924 resultados para História da Educação


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho visa explorar o ensino da matemtica por meio da anlise de livros didticos do aluno e do professor entre as dcadas de 1960 e 1980, focando o 1 ano do ensino primrio, atual fundamental I. Iniciamos por uma reviso bibliogrfica sobre o contexto histrico, desde a introduo do livro na sociedade at a utilizao do mesmo para o ensino na rea da matemtica. A pesquisa tentar retratar brevemente, a história da educação e da educação matemtica no Brasil, as diferentes concepes de ensino da poca em questo, ou seja, entre as dcadas de 1960 e 1980, onde houve o pice e o declnio do Movimento da Matemtica Moderna. Por fim, este trabalho buscar explorar de maneira panormica, se ocorreram mudanas nos contedos no ensino da matemtica por meio da anlise de livros didticos do aluno e do professor no 1 ano das sries iniciais e relatar quais foram essas mudanas. Utilizar-se- como metodologia a anlise de livros didticos como um objeto pertencente história cultural, com um enfoque na anlise scio-histrica, na anlise formal ou discursiva e, finalmente, interpretao/ reinterpretao.


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Pela Lei Federal n 11.274/2006, promulgada em seis de fevereiro de 2006, o ensino fundamental no Brasil passa a ter a durao de nove anos, com a incluso de crianas de seis anos de idade. O objetivo desta Lei assegurar um tempo maior de convvio escolar e maiores oportunidades de aprendizagem, principalmente s crianas pertencentes aos setores populares. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a lei que estende a obrigatoriedade, do ensino fundamental e traar um panorama deste processo de ampliao no municpio de Pirassununga, buscando conhecer sua trajetria, bem como os aspectos positivos e negativos oriundos da nova legislao. Para alcanar os objetivos propostos a pesquisa se desenvolveu a partir de levantamento bibliogrfico, bem como no levantamento de dados e informaes acerca do municpio de Pirassununga e tambm atravs de documentos oficiais, entrevista do tipo semi-estruturada, e pesquisa em sites governamentais, relacionados com o tema. A ampliao do ensino fundamental para nove anos culmina numa ampliao de direitos, ainda que tmida, que vem sendo perseguida ao longo da história da educação brasileira. Entretanto, esta ampliao tem suscitado inmeros questionamentos e criticas ao que refere a qualidade do ensino e a preocupao com os aportes financeiros


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Taking as base the Brazilian Physical Education History, its possible to observe how much the recognizable corporal activity as smooth and alternative, giving origin to non traditional ways to move the body that receives the name of alternative corporal practices has increased lately. Therefore this research was done with objective to raise interest and stimulate physical educational professional and general interested people knowledge to the work of a corporal approach called Pilates Method. Based on a bibliographic research in sites, articles, and books about Pilates method, alternative corporal practices and physical education history, we tried to gather, in one material, important information about Pilates method. To organize the material here shown, we guided ourselves on the collection of UNESPs library and on Pilates methods training courses about which were made references in the body text and were mentioned the bibliographic reference for further profound study of interested people. We hope that Physical Educational professionals and further interested people find in this conclusion course work that intends to contribute to the method divulgation assistance for higher and deeper knowledge concerning to the origin, principles and possibilities of practical appliance pedagogy of Pilates Methods.


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Nowadays the accelerated development arising from globalization and the interrelation of the nations, the great increase in communication between different countries and the necessity for knowledge in different linguistic structures, the interest in learning a foreign language is crescent, and thinking about it, this work has the scope to verify how young and adult learners of a foreign language, in this case English, behave, that is, how best to develop the four language skills of the language: listening, writing, speaking, and reading and how the use of recreational and educational games can help this dichotomy between teaching-learning. The present research, theoretical and analytical basis, aims to make a study on how fun games can influence the teaching and learning of English in an audience of young and adult people and that includes a study of how human history has evolved, more precisely, as history of education was influenced by the playful and how the human mind also becomes over time. Nowadays, the playful is a tool that has been widely used pedagogically in teaching foreign languages and every day opens new manners and ways of teaching languages, always with its array of spaced more possibilities. Under this assumption, the focus of this research is discover how the use of recreational and educational games may influence grammar greater understanding and language development of young and adults students in learning English, and also what better way to introduce these games, that is, a contextualized content being discussed each time during the school way, so that the games may be, of course, used for relaxation of the students, but also (and especially) for their intellectual growth and language development


