945 resultados para Hinsdale, W. B. (Wilbert B.), 1851-1944
It is well established that interleukin-6 (IL-6) is an essential growth factor for multiple myeloma (MM) and patients with increased IL-6 levels have a poor prognosis. In healthy subjects, the presence of the C allele at a polymorphic site (-174 G/C) of the IL-6 gene is related to low IL-6 levels. In view of the potential association of this particular polymorphism with IL-6 concentration, and the relevance of IL-6 in MM pathogenesis, the objective of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of IL-6 (-174 G/C) promoter polymorphism and its association with development of MM in Brazilian individuals. We investigated the prevalence of these alleles in 52 patients and 60 healthy subjects (matched by age, sex, and race) of a Brazilian population. Thirty patients were male (42.4%), 24 (46.2%) were white and the median age at diagnosis was 58.5 years (range: 28 to 84 years). To determine the IL-6 (-174 G/C) polymorphism, molecular analysis was performed by polymerase chain reaction followed by endonuclease restriction digestion. The genotype distributions observed in the group of patients were 4% CC, 42% GC and 54% GG. The C allele frequency was 0.25. These results were similar to the control group, suggesting no impact of this polymorphism on the susceptibility to MM.
Maintenance of cell homeostasis and regulation of cell proliferation depend importantly on regulating the process of protein synthesis. Many disease states arise when disregulation of protein synthesis occurs. This review focuses on mechanisms of translational control and how disregulation results in cell malignancy. Most translational controls occur during the initiation phase of protein synthesis, with the initiation factors being the major target of regulation through their phosphorylation. In particular, the recruitment of mRNAs through the m7G-cap structure and the binding of the initiator methionyl-tRNAi are frequent targets. However, translation, especially of specific mRNAs, may also be regulated by sequestration into processing bodies or stress granules, by trans-acting proteins or by microRNAs. When the process of protein synthesis is hyper-activated, weak mRNAs are translated relatively more efficiently, leading to an imbalance of cellular proteins that promotes cell proliferation and malignant transformation. This occurs, for example, when the cap-binding protein, eIF4E, is overexpressed, or when the methionyl-tRNAi-binding factor, eIF2, is too active. In addition, enhanced activity of eIF3 contributes to oncogenesis. The importance of the translation initiation factors as regulators of protein synthesis and cell proliferation makes them potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer.
The objective this study was to determine the effect of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) on survival, growth and gene expression in caprine secondary follicles culturedin vitro. Secondary follicles (∼0.2 mm) were isolated from the cortex of caprine ovaries and cultured individually for 6 days in α-MEM+ supplemented with PHA (0, 1, 10, 50, 100, or 200 µg/mL). After 6 days of culture, follicle diameter and survival, antrum formation, ultrastructure and expression of mRNA for FSH receptors (FSH-R), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and neuronal nitric oxide synthase were determined. All treatments maintained follicular survival [α-MEM+ (94.59%); 1 µg/mL PHA (96.43%); 10 µg/mL PHA (84.85%); 50 µg/mL PHA (85.29%); 100 µg/mL PHA (88.57%), and 200 µg/mL PHA (87.50)], but the presence of 10 µg/mL PHA in the culture medium increased the antrum formation rate (21.21%) when compared with control (5.41%, P < 0.05) and ensured the maintenance of oocyte and granulosa cell ultrastructures after 6 days of culture. The expression of mRNA for FSH-R (2.7 ± 0.1) and PCNA (4.4 ± 0.2) was also significantly increased in follicles cultured with 10 µg/mL PHA in relation to those cultured in α-MEM+ (1.0 ± 0.1). In conclusion, supplementation of culture medium with 10 µg/mL PHA maintains the follicular viability and ultrastructure, and promotes the formation of antral cavity after 6 days of culture in vitro.
