852 resultados para Graft Failure


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A non-randomized controlled clinical trial was carried outin order to evaluate both azithromycin and antimony efficacy in cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus, AM, Brazil. Forty nine patients from both genders, aged 14 to 70, with cutaneous ulcers for less than three months and a positive imprint for Leishmania spp. amastigotes were recruited into two groups. Group I (26 patients) received a daily-single oral dose of 500 mg of azithromycin for 20 days and Group II (23 patients) received a daily-single intramuscular dose of 20 mg/kg of meglumine antimony, also for 20 days. Azithromycin cured three of 24 (12.5%) patients on days 60, 90 and 120 respectively whereas therapeutic failure was considered in 21 of 24 (87.5%) cases. In group II, antimony cured eight of 19 (42.1%) cases as follows: three on day 30, one each on day 60 and day 90, and three on day 120. Therapeutic failure occurred in 11 of 19 (57.9%) individuals. The efficacy of antimony for leishmaniasis was better than azithromycin but analysis for the intention-to-treat response rate did not show statistical difference between them. Although azithromycin was better tolerated, it showed a very low efficacy to treat cutaneous leishmaniasis in Manaus.


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Our purposes are to determine the impact of histological factors observed in zero-time biopsies on early post transplant kidney allograft function. We specifically want to compare the semi-quantitative Banff Classification of zero time biopsies with quantification of % cortical area fibrosis. Sixty three zero-time deceased donor allograft biopsies were retrospectively semiquantitatively scored using Banff classification. By adding the individual chronic parameters a Banff Chronic Sum (BCS) Score was generated. Percentage of cortical area Picro Sirius Red (%PSR) staining was assessed and calculated with a computer program. A negative linear regression between %PSR/ GFR at 3 year post-transplantation was established (Y=62.08 +-4.6412X; p=0.022). A significant negative correlation between arteriolar hyalinosis (rho=-0.375; p=0.005), chronic interstitial (rho=0.296; p=0.02) , chronic tubular ( rho=0.276; p=0.04) , chronic vascular (rho= -0.360;P=0.007), BCS (rho=-0.413; p=0.002) and GFR at 3 years were found. However, no correlation was found between % PSR, Ci, Ct or BCS. In multivariate linear regression the negative predictive factors of 3 years GFR were: BCS in histological model; donor kidney age, recipient age and black race in clinical model. The BCS seems a good and easy to perform tool, available to every pathologist, with significant predictive short-term value. The %PSR predicts short term kidney function in univariate study and involves extra-routine and expensive-time work. We think that %PSR must be regarded as a research instrument.


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The seismic assessment of the local failure modes in existing masonry buildings is currently based on the identification of the so-called local mechanisms, often associated with the out-of-plane wall behavior, whose stability is evaluated by static force-based approaches and, more recently, by some displacement-based proposals. Local mechanisms consist of kinematic chains of masonry portions, often regarded as rigid bodies, with geometric nonlinearity and concentrated nonlinearity in predefined contact regions (unilateral no-tension behavior, possible sliding with friction). In this work, the dynamic behavior of local mechanisms is simulated through multi-body dynamics, to obtain the nonlinear response with efficient time history analyses that directly take into account the characteristics of the ground motion. The amplification/filtering effects of the structure are considered within the input motion. The proposed approach is validated with experimental results of two full-scale shaking-table tests on stone masonry buildings: a sacco-stone masonry façade tested at Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil and a two-storey double-leaf masonry building tested at European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE).


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OBJECTIVES: Mortality after ICU discharge accounts for approx. 20-30% of deaths. We examined whether post-ICU discharge mortality is associated with the presence and severity of organ dysfunction/failure just before ICU discharge. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study used the database of the EURICUS-II study, with a total of 4,621 patients, including 2,958 discharged alive to the general wards (post-ICU mortality 8.6%). Over a 4-month period we collected clinical and demographic characteristics, including the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II), Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score, and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. RESULTS: Those who died in the hospital after ICU discharge had a higher SAPS II score, were more frequently nonoperative, admitted from the ward, and had stayed longer in the ICU. Their degree of organ dysfunction/failure was higher (admission, maximum, and delta SOFA scores). They required more nursing workload resources while in the ICU. Both the amount of organ dysfunction/failure (especially cardiovascular, neurological, renal, and respiratory) and the amount of nursing workload that they required on the day before discharge were higher. The presence of residual CNS and renal dysfunction/failure were especially prognostic factors at ICU discharge. Multivariate analysis showed only predischarge organ dysfunction/failure to be important; thus the increased use of nursing workload resources before discharge probably reflects only the underlying organ dysfunction/failure. CONCLUSIONS: It is better to delay the discharge of a patient with organ dysfunction/failure from the ICU, unless adequate monitoring and therapeutic resources are available in the ward.


