958 resultados para Human experimental anxiety
Twenty young male Cebus apella monkeys were infected with CAl Trypanosoma cruzi strain and reinfected with CA l or Tulahuen T.cruzi strains, with different doses and parasite source. Subpatent parasitemia was usually demonstrated in acute and chronic phases. Patent parasitemia was evident in one monkey in the acute phase and in four of them in the chronic phase after re-inoculations with high doses of CAl strain. Serological conversion was observed in all monkeys; titers were low, regardless of the methods used to investigate anti-T. cruzi specific antibodies. Higher titers were induced only when re-inoculations were perfomed with the virulent Tulahuén strain or high doses of CAl strain. Clinical electrocardiographic and ajmaline test evaluations did not reveal changes between infected and control monkeys. Histopathologically, cardiac lesions were always characterized by focal or multifocal mononuclear infiltrates and/or isolated fibrosis, as seen during the acute and chronic phases; neither amastigote nests nor active inflammation and fibrogenic processes characteristic of human acute and chronic myocarditis respectively, were observed. These morphological aspects more closely resemble those found in the "indeterminate phase" and contrast with the more diffuse and progressive pattern of the human chagasic myocarditis. All monkeys survived and no mortality was observed.
Increasing evidence suggests that adoptive transfer of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells could represent an effective strategy in the fight against chronic viral infections and malignancies such as melanoma. None the less, a major limitation in the implementation of such therapy resides in the difficulties associated with achieving rapid and efficient expansion of functional T cells in culture necessary to obtain the large numbers required for intravenous infusion. Recently, the critical role of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-2, IL-7 and IL-15 in driving T cell proliferation has been emphasized, thus suggesting their use in the optimization of expansion protocols. We have used major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I/peptide multimers to monitor the expansion of antigen-specific CD8 T lymphocytes from whole blood, exploring the effect of antigenic peptide dose, IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 concentrations on the magnitude and functional characteristics of the antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells generated. We show here that significant expansions of antigen-specific T cells, up to 50% of the CD8(+) T cell population, can be obtained after a single round of antigen/cytokine (IL-2 or IL-15) stimulation, and that these cells display good cytolytic and interferon (IFN)-gamma secretion capabilities. Our results provide an important basis for the rapid in vitro expansion of autologous T cells from the circulating lymphocyte pool using a simple procedure, which is necessary for the development of adoptive transfer therapies.
RÉSUMÉ : Chez l'homme, le manque de sélectivité des agents thérapeutiques représente souvent une limitation pour le traitement des maladies. Le ciblage de ces agents pour un tissu défini pourrait augmenter leur sélectivité et ainsi diminuer les effets secondaires en comparaison d'agents qui s'accumuleraient dans tout le corps. Cela pourrait aussi améliorer l'efficacité des traitements en permettant d'avoir une concentration localisée plus importante. Le ciblage d'agents thérapeutiques est un champ de recherche très actif. Les stratégies sont généralement basées sur les différences entre cellules normales et malades. Ces différences peuvent porter soit sur l'expression des molécules à leurs surfaces comme des récepteurs ou des transporteurs, soit sur les activités enzymatiques exprimées. Le traitement thérapeutique choisi ici est la thérapie photodynamique et est déjà utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Cette thérapie repose sur l'utilisation de molécules qui réagissent à la lumière, les photosensibilisants. Elles absorbent l'énergie lumineuse et réagissent avec l'oxygène pour former des radicaux toxiques pour les cellules. Les photosensibilisants utilisés ici sont de deux natures : (i) soit ils sont tétrapyroliques (comme les porphyrines et chlorines), c'est à dire qu'ils sont directement activables par la lumière ; (ii) soit ce sont des prodrogues de photosensibilisants comme l'acide 5aminolévulinique (ALA) qui est transformé dans la cellule en protoporphyrine IX photosensibilisante. Dans le but d'augmenter la sélectivité des photosensibilisants, nous avons utilisé deux stratégies différentes : (i) le photosensibilisant est modifié par le greffage d'un agent de ciblage ; (ii) le photosensibilisant est incorporé dans des structures moléculaires de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Les sucres et l'acide folique sont des agents de ciblage largement établis et ont été utilisés ici car leurs récepteurs sont surexprimés à la surface de nombreuses cellules malades. Ainsi, des dérivés sucres ou acide folique de l'ALA ont été synthétisés et évalués in vitro sur de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. La stratégie utilisant l'acide folique est apparue incompatible avec l'utilisation de l'ALA puisque aucune photosensibilité n'a été induite par le composé. La stratégie utilisant les sucres a, par ailleurs, provoquée de bonnes photosensibilités mais pas d'augmentation de sélectivité. En parallèle, la combinaison entre les propriétés anticancéreuses des complexes métalliques au ruthénium avec les propriétés photosensibilisantes des porphyrines, a été évaluée. En effet, les