403 resultados para Hawksbill turtle


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Table of Contents: Encouraging Kids to Look Closely A falconer and a Friend connect young people with nature. Page 5 FOCUS: Citizen Science Citizens of all ages engage with refuges by collecting data about buds and birds or raising turtle hatchlings. Pages 8 to 13 Protected Stopovers Help Restore Shorebirds Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, MA, plays a key role in researching and restoring red knots. Page 16 Leaders on the Move Relocation. Incentives. Motivations. Page 18


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Table of Contents: Piroplasmosis in Florida Horses Bovine TB Update Newcastle Disease in Cormorants Frog Virus in a Box Turtle SCWDS Vesicular Stomatitis Research Update Faculty and Staff Changes at SCWDS Lead Study Results Reported Lead Ammo and Tackle Review Our Energizer Bunny


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Chelydra serpentine serpentine (Common Snapping Turtle). Nesting Behavior and Site Selection. On May 31, 2008, we observed a ca. 36 cm CL Chelydra serpentine serpentine in unexpected nesting circumstances. Observations were made from 0908 to 1027 h on clear day with ambient temp ca 24° C. The nest site near Longmont, Colorado, USA (40.1599528°N, 105.1259861°W; WGS84) was 4.3 m from a seasonal ditch running north-south to connect two lakes, one on either side of a busy road. The intriguing aspect of the nest location was that it was immediately adjacent to a heavily traveled concrete sidewalk that bordered a road with a high volume of traffic. The frequent foot traffic on the sidewalk and virtually constant vehicle traffic on the adjacent road did not deter the turtle from the particular nest location, even though virtually identical soils, gradients, and directional aspects were available equidistant from the ditch, but away from constant human activity.


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Why NADCA? One Region Director's Opinion Peter H. Butchko, NADCA Region 9 Director, The Turtle and the Hare (Wildlife Damage Version), by Robert H. Schmidt Point of View: Mad Cow Disease Dolomitic Hydrated Lime Feeding Deterrent to Birds Booklet Review: A Homeowners Guide to North Eastern Bats and Bat Problems. By Lisa M. Williams-Whitmer and Margaret C. Brittingham. August, 1995 Penn State University. Pp. 1-22.


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Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.


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Although Pleurodiran turtles represent an important component of extant turtle radiation, our knowledge of the development and homology of limb bones in turtles rests mostly upon observations made on derived members of the Cryptodiran clade. Herein, we describe limb development in three pleurodirans: Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848, Podocnemis sextuberculata Cornalia, 1849 and Phrynops hilarii (Dumeril and Bibron, 1835), in an effort to contribute to filling this anatomical gap. For earlier stages of limb development, we described the Y-shaped condensation that gave rise to the zeugopodial cartilages, and differentiation of the primary axis/digital arch that reveals the invariant pattern common to tetrapods. There are up to four central cartilaginous foci in the carpus, and the proximal tarsale is formed by the fusion of the fibulare, intermedium, and centrale 4. Digital development is similar for the five digits. Changes in toe V occur predominantly in the distal tarsale 5. Ontogenetic reduction of phalanges is observed in toe V of Podocnemis. Based on these results, we suggest that the hooked element present in the chelonian tarsus, and traditionally recognized as a modified fifth metatarsale, is actually the fifth distal tarsale. Additionally, our data on limb development of pleurodiran turtles supply more taxonomically comprehensive information to interpret limb configuration within the chelonian clade. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 845-866.


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Mesoclemmys heliostemma (Testudines: Chelidae) was described based on five vouchered specimens and nine live specimens from the western Amazon basin. Some authors questioned its status as a valid species, suggesting that it represents a junior synonym of M. raniceps. Here, we report on eight additional specimens from eastern Peru and northern Brazil, and provide descriptive statistics of morphological characters for hatchlings, juveniles, and adults of M. heliostemma, M. raniceps, and M. gibba. We also test for group differences through univariate and multivariate statistical analyses, and discuss some advantages of this methodology. Our data suggest that all three taxa are morphologically divergent, and that M. heliostemma is a valid species.


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The Yellow-spotted River Turtle (Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, 1848) and the South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger, 1812)) are two turtles species that are widely distributed and have ecological, economic, and cultural importance in the Amazon basin. Although sympatric regarding most of their distribution, few studies have addressed the coexistence of these two species. To examine this, we analyzed the trophic level and the primary carbon source from the diets of both species in Baixo Araguaia, Tocantins, Brazil, using stable isotope analyses of carbon (delta C-13) and nitrogen (delta N-15). We also verified possible intraspecific variations (related to sex and body mass) in the trophic levels and primary carbon sources of their diets. Podocnemis unifilis had higher values of delta N-15 than P. expansa, averaging 7.59 parts per thousand and 5.06 parts per thousand, respectively, a difference which may indicate a possible trophic change owing to exploiting different food resources. No differences were found between the two species in relation to delta C-13 (mean values of -26.2 parts per thousand and -26.1 parts per thousand, respectively). The similarity between delta C-13 values suggests that the sources of their basal feeding are the same, consisting mainly of C-3 plants. There was no intraspecific variation in the values of delta C-13 and delta N-15.


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Four Amblyomma sabanerae ticks collected from a turtle (Kinosternon sp.) in San Miguel, El Salvador, were found by molecular analysis to be infected by Rickettsia bellii. We provide the first report of Rickettsia bellii in Central America, and the first report of a Rickettsia species in El Salvador.