837 resultados para Hermite Polynomials


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Soil-based emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a well-known greenhouse gas, have been associated with changes in soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) and soil temperature in many previous studies. However, it is acknowledged that the environment-N2O relationship is complex and still relatively poorly unknown. In this article, we employed a Bayesian model selection approach (Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo) to develop a data-informed model of the relationship between daily N2O emissions and daily WFPS and soil temperature measurements between March 2007 and February 2009 from a soil under pasture in Queensland, Australia, taking seasonal factors and time-lagged effects into account. The model indicates a very strong relationship between a hybrid seasonal structure and daily N2O emission, with the latter substantially increased in summer. Given the other variables in the model, daily soil WFPS, lagged by a week, had a negative influence on daily N2O; there was evidence of a nonlinear positive relationship between daily soil WFPS and daily N2O emission; and daily soil temperature tended to have a linear positive relationship with daily N2O emission when daily soil temperature was above a threshold of approximately 19°C. We suggest that this flexible Bayesian modeling approach could facilitate greater understanding of the shape of the covariate-N2O flux relation and detection of effect thresholds in the natural temporal variation of environmental variables on N2O emission.


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Purpose: To examine between eye differences in corneal higher order aberrations and topographical characteristics in a range of refractive error groups. Methods: One hundred and seventy subjects were recruited including; 50 emmetropic isometropes, 48 myopic isometropes (spherical equivalent anisometropia ≤ 0.75 D), 50 myopic anisometropes (spherical equivalent anisometropia ≥ 1.00 D) and 22 keratoconics. The corneal topography of each eye was captured using the E300 videokeratoscope (Medmont, Victoria, Australia) and analyzed using custom written software. All left eye data were rotated about the vertical midline to account for enantiomorphism. Corneal height data were used to calculate the corneal wavefront error using a ray tracing procedure and fit with Zernike polynomials (up to and including the eighth radial order). The wavefront was centred on the line of sight by using the pupil offset value from the pupil detection function in the videokeratoscope. Refractive power maps were analysed to assess corneal sphero-cylindrical power vectors. Differences between the more myopic (or more advanced eye for keratoconics) and the less myopic (advanced) eye were examined. Results: Over a 6 mm diameter, the cornea of the more myopic eye was significantly steeper (refractive power vector M) compared to the fellow eye in both anisometropes (0.10 ± 0.27 D steeper, p = 0.01) and keratoconics (2.54 ± 2.32 D steeper, p < 0.001) while no significant interocular difference was observed for isometropic emmetropes (-0.03 ± 0.32 D) or isometropic myopes (0.02 ± 0.30 D) (both p > 0.05). In keratoconic eyes, the between eye difference in corneal refractive power was greatest inferiorly (associated with cone location). Similarly, in myopic anisometropes, the more myopic eye displayed a central region of significant inferior corneal steepening (0.15 ± 0.42 D steeper) relative to the fellow eye (p = 0.01). Significant interocular differences in higher order aberrations were only observed in the keratoconic group for; vertical trefoil C(3,-3), horizontal coma C(3,1) secondary astigmatism along 45 C(4, -2) (p < 0.05) and vertical coma C(3,-1) (p < 0.001). The interocular difference in vertical pupil decentration (relative to the corneal vertex normal) increased with between eye asymmetry in refraction (isometropia 0.00 ± 0.09, anisometropia 0.03 ± 0.15 and keratoconus 0.08 ± 0.16 mm) as did the interocular difference in corneal vertical coma C (3,-1) (isometropia -0.006 ± 0.142, anisometropia -0.037 ± 0.195 and keratoconus -1.243 ± 0.936 μm) but only reached statistical significance for pair-wise comparisons between the isometropic and keratoconic groups. Conclusions: There is a high degree of corneal symmetry between the fellow eyes of myopic and emmetropic isometropes. Interocular differences in corneal topography and higher order aberrations are more apparent in myopic anisometropes and keratoconics due to regional (primarily inferior) differences in topography and between eye differences in vertical pupil decentration relative to the corneal vertex normal. Interocular asymmetries in corneal optics appear to be associated with anisometropic refractive development.


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Detailed procedure for second-order analysis has been coded in the newest Eurocode 3 and the Hong Kong steel code (2005). The effective length method has been noted to be inapplicable to analysis of shallow domes of imperfect members exhibiting snap-through buckling, to portals with leaning columns and others. On the other hand, the advanced analysis is not limited to buckling design of these structures. This paper demonstrates its application to the design of a simple plane sway portal and a three diminsional non-sway steel building. The results by the advanced analysis and the first-order linear analysis are compared and the technique for practical second-order analysis steel structures is described. It is observed that the use of a straight element by itself cannot model the buckling resistance of columns governed by different buckling curves for hot-rolled and cold-formed sections of various shapes like I, H, hollow etc. Also the curvature of the conventional cubic Hermite element is not varied by the external axial force and thus it cannot simulate the response of a buckling column. Thus its use for second-order analysis is basically unacceptable. A technique for additional checking of beams undergoing lateral-torsional buckling is also suggested making the advanced analysis a complete design tool for conventional steel frames.


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At Crypto 2008, Shamir introduced a new algebraic attack called the cube attack, which allows us to solve black-box polynomials if we are able to tweak the inputs by varying an initialization vector. In a stream cipher setting where the filter function is known, we can extend it to the cube attack with annihilators: By applying the cube attack to Boolean functions for which we can find low-degree multiples (equivalently annihilators), the attack complexity can be improved. When the size of the filter function is smaller than the LFSR, we can improve the attack complexity further by considering a sliding window version of the cube attack with annihilators. Finally, we extend the cube attack to vectorial Boolean functions by finding implicit relations with low-degree polynomials.


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Many students of calculus are not aware that the calculus they have learned is a special case (integer order) of fractional calculus. Fractional calculus is the study of arbitrary order derivatives and integrals and their applications. The article begins by stating a naive question from a student in a paper by Larson (1974) and establishes, for polynomials and exponential functions, that they can be deformed into their derivative using the μ-th order fractional derivatives for 0<μ<1. Through the power of Excel we illustrate the continuous deformations dynamically through conditional formatting. Some applications are discussed and a connection made to mathematics education.


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The fractional Fokker-Planck equation is an important physical model for simulating anomalous diffusions with external forces. Because of the non-local property of the fractional derivative an interesting problem is to explore high accuracy numerical methods for fractional differential equations. In this paper, a space-time spectral method is presented for the numerical solution of the time fractional Fokker-Planck initial-boundary value problem. The proposed method employs the Jacobi polynomials for the temporal discretization and Fourier-like basis functions for the spatial discretization. Due to the diagonalizable trait of the Fourier-like basis functions, this leads to a reduced representation of the inner product in the Galerkin analysis. We prove that the time fractional Fokker-Planck equation attains the same approximation order as the time fractional diffusion equation developed in [23] by using the present method. That indicates an exponential decay may be achieved if the exact solution is sufficiently smooth. Finally, some numerical results are given to demonstrate the high order accuracy and efficiency of the new numerical scheme. The results show that the errors of the numerical solutions obtained by the space-time spectral method decay exponentially.


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Nth-Dimensional Truncated Polynomial Ring (NTRU) is a lattice-based public-key cryptosystem that offers encryption and digital signature solutions. It was designed by Silverman, Hoffstein and Pipher. The NTRU cryptosystem was patented by NTRU Cryptosystems Inc. (which was later acquired by Security Innovations) and available as IEEE 1363.1 and X9.98 standards. NTRU is resistant to attacks based on Quantum computing, to which the standard RSA and ECC public-key cryptosystems are vulnerable to. In addition, NTRU has higher performance advantages over these cryptosystems. Considering this importance of NTRU, it is highly recommended to adopt NTRU as part of a cipher suite along with widely used cryptosystems for internet security protocols and applications. In this paper, we present our analytical study on the implementation of NTRU encryption scheme which serves as a guideline for security practitioners who are novice to lattice-based cryptography or even cryptography. In particular, we show some non-trivial issues that should be considered towards a secure and efficient NTRU implementation.