thérapies combinées ont émergé il y a une dizaine d'années et représentent aujourd'hui de bonnes alternatives aux monothérapies classiques. Des ruthenium(I1)-arènes complexés avec la tetrapyridylporphyrine ont ainsi présenté de bonnes cytotoxicités et de bonnes phototoxicités pour des cellules de mélanomes. Des porphyrines ont aussi été compléxées avec des noyaux de diruthénium et ce type de dérivé a présenté de bonnes phototoxicités et une bonne sélectivité pour les cellules cancéreuses de l'appareil reproducteur féminin. L'incorporation de photosensibilisants tétrapyroliques a finalement été effectuée en utilisant des nanoparticules (NP) biocompatibles composées de chitosan et de hyaluronate. L'effet de ces NP a été évalué pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Les NP ont d'abord été testées in vitro avec des macrophages de souris et les résultats ont mis en évidence de bonnes sélectivités et photosensibilités pour ces cellules. In vivo chez un modèle marin de la PR, l'utilisation de ces NP a révélé un plus grand temps de résidence des NP dans le genou de la souris en comparaison du temps obtenu avec le photosensibilisant seul. Le traitement par PDT a aussi démontré une bonne efficacité par ailleurs égale à celle obtenue avec les corticoïdes utilisés en clinique. Pour finir, les NP ont aussi démontré une bonne efficacité sur les myelomonocytes phagocytaires humains et sur les cellules contenues dans le liquide synovial de patients présentant une PR. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que les deux stratégies de ciblage peuvent être efficaces pour les agents thérapeutiques. Afm d'obtenir de bons résultats, il est toutefois nécessaire de réaliser une analyse minutieuse de la cible et du mode d'action de l'agent thérapeutique. Concernant les perspectives, la combinaison des deux stratégies c'est à dire incorporer des agents thérapeutiques dans des nanostructures porteuses d'agents de ciblage, représente probablement une solution très prometteuse. SUMMARY : In humans, the lack of selectivity of drugs and their high effective concentrations often represent limitations for the treatment of diseases. Targeting the therapeutical agents to a defined tissue could enhance their selectivity and then diminish their side effects when compared to drugs that accumulate in the entire body and could also improve treatment efûciency by allowing a localized high concentration of the agents. Targeting therapeutics to defined cells in human pathologies is a main challenge and a very active field of research. Strategies are generally based on the different behaviors and patterns of expression of diseased cells compared to normal cells such as receptors, proteases or trans-membrane carriers. The therapeutic treatment chosen here is the photodynamic therapy and is already used in the treatment of many cancers. This therapy relies on the administration of a photosensitizer (PS) which will under light, react with oxygen and induce formation of reactive oxygen species which are toxic for cells. The PSs used here are either tetrapyrolic (i. e. porphyries and chlorins) or prodrugs of PS (5-aminolevulinic acid precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin Imo. In order to improve PS internalization and selectivity, we have used two different strategies: the modification of the PSs with diseased cell-targeting agents as well as their encapsulation into nanostructures. Sugars and folic acid are well established as targeting entities for diseased cells and were used here since their transporters are overexpressed on the surface of many cancer cells. Therefore sugar- and folic acid-derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) were synthesized and evaluated in vitro in several cancer cell lines. The folic acid strategy appeared to be incompatible with ALA since no photosensitivity was induced while the strategy with sugars induced good photosensitivites but no increase of selectivity. Alternatively, the feasibility of combining the antineoplastic properties of ruthenium complexes with the porphyrin's photosensitizing properties, was evaluated since combined therapies have emerged as good alternatives to classical treatments. Tetrapyridylporphyrins complexed to ruthenium (I17 arenes presented good cytotoxicities and good phototoxicities toward melanoma cells. Porphyries were also complexed to diruthenium cores and this type of compound presented good phototoxicities and good selectivity for female reproductive cancer cells. The encapsulation of tetrapyrolic PSs was finally investigated using biocompatible nanogels composed of chitosan and hyaluronate. The behavior of these nanoparticles was evaluated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They were first tested in vitro in mouse macrophages and results revealed good selectivities and phototoxicities toward these cells. In vivo in mice model of RA, the use of such nanoparticles instead of free PS showed longer time of residence in mice knees. Photodynamic protocols also demonstrated good efficiency of the treatment comparable to the corticoid injection used in the clinic. Finally our system was also efficient in human cells using phagocytic myelomonocytes or using cells of synovial fluids taken from patients with RA. Altogether, these results revealed that both strategies of modification or encapsulation of drugs can be successful in the targeting of diseased cells. However, a careful analysis of the target and of the mode of action of the drug, are needed in order to obtain good results. Looking ahead to the future, the combination of the two strategies (i.e. drugs loaded into nanostructures bearing the targeting agents) would represent probably the best solution.
