, particularmente em 2013 em que este parâmetro aumentou 1,164 pontos (com IC95%: 0,192 e 2,135; p=0,019) em comparação com 2010. Também o diagnóstico influenciou os ganhos diários em independência funcional, com LACI e PACI apresentando um aumento estatisticamente significativo de 1,372 pontos (IC95%: 0,324 e 2,421; p=0,010) e de 1,275 pontos (IC95%: 0,037 e 2,514; p=0,044), respetivamente, em comparação com POCI. Relativamente à independência funcional por semana, idades mais avançada e score elevado do IB na alta estão associados a menos ganhos por semana (p<0,001 e p=0,002). Também o destino após alta influencia os ganhos por semana, doentes encaminhados para unidades de convalescença apresentam ganhos de 1,289 pontos (IC95%: 0,661 e 1,917; p<0,001) em comparação com os doentes que foram para o domicílio. iv Conclusões – Houve melhoria na evolução funcional entre a admissão e a alta dos doentes em anos mais recentes sugerindo melhorias nas unidades de AVC. Atenção particular deve ser dada a estes doentes após a alta, particularmente nos de idade mais avançada.


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We describe the case of a 68-year-old man, who presented with an ischemic stroke due to cardiac embolization related to mitral valve endocarditis. Blood cultures were always negative and post-operative valve histology did not show microorganisms. The patient also presented further recurrent peripheral embolic events. These clinical aspects were the first sign of a pancreas adenocarcinoma, which was only diagnosed in the clinical autopsy. In conclusion, these clinical findings of recurrent thromboembolic events with no microorganisms isolated suggests the diagnostic of a marantic endocarditis.


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BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies show that high circulating cystatin C is associated with risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), independent of creatinine-based renal function measurements. It is unclear whether this relationship is causal, arises from residual confounding, and/or is a consequence of reverse causation. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to use Mendelian randomization to investigate whether cystatin C is causally related to CVD in the general population. METHODS We incorporated participant data from 16 prospective cohorts (n ¼ 76,481) with 37,126 measures of cystatin C and added genetic data from 43 studies (n ¼ 252,216) with 63,292 CVD events. We used the common variant rs911119 in CST3 as an instrumental variable to investigate the causal role of cystatin C in CVD, including coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and heart failure. RESULTS: Cystatin C concentrations were associated with CVD risk after adjusting for age, sex, and traditional risk factors (relative risk: 1.82 per doubling of cystatin C; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.56 to 2.13; p ¼ 2.12 1014). The minor allele of rs911119 was associated with decreased serum cystatin C (6.13% per allele; 95% CI: 5.75 to 6.50; p ¼ 5.95 10211), explaining 2.8% of the observed variation in cystatin C. Mendelian randomization analysis did not provide evidence for a causal role of cystatin C, with a causal relative risk for CVD of 1.00 per doubling cystatin C (95% CI: 0.82 to 1.22; p ¼ 0.994), which was statistically different from the observational estimate (p ¼ 1.6 105 ). A causal effect of cystatin C was not detected for any individual component of CVD. CONCLUSIONS: Mendelian randomization analyses did not support a causal role of cystatin C in the etiology of CVD. As such, therapeutics targeted at lowering circulating cystatin C are unlikely to be effective in preventing CVD. 


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Objetivo. Determinar en un grupo de pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica si existió asociación entre la presencia de niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 en las 24 horas del post operatorio y la ocurrencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria. Metodología. Estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles, en donde de manera consecutiva se incluyeron 110 sujetos (57 en el grupo de casos con presencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria y 54 en el grupo de controles sin evidencia de fibrilación auricular) estos sujetos fueron llevados a revascularización miocárdica en la Fundación Cardioinfantil en los años 2010 a 2015. Resultados. Hubo 13 casos de fibrilación auricular post operatoria en pacientes con niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio OR: 0,5, IC (0,2-1,2) p: 0,1. Sin determinarse asociación por limitaciones del estudio, sin embargo un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron niveles de calcio inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan por separado los valores de calcio obtenidos a las 12 horas. Conclusiones. Aunque no se logró determinar asociación entre la fibrilación auricular post operatoria y las concentraciones de calcio iónico, de manera exploratoria se pudo establecer que un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron concentraciones de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan los niveles de calcio iónico por separado.


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Studies with very long follow-up are scarce in patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen ovale (PFO). Little is known about the etiology of recurrent cerebrovascular events (CVE) in PFO patients.