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We investigate the terminating concept of BKZ reduction first introduced by Hanrot et al. [Crypto'11] and make extensive experiments to predict the number of tours necessary to obtain the best possible trade off between reduction time and quality. Then, we improve Buchmann and Lindner's result [Indocrypt'09] to find sub-lattice collision in SWIFFT. We illustrate that further improvement in time is possible through special setting of SWIFFT parameters and also through the combination of different reduction parameters adaptively. Our contribution also include a probabilistic simulation approach top-up deterministic simulation described by Chen and Nguyen [Asiacrypt'11] that can able to predict the Gram-Schmidt norms more accurately for large block sizes.


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The governing differential equation of linear, elastic, thin, circular plate of uniform thickness, subjected to uniformly distributed load and resting on Winkler-Pasternak type foundation is solved using ``Chebyshev Polynomials''. Analysis is carried out using Lenczos' technique, both for simply supported and clamped plates. Numerical results thus obtained by perturbing the differential equation for plates without foundation are compared and are found to be in good agreement with the available results. The effect of foundation on central deflection of the plate is shown in the form of graphs.


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Approximate closed-form solutions of the non-linear relative equations of motion of an interceptor pursuing a target under the realistic true proportional navigation (RTPN) guidance law are derived using the Adomian decomposition method in this article. In the literature, no study has been reported on derivation of explicit time-series solutions in closed form of the nonlinear dynamic engagement equations under the RTPN guidance. The Adomian method provides an analytical approximation, requiring no linearization or direct integration of the non-linear terms. The complete derivation of the Adomian polynomials for the analysis of the dynamics of engagement under RTPN guidance is presented for deterministic ideal case, and non-ideal dynamics in the loop that comprises autopilot and actuator dynamics and target manoeuvre, as well as, for a stochastic case. Numerical results illustrate the applicability of the method.


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This research is based on the problems in secondary school algebra I have noticed in my own work as a teacher of mathematics. Algebra does not touch the pupil, it remains knowledge that is not used or tested. Furthermore the performance level in algebra is quite low. This study presents a model for 7th grade algebra instruction in order to make algebra more natural and useful to students. I refer to the instruction model as the Idea-based Algebra (IDEAA). The basic ideas of this IDEAA model are 1) to combine children's own informal mathematics with scientific mathematics ("math math") and 2) to structure algebra content as a "map of big ideas", not as a traditional sequence of powers, polynomials, equations, and word problems. This research project is a kind of design process or design research. As such, this project has three, intertwined goals: research, design and pedagogical practice. I also assume three roles. As a researcher, I want to learn about learning and school algebra, its problems and possibilities. As a designer, I use research in the intervention to develop a shared artefact, the instruction model. In addition, I want to improve the practice through intervention and research. A design research like this is quite challenging. Its goals and means are intertwined and change in the research process. Theory emerges from the inquiry; it is not given a priori. The aim to improve instruction is normative, as one should take into account what "good" means in school algebra. An important part of my study is to work out these paradigmatic questions. The result of the study is threefold. The main result is the instruction model designed in the study. The second result is the theory that is developed of the teaching, learning and algebra. The third result is knowledge of the design process. The instruction model (IDEAA) is connected to four main features of good algebra education: 1) the situationality of learning, 2) learning as knowledge building, in which natural language and intuitive thinking work as "intermediaries", 3) the emergence and diversity of algebra, and 4) the development of high performance skills at any stage of instruction.


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A new method of generating polynomials using microprocessors is proposed. The polynomial is generated as a 16-bit digital word. The algorithm for generating a variety of basic 'building block' functions and its implementation is discussed. A technique for generating a generalized polynomial based on the proposed algorithm is indicated. The performance of the proposed generator is evaluated using a commercially available microprocessor kit.


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In this paper, we develop a cipher system based on finite field transforms. In this system, blocks of the input character-string are enciphered using congruence or modular transformations with respect to either primes or irreducible polynomials over a finite field. The polynomial system is shown to be clearly superior to the prime system for conventional cryptographic work.


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.


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In this paper a method of solving certain third-order non-linear systems by using themethod of ultraspherical polynomial approximation is proposed. By using the method of variation of parameters the third-order equation is reduced to three partial differential equations. Instead of being averaged over a cycle, the non-linear functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials and with only the constant term retained, the equations are solved. The results of the procedure are compared with the numerical solutions obtained on a digital computer. A degenerate third-order system is also considered and results obtained for the above system are compared with numerical results obtained on the digital computer. There is good agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and the numerical solution obtained on digital computer.