O envelhecimento de bebidas em tonéis de madeira é responsável pela melhoria do sabor e do aroma do produto. Embora o carvalho seja a madeira tradicionalmente utilizada para envelhecimento de bebidas, no Brasil é comum o uso de outras madeiras, como o bálsamo, e madeiras regionais utilizadas por pequenos produtores, fazendo com que o tipo de tonel usado para o envelhecimento possa variar muito. Neste trabalho, é apresentado um estudo da concentração de furanos e fenólicos de baixo peso molecular (ácido gálico, 5-hidroximetilfurfural, furfural, ácido vanÃlico, ácido sirÃngico, vanilina, siringaldeÃdo, coniferaldeÃdo, sinapaldeÃdo e cumarina), considerados marcadores de envelhecimento, em cachaças oriundas de pequenos produtores das cinco regiões fabricantes de cachaça do Estado do Ceará. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com cachaças comerciais consideradas produtos de primeira linha, produzidas nos Estados de Pernambuco, Ceará e Minas Gerais, e apresentaram boa concordância.
The moisture content of peanut kernel (Arachis hypogaea L.) at digging ranges from 30 to 50% on a wet basis (w.b.). The seed moisture content must be reduced to 10.5% or below before seeds can be graded and marketed. After digging, peanuts are cured on a window sill for two to five days then mechanically separated from the vine. Heated air is used to further dry the peanuts from approximately 18 to 10% moisture content w.b. Drying is required to maintain peanut seed and grain quality. Traditional dryers pass a high temperature and high humidity air stream through the seed mass. The drying time is long because the system is inefficient and the high temperature increases the risk of thermal damage to the kernels. New technology identified as heat pipe technology (HPT) is available and has the unique feature of removing the moisture from the air stream before it is heated and passed through the seed. A study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the HPT system in drying peanut seed. The seeds inside the shells were dried from 17.4 to 7.3% in 14 hours and 11 minutes, with a rate of moisture removal of 0.71% mc per hour. This drying process caused no reduction in seed quality as measured by the standard germination, accelerated ageing and field emergence tests. It was concluded that the HPT system is a promising technology for drying peanut seed when efficiency and maintenance of physiological quality are desired.
The 1964-65 Board of Governors. Pictured here are those who attended the first meeting on December 8, 1964. From left to right - Front Row: E. E. Mitchelson, Niagara Falls. Mrs. J. J. Bench, St. Catharines. W. B. Gunning, Chippawa. Dr. J. A. Gibson, St. Catharines. D. G. Willmot, St. Catharines. J. M. Trott, Welland. C. B. Hill, St. Catharines. A. C. Rae, Fonthill. Back Row: E. S. Howard, Fort Erie. W. J. Freeman, Port Colborne. M. L. Swart, Thorold. C. F. Anderson, Port Colborne. W. S. Martin, Queenston. E. R. Davey, Niagara Falls. R. L. Hearn, Queenston. C. W. Morehead, Welland. S. J. Leishman, Thorold. F. H. Leslie, Chippawa. F. C. Cullimore, Chippawa. W. B. C. Burgoyne, St. Catharines. H. C. Blenkhorn, St. Catharines. M. A. Chown, St. Catharines. B. P. R. Newman, St. Catharines. R. S. Misener, St. Catharines. Missing: R. M. Schmon, Niagara on the Lake. E. J. Barbeau, St. Catharines. P. E. Roberts, Toronto. L. R. Williams, Welland.
Members of the Founders' Committee. Pictured here in a clockwise fashion from the left are: R. L. Hearn, W. J. Freeman, M. A. Chown, M. L. Swart, C. Bruce Hill, C. B. Slemon, Dr. James A. Gibson, D. G. Willmot, J .M. Trott, A. C. Rae, W. B. C. Burgoyne, E. S. Howard, L. R. Williams, S. J. Leishman, E. J. Barbeau, and E. R. Davey. Missing from the photo were: W. B. Gunning, W. S. Martin, C. W. Morehead, and B. P. R. Newman.
A special meeting of several Founders Committee members took place at Arthur A. Schmon's House in Niagara on the Lake immediately after the announcement in September of 1963 that Dr. James Alexander Gibson would be the first president of Brock University as of January 1964. Pictured here from left to right are: Mr. W. B. C. Burgoyne, Mr. D. G. Willmot, Dr. J. A. Gibson, Dr. A. A. Schmon, Mr. E. J. Barbeau, Dr. S. H. Deeks, and Mr. C. W. Morehead.
