955 resultados para Hierarchical model


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Hybrid surface micro-patterns composed of topographic structures of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-hydrogels and hierarchical lines of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were fabricated on silicon wafers. Micro-sized lines of Au NPs were first obtained on the surface of a silicon wafer via “micro-contact deprinting”, a method recently developed by our group. Topographic micro-patterns of PEG, of both low and high aspect ratio (AR up to 6), were then aligned on the pre-patterned surface via a procedure adapted from the soft lithographic method MIMIC (Micro-Molding in Capillaries), which is denoted as “adhesive embossing”. The result is a complex surface pattern consisting of alternating flat Au NP lines and thick PEG bars. Such patterns provide novel model surfaces for elucidating the interplay between (bio)chemical and physical cues on cell behavior.


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This paper applies the generalised linear model for modelling geographical variation to esophageal cancer incidence data in the Caspian region of Iran. The data have a complex and hierarchical structure that makes them suitable for hierarchical analysis using Bayesian techniques, but with care required to deal with problems arising from counts of events observed in small geographical areas when overdispersion and residual spatial autocorrelation are present. These considerations lead to nine regression models derived from using three probability distributions for count data: Poisson, generalised Poisson and negative binomial, and three different autocorrelation structures. We employ the framework of Bayesian variable selection and a Gibbs sampling based technique to identify significant cancer risk factors. The framework deals with situations where the number of possible models based on different combinations of candidate explanatory variables is large enough such that calculation of posterior probabilities for all models is difficult or infeasible. The evidence from applying the modelling methodology suggests that modelling strategies based on the use of generalised Poisson and negative binomial with spatial autocorrelation work well and provide a robust basis for inference.


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Biomedical time series clustering that automatically groups a collection of time series according to their internal similarity is of importance for medical record management and inspection such as bio-signals archiving and retrieval. In this paper, a novel framework that automatically groups a set of unlabelled multichannel biomedical time series according to their internal structural similarity is proposed. Specifically, we treat a multichannel biomedical time series as a document and extract local segments from the time series as words. We extend a topic model, i.e., the Hierarchical probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (H-pLSA), which was originally developed for visual motion analysis to cluster a set of unlabelled multichannel time series. The H-pLSA models each channel of the multichannel time series using a local pLSA in the first layer. The topics learned in the local pLSA are then fed to a global pLSA in the second layer to discover the categories of multichannel time series. Experiments on a dataset extracted from multichannel Electrocardiography (ECG) signals demonstrate that the proposed method performs better than previous state-of-the-art approaches and is relatively robust to the variations of parameters including length of local segments and dictionary size. Although the experimental evaluation used the multichannel ECG signals in a biometric scenario, the proposed algorithm is a universal framework for multichannel biomedical time series clustering according to their structural similarity, which has many applications in biomedical time series management.


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 The current study used Bayesian hierarchical methods to challenge and extend previous work on subtask learning consistency. A general model of individual-level subtask learning was proposed focusing on power and exponential functions with constraints to test for inconsistency. To study subtask learning, we developed a novel computer-based booking task, which logged participant actions, enabling measurement of strategy use and subtask performance. Model comparison was performed using deviance information criterion (DIC), posterior predictive checks, plots of model fits, and model recovery simulations. Results showed that although learning tended to be monotonically decreasing and decelerating, and approaching an asymptote for all subtasks, there was substantial inconsistency in learning curves both at the group- and individual-levels. This inconsistency was most apparent when constraining both the rate and the ratio of learning to asymptote to be equal across subtasks, thereby giving learning curves only 1 parameter for scaling. The inclusion of 6 strategy covariates provided improved prediction of subtask performance capturing different subtask learning processes and subtask trade-offs. In addition, strategy use partially explained the inconsistency in subtask learning. Overall, the model provided a more nuanced representation of how complex tasks can be decomposed in terms of simpler learning mechanisms.


