931 resultados para Hygromycin-b Resistance
The development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by 'RTK swapping' by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation.
The development of targeted molecular therapies has provided remarkable advances into the treatment of human cancers. However, in most tumors the selective pressure triggered by anticancer agents encourages cancer cells to acquire resistance mechanisms. The generation of new rationally designed targeting agents acting on the oncogenic path(s) at multiple levels is a promising approach for molecular therapies. 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives have been highlighted for their properties of targeting oncogenic Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. In this study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of one of the most active imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazol-2-ylphenyl moiety-based agents, Triflorcas, on a panel of cancer cells with distinct features. We show that Triflorcas impairs in vitro and in vivo tumorigenesis of cancer cells carrying Met mutations. Moreover, Triflorcas hampers survival and anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells characterized by 'RTK swapping' by interfering with PDGFRβ phosphorylation. A restrained effect of Triflorcas on metabolic genes correlates with the absence of major side effects in vivo. Mechanistically, in addition to targeting Met, Triflorcas alters phosphorylation levels of the PI3K-Akt pathway, mediating oncogenic dependency to Met, in addition to Retinoblastoma and nucleophosmin/B23, resulting in altered cell cycle progression and mitotic failure. Our findings show how the unusual binding plasticity of the Met active site towards structurally different inhibitors can be exploited to generate drugs able to target Met oncogenic dependency at distinct levels. Moreover, the disease-oriented NCI Anticancer Drug Screen revealed that Triflorcas elicits a unique profile of growth inhibitory-responses on cancer cell lines, indicating a novel mechanism of drug action. The anti-tumor activity elicited by 2-phenylimidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole derivatives through combined inhibition of distinct effectors in cancer cells reveal them to be promising anticancer agents for further investigation.
Molecular characterization of radical prostatectomy specimens after systemic therapy may identify a gene expression profile for resistance to therapy. This study assessed tumor cells from patients with prostate cancer participating in a phase II neoadjuvant docetaxel and androgen deprivation trial to identify mediators of resistance. Transcriptional level of 93 genes from a docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines microarray study was analyzed by TaqMan low-density arrays in tumors from patients with high-risk localized prostate cancer (36 surgically treated, 28 with neoadjuvant docetaxel þ androgen deprivation). Gene expression was compared between groups and correlated with clinical outcome. VIM, AR and RELA were validated by immunohistochemistry. CD44 and ZEB1 expression was tested by immunofluorescence in cells and tumor samples. Parental and docetaxel-resistant castration-resistant prostate cancer cell lines were tested for epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers before and after docetaxel exposure. Reversion of EMT phenotype was investigated as a docetaxel resistance reversion strategy. Expression of 63 (67.7%) genes differed between groups (P < 0.05), including genes related to androgen receptor, NF-k B transcription factor, and EMT. Increased expression of EMT markers correlated with radiologic relapse. Docetaxel-resistant cells had increased EMT and stem-like cell markers expression. ZEB1 siRNA transfection reverted docetaxel resistance and reduced CD44 expression in DU-145R and PC-3R. Before docetaxel exposure, a selected CD44 þ subpopulation of PC-3 cells exhibited EMT phenotype and intrinsic docetaxel resistance; ZEB1/CD44 þ subpopulations were found in tumor cell lines and primary tumors; this correlated with aggressive clinical behavior. This study identifies genes potentially related to chemotherapy resistance and supports evi-dence of the EMT role in docetaxel resistance and adverse clinical behavior in early prostate cancer.
A study on optimization of bath parameters for electrodeposition of Fe-W-B alloys from plating baths containing ammonia and citrate is reported. A 2³ full factorial design was successfully employed for experimental design analysis of the results. The corrosion resistance and amorphous character were evaluated. The bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with good corrosion resistance were: 0.01 M iron sulfate, 0.10 M sodium tungstate and 0.60 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 12% current efficiency. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.841 V and Rp 1.463 x 10(4) Ohm cm². The deposit obtained under these conditions had an amorphous character and no microcracks were observed on its surface. Besides this, the bath conditions obtained for depositing the alloy with the highest deposition efficiency were: 0.09 M iron sulfate, 0.30 M sodium tungstate and 0.50 M ammonium citrate. The alloy was deposited at 50% current efficiency, with an average composition of 34 wt% W, 66 wt% Fe and traces of boron. The alloy obtained had Ecorr -0.800 V and Rp 1.895 x 10³ Ohm cm². Electrochemical corrosion tests verified that the Fe-W-B alloy deposited under both conditions had better corrosion resistance than Fe-Mo-B.
