901 resultados para Hospitals, Psychiatric.


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Background The authors of a recent systematic review concluded that the use of non-pharmacological containment methods, excluding restraint and seclusion, was not supported by evidence. Their focus on randomised, controlled trials, however, does not reflect the research that has been, or could be, conducted.

Aims To find empirically supported interventions that allow reduction in the use of seclusion in psychiatric facilities.

Method We reviewed English-language, peer-reviewed literature on interventions that allow reduction in the use of seclusion.

Results Staff typically used multiple interventions, including state-level support, state policy and regulation changes, leadership, examinations of the practice contexts, staff integration, treatment plan improvement, increased staff to patient ratios, monitoring seclusion episodes, psychiatric emergency response teams, staff education, monitoring of patients, pharmacological interventions, treating patients as active participants in seclusion reduction interventions, changing the therapeutic environment, changing the facility environment, adopting a facility focus, and improving staff safety and welfare.

Conclusions Reducing seclusion rates is challenging andgenerally requires staff to implement several interventions.


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Seclusion is of limited therapeutic value and can be a harmful and traumatic experience for consumers of mental health services. Many psychiatric facilities have made substantial efforts to eliminate seclusion or reduce this practice to negligible levels.

The aim is to review the research on seclusion-reduction initiatives in psychiatric facilities. We reviewed the peer-reviewed, English-language literature on seclusion reduction initiatives. We sourced 16 papers that focused on seclusion reduction initiatives and in which pre- and postseclusion data were reported. Opinion-based papers and research that focused solely on pharmaceutical methods to reduce seclusion were excluded from our review. Successful seclusion reduction initiatives typically involved senior management implementing multiple changes within the facilities. Although commonalities exist with regard to the interventions used in these facilities to reduce seclusion (e.g., treatment plan improvement, monitoring seclusion episodes, changing the therapeutic environment), the ways in which these initiatives were combined tended to be unique to each organisation. State-level organisations sometimes provided the impetus for such changes to be made. There is strong evidence that changes made to psychiatric facilities were effective in reducing or eliminating seclusion. Seclusion reduction in psychiatric facilities requires strong leadership from senior management. Sometimes leadership from state-level organisations accelerates a seclusion reduction agenda.


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Context: Although it may seem preposterous to consider the need to reduce the use of summary executions in acute psychiatric inpatient settings because practitioners simply would not consider using such inhumane treatment, it is sobering that many mental health professionals do not hesitate to use seclusion.

Objectives: We draw attention to the assumption that underlies the thinking of many mental health professionals that seclusion is acceptable simply because it is available.

Key messages: The letter of the law (seclusion is legal) is frequently given precedence over the spirit of the law (seclusion should used as a method of last resort, if at all). The availability of seclusion as an intervention makes its use inevitable. Although sufficient checks and balances exist in society to prevent psychiatric staff from adding summary executions to their ‘‘treatment’’ paradigms, legislators need to set the bar much higher. Outside intervention, in the form of legislation, is needed because the mental health professions seem incapable of discontinuing the use seclusion despite evidence of the trauma it causes to both patients and staff and despite the lack of evidence that it achieves any desirable outcomes.

Conclusion: The use of seclusion is unacceptable and should be as impossible and unthinkable as summarily executing our patients. By the use of what would seem, at first glance, an absurd analogy between seclusion and summary execution we highlight the need for a shift in policy and legislation regarding the use of traumatising interventions.


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Background: Seclusion is of limited therapeutic value and can be a harmful and traumatic experience for psychiatric consumers. Many psychiatric facilities have made substantial efforts to eliminate seclusion or reduce this practice to negligible levels.
Aims: To review the research on seclusion-reduction initiatives in psychiatric facilities.
Methods: We reviewed the peer-reviewed, English-language literature on seclusion reduction initiatives. We sourced 16 papers that focused on seclusion reduction initiatives and in which pre- and post-seclusion data were reported. Opinion-based papers and research that focused solely on pharmaceutical methods to reduce seclusion were excluded from our review.
Results: Successful seclusion reduction initiatives typically involved senior management implementing multiple changes within the facilities. Although commonalities exist with regard to the interventions used in these facilities to reduce seclusion (e.g., treatment plan improvement, monitoring seclusion episodes, changing the therapeutic environment), the ways in which these initiatives were combined tended to be unique to each organisation. State-level organisations sometimes provided the impetus for such changes to be made. There is strong evidence that changes made to psychiatric facilities were effective in reducing or eliminating seclusion.
Conclusion: Seclusion reduction in psychiatric facilities requires strong leadership from senior management. Sometimes leadership from state-level organisations accelerates a seclusion reduction agenda.


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Background: Seclusion is of limited therapeutic value and can be a harmful and traumatic experience for psychiatric consumers. Many psychiatric facilities have made substantial efforts to eliminate seclusion or reduce this practice to negligible levels.

Aims: To review the research on seclusion-reduction initiatives in psychiatric facilities.

Methods: We reviewed the peer-reviewed, English-language literature on seclusion reduction initiatives. We sourced 16 papers that focused on seclusion reduction initiatives and in which pre- and post-seclusion data were reported. Opinion-based papers and research that focused solely on pharmaceutical methods to reduce seclusion were excluded from our review.

Results: Successful seclusion reduction initiatives typically involved senior management implementing multiple changes within the facilities. Although commonalities exist with regard to the interventions used in these facilities to reduce seclusion (e.g., treatment plan improvement, monitoring seclusion episodes, changing the therapeutic environment), the ways in which these initiatives were combined tended to be unique to each organisation. State-level organisations sometimes provided the impetus for such changes to be made. There is strong evidence that changes made to psychiatric facilities were effective in reducing or eliminating seclusion.

Conclusion: Seclusion reduction in psychiatric facilities requires strong leadership from senior management. Sometimes leadership from state-level organisations accelerates a seclusion reduction agenda.


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Recent research in Australia has found that people with a mental illness experience higher mortality rates from preventable illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and diabetes compared to the general population. Lifestyle and other behavioural factors contribute significantly to these illnesses. Lifestyle behaviours that affect these illnesses include lack of physical activity, consumption of a poor diet and cigarette smoking. Research on the influence of these factors has been mainly directed towards the mainstream population in Australia. Consequently, there remains limited understanding of health behaviours among individuals with psychiatric disabilities, their health needs, or factors influencing their participation in protective health behaviours. This thesis presents findings from two studies. Study 1 evaluated the utility of the main components of Roger’s (1983) Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to explain health behaviours among people with a mental illness. A clinical population of individuals with schizophrenia (N=83), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (N=70) and individuals without a mental illness (N=147) participated in the study. Respondents provided information on intentions and self-reported behaviour of engaging in physical activity, following a low-fat diet, and stopping smoking. Study 2 investigated the health care service needs of people with psychiatric disabilities (N=20). Results indicated that the prevalence of overweight, cigarette smoking and a sedentary lifestyle were significantly greater among people with a mental illness compared to that reported for individuals without a mental illness. Major predictors of the lack of intentions to adopt health behaviours among individuals with schizophrenia and MDD were high levels of fear of cardiovascular disease, lack of knowledge of correct dietary principles, lower self-efficacy, a limited social support network and a high level of psychiatric symptoms. In addition, findings demonstrated that psychiatric patients are disproportionately higher users of medical services, but they are under-users of preventive medical care services. These differences are primarily due to a lack of focus on preventive health, feelings of disempowerment and lower satisfaction of patient-doctor relationships. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of designing education and preventive programs for individuals with schizophrenia and MDD.


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Objective To investigate the incidence of falls and explore fall prevention practices at acute care hospitals in Singapore.

Design A retrospective audit to collect baseline data on (1) incidence of falls (patient fall rates and fall injury rates) and (2) fall prevention practices, was conducted in five acute care hospitals in Singapore from December 2004 to March 2005.

Study participants Medical record data (n = 6000) of patients admitted into the medical, surgical and geriatric units in the five hospitals.

Outcome measures Fall incidence was obtained from the hospital's fall databases and incident reports for the period of June 2003 to May 2004. In total, 6000 medical records from five hospitals were randomly selected, retrieved and reviewed to determine whether falls, fall assessments and interventions were being initiated and documented.

Results The number of fallers for all hospitals was 825. Analysis showed that patient fall rates ranged from 0.68 to 1.44 per 1000 patient days, and the proportion of falls associated with injury ranged from 27.4% to 71.7%. The use of a fall risk assessment tool by nurses was recorded in 77% of all the nursing records.

Conclusion This study has laid the foundation for further research for fall prevention in Singapore by describing current fall rates, fall-associated injury rates and the status of fall prevention practices in acute care settings. The results will be used to inform the development of a tailored multifaceted strategy to facilitate the implementation of Fall Prevention Clinical Practice Guidelines to reduce the burden of falls and fall injuries in hospitals in Singapore.


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Theories of behavior change indicate that an analysis of barriers to change is helpful when trying to influence professional practice. The aim of this study was to assess the perceived barriers to practice change by eliciting nurses' opinions with regard to barriers to, and facilitators of, implementation of a Fall Prevention clinical practice guideline in five acute care hospitals in Singapore.

Nurses were surveyed to identify their perceptions regarding barriers to implementation of clinical practice guidelines in their practice setting. The validated questionnaire, 'Barriers and facilitators assessment instrument', was administered to nurses (n = 1830) working in the medical, surgical, geriatric units, at five acute care hospitals in Singapore.

An 80.2% response rate was achieved. The greatest barriers to implementation of clinical practice guidelines reported included: knowledge and motivation, availability of support staff, access to facilities, health status of patients, and, education of staff and patients.

Numerous barriers to the use of the Fall Prevention Clinical Practice Guideline have been identified. This study has laid the foundation for further research into implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Singapore by identifying barriers to change in acute care settings.


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While collaborative, multidisciplinary teamwork is widely espoused as the goal of contemporary hospitals, it is hard to achieve. In maternity care especially, professional rivalries and deep-seated philosophical differences over childbirth generate significant tensions. This article draws on qualitative research in several Victorian public maternity units to consider the challenges to inter-professional collaboration. It reports what doctors and midwives looked for in colleagues they liked to work with — the attributes of a “good doctor” or a “good midwife”. Although their ideals did not entirely match, both groups respected skill and hard work and sought mutual trust, respect and accountability. Yet effective working together is limited both by tensions over role boundaries and power and by incivility that is intensified by increasing workloads and a fragmented labour force. The skills and qualities that form the basis of “professional courtesy” need to be recognised as Aust Health Rev 2009: 33(2): 315–324 essential to good collaborative practice.


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The records of 392 men hospitalized in a maximum security forensic psychiatric hospital were reviewed. Demographic information was collected as well as data from the men's performance on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Prevalence rates for malingering were low across the sample. However, results of chi-square analysis revealed that those who scored high on the PCL-R received a diagnosis of malingering significantly more frequently than those who scored low on the PCL-R. Clinical applications and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.


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This project for the Doctor of Technology provides a significant contribution to the understanding of healthcare waste management in Victoria and worldwide. The thesis describes approaches to enable healthcare facilities to identify factors that contribute to waste generation and resulting impacts on the environment in order to reduce them.