Abdominal angiostrongylosis is a nematode infection of wild rodents. Human infection may result in severe abdominal disease and has been reported from several countries in the Americas. The domestic mouse, Mus musculus, has not been found with natural infection and, like other urban rodents, should not be considered a natural host for Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Quantification of parasitic forms released for transmission may better express the coevolutionary status in parasite-host relationship. With this objective, five groups of experimentally infected Swiss mice were followed for up to 155 days post-infection (PI) days and the quantification of first stage larvae (L1) output revealed: an irregular elimination of L1 and a huge variation in the patency period (1 to 114 days) and in the number of L1 eliminated daily by individual animals (1 to 6340 L1/g). Overall mortality was 72% (range: 28% to 100%) at seven weeks PI. In conclusion, abdominal angiostrongylosis in M. musculus presents high mortality and a very variable and irregular elimination of L1 in feces.
A total of 25 specimens of Cavia porcellus (guinea pig), 5 Dasyprocta agouti (agouti), and 22 Calomys callosus (vesper mice) were inoculated with infective eggs of Lagochilascaris minor. The inoculum was prepared with embryonated eggs and orally administered to each individual animal through an esophagus probe. In parallel, 100 specimens of Felis catus domesticus were individually fed with 55-70 nodules containing 3rd-stage larvae encysted in tissues of infected rodents. Animals were examined and necropsied at different time intervals. The migration and encystment of L3 larva was observed in viscera, skeletal muscle, adipose and subcutaneous tissues from all rodents. Adult worms localized at abscesses in the cervical region, rhino, and oropharynx were recovered from domestic cats inoculated with infected rodent tissues. Through this study we can conclude that: (1) wild rodents act as intermediate hosts, characterizing this ascarid heteroxenic cycle; (2) in natural conditions rodents could possibly act as either intermediate hosts or paratenic hosts of Lagochilascaris minor; (3) despite the occurrence of an auto-infecting cycle, in prime-infection of felines (definite hosts) the cycle is only completed when intermediate hosts are provided; and (4) in the wild, rodents could serve as a source of infection for humans as they are frequently used as food in regions with the highest incidence of human lagochilascariasis.
Trypanosoma cruzi is usually transmitted by contact with the excreta of infected Triatominae; among non-vectorial infections, direct transmission through coitus has been proposed. We investigated this possibility by instilling, through the external meatus of the vagina and the penis of previously anesthetized NMRI albino mice, blood of mice infected with strains isolated from Didelphis marsupialis (opossum, strain CO57), Rattus rattus (rat, strain CO22) and human (strain EP). Some animals were allowed to copulate the same day of the instillation. In other experiments, the strains were inoculated in the scrotum. To determine the effect of immunosuppression, some mice were treated with cyclophosphamide 30 days post-instillation. Controls were instilled orally and ocularly. Vaginal instillation with strain CO22 produced systemic infection with tropism to the heart, skeletal muscle, skin, duodenum, pancreas, ovary and sternum. Scrotal inoculation with strain EP likewise invaded liver, spleen, lung, lymph nodes and urogenital organs; while strain CO57 invaded skeletal and cardiac muscle, pancreas, testis, and vas deferens. Penile infection with strain CO22 was detected by xenodiagnosis. Immunosuppression did not increase parasitemia of vaginally infected mice or controls. Mating did not produce infection. Our results show that contact of blood trypomastigotes of T. cruzi with genital mucosa can produce blood and tissue infections. These results are discussed in relation to reports of frequent experimental tropism of T. cruzi toward urogenital organs.
