825 resultados para Good Agricultural Practices


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To enhance Chinese agricultural production, improve food quality, build consumer trust, and encourage the export of agricultural products, the Chinese government designed the Chinese version of Good Agricultural Practice (ChinaGAP) based on the main principles of the GlobalGAP combining the current Chinese agricultural production situation. This paper studies the characteristics of the ChinaGAP and focusing on the diffusion of the standard using qualitative analysis. Relevant policy recommendations are given based on the Chinese agricultural production status. Previous studies mainly focused on the role of the government. However this paper makes specific suggestions to particular stakeholders in the standard making and diffusion process.


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Proper management of the N applied to crops is necessary in order to increase yield, improve water use efficiency (WUE) and reduce the pollutions risks with the least economic, environmental and health costs. A field study with melon crops was conducted during 2005, 2006 and 2007 in central Spain, using 11 different amounts of N. Some environmental indexes have been proposed, to provide an essential tool for determining the groundwater pollution risks associated with common agricultural practices. These indexes are related to variation in the nitrate concentration of drinking water (Impact Index (II)) and groundwater (Environmental Impact Index (EII)). Also, the Management Efficiency (ME) was calculated, which is related to the amount of fruit produced per gram of N leached (Nl). To determine the optimum dose of N, it was also necessary to know the N mineralisation (NM). Our results show that 160 kg ha?1 of available N (Nav) produced the maximum fruit yield (FY), enhanced WUE and gave an NM of 85 kg ha?1, while the impact indexes did not exceed the fixed maximum allowable limits and ME was adequate. The proposed indexes proved to be an effective tool for determining the risk of nitrate contamination and confirmed that the optimum dose of N corresponded to the maximum FY with minimal loss of Nl.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of farm irrigation systems in the Cébalat district in northern Tunisia. It addressed the challenging topic of sustainable agriculture through a bio-economic approach linking a biophysical model to an economic optimisation model. A crop growth simulation model (CropSyst) was used to build a database to determine the relationships between agricultural practices, crop yields and environmental effects (salt accumulation in soil and leaching of nitrates) in a context of high climatic variability. The database was then fed into a recursive stochastic model set for a 10-year plan that allowed analysing the effects of cropping patterns on farm income, salt accumulation and nitrate leaching. We assumed that the long-term sustainability of soil productivity might be in conflict with farm profitability in the short-term. Assuming a discount rate of 10% (for the base scenario), the model closely reproduced the current system and allowed to predict the degradation of soil quality due to long-term salt accumulation. The results showed that there was more accumulation of salt in the soil for the base scenario than for the alternative scenario (discount rate of 0%). This result was induced by applying a higher quantity of water per hectare for the alternative as compared to a base scenario. The results also showed that nitrogen leaching is very low for the two discount rates and all climate scenarios. In conclusion, the results show that the difference in farm income between the alternative and base scenarios increases over time to attain 45% after 10 years.


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This paper focuses on identifying and analysing the elements of Strategic Management for infrastructure and engineering assets. These elements are contended to involve an understanding of governance, corporate policy, corporate objectives, corporate strategy and interagency collaboration and will in turn, allow the ability determine a broader and more comprehensive framework for engineering asset management, ie a ‘staged approach’ to understanding how assets are managed within organisations. While the assets themselves have often been the sole concern for