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Multimedia content understanding research requires rigorous approach to deal with the complexity of the data. At the crux of this problem is the method to deal with multilevel data whose structure exists at multiple scales and across data sources. A common example is modeling tags jointly with images to improve retrieval, classification and tag recommendation. Associated contextual observation, such as metadata, is rich that can be exploited for content analysis. A major challenge is the need for a principal approach to systematically incorporate associated media with the primary data source of interest. Taking a factor modeling approach, we propose a framework that can discover low-dimensional structures for a primary data source together with other associated information. We cast this task as a subspace learning problem under the framework of Bayesian nonparametrics and thus the subspace dimensionality and the number of clusters are automatically learnt from data instead of setting these parameters a priori. Using Beta processes as the building block, we construct random measures in a hierarchical structure to generate multiple data sources and capture their shared statistical at the same time. The model parameters are inferred efficiently using a novel combination of Gibbs and slice sampling. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model in three applications: image retrieval, automatic tag recommendation and image classification. Experiments using two real-world datasets show that our approach outperforms various state-of-the-art related methods.


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We propose a novel hierarchical Bayesian framework, word-distance-dependent Chinese restaurant franchise (wd-dCRF) for topic discovery from a document corpus regularized by side information in the form of word-to-word relations, with an application on Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). Typically, a EMRs dataset consists of several patients (documents) and each patient contains many diagnosis codes (words). We exploit the side information available in the form of a semantic tree structure among the diagnosis codes for semantically-coherent disease topic discovery. We introduce novel functions to compute word-to-word distances when side information is available in the form of tree structures. We derive an efficient inference method for the wddCRF using MCMC technique. We evaluate on a real world medical dataset consisting of about 1000 patients with PolyVascular disease. Compared with the popular topic analysis tool, hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), our model discovers topics which are superior in terms of both qualitative and quantitative measures.


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This paper introduces a novel approach to gene selection based on a substantial modification of analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The modified AHP systematically integrates outcomes of individual filter methods to select the most informative genes for microarray classification. Five individual ranking methods including t-test, entropy, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, Wilcoxon and signal to noise ratio are employed to rank genes. These ranked genes are then considered as inputs for the modified AHP. Additionally, a method that uses fuzzy standard additive model (FSAM) for cancer classification based on genes selected by AHP is also proposed in this paper. Traditional FSAM learning is a hybrid process comprising unsupervised structure learning and supervised parameter tuning. Genetic algorithm (GA) is incorporated in-between unsupervised and supervised training to optimize the number of fuzzy rules. The integration of GA enables FSAM to deal with the high-dimensional-low-sample nature of microarray data and thus enhance the efficiency of the classification. Experiments are carried out on numerous microarray datasets. Results demonstrate the performance dominance of the AHP-based gene selection against the single ranking methods. Furthermore, the combination of AHP-FSAM shows a great accuracy in microarray data classification compared to various competing classifiers. The proposed approach therefore is useful for medical practitioners and clinicians as a decision support system that can be implemented in the real medical practice.


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This study demonstrates, for the first time, how Bayesian hierarchical modeling can be applied to yield novel insights into the long-term temporal dynamics of subjective well-being (SWB). Several models were proposed and examined using Bayesian methods. The models were assessed using a sample of Australian adults (. n=. 1081) who provided annual SWB scores on between 5 and 10 occasions. The best fitting models involved a probit transformation, allowed error variance to vary across participants, and did not include a lag parameter. Including a random linear and quadratic effect resulted in only a small improvement over the intercept only model. Examination of individual-level fits suggested that most participants were stable with a small subset exhibiting patterns of systematic change.


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Shannon entropy H and related measures are increasingly used in molecular ecology and population genetics because (1) unlike measures based on heterozygosity or allele number, these measures weigh alleles in proportion to their population fraction, thus capturing a previously-ignored aspect of allele frequency distributions that may be important in many applications; (2) these measures connect directly to the rich predictive mathematics of information theory; (3) Shannon entropy is completely additive and has an explicitly hierarchical nature; and (4) Shannon entropy-based differentiation measures obey strong monotonicity properties that heterozygosity-based measures lack. We derive simple new expressions for the expected values of the Shannon entropy of the equilibrium allele distribution at a neutral locus in a single isolated population under two models of mutation: the infinite allele model and the stepwise mutation model. Surprisingly, this complex stochastic system for each model has an entropy expressable as a simple combination of well-known mathematical functions. Moreover, entropy- and heterozygosity-based measures for each model are linked by simple relationships that are shown by simulations to be approximately valid even far from equilibrium. We also identify a bridge between the two models of mutation. We apply our approach to subdivided populations which follow the finite island model, obtaining the Shannon entropy of the equilibrium allele distributions of the subpopulations and of the total population. We also derive the expected mutual information and normalized mutual information ("Shannon differentiation") between subpopulations at equilibrium, and identify the model parameters that determine them. We apply our measures to data from the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) in Australia. Our measures provide a test for neutrality that is robust to violations of equilibrium assumptions, as verified on real world data from starlings.