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INTRODUCTION: ABO-incompatible liver transplantation (ABOi LT) is considered to be a rescue option in emergency transplantation. Herein, we have reported our experience with ABOi LT including long-term survival and major complications in these situations. PATIENT AND METHODS: ABOi LT was performed in cases of severe hepatic failure with imminent death. The standard immunosuppression consisted of basiliximab, corticosteroids, tacrolimus, and mycophenolate mofetil. Pretransplantation patients with anti-ABO titers above 16 underwent plasmapheresis. If the titer was above 128, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was added at the end of plasmapheresis. The therapeutic approach was based on the clinical situation, hepatic function, and titer evolution. A rapid increase in titer required five consecutive plasmapheresis sessions followed by administration of IVIG, and at the end of the fifth session, rituximab. RESULTS: From January 2009 to July 2012, 10 patients, including 4 men and 6 women of mean age 47.8 years (range, 29 to 64 years), underwent ABOi LT. At a mean follow-up of 19.6 months (range, 2 days to 39 months), 5 patients are alive including 4 with their original grafts. One patient was retransplanted at 9 months. Major complications were infections, which were responsible for 3 deaths due to multiorgan septic failure (2 during the first month); rejection episodes (4 biopsy-proven of humoral rejections in 3 patients and 1 cellular rejection) and biliary. CONCLUSION: The use of ABOi LT as a life-saving procedure is justifiable in emergencies when no other donor is available. With careful recipient selection close monitoring of hemagglutinins and specific immunosuppression we have obtained acceptable outcomes.


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A case-control study was conducted to examine the association among the Montenegro skin test (MST), age of skin lesion and therapeutic response in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) treated at Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For each treatment failure (case), two controls showing skin lesion healing following treatment, paired by sex and age, were randomly selected. All patients were treated with 5 mg Sb5+/kg/day of intramuscular meglumine antimoniate (Sb5+) for 30 successive days. Patients with CL were approximately five times more likely to fail when lesions were less than two months old at the first appointment. Patients with treatment failure showed less intense MST reactions than patients progressing to clinical cure. For each 10 mm of increase in MST response, there was a 26% reduction in the chance of treatment failure. An early treatment - defined as a treatment applied for skin lesions, which starts when they are less than two months old at the first appointment -, as well as a poor cellular immune response, reflected by lower reactivity in MST, were associated with treatment failure in cutaneous leishmaniasis.


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Pheochromocytoma crisis typically presents as paroxysmal episodes of headache, tachycardia, diaphoresis or hypertension. We describe an uncommon case of recurrent non-hypertensive heart failure with systolic dysfunction in a young female due to pheochromocytoma compression. It presented as acute pulmonary oedema while straining during pregnancy and later on as cardiogenic shock after a recreational body massage. Such crisis occurring during pregnancy is rare. Moreover, of the few reported cases of pheochromocytoma-induced cardiogenic shock, recreational body massage has not yet been reported as a trigger for this condition.


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The decrease in the number of cadaveric donors has proved a limiting factor in the number of liver transplants, leading to the death of many patients on the waiting list. The living donor liver transplantation is an option that allows, in selected cases, increase the number of donors. One of the most serious complications in liver transplantation is hepatic artery thrombosis, in the past considered potentially fatal without urgent re-transplantation. A white male patient, 48 years old, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B virus, underwent living donor liver transplantation (right lobe). Doppler echocardiography performed in the immediate postoperative period did not identify arterial flow in the right branch, having been confirmed thrombosis of the right hepatic artery in CT angiography. Urgent re-laparotomy was performed, which consisted of thrombectomy and re-anastomosis of the hepatic artery with segmental splenic artery allograft interposition. The patient started anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. Serial evaluation with Doppler echocardiography showed hepatic artery patency. At present, the patient is asymptomatic. One of the most devastating complications in liver transplantation, and particularly in living liver donor, is thrombosis of the hepatic artery; thus, early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The rapid intervention for revascularization of the graft avoids irreversible ischemia of the bile ducts and hepatic parenchyma, thus avoiding the need for re-transplantation.


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Atheroembolic renal disease, also referred to as cholesterol crystal embolization, is a rare cause of renal failure, secondary to occlusion of renal arteries, renal arterioles and glomerular capillaries with cholesterol crystals, originating from atheromatous plaques of the aorta and other major arteries. This disease can occur very rarely in kidney allografts in an early or a late clinical form. Renal biopsy seems to be a reliable diagnostic test and cholesterol clefts are the pathognomonic finding. However, the renal biopsy has some limitations as the typical lesion is focal and can be easily missed in a biopsy fragment. The clinical course of these patients varies from complete recovery of the renal function to permanent graft loss. Statins, acetylsalicyclic acid, and corticosteroids have been used to improve the prognosis. We report a case of primary allograft dysfunction caused by an early and massive atheroembolic renal disease. Distinctive histology is presented in several consecutive biopsies. We evaluated all the cases of our Unit and briefly reviewed the literature. Atheroembolic renal disease is a rare cause of allograft primary non -function but may become more prevalent as acceptance of aged donors and recipients for transplantation has become more frequent.