Salmonella enterica – Fluorokinoloni- ja makrolidiresistenssimekanisimit Vakavia salmonellainfektioita on pitkään hoidettu fluorokinoloniantibiooteilla, kuten siprofloksasiinilla. Fluorokinolonien runsas käyttö niin ihmisillä kuin eläimilläkin on kuitenkin johtanut fluorokinoloniresistenttien salmonellakantojen lisääntymiseen. Vuoteen 2002 asti kaikki matalan tason fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentävät salmonellakannat olivat resistenttejä nalidiksiinihapolle, joka on vanha ensimmäisen polven kinoloniantibiootti jota ei enää käytetä infektioiden hoidossa. Vuonna 2003 havaitsimme aivan uudentyyppisen resistenssifenotyypin salmonelloissa. Kaikki uuden fenotyypin kannat osoittivat matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä (MIC ≥0.125 mg/L), mutta useat kannat olivat yllättäen aikaisempaa herkempiä nalidiksiinihapolle (MIC ≤32 mg/L). Ilmiöllä on suuri merkitys salmonellan antibioottiherkkyyksien määrittämisessä, sillä jos kanta on ollut nalidiksiinihapolle herkkä, sitä on pidetty herkkänä myös fluorokinoloneille. Väitöskirjatyössä määritettiin vuosina 2003–2007 Suomessa kerättyjen kotimaisten ja ulkomaalaisten S. enterica -kantojen fluorokinoloniresistenssiä sekä tutkittiin uuden salmonellafenotyypin epidemiologiaa ja resistenssimekanismeja. Lisäksi tutkittiin salmonellan hoidossa mahdollisesti käyttökelpoisen makrolidiantibioottijohdannaisen, atsitromysiinin tehoa salmonelloihin ja erityisesti matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentäviin kantoihin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä osoittavien salmonellakantojen määrä vähenee. Lasku oli voimakkainta Kaakkois-Aasiasta tuoduissa kannoissa. Uusi resistenssifenotyyppi on plasmidivälitteinen ja qnr-geenit olivat ainoa plasmidivälitteinen kinoloniresistenssimekanismi, joka kannoista löydettiin. Myöskään kromosomaalisten gyrA, gyrB ja parE -geenien QRDR-alueelta ei löydetty fluorokinoloniresistenssiä aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Transformaatiolla osoitettiin qnr-plasmidien olevan siirtyviä ja uusi resistenssifenotyyppi saatiin ilmennettyä myös herkässä vastaanottajakannassa. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että vaikka S. enterican qnr-fenotyyppi on toistaiseksi levinnyt pääasiassa Kaakkois-Aasiaan, se siirtyy helposti bakteerista toiseen ja tulee todennäköisesti aiheuttamaan hoito-ongelmia myös muualla maailmassa. Uudentyyppinen qnr-fenotyyppi voi olla vaikea havaita perinteisellä herkkyysmäärityksellä. Siksi laboratorioissa tulisi aina määrittää sekä siprofloksasiiniettä nalidiksiinihappoherkkyydet. Atsitromysiinin osoitettiin olevan herkkyysmääritysten mukaan tehokas salmonelloja kohtaan mukaanlukien matala-asteista fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentävät bakteerikannat.
Field experiments were conducted in the 1995-96 soybean (Glycine max) growing season to evaluate the effects of cultural practices and host genetic resistance on the intensity of soybean stem canker, caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum f.sp. meridionalis (Dpm). Experiments were conducted in a commercial field severely infected in the previous (1994-95) season. In one study, minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT) cropping systems were investigated for their effects on disease development and on plant yields in cvs. FT-Cristalina (susceptible) and FT-Seriema (moderately resistant). Another study evaluated the effects of plant densities (8, 15, 21 and 36 plants/m) on disease development in cvs. FT-Cristalina, FT-101 (moderately resistant) and FT-104 (resistant). Disease incidence and severity were consistently lower in NT than in MT, and plant yields were increased by 23% and 14% in the NT system for the susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, respectively, compared to the yields in the MT system. The Gompertz and Logistic models described well the disease progress curves in all situations. For both susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, disease severity increased proportionately to the increase in plant densities. At the end of the season, 100% of the plants of cv. FT-Cristalina were infected by Dpm, at all plant densities. Disease levels on cv. FT-101 were intermediate while only very low disease levels were recorded on cv. FT-104. There was a consistent negative correlation between stem canker severity and yield. Some practices demonstrated potential for direct application in disease control, and could be combined considering their additive effects.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars with a high degree of resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) are not available in Brazil. Despite many studies, a low degree of resistance to Xap continues to exist due to its complex genetic inheritance, which is not well known. The objectives of this research were to complement a common bean genetic map based on the cross between a susceptible genotype 'HAB-52' and a resistant genotype 'BAC-6', and to map and analyze genomic regions (quantitative trait loci – QTLs) related to Xap resistance. Eleven linkage groups were determined using 143 RAPD markers, covering 1,234.5 cM of the genome. This map was used to detect QTLs associated with Xap resistance on leaves and pods. The averages of disease severity on leaves (represented by the transformed disease index – TDI) and pods (represented by the diameter of lesion on pods – DLP) were added to the data of the linkage map. Five TDI QTLs and only one LDP QTL were detected. The TDI QTLs were placed in the A, B, G and J linkage groups, with phenotypic variations ranging from 12.7 to 71.6%. The DLP QTL explained 12.9% of the phenotypic variation and was mapped in a distinct linkage group. These results indicate that there are different genes involved in the control of resistance on leaves and pods.
