853 resultados para Human Resource Training
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This report was prepared at the request of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) with support from the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) to assess strategies for linking the ECLAC Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) Methology to the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA). Each metholodolgy was individually outlined and their use in the Caribbean context was explored in detail to set the framework or lens through which their linking would be viewed. Other methologies that are used within the recovery process were identified and outlined. A gap analysis was conducted on moving from the PDNA with a focus on initial rapid reponse to DaLA. DaLA training materials were reviewed to assess where improvements can be made to seamlessly move from one methology to the next. Additionally, both DaLA and PDNA reports were reviewed to identify specific areas of information which could serve as common data links, and note how this linkage could inform the overall disaster assessments in the region. This is in addition to noting any similarities or variance in the application of both methologies. Challenges to linking both methodologies were identified such as countries lacking well defined recovery frameworks and their ability to fund or finance recovery efforts, in addition to recurrent challenges in the Caribbean region such as inadequacy of baseline data, human resource and training, and identifying teams to conduct the data collection. Recommendations made in terms of the strategies to be employed for the successful linking of both the DaLA and PDNA Methodologies included: creating and maintaining a recovery framework and baseline data; creation of a minimum requirements list for the successful implementation of PDNA and DaLA implementation; and increasing political will in addition to identify a champion to push the subject.
O presente estudo analisou as políticas públicas voltadas para a Educação Profissional e Tecnológica e sua influência sobre o projeto pedagógico do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Faculdade do Pará e, em particular, como este Curso se apresenta ante ao histórico processo dual de oferta da educação no Brasil. Para tanto, analisamos o conteúdo das políticas públicas voltadas para a educação Profissional e Tecnológica no Brasil, a partir da década de 1990. Utilizamos os procedimentos da pesquisa qualitativa, fazendo uso de entrevistas e de análise documental, para analisar o nosso objeto. Partimos da hipótese segundo a qual as políticas de educação profissional e tecnológica de nosso país pressupõem a formação especificamente para o trabalho e visam a conformação das classes sociais fundamentais, proprietárias e não-proprietárias, e que o Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos da Faculdade do Pará fortalece esta mesma perspectiva político-pedagógica. Analisamos os documentos que normatizam os cursos superiores de tecnologia no Brasil, o projeto pedagógico e o desenho curricular do curso em questão e as falas de professores, técnicos, egressos e gestores da instituição à luz de autores identificados com o materialismo histórico. Verificamos que, tanto os documentos normatizadores da educação profissional tecnológica brasileira quanto àqueles que definem a estrutura do curso estudado na Faculdade do Pará têm sido orientados para o desenvolvimento do “fazer”, do “saber-fazer”, não dando conta das bases científicas deste fazer e nem de uma formação que considere as relações histórico-sociais nas quais está inserido. Assim, o direcionamento dado à formação de tecnólogos tem, fundamentalmente, promovido a capacidade de aprendizagem dos processos tecnológicos específicos, incentivando à produção e a inovação científico-tecnológica e suas aplicações no mundo do trabalho, visando o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais tecnológicas, gerais e específicas. Concluímos nosso estudo com a convicção de que o conteúdo das políticas para a educação profissional e tecnológica bem como do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão de Recursos Humanos fortalecem a histórica dualidade da educação brasileira ao se orientarem apenas para a conformação dos processos formativos as demandas dos setores produtivos e para a aquisição de conhecimentos relativos, unicamente, ao desenvolvimento de funções específicas.
