934 resultados para Human Genome Project


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Several Locus-Specific DataBases (LSDBs) have recently been approached by larger, more general data repositories (including NCBI and UCSC) with the request to share the DNA variant data they have collected. Within the Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) a document was generated summarizing the issues related to these requests. The document has been circulated in the HGVS/LSDB community and was discussed extensively. Here we summarize these discussions and present the concluded recommendations for LSDB data sharing with central repositories.


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Estradiol and progesterone are crucial for the acquisition of receptivity and the change in transcriptional activity of target genes in the implantation window. The aim of this study was to differentiate the regulation of genes in the endometrium of patients with recurrent implantation failure (IF) versus those who became pregnant after in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Moreover, the effect of embryo-derived factors on endometrial transcriptional activity was studied. Nine women with known IVF outcome (IF, M, miscarriage, OP, ongoing pregnancy) and undergoing hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy were enrolled. Biopsies were taken during the midluteal phase. After culture in the presence of embryo-conditioned IVF media, total RNA was extracted and submitted to reverse transcription, target cDNA synthesis, biotin labelling, fragmentation and hybridization using the Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Chip. Differential expression of selected genes was re-analysed by quantitative PCR, in which the results were calculated as threshold cycle differences between the groups and normalized to Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and beta-actin. Differences were seen for several genes from endometrial tissue between the IF and the pregnancy groups, and when comparing OP with M, 1875 up- and 1807 down-regulated genes were returned. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed up-regulation for somatostatin, PLAP-2, mucin 4 and CD163, and down-regulation of glycodelin, IL-24, CD69, leukaemia inhibitory factor and prolactin receptor between Op and M. When the different embryo-conditioned media were compared, no significant differential regulation could be demonstrated. Although microarray profiling may currently not be sensitive enough for studying the effects of embryo-derived factors on the endometrium, the observed differences in gene expression between M and OP suggest that it will become an interesting tool for the identification of fertility-relevant markers produced by the endometrium.


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BACKGROUND: The GENCODE consortium was formed to identify and map all protein-coding genes within the ENCODE regions. This was achieved by a combination of initial manual annotation by the HAVANA team, experimental validation by the GENCODE consortium and a refinement of the annotation based on these experimental results. RESULTS: The GENCODE gene features are divided into eight different categories of which only the first two (known and novel coding sequence) are confidently predicted to be protein-coding genes. 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and RT-PCR were used to experimentally verify the initial annotation. Of the 420 coding loci tested, 229 RACE products have been sequenced. They supported 5' extensions of 30 loci and new splice variants in 50 loci. In addition, 46 loci without evidence for a coding sequence were validated, consisting of 31 novel and 15 putative transcripts. We assessed the comprehensiveness of the GENCODE annotation by attempting to validate all the predicted exon boundaries outside the GENCODE annotation. Out of 1,215 tested in a subset of the ENCODE regions, 14 novel exon pairs were validated, only two of them in intergenic regions. CONCLUSION: In total, 487 loci, of which 434 are coding, have been annotated as part of the GENCODE reference set available from the UCSC browser. Comparison of GENCODE annotation with RefSeq and ENSEMBL show only 40% of GENCODE exons are contained within the two sets, which is a reflection of the high number of alternative splice forms with unique exons annotated. Over 50% of coding loci have been experimentally verified by 5' RACE for EGASP and the GENCODE collaboration is continuing to refine its annotation of 1% human genome with the aid of experimental validation.


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With the increasing availability of various 'omics data, high-quality orthology assignment is crucial for evolutionary and functional genomics studies. We here present the fourth version of the eggNOG database (available at http://eggnog.embl.de) that derives nonsupervised orthologous groups (NOGs) from complete genomes, and then applies a comprehensive characterization and analysis pipeline to the resulting gene families. Compared with the previous version, we have more than tripled the underlying species set to cover 3686 organisms, keeping track with genome project completions while prioritizing the inclusion of high-quality genomes to minimize error propagation from incomplete proteome sets. Major technological advances include (i) a robust and scalable procedure for the identification and inclusion of high-quality genomes, (ii) provision of orthologous groups for 107 different taxonomic levels compared with 41 in eggNOGv3, (iii) identification and annotation of particularly closely related orthologous groups, facilitating analysis of related gene families, (iv) improvements of the clustering and functional annotation approach, (v) adoption of a revised tree building procedure based on the multiple alignments generated during the process and (vi) implementation of quality control procedures throughout the entire pipeline. As in previous versions, eggNOGv4 provides multiple sequence alignments and maximum-likelihood trees, as well as broad functional annotation. Users can access the complete database of orthologous groups via a web interface, as well as through bulk download.