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In this paper we describe a novel framework for the discovery of the topical content of a data corpus, and the tracking of its complex structural changes across the temporal dimension. In contrast to previous work our model does not impose a prior on the rate at which documents are added to the corpus nor does it adopt the Markovian assumption which overly restricts the type of changes that the model can capture. Our key technical contribution is a framework based on (i) discretization of time into epochs, (ii) epoch-wise topic discovery using a hierarchical Dirichlet process-based model, and (iii) a temporal similarity graph which allows for the modelling of complex topic changes: emergence and disappearance, evolution, splitting and merging. The power of the proposed framework is demonstrated on the medical literature corpus concerned with the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - an increasingly important research subject of significant social and healthcare importance. In addition to the collected ASD literature corpus which we made freely available, our contributions also include two free online tools we built as aids to ASD researchers. These can be used for semantically meaningful navigation and searching, as well as knowledge discovery from this large and rapidly growing corpus of literature.


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Electronic Medical Record (EMR) has established itself as a valuable resource for large scale analysis of health data. A hospital EMR dataset typically consists of medical records of hospitalized patients. A medical record contains diagnostic information (diagnosis codes), procedures performed (procedure codes) and admission details. Traditional topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), can be employed to discover disease topics from EMR data by treating patients as documents and diagnosis codes as words. This topic modeling helps to understand the constitution of patient diseases and offers a tool for better planning of treatment. In this paper, we propose a novel and flexible hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric model, the word distance dependent Chinese restaurant franchise (wddCRF), which incorporates word-to-word distances to discover semantically-coherent disease topics. We are motivated by the fact that diagnosis codes are connected in the form of ICD-10 tree structure which presents semantic relationships between codes. We exploit a decay function to incorporate distances between words at the bottom level of wddCRF. Efficient inference is derived for the wddCRF by using MCMC technique. Furthermore, since procedure codes are often correlated with diagnosis codes, we develop the correspondence wddCRF (Corr-wddCRF) to explore conditional relationships of procedure codes for a given disease pattern. Efficient collapsed Gibbs sampling is derived for the Corr-wddCRF. We evaluate the proposed models on two real-world medical datasets - PolyVascular disease and Acute Myocardial Infarction disease. We demonstrate that the Corr-wddCRF model discovers more coherent topics than the Corr-HDP. We also use disease topic proportions as new features and show that using features from the Corr-wddCRF outperforms the baselines on 14-days readmission prediction. Beside these, the prediction for procedure codes based on the Corr-wddCRF also shows considerable accuracy.


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A method for optimal transmission network expansion planning is presented. The transmission network is modelled as a transportation network. The problem is solved using hierarchical Benders decomposition in which the problem is decomposed into master and slave subproblems. The master subproblem models the investment decisions and is solved using a branch-and-bound algorithm. The slave subproblem models the network operation and is solved using a specialised linear program. Several alternative implementations of the branch-and-bound algorithm have been rested. Special characteristics of the transmission expansion problem have been taken into consideration in these implementations. The methods have been tested on various test systems available in the literature.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents a proposal of a model to measure the efficiency of outsourced companies in the aeronautical industry applying the methods DEA and AHP. It also proposes an evaluation in the relation between the variables of the process and the value obtained for the effiiency. The criteria of Quality, Time and Cost were considered the outputs of the process, and those criteria were quantified by AHP for DEA matrix.The number of technical documents received by those outsorced companies were considered the input of the process. The other purpose is to separate the companies in groups considered able to receive an investment to improve their process. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.


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In this work we consider the propagation of two fermion fields interacting with each other by the exchange of intermediate scalar bosons in the light front. We obtain the corrections up to fourth order in the coupling constant using hierarchical equations in order to obtain the bound state equation (Bethe - Salpeter equation). © 2013 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd.