904 resultados para Hand preference


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de les diferents tècniques per alinear vistes tridimensionals. Aquest estudi ens ha permès detectar els principals problemes de les tècniques existents, aprotant una solució novedosa i contribuint resolent algunes de les mancances detectades especialment en l'alineament de vistes a temps real. Per tal d'adquirir les esmentades vistes, s'ha dissenyat un sensor 3D manual que ens permet fer adquisicions tridimensionals amb total llibertat de moviments. Així mateix, s'han estudiat les tècniques de minimització global per tal de reduir els efectes de la propagació de l'error.


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The purpose of this project was to determine if subjects with symmetrical hearing loss who prefer a monaural hearing aid fit to a binaural hearing aid fit may demonstrate an auditory processing disorder causing them to experience binaural interference when fit binaurally.


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This paper discusses the use of a directional microphone by hearing aid users.


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In this research, a cross-model paradigm was chosen to test the hypothesis that affective olfactory and auditory cues paired with neutral visual stimuli bearing no resemblance or logical connection to the affective cues can evoke preference shifts in those stimuli. Neutral visual stimuli of abstract paintings were presented simultaneously with liked and disliked odours and sounds, with neutral-neutral pairings serving as controls. The results confirm previous findings that the affective evaluation of previously neutral visual stimuli shifts in the direction of contingently presented affective auditory stimuli. In addition, this research shows the presence of conditioning with affective odours having no logical connection with the pictures.


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In this paper we present results from two choice experiments (CE), designed to take account of the different negative externalities associated with pesticide use in agricultural production. For cereal production, the most probable impact of pesticide use is a reduction in environmental quality. For fruit and vegetable production, the negative externality is on consumer health. Using latent class models we find evidence of the presence of preference heterogeneity in addition to reasonably high willingness to pay (WTP) estimates for a reduction in the use of pesticides for both environmental quality and consumer health. To place our WTP estimates in a policy context we convert them into an equivalent pesticide tax by type of externality. Our tax estimates suggest that pesticide taxes based on the primary externality resulting from a particular mode of agricultural production are a credible policy option that warrants further consideration.


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A RAPD-PCR assay was developed and used to test For competitive variability in growth of the nematode biological control fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Saprophytic competence in soil with or without tomato plants was examined in three isolates of the fungus: RES 280 (J), originally isolated from potato cyst nematode (PCN) cysts; RES 200 (1) and RES 279 (S), both originally isolated from root knot nematode (RKN) eggs. Viable counts taken at 70 d indicated that I was the best saprophyte followed by S, with J the poorest. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments revealed that there was a cumulative effect of adding isolates to the system. This Suggested that the isolates did not interact and that they may occupy separate niches in soil and the rhizosphere. To investigate parasitic ability, soils were seeded with two isolates of the fungus: J and S, singly or in combination. Tomato or potato plants were grown in these soils; free of nematodes, or inoculated with PCN or RKN, and incubated for 77 d. The abundance of the PCN isolate J in PCN cysts was significantly greater than that of the RKN isolate S but in RKN egg masses, S was significantly more abundant than J. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments confirmed that J was more abundant than S ill PCN cysts whereas the converse was observed on RKN egg masses. This substantiates the phenomenon of nematode host preference at the infraspecific level of P. chlamydosporia and highlights its relevance for biological control of plant parasitic nematodes.


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A RAPD-PCR assay was developed and used to test For competitive variability in growth of the nematode biological control fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Saprophytic competence in soil with or without tomato plants was examined in three isolates of the fungus: RES 280 (J), originally isolated from potato cyst nematode (PCN) cysts; RES 200 (1) and RES 279 (S), both originally isolated from root knot nematode (RKN) eggs. Viable counts taken at 70 d indicated that I was the best saprophyte followed by S, with J the poorest. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments revealed that there was a cumulative effect of adding isolates to the system. This Suggested that the isolates did not interact and that they may occupy separate niches in soil and the rhizosphere. To investigate parasitic ability, soils were seeded with two isolates of the fungus: J and S, singly or in combination. Tomato or potato plants were grown in these soils; free of nematodes, or inoculated with PCN or RKN, and incubated for 77 d. The abundance of the PCN isolate J in PCN cysts was significantly greater than that of the RKN isolate S but in RKN egg masses, S was significantly more abundant than J. RAPD-PCR analysis of colonies from mixed treatments confirmed that J was more abundant than S ill PCN cysts whereas the converse was observed on RKN egg masses. This substantiates the phenomenon of nematode host preference at the infraspecific level of P. chlamydosporia and highlights its relevance for biological control of plant parasitic nematodes.


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We investigated previously observed but unexplained differences in incubation success between wild and hand-reared common pheasants Phasianus colchicus. Hand-reared birds are widely released in late summer in Britain and elsewhere to supplement wild stocks for shooting purposes. We radio-tracked 53 wild and 35 previously released reared female pheasants occupying simultaneously the same areas on a game-keepered estate in eastern England between February and mid July 1999 and 2000. Predation of adult birds was comparatively low for both wild and reared birds, and overall survival did not differ between years or between groups. However, of 52 nests incubated by wild females 49% hatched, whereas of 30 nests incubated by reared pheasants only 22% hatched. Mayfield estimates of daily nest survival probability thus differed significantly between groups. However, predation of eggs was similar for both wild and reared birds. Instead the observed difference in hatch rates was due to nest abandonment, with more reared females (41%) deserting apparently unmolested nest sites than wild females (6%).


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Aims: To assess the suitability of bifidobacteria for inclusion in synbiotic products on the basis of carbohydrate preference, acid and bile tolerance. Methods and Results: Five strains of Bifidobacterium were analysed for their carbohydrate preference from 12 substrates. Maximum growth rates were used to compare substrate preferences. Galacto-oligosaccharides and isomalto-oligosaccharides were well utilized by all the test species. Most bacteria tested could also utilize at least one type of fructan molecule. To determine transit tolerance of potentially probiotic bifidobacteria, acid and bile resistance was tested. A wide range acid resistance was found. Bile tolerance also varied. Conclusions: GOS and IMO were generally well utilized by the tested species. Other substrates were used to different degrees by the different species. Most bifidobacteria are poorly resistant to strongly acidic conditions with the exception of Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12. Bile tolerances were widely variable and it was shown that caution should be exercised when using colorimetric methods to assess bile tolerance. Significance and Impact of Study: The study allows the comparison of the properties of bifidobacteria, allowing a cost effective screen for the best species for use in synbiotic products to allow better survival and efficacy.