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Patients with a transient ischemic attack and an acute stroke need urgent investigations and therapy in a stroke unit. Immediate investigation of the etiology and early secondary prevention measures reduce the likelihood of recurrent and other vascular events. In selected stroke patients intravenous thrombolysis and/or endovascular therapies lead to a significant reduction of long term disabilities.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM: We have previously shown in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia that sleep deprivation after stroke onset aggravates brain damage. Others reported that sleep deprivation prior to stroke is neuroprotective. The main aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the neuroprotection may be related to an increase in sleep (sleep rebound) during the acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Male Sprague Dawley rats (n=36) were subjected to continuous polygraphic recordings for baseline, total sleep deprivation (TSD), and 24h after ischemia. TSD for 6h was performed by gentle handling and immediately followed by ischemia. Focal cerebral ischemia was induced by permanent occlusion of distal branches of the middle cerebral artery. Control experiments included ischemia without SD (nSD) and sham surgery with TSD (n=6/group). RESULTS: Shortly after stroke, the amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS) increased significantly (p<0.05) in the TSD/ischemia, resulting in an increase in the total sleep time by 30% compared to baseline, or by 20% compared with the nSD/ischemia group. The infarct volume decreased significantly by 50% in the TSD/ischemia compared to nSD group (p<0.02). Removal of sleep rebound by allowing TSD-rats sleep for 24h before ischemia eliminated the reduction in the infarct size. CONCLUSION PRESTROKE: Sleep deprivation results in sleep rebound and reduces brain damage. Sleep rebound may be causally related to the neuroprotection.


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Childhood stroke is increasingly being recognized as an important burden not only for affected children and families, but also for socioeconomic reasons. A primary problem is delayed diagnosis, due to the many mimics of childhood stroke, and the variety of manifesting symptoms. The most important is hemiparesis (with/without dysphasia or facial palsy), but ataxia, seizures, and many more are also possible. Suspicion of stroke has to be ascertained by neuroimaging, gold standard being (diffusion weighted) magnetic resonance. Risk factors are multiple, but their presence might help to increase the suspicion of stroke. The most important factors are infectious/parainfectious etiologies, frequently possibly manifesting by transient focal cerebral arteriopathy (FCA). Cardiological underlying problems are the second most important. Arteriopathies can be detected in about half of the children, besides FCA and dissection and MoyaMoya disease are the most important. Hereditary coagulopathies increase the risk of stroke. There is still a controversy on best treatment in children: platelet antiaggregation and heparinization are used about equally. Thrombolysis is being discussed increasingly. Severity of symptoms at manifestation and on follow-up are not less significant in children than in young adults. About two-third of the children have significant residual neurological problems and a majority cognitive and behavior problems.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Time delays from stroke onset to arrival at the hospital are the main obstacles for widespread use of thrombolysis. In order to decrease the delays, educational campaigns try to inform the general public how to act optimally in case of stroke. To determine the content of such a campaign, we assessed the stroke knowledge in our population. METHODS: The stroke knowledge was studied by means of a closed-ended questionnaire. 422 randomly chosen inhabitants of Bern, Switzerland, were interviewed. RESULTS: The knowledge of stroke warning signs (WS) was classified as good in 64.7%. A good knowledge of stroke risk factors (RF) was noted in 6.4%. 4.2% knew both the WS and the RF of stroke indicating a very good global knowledge of stroke. Only 8.3% recognized TIA as symptoms of stroke resolving within 24 hours, and only 2.8% identified TIA as a disease requiring immediate medical help. In multivariate analysis being a woman, advancing age, and having an afflicted relative were associated with a good knowledge of WS (p = 0.048, p < 0.001 and p = 0.043). Good knowledge of RF was related to university education (p < 0.001). The good knowledge of TIA did not depend on age, sex, level of education or having an afflicted relative. CONCLUSIONS: The study brings to light relevant deficits of stroke knowledge in our population. A small number of participants could recognize TIA as stroke related symptoms resolving completely within 24 hours. Only a third of the surveyed persons would seek immediate medical help in case of TIA. The information obtained will be used in the development of future educational campaigns.


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Objective To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation program combining secondary prevention and neurorehabilitation to improve vascular risk factors, neurologic functions, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients surviving a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke with minor or no residual deficits. Design Prospective interventional single-center cohort study. Setting University hospital. Participants Consecutive consenting patients having sustained a TIA or stroke with 1 or more vascular risk factors (N=105) were included. Interventions Three-month hospital-based secondary prevention and neurorehabilitation outpatient program with therapeutic and educational sessions twice a week. Patients were evaluated at entry and program end. Main Outcome Measures Impact on vascular risk factors, neurological outcome, and HRQOL. Results A total of 105 patients entered the program and 95 patients completed it. Exercise capacity (P<.000), smoking status (P=.001), systolic (P=.001) and diastolic (P=.008) blood pressure, body mass index (P=.005), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P=.03), and triglycerides (P=.001) improved significantly. Furthermore, the 9-Hole-Peg-Test (P<.000), Six-minute Walking Test (P<.000), and One Leg Stand Test (P<.011) values as well as HRQOL improved significantly. The program could be easily integrated into an existing cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation center and was feasible and highly accepted by patients. Conclusions Comprehensive combined cardiovascular and neurologic outpatient rehabilitation is feasible and effective to improve vascular risk factors, neurologic functions, and HRQOL in patients surviving TIA or stroke with minor or no residual deficits.