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the diversification of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) populations as a way to manage resistance to the sorghum anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum graminicola. A total of 18 three-way hybrids were obtained by crossing six single cross male-sterile F1 hybrids, derived by crossing A (non restorer sterile cytoplasm) and B (non restorer normal cytoplasm) lines, with three fertile R (restorer) lines, previously evaluated for their differential reaction to the pathogen. Variation in the level of resistance was observed, as indicated by the values of the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) obtained for each hybrid. Lines contributed differently to the level of resistance of each hybrid. All hybrids in which CMSXS169R was the male progenitor were classified as highly resistant. Some hybrids had a level of resistance superior to the maximum levels of each line component individually.
Meloidogyne mayaguensis has been reported in some states of Brazil causing severe damage on commercial guava (Psidium guajava L.). Accessions of Psidium spp. were selected from a collection maintained in Embrapa Clima Temperado (Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State). Plants of different accessions were grown from seed in plastic bags and, when they reached 15-20 cm in height, were inoculated with 10,000 eggs/plant of M. mayaguensis. Eight months after inoculation, the different accessions were evaluated for resistance to M. mayaguensis. Three accessions of P. guajava were highly susceptible (RF=59.2) to this nematode. Psidium friedrichsthalianium was considered to be moderately resistant (RF=1.9). Three accessions of P. cattleyanum were immune to M. mayaguensis (RF = 0). When used as rootstocks P. cattleyanum and P. friedrichsthalianium were compatible with P. guajava cv. Paluma. Considering these results, the use of resistant rootstocks provides a promising control method for M. mayaguensis in commercial guava crop.
Resistance of fourteen Theobroma cacao clones to Phytophthora spp. was evaluated using stem inoculations on grafted seedlings. Concepts of phenotypic stability were used to interpret the results and to express horizontality of the resistance. The linear regression coefficient 'b', the determination coefficient (R²) and average lesion size were used to determine the level of horizontal resistance, the phenotypic stability and the predictability of all clones. The results indicated that clones P 7 and MA 15 present highest levels of horizontal resistance and stability, but with moderate predictability. Clones CAS 1 and CEPEC 13 were classified as those with high horizontal resistance, stability and predictability, while clones PA 30, UF 650 and SIAL 88 and EET 59 showed intermediate resistance and stability and high predictability. Clones SPA 17, OC 61, PA 150, SIAL 505, ICS 1 and R 41 presented high susceptibility and intermediate or low stability and moderate or high predictability.
Antimicrobial Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Campylobacters are a common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli being the most common species isolated in human infections. If antimicrobial treatment is required, the drugs of choice at the moment are the macrolides and fluoroquinolones. In this thesis, the in vitro resistance profiles of the C. jejuni and C. coli strains were evaluated with emphasis on multidrug resistance. The aim was also to evaluate the different resistance mechanisms against the macrolides. Further, the disk diffusion method was compared to agar dilution method and its repeatability was evaluated, since it has been widely used for the susceptibility testing of campylobacters. The results of the present study showed that resistance to the fluoroquinolones is common in strains isolated from Finnish patients, but resistance to the macrolides is still rare. Multidrug resistance was associated with resistance to both ciprofloxacin and erythromycin. Among the available per oral drugs, least resistance was observed to coamoxiclav There was no resistance to the carbapenems. Sitafloxacin and tigecycline were in vitro highly effective towards Campylobacter species. A point mutation A2059G of the 23S rRNA gene was the main mechanism behind the macrolide resistance, whereas the efflux pumps did not seem to play an important role when a strain had A2059G mutation. A five amino acids insertion, which has not been described previously, in the ribosomal protein L22 of one highly-resistant C. jejuni strain without mutation in the 23S rRNA gene was also detected. Concerning the disk diffusion method, there was variation in the repeatability In conclusion, macrolides still appear to be the first-choice alternative for suspected Campylobacter enteritis. The in vitro susceptibilities found suggest that co-amoxiclav might be a candidate for clinical trials on campylobacteriosis, but in life-threatening situations, a carbapenem may be the drug of choice. More studies are needed on whether the disk diffusion test method could be improved or whether all susceptibilities of campylobacters should be done using a MIC based method.