Para enfrentar os desafios do novo milênio, as instituições, organizações e de modo geral o mundo do trabalho, deverão preocupar-se mais com as pessoas, investindo, sobretudo, no seu bem-estar, sua realização pessoal e profissional, por meio da capacitação e qualificação, sendo o conhecimento considerado a mola mestre do desenvolvimento. Este estudo tem como objetivo geral investigar se a capacitação dos servidores Técnico-Administrativos (TA) da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA) que realizaram os cursos de Especialização em Administração Estratégica e Gestão de Pessoas, no período de 2002 a 2004, na UFPA, Campus de Belém, contribuiu para a melhoria do desempenho de suas unidades por meio do conhecimento adquirido. A partir da metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo, tem-se a apresentação da fundamentação teórica acerca da temática sob estudo, tendo como base a abordagem qualitativa, utilizando para coleta de dados, documentos e a entrevista. Teve como informantes gestores das Pró-Reitorias de Planejamento (PROPLAN) e Pró-Reitoria de Desenvolvimento e Gestão de Pessoal (PROGEP) que atuaram durante o período da pesquisa, e ainda, quinze servidores técnicos egressos dos cursos de especialização. Para interpretação dos dados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo, possibilitando uma melhor interpretação das falas dos entrevistados, cujo resultado indica que os referidos cursos se constituíram em premente necessidade para o quadro dos servidores técnico-administrativos, a partir de um processo de Educação Continuada visando um melhor desempenho das atividades laborais, além de maior satisfação e motivação para o trabalho, concluindo-se que a UFPA, como um centro de prestação de serviços públicos educacionais destinados ao cidadão, deve primar por uma política efetiva e continuada de profissionalização e valorização de seu servidor, observando-se que o conhecimento é ferramenta essencial na política de recursos humanos dos servidores para gerar competência, tendo em vista que a própria UFPA se beneficia na medida em que a profissionalização e a valorização do servidor têm apresentado como resultado maior eficiência na prestação dos serviços direcionados a sociedade, objetivo primeiro das instituições governamentais.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
The goal of this study is to present and test a conceptual framework that describes the technical aspects (TA), human/organizational aspects (HOA) of the adoption of green product development (GPD) practices and the effect of these practices on firms'environmental (EP), operational (OP) and market performance (MP). To this end, after reviewing the literature on these themes, a conceptual framework with 5 hypotheses is proposed. These hypotheses were tested on 62 Brazilian companies through structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 2.0M3. The main results of this study are as follows: (a) in general, the proposed framework obtained adequate goodness of fit statistics (GoF); (b) technological factors are shown to have an influence on the adoption of GPD practices, and those practices are related to company EP, OP and MP, thus confirming 4 hypotheses of the study; and (c) one of the study's hypotheses is not validated, indicating that the relationship of human/organizational aspects to GPD must be further analyzed. This work extends the literature because: (a) the conceptual framework tested in this study establishes several concepts that have been only partially tested in the previous literature; (b) this work presents evidence about Brazil, where the themes addressed herein have not been yet been thoroughly investigated; and (c) the non-validation of the hypothesis regarding the relationship between human/ organizational aspects with respect to the adoption of product-related environmental practices requires attention. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article aims to analyze the use of human resource practices in a public organization in Sao Paulo. In this paper we try to answer the question: is the human resource management in the organization Y compatible with the new strategic issues this area? We adopted a qualitative approach, through case study. The primary data were obtained through interviews and secondary data were obtained through analysis of information and documents provided by the studied organization as well as direct observation of organizational routine. The results indicate that, despite the organization uses the term strategic human resources management, it is focused on legal and operational issues. The human resource practices are not integrated and some practices do not exist (career plan and training). Thus, it is believed that if the organization adopts some of the improvements suggested in this article, it will be walking toward a more strategic human resource management entering in the new public management.
Current research analyzes the importance of human resources managers in organizational sustainability through the ack-nowledgement of the external variables and innovatory practices, such as environment management. In fact, the latter is a challenge for organizations and consequently for the human resources’ area. Investigation comprised a revision of the literature: theoretical and empirical articles that deal with the role of human resources’ mana-gement and on the environmental issue which is daily in the news. The essay is divided into three parts: the first section emphasizes the role of human resources’ managers; empirical evidences of the activities of HR managers in international contexts are dealt with in the second part; the third section deals with the environmental ma-nagement issue as a new challenge for HR managers. HR managers should acknowledge and incorporate in human resources practice the environmental dimension from the stages of recruitment, selec-tion and training. If people with attitudes and competences in the environment are rewarded, they will contribute towards an effective environmental management and, consequently, improvements in organizational results will materialize.