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The let-7 tumor suppressor microRNAs are known for their regulation of oncogenes, while the RNA-binding proteins Lin28a/b promote malignancy by inhibiting let-7 biogenesis. We have uncovered unexpected roles for the Lin28/let-7 pathway in regulating metabolism. When overexpressed in mice, both Lin28a and LIN28B promote an insulin-sensitized state that resists high-fat-diet induced diabetes. Conversely, muscle-specific loss of Lin28a or overexpression of let-7 results in insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. These phenomena occur, in part, through the let-7-mediated repression of multiple components of the insulin-PI3K-mTOR pathway, including IGF1R, INSR, and IRS2. In addition, the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin, abrogates Lin28a-mediated insulin sensitivity and enhanced glucose uptake. Moreover, let-7 targets are enriched for genes containing SNPs associated with type 2 diabetes and control of fasting glucose in human genome-wide association studies. These data establish the Lin28/let-7 pathway as a central regulator of mammalian glucose metabolism.


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Durant aquell anunci, l'aleshores president dels Estats Units, Bill Clinton, va dir que 'revolucionaria el diagnostic, la prevenció i el tractament de la major part de malalties'.


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Resum de l"any científic.


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La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.


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La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.


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Review on MIR135A1, with data on DNA/RNA and where the gene is implicated.


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Les persones som propenses a celebrar les efemèrides més diverses, unes ocasions que ens haurien de servir per recordar allò que hem fet, veure on som, reflexionar cap a on estem anant i decidir cap a on volem anar. El 26 de juny es van complir 10 anys de l'anunci de l'esborrany del genoma humà, que fou publicat el 15 de febrer de 2001 i completat l'abril del 2003. El dia de l'anunci, el president dels EUA Bill Clinton va dir que "revolucionaria el diagnòstic, la prevenció i el tractament de la major part de malalties humanes, si no de totes". Atesa la rellevància social és un bon moment per fer balanç [...].


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Les notícies sobre els descobriments al voltant del genoma humà, que arran de la seva seqüenciació s'han incrementat espectacularment, han generat expectatives immenses per a la millora de la salut. Però la seva extraordinària aptitud per pronosticar malalties i tractaments fan témer sobre un ús il·legítim per discriminar persones.


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A gaire bé tothom li agrada sentir-se important, considerar-se el centre d'alguna cosa, pensar que hom és millor que la resta de persones i, en general,de tot allò que l'envolta. No deixa de ser una estratègia de supervivència per vèncer les dificultats. Però per molt ferit que es pugui sentir el nostre ego, la posició dels humans dins l'esquema còsmic de l'Univers s'ha anat allunyant progressivament de la posició central en què tot sovint ens creiem ser [...].


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The human genome comprises roughly 20 000 protein coding genes. Proteins are the building material for cells and tissues, and proteins are functional compounds having an important role in many cellular responses, such as cell signalling. In multicellular organisms such as humans, cells need to communicate with each other in order to maintain a normal function of the tissues within the body. This complex signalling between and within cells is transferred by proteins and their post-translational modifications, one of the most important being phosphorylation. The work presented here concerns the development and use of tools for phosphorylation analysis. Mass spectrometers have become essential tools to study proteins and proteomes. In mass spectrometry oriented proteomics, proteins can be identified and their post-translational modifications can be studied. In this Ph.D. thesis the objectives were to improve the robustness of sample handling methods prior to mass spectrometry analysis for peptides and their phosphorylation status. The focus was to develop strategies that enable acquisition of more MS measurements per sample, higher quality MS spectra and simplified and rapid enrichment procedures for phosphopeptides. Furthermore, an objective was to apply these methods to characterize phosphorylation sites of phosphopeptides. In these studies a new MALDI matrix was developed which allowed more homogenous, intense and durable signals to be acquired when compared to traditional CHCA matrix. This new matrix along with other matrices was subsequently used to develop a new method that combines multiple spectra from different matrises from identical peptides. With this approach it was possible to identify more phosphopeptides than with conventional LC/ESI-MS/MS methods, and to use 5 times less sample. Also, phosphopeptide affinity MALDI target was prepared to capture and immobilise phosphopeptides from a standard peptide mixture while maintaining their spatial orientation. In addition a new protocol utilizing commercially available conductive glass slides was developed that enabled fast and sensitive phosphopeptide purification. This protocol was applied to characterize the in vivo phosphorylation of a signalling protein, NFATc1. Evidence for 12 phosphorylation sites were found, and many of those were found in multiply phosphorylated peptides


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Eucalypt plantation has high economical importance in Brazil; however, it has been attacked by various pathogens under different environmental stress conditions. Disease resistance and survival under unfavorable environmental conditions have revealed that the eucalypt has developed highly efficient defense systems. Here we show the results of the Eucalyptus ESTs Genome Project (FORESTs). Using the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) obtained by the Project, contigs of similar sequences from each cDNA library induced and not induced by stress agents were formed, and cDNA sequences similar to other already known molecules, such as plant-signaling molecules, phytoalexins, lignin biosynthesis pathways, PR-proteins and putative genes corresponding to enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species, were identified. We also present general considerations about the mechanisms of Eucalyptus defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. These data are of extreme importance for future eucalypt breeding programs aimed at developing plants with enhanced resistance against pathogens and environmental stresses.