In this article it was evaluated the quality of water in the Cascavel river, in the city of Cascavel - Paraná using microbiological indicators, physical and chemical pollution and susceptibility / resistance in strains of Escherichia coli isolated antimicrobial trade. The water sampling was conducted between 2010-July and 2011-June at three points: a) near the source, b) urban area, c) rural area. The samples were analyzed for physical, chemical and microbiological variables: temperature, pH, color, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, total coliforms (CT), fecal coliform (CTe) and Escherichia coli. Tests were also performed to nine antimicrobial commercial resistances. The variables studied indicated that the Cascavel river water was presented at disagreement with the resolution 357/2005 CONAMA (class I), ranking in the index as regular water quality. The physical, chemical and rainfall did not affect the growth of CT and CTe, with higher counts of E. coli in the urban area. The greatest resistance profiles of the strains of E. coli isolated from Cascavel river water was found in section 2, the urban area as a probable consequence of human influence on water quality.
Nematode parasites have shown resistance to the anthelmintics, ivermectin and moxidectin, and there is evidence that the over-expression of parasite P-glycoprotein (P-gp) may account, at least in part, for resistance to ivermectin. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the multidrug resistance (MDR) modulators, verapamil, CL 347.099 (an analog of verapamil) and cyclosporin A, would enhance the efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin against selected strains of Haemonchus contortus using an in vitro larval migration assay. The modulators had no effects on the number of migrating larvae when used alone. Ivermectin and moxidectin showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in its efficacy by 52.8 and 58.5% respectively, when used in association with verapamil against a moxidectin-selected strain. CL 347,099 also increased significantly (P<0.05) the ivermectin and moxidectin efficacy by 24.2 and 40.0% respectively, against an ivermectin-selected strain and by 40.0 and 75.6% respectively, against an moxidectin-selected strain. At the concentrations tested cyclosporin A showed a variable effect on increasing the efficacy of the anthelmintics against the susceptible and resistant strains.
Recent advances in anthelmintic resistant phenotype reversion by Pgp modulating drugs in ruminant nematodes indicate that this can be a useful tool to helminth control. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of ivermectin (IVM) in combination with verapamil (VRP), in oil or water-based vehicle, against an IVM-resistant field isolate of Haemonchus contortus through a larval migration assay and experimental infection trial. In the in vitro assay was observed a phenotypic reversion of H. contortus resistance to ivermectin at a high concentration of VRP, increasing IVM efficacy from 53.1% to 94.3. In the in vivo trial, IVM + VRP demonstrated 36.02% efficacy compared to the 7.75% of IVM alone. The vehicle formulation showed no influence in efficacy. These are the first results demonstrating the effect of VRP as a partial IVM-resistance phenotype reverser in a field isolate of IVM-resistant H. contortus experimentally inoculated in sheep.
The study aimed to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns and to identify molecular resistance markers in Staphylococcus spp. (n=210) isolated from small ruminant mastitis in Brazil. The antimicrobial resistance patterns were evaluated by the disk diffusion test and by detection of the presence of mecA, blaZ, ermA, ermB, ermC and msrA genes by PCR. The efflux pump test was performed using ethidium bromide and biofilm production was determined by Congo red agar test along with PCR for detection of the icaD gene. The isolates were most resistant to amoxicillin (50.0%), streptomycin (42.8%), tetracycline (40.4%), lincomycin (39.0%) and erythromycin (33.8%). Pan-susceptibility to all tested drugs was observed in 71 (33.8%) isolates and 41 Staphylococcus isolates were positive for the efflux pump. Although phenotypic resistance to oxacillin was observed in 12.8% of the isolates, none harbored the mecA gene. However, 45.7% of the isolates harbored blaZ indicating that beta-lactamase production was the main mechanism associated with staphylococci resistance to beta-lactams in the present study. The other determinants of resistance to antimicrobial agents ermA, ermB, ermC, and msrA were observed in 1.4%, 10.4%, 16.2%, and 0.9% of the isolates, respectively. In addition, the icaD gen was detected in 32.9% of the isolates. Seventy three isolates (54 from goats and 19 from sheep) were negative for all resistance genes tested and 69 isolates presented two or more resistance genes. Association among blaZ, ermA, ermB, ermC and efflux pump were observed in 17 isolates, 14 of which originated from goats and three from sheep. The data obtained in this study show the resistance of the isolates to beta-lactamics, which may be associated with the use of antimicrobial drugs without veterinary control.