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Introduction. This study aims to compare the molecular gene expression during ischemia reperfusion injury. Several surgical times were considered: in the beginning of the harvesting (T0), at the end of the cold ischemia period (T1), and after reperfusion (T2) and compared with graft dysfunction after liver transplant (OLT). Methods. We studied 54 patients undergoing OLT. Clinical, laboratory data, and histologic data (Suzuki classification) as well as the Survival Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation (SOFT) score were used and compared with the molecular gene expression of the following genes: Interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-a, perforin, E-selectin (SELE), Fas-ligand, granzyme B, heme oxygenase-1, and nitric oxide synthetase. Results. Fifteen patients presented with graft dysfunction according to SOFT criteria. No relevant data were obtained by comparing the variables graft dysfunction and histologic variables. We observed a statistically significant relation between SELE at T0 (P ¼ .013) and IL-1b at T0 (P ¼ .028) and early graft dysfunction. Conclusions. We conclude that several genetically determined proinflammatory expressions may play a critical role in the development of graft dysfunction after OLT.


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INTRODUCTION: With the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART), prognosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has been improved and kidney transplantation (KT) in HIV-positive patients became possible. METHODS: We reviewed the demographic, clinical, laboratory, and therapeutic data of all the HIV-infected patients who underwent KT between 2009 (first KT in Portugal in a HIV-infected patient) and May 2014. Case accrual was through all Portuguese KT centers where a KT in an HIV-infected patient was performed. Patients were transplanted following the American and Spanish guideline recommendations that included maintenance on cART, undetectable plasma HIV RNA copies, and absolute CD4 counts of ≥ 200 cells/μL in the last 6 months. RESULTS: Fourteen KT were performed on men and 3 on women. The mean age of patients at the time of transplantation was 49.9 ± 11.7 years. HIV status was known for 12 ± 5 years. Eight patients had AIDS in the past and all patients received grafts from deceased donors. Twelve patients (64.7%) underwent induction therapy with basiliximab and 2 patients experienced early graft loss. In 2 patients, humoral rejection was diagnosed and in 3 patients, cellular rejection. Two patients died and an additional patient had early graft loss. CONCLUSION: KT is a possible, but challenging, renal replacement therapy in selected HIV-positive patients. Even in those with AIDS criteria in the past, when the disease is controlled, and after the reconstitution of the immune system with cART, KT can be performed. Nevertheless, the risk-benefit ratio for each patient needs to be taken in consideration.


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To study the frequency and examine the role of rhabdomyolysis in the acute renalfailure in tetanus 18 patients with the diagnosis of generalized tetanus consecutively admitted to the infectious disease hospital were evaluated. Ofthese 14 were male and 4female with mean age of 31.8± 2.0 years. Except for mild proteinuria recorded in 9 patients, the urinalysis were unremarkable. Serum creatinine higher than 1.4mg/dl was recorded in 39% of the patients, abnormal levels of CPK in 87,5% and serum myoglobin greater than 120µg/l in 39% of the patients. Oliguria was documented in one patient and none required diafysis therapy. No correlation wasfound between renal failure and myoglobin and/or CPK serum levels. Acute renalfailure in tetanus was not infrequent; usualfy it was non-oliguric, mild and transient and not related to the severity of the disease or to serum levels of myoglobin and/or CPK.


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In this communication we report 46 cases of acute liver failure in children diagnosed at the Hospital Infantil Nossa Senhora da Glória in Vitória, E Santo. Serology for IgM anti-HAV, IgM anti-HBc, HbsAg, anti-HCV and biochemical tests were performed in all cases in a routine laboratory. The M/F ratio was 1.1:1 and the mean age was 4.7±3.2 years, without gender difference. Anti-HAV IgM+ in 38 (82.6%) cases, anti-HbcIgM+ in two (4.3 %) cases and 6 (13.1%) cases were negative for all viral markers investigated. Anti- HCV+ in one anti-HAV IgM+ case. HbsAg+ in two anti-HbcIgM+ and in two HAVIgM+ cases. Among the six A, B and C negative cases, four (8.6%) did not have the suspected exogenous intoxication. Mortality was 50%, without gender or age differences. These results demonstrate that HAV infection is the main etiology of acute liver failure in children in Brazil, confirming that, although it is a self limited, relatively mild illness, it can cause serious and even fatal disease. The observation of four cases without A, B and C viral markers and no history of exogenous intoxication, agree with the observation of non A-E acute sporadic hepatitis in Northeastern Brazil.


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The histological findings of fulminant hepatic failure were correlated to the demographic, clinical, biochemical and virological features in children and adolescents, native to the Amazonas State in Northern Brazil. 96.2% had evidence of infection by primary hepatotrophic viruses. Histological analysis revealed three distinct patterns of fulminant hepatic failure.