This may be the account book of someone in the wholesale dry goods or grocery business. The account book includes balance sheets for a Waterford store and a Dunnville store. The accounts include clients from several southwestern Ontario communities. Names include Leitch, Turner, Auger, McKim, Beatty, Hewetson, Murton, Bell, Greig, Duggan, Kirk, and Logie. Local Niagara names include: W.B. Chambers of Welland and B.F. Morely of Thorold. Also includes deposit accounts held with Traders Bank of Canada and investments in the Temperance Colonization Society.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Town of St. Catharines. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lock 3 and its Lock House, Lock 4 and its Lock House, Hydraulic Race, and a floating tow path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Geneva Street, Ontario Street, St. Paul Street, and Merritville Road), Lincoln Mills and its Store House, T. M. Merritt's Store House, Cooper Shop, L. Shickluna's Dry Dock, Peter McGill's Grist Mill, J. Flint's Saw Factory, T. Hosteter's Gristing Mill, J. Dougan Builder's shop or office, Norris and Nelson Mill, G. N. Oil Foundry and its Machine Shop and Boiler, a barrel shed, woolen factory, Estate of P. Nihen (or T. Nihan), Norris and Nelson's Wharf, the W. C. Office, and structures (possibly houses) or small properties belonging to T. Adams, and A. K. Boomer. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 6 Lots 16, 17, and 18, Concession 7 Lots 16, 17, and 18, Alva Dittrick, James R. Benson, W. B. Robinson, and C. Phelps.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing south Merritton along the boundary between the Grantham and Thorold Townships. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 19, 20, 21, and 22, Lock Tenders House, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Pine Street and Macadamized Road), J. Brown Cement Mill, W. B. Hendershot Saw Mill, W. Parnall Spoke and Sash Factory, W. Beatty Saw Mill, W. Beatty Tannery, a number of structures (possibly houses) belonging to: Mrs. Aikins, J. Battle, and E. Keefer, and a foundry, smithy, and machine shop (all of which possible belonged to J. Dobbie). Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 10 Lots 9 and 10, W. C. Loan Company, P.H. Ball, and J. Keefer. Two small properties belonging to W. B. Hendershot and W. Beatty exist and are outlined in red. A half acre property reserved for a lock lot exists and is outlined in blue. An additional property reserved for a quarry is also identified, but not outlined.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through the Village of Thorold. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 23, 24, and 25, a Guard Gate, Lock House Lot, the Little Deep Cut, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads(ex. Pine Street and Front Street), a basin, a mill race, McPherson and Wier's Grist Mill, Brown and Ross Flouring Mill, R. James Store, J. Brown Cement Mill, W. B. Hendershots Store, Keefers Mill, J. Woodward Grist Mill, Brierly McWhirter and Co. Cotton Mill, E. W. Stephenson Tavern, a factory and a saw mill on W. H. Ward's property, a flouring mill, engine house, a store house, several barns, J. Brown's Wharf, and a number of structures belonging to: Jenkinson, Mrs. McCarty, John Clay, M. McDonnah, Mrs. Donahoc, W. B. Hendershott, Mrs. Pawling, and Christy. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 8, 9, 16, and 17, W. H. Ward, J. Keefer, G. Keefer Jr., G. Keefer Sr., Dr. Rolls, W. Hendershott, Cleveland, Lucy, and R. Leeper.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through the Village of Allanburgh. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include Lock 26, a Guard Lock, Lock Tender's House, the New Cut, waste wear, and the towing path. Parts of the old canal are indentified and include Old Lock 36 and 37, and the Old Cut. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads (ex. Holland Road, Centre Street, Falls Street, Canal Street, and Clifton Street), Allanburgh Hotel, Rannies Store, Wright and Duncan Grist Mill, A. Vanderburgh Saw Mill, W. Pennock Shingle Factory, John Harper Tavern, a very delapitated Grist and Saw Mill, store house, a shanty, and a number of other structures - some of which are identified by their owners: A. Vanderburgh, W. Wright, C. Brent, and H. Mussen. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 118 and 119, Captain Creighton, and William H. Merritt Jr. A number of small properties labeled 1 through 39 are present and of these 6 - 15 are reserved for a Mill Site and are outlined in red. Several other pieces of land are outlined in blue and belong to: W. B. Hendershot, P. Finlay, W. Wright, and L. Leslie. There is also a piece of land reserved for hydraulic purposes.