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In present article, we present reflections on the process of closing public schools in the countryside in Brazil. Through bibliographical survey, as well as documental research, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the historical moment in which the implementation of policies of mass education directed to people living in rural areas occurs. We have also sought to raise socio-political-economic aspects of the moment in which the process of closing these schools is intensified. The results obtained suggest possible implications of this closure policy, in addition to indicating some of the challenges posed to the public policy of education in the country; for example, the Brazilian federal context and the budget limitations imposed to subnational governments with regard to the funding of school education, particularly in relation to small municipalities and/or municipalities with low tax revenues. This situation quite often occurs because these municipalities present reduced budgets, depending largely on transfers of financial resources from other spheres of the Government, either federal or state, the so-called intergovernmental budgetary transfers; namely, the Municipalities Participation Fund. Such issues demand the resumption of debates about the federative pact, in particular with regard to fiscal federalism, given that the financial capacity of each subnational government is crucial to the implementation of educational policies.


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O artigo analisa aspectos das relaes entre a escolarizaoe os processos culturais mais amplos, tomando como fontedocumental manuais didticos produzidos para uso em cursos deformao de professores, que circularam no Brasil e em Portugalno perodo final do sculo XIX e no incio do sculo XX. Foramfocalizados elementos passveis de generalizao, entre eles aunidade da forma escolar e as diferentes prticas prescritas aosprofessores, destinadas a enraizar valores e ideais no processoformativo. Foram analisados os seguintes manuais: CursoPractico de Pedagogia, de autoria de Mr. Daligault (1874);Elementos de Pedagogia, de autoria de Jose Maria da GraaAffreixo e Henrique Freire (1870); e Lies de pedagogia gerale de história da educação, de Alberto Pimentel Filho (1932).


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This article, about reflections on the condition of Brazilian women from the Colony to the first decades of the twentieth century, reveals the historical position of them and the attitudes and behaviors related to gender and sexuality. Subdued, it was treated as a sexual object, arousing all sorts of misogyny by men. Rebel, veiled or ostensibly, could serve their own desires. Throughout history, the Church and medical institutions which jointly accounted for, significantly, established the meaning and place of women. In Colony period, the woman is a ward from the Catholic ideology, but from the nineteenth century, after Independence, this power control arises to Medicine. The physician submits the religious discourse, naturalizing the status of women as one that breeds, namely the insertion of the medical issues of family scientifically legitimate colonial patriarchy. This is accentuated in the early twentieth century, when medicine consolidated setting standards and rules for marriage, to motherhood and family life. We note how the feminine universe was (and it is nowadays) ambivalent, with "one foot" in virtue and another in sin, with a tendency to contain and another to trespass. On the one hand we have the home and motherhood, validated in marriage, in which the woman is cared for and dependent on her husband. Reflecting on the motherhood of Virgin Mary, comes to the sacred dimension of the idealized woman saint by the Church. At the same time, however, feels the need for freedom, identity and independence, needing to give a voice to the desire to have their sexuality and all that it is due in full. The manifestation of the desire and the call for sexual satisfaction, and put in permanent conflict personal, psychological and social split between moral entrenched across generations and cultural transformations resulting from decades of the 20th Century.


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The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the conceptions of sexuality and female sexual behavior and conduct, formed from the merger of information and securities purchased under the eyes, rules and guidelines established relations with the Holy Office during his visit to Inquisitorial Brazil in the late sixteenth century. It is a survey of historical methodology in which we used as the exploratory research and literature. In the sixteenth century the Church increases the pressure to change the sexual mores that were free in the Middle Ages, a fact which influences the rules and regulations that are adopted by the Holy Office regarding the person's sex life. The first structure was based on Brazilian sexual alliance between Indians and settlers, which led to sugar, by the Portuguese, the customs of the land, which included sexual practices free since the Indians were out of Christian influence. Supported by the absence of white women, the settlers took them wives of the earth, usually more than one, creating conflict with the Jesuits who condemned Indian polygamy. In this context, in 1591, landed on Brazilian soil Heitor Furtado de Mendonca, and with it, the First Visitation of the Holy Office to investigate, arguing, exploring feelings and behaviors, to discover the true facts, finally, to demonstrate the errors Faith and punish them with the rigor of ecclesiastical law. His passing opens us to visualize traces of sexuality in the current "Tropic" a racist, misogynist world where black women and degraded land could be subject to the wishes of the white man, with whom he could mate at will. Alone and forgotten, women have not found the colony margin to denounce or to speak and were stigmatized by the look of travelers and writers have been through here.


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This article seeks to understand the production of the modern school in Brazil and Portugal at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis falls on the pedagogical knowledge constituted around school programs disseminated in pedagogical manuals at the Normal Schools in Brazil and Portugal. The study uses three teacher training manuals as source of information: Curso pratico de pedagogia destinado aos alunos-mestres das escholas normaes primarias e aos instituidores em exerccio (1874), by Mr. Daligault; Elementos de Pedagogia para servirem de guia aos candidatos ao magistrio primrio (1870), by Jos Maria da Graa Affreixo and Henrique Freire; and Lies de metodologia (1920), by Bernardino da Fonseca Lage.


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This article discusses the establishment of the school inspection service in the Province of Sao Paulo between the implementation of the Provincial Legislature in 1835 and the last years of the monarchy. In this work, were taken as sources - the Collection of Laws and Decrees of the Province of So Paulo (1835-1889); Speeches of the Presidents of the Province given annually at the opening of the Assembly of So Paulo (1835-1889), and the reports of the General Inspectors presented to the President of the Province (1851-1889). To give theoretical support to this analysis, we used the categories of Weberian bureaucratic organization.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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After two decades advertising and defending the synthetic method, Joo Kpke became active disseminator of analytical method for teaching reading. In five te xts published between 1896 and 1917, produced in different circumstance s for different publics readers, Kpke seeks the support of American and European authors, for their principles as well as for the education experience, to his analytical method. as by theirs principles as by theirs educational experiences. Among those authors: J. Jacotot, A. Bain, A. Meiklejohn, J. Froebel, C. Parker, G. Stanley Hall and J. Chubb. In this article, attention is given to repeated American references with special emphasis on the psychology of Stanley Hall and the method of teaching reading of Meiklejohn, highlighted and placed on convergence by Kpke in his final writings.


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Na presente publicao apresenta-se anlises de um conjunto de manuais escolares que circularam na Escola Normal brasileira e portuguesa entre meados do sculo XIX e meados do sculo XX a partir de diferentes olhares, reeditando em outra chave o processo original de circulao de ideias entre Brasil e Portugal no qual esses materiais se inserem. Orientados por outros estudos que tratam do mesmo tema, os autores realizaram recolha nos dois pases a fim de comprovar a circulao do corpus emprico que, ao final, foi definido como fonte. Assim, chegou-se ao seguinte conjunto de manuais didticos: Elementos de Pedagogia de Affreixo & Freire (1870); Curso Prtico de Pedagogia Destinado aos Alunos-Mestres das Escolas Normaes Primarias e aos Instituidores em Exerccio de Daligault (1874); Lies de Pedagogia Geral e de História da Educação de Pimentel Filho (1875); Lies de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental de Faria de Vasconcelos (1910); Lies de Metodologia, de Fonseca Lage (1920); A arte da leitura, de Mrio Gonalves Viana (1949) e Lies de Pedagogia, de Aquiles Archro Junior (1955). Os pesquisadores utilizam diferentes lentes para tecer suas anlises e, cada um segundo sua especialidade de pesquisa, aprofunda aspectos que, juntos, compem um painel interpretativo sobre o processo de escolarizao e seus espaos, a normatizao do trabalho docente, os princpios que nortearam a seleo cultural para a escola primria, a constituio de modos e mtodos de ensino para realizar os objetivos educacionais e a especificidade que assumem os materiais e o ensino da leitura e da escrita nessa instituio. Todas as anlises reiteram a importncia dos impressos na consolidao da escola primria portuguesa e brasileira, notadamente no que se refere s prescries feitas nos manuais escolares que, em trnsito, configuram-se como palavras viajeiras.