Y-688 is a new fluoroquinolone with increased activity against ciprofloxacin-resistant staphylococci. The MICs of Y-688 and other quinolones were determined for 58 isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The MICs at which 50% and 90% of bacteria were inhibited were >/=128 and >/=128 mg/liter, respectively, for ciprofloxacin, 16 and 32 mg/liter, respectively, for sparfloxacin, and 0.25 and 1 mg/liter, respectively, for Y-688. This new quinolone was further tested in rats with experimental endocarditis due to either of two isolates of ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA (namely, P8/128 and CR1). Infected animals were treated for 3 days with ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, or Y-688. Antibiotics were administered through a computerized pump to simulate human-like pharmacokinetics in the serum of rats. The anticipated peak and trough levels of Y-688 were 4 and 1 mg/liter at 0.5 and 12 h, respectively. Treatment with ciprofloxacin was ineffective. Vancomycin significantly decreased vegetation bacterial counts for both organisms (P less, similar 0.05). In contrast, Y-688 only marginally decreased vegetation bacterial counts (P greater, similar 0.05). Moreover, several vegetation that failed Y-688 treatment grew staphylococci for which the MICs of the test antibiotic were increased two to eight times. Y-688 also selected for resistance in vitro, and isolates for which the MICs were increased eight times emerged at a frequency of ca. 10(-8). Thus, in spite of its low MIC for ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA, Y-688 failed in vivo and its use carried the risk of resistance selection. The fact that ciprofloxacin-resistant staphylococci became rapidly resistant to this potent new drug suggests that the treatment of ciprofloxacin-resistant MRSA with new quinolones might be more problematic than expected.
Neuroschistosomiasis is rarely observed in human pathology, but it is of considerable importance. To investigate its pathogenesis, consequences and response to treatment, an experimental model would be desirable, but is not yet available, in spite of a few indications of a suitable mouse model in the literature. Severe, recent and late Schistosoma mansoni infections in outbred and inbred strains of mice revealed widespread distribution of parasite eggs in several organs, but only exceptionally did eggs reach the encephalus, thus revealing the inadequacy of the mouse as an experimental model for neuroschistosomiasis.
Due to the semi aquatic habits and the overlap of the geographical distribution of the water-rat, Nectomys spp., with schistosomiasis endemic areas, these wild rodents are very likely to acquire Schistosoma mansoni infection in their daily activities. The role of the water-rat in the S. mansoni cycle would be substantiated if one could prove that these rodents acquire the parasite during their own activity time, a completely independent time schedule of human activities. To pursue this goal, we performed two field experiments in the municipality of Sumidouro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a schistosomiasis endemic area where N. squamipes is found naturally infected. One experiment was devised as a series of observations of activity time of the water-rat. The other experiment was a test of the occurrence of late transmission of S. mansoni to the water-rat. The daily activity pattern showed that the water-rat is active chiefly just after sunset. At both diurnal and late exposition essays the water-rat sentinels got infected by S. mansoni. These findings clarify ecological and behavioral components necessary to the adaptation of S. mansoni to the water-rat as a non human definitive host and the existence of a transmission cycle involving this animals as a reservoir.
Experiments were carried out to analyze the biological characteristics of two sympatric isolates of Schistosoma mansoni derived from humans and murines in a low endemic transmission area (Sumidouro county, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Sympatric reared-laboratory Biomphalaria glabrata and C3H/He mice were used as experimental hosts. Parameters assessed comprised: precercarial period, infectivity and mortality (snails), prepatent period, infectivity (percentage of cercariae maturation into adult worm) and intestinal egg count (mice). The murine isolate showed a shorter precercarial period and higher infectivity than human isolate (p < 0.05). This biological heterogenicity did not correspond to the vertebrate data because any biological parameter presented significant difference (p > 0.05). These data suggest that both isolates are local sub-populations, providing support for the hypotheses that in a same biotope mixed populations or sub-populations circulate among their main host (human beings) and/or rodent as an anfixenous infection.
The identification of all human chromosome 21 (HC21) genes is a necessary step in understanding the molecular pathogenesis of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). The first analysis of the sequence of 21q included 127 previously characterized genes and predicted an additional 98 novel anonymous genes. Recently we evaluated the quality of this annotation by characterizing a set of HC21 open reading frames (C21orfs) identified by mapping spliced expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and predicted genes (PREDs), identified only in silico. This study underscored the limitations of in silico-only gene prediction, as many PREDs were incorrectly predicted. To refine the HC21 annotation, we have developed a reliable algorithm to extract and stringently map sequences that contain bona fide 3' transcript ends to the genome. We then created a specific 21q graphical display allowing an integrated view of the data that incorporates new ESTs as well as features such as CpG islands, repeats, and gene predictions. Using these tools we identified 27 new putative genes. To validate these, we sequenced previously cloned cDNAs and carried out RT-PCR, 5'- and 3'-RACE procedures, and comparative mapping. These approaches substantiated 19 new transcripts, thus increasing the HC21 gene count by 9.5%. These transcripts were likely not previously identified because they are small and encode small proteins. We also identified four transcriptional units that are spliced but contain no obvious open reading frame. The HC21 data presented here further emphasize that current gene prediction algorithms miss a substantial number of transcripts that nevertheless can be identified using a combination of experimental approaches and multiple refined algorithms.
A new, investigational, parenteral form of sparfloxacin was compared with ceftriaxone in the treatment of experimental endocarditis caused by either of three penicillin-susceptible streptococci or one penicillin-resistant streptococcus. Both drugs have prolonged half-lives in serum, allowing single daily administration to humans. Sparfloxacin had relatively low MICs (0.25 to 0.5 mg/liter) for all four organisms and was also greater than or equal to eight times more effective than the other quinolones against 21 additional streptococcal isolates recovered from patients with bacteremia. Ceftriaxone MICs were 0.032 to 0.064 mg/liter for the penicillin-susceptible strains and 2 mg/liter for the resistant isolate. Both antibiotics resulted in moderate bacterial killing in vitro. Rats with catheter-induced aortic vegetations were inoculated with 10(7) CFU of the test organisms. Antibiotic treatment was started 48 h later and lasted either 3 or 5 days. The drugs were injected at doses which mimicked the kinetics in human serum produced by one intravenous injection of 400 mg of sparfloxacin (i.e., the daily dose expected to be given to human adults) and 2 g of ceftriaxone. Both antibiotics significantly decreased the bacterial densities in the vegetations. However, sparfloxacin was slower than ceftriaxone in its ability to eradicate valvular infection caused by penicillin-susceptible bacteria. While this difference was quite marked after 3 days of therapy, it tended to vanish when treatment was prolonged to 5 days. In contrast, sparfloxacin was very effective against the penicillin-resistant isolate, an organism against which ceftriaxone therapy failed in vivo. No sparfloxacin-resistant mutant was selected during therapy. Thus, in the present experimental setting, this new, investigational, parenteral form of sparfloxacin was effective against severe infections caused by both penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-resistant streptococci.
Paramyosin and Sm14 are two of the six antigens selected by the World Health Organization as candidates to compose a subunit vaccine against schistosomiasis. Both antigens are recognized by individuals naturally resistant to Schistosoma mansoni infection and induced protective immunity in the murine model. Three Sm14 epitopes and eleven paramyosin epitopes were selected by their ability to bind to different HLA-DR molecules using the TEPITOPE computer program, and these peptides were synthetically produced. The cellular recognition of Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals living in endemic area for schistosomiasis was tested by T cell proliferation assay. Among all Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes studied, Sm14-3 was preferentially recognized by individuals naturally resistant to S. mansoni infection while Para-5 was preferentially recognized by individuals resistant to reinfection. These two peptides represent promising antigens to be used in an experimental vaccine against schistosomiasis, since their preferential recognition by resistant individuals suggest their involvement in the induction of protective immunity.
The avian eye trematode Philophthalmus lachrymosus Braun, 1902 is for the first time referred naturally occurring in a non-human mammalian host. Previously, natural infections with P. lachrymosus and other species of Philophthalmus have been occasionally reported from man, with few data on experimental infections of non-human mammals. Results presented here are related to the report of two cases of philophthalmosis due to natural infections of wild Brazilian capybaras, Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris L., 1766 with P. lachrymosus and associated pathology. Clinical signs, gross and microscopic lesions as well as new morphometric data on the parasite are presented.
In a murine model of experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis, we investigated the protection elicited by injection of histone H1 isolated from parasites by perchloric extraction, of a H1 recombinant protein produced in E. coli, and of H1 long and short synthetic peptides, against infection by L. major. Partial protection was achieved in most of the animals as shown by reduction in lesion size, upon immunization with histone H1 or its peptides, provided that the region 1-60 was present in the molecule. These observations argue in favor of a thorough examination of the possibility of including histone H1 described here in a cocktail vaccine against human leishmaniasis.