This article aims to list the studies on environmental training published in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, to emphasize the publications most relevant according to the number of citations in other research, list the most prominent authors regarding the topic, the contexts studied and the researcher’s countries of origin. The concepts of environmental management and environmental training were reviewed. The systematic literature review is presented as the methodology, which has as its results the identification of the most influential papers studied in the area, the countries of origin of researchers and the relation between context and origin of the researcher, concluding that Brazil stands out in the study of the theme. That there is a small number of researchers studying different contexts in their country of origin and that partnership between researchers from different countries are required for studies in the area. The study presents as a limitation the still restricted access to some journals presenting articles on the topic, making it impossible to analyze them. It contributes with researchers and those responsible for human resource managers in organizations because it shows the most relevant studies of the area in a compiled form.
Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã
This research focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to administrative talent management within the higher education setting. The field study included a thorough examination of seven small to mid-size private colleges and universities that have incorporated employee development strategies. These strategies were aimed at growing future leaders from within the organization in order to achieve continuity and support institutional priorities. Specifically, several focus areas were investigated including presidential vision, leadership commitment, talent management’s place among institutional priorities, program characteristics, and program evaluation. Among the commonalities that were gathered included support at the senior officer level who serve as advocates, mentors, and program facilitators, a strong connection between talent management and the institutions’ strategic plans, and a holistic approach to developing talent at all levels of the organizations. In addition, both coaching and opportunities for growth in the work environment were evident within several of the institutions. Also, academic leadership development was considered to be a part of the talent management strategy within three of the colleges and universities. The key differentiators included the incorporation of organizational and leadership competencies to provide focus toward the performance development process at two institutions, the implementation of a succession planning model at another institution, and the location of human resource generalists in departments across two of the institutions to identify learning opportunities for both individuals and work teams. Based on both the findings from the field study and the literature review, a comprehensive procedural model is introduced that serves to support human resource departments and higher education professionals, in general, who are looking to either begin or broaden their own talent management approach. However, despite the progress that has been made across several institutions noted throughout the research study, much more must be learned in terms of how the time and resources invested in talent management translates to institutional success. Advisor: James O‘Hanlon
Religious communities have been a challenge to HIV prevention globally. Focusing on the acceptability component of the right to health, this intervention study examined how local Catholic, Evangelical and Afro-Brazilian religious communities can collaborate to foster young people`s sexual health and ensure their access to comprehensive HIV prevention in their communities in Brazil. This article describes the process of a three-stage sexual health promotion and HIV prevention initiative that used a multicultural human rights approach to intervention. Methods included 27 in-depth interviews with religious authorities on sexuality, AIDS prevention and human rights training of 18 young people as research-agents, who surveyed 177 youth on the same issues using self-administered questionnaires. The results, analysed using a rights-based perspective on health and the vulnerability framework, were discussed in daylong interfaith workshops. Emblematic of the collaborative process, workshops are the focus of the analysis. Our findings suggest that this human rights framework is effective in increasing inter-religious tolerance and in providing a collective understanding of the sexuality and prevention needs of youth from different religious communities, and also serves as a platform for the expansion of state AIDS programmes based on laical principles.
Background: Angola is one of the African countries with the highest morbidity and mortality rates and a devastating lack of human resources for health, including nursing. The World Health Organization stimulates and takes technical cooperation initiatives for human resource education and training in health and education, with a view to the development of countries in the region. The aim in this study was to identify how nurses affiliated with nursing education institutions perceive the challenges nursing education is facing in Angola. Methods: After consulting the National Directory of Human Resources in Angola, the nurse leaders affiliated with professional nursing education institutions in Angola were invited to participate in the study by email. Data were collected in February 2009 through the focus group technique. The group of participants was focused on the central question: what are the challenges faced for nursing education in your country? To register and understand the information, besides the use of a recorder, the reporters elaborated an interpretative report. Data were coded using content analysis. Results: Fourteen nurses participated in the meeting, most of whom were affiliated with technical nursing education institutions. It was verified that the nurse leaders at technical and higher nursing education institutions in Angola face many challenges, mainly related to the lack of infrastructure, absence of trained human resources, bureaucratic problems to regularize the schools and lack of material resources. On the opposite, the solutions they present are predominantly centered on the valuation of nursing professionals, which implies cultural and attitude changes. Conclusions: Public health education policies need to be established in Angola, including action guidelines that permit effective nursing activities. Professional education institutions need further regularizations and nurses need to be acknowledged as key elements for the qualitative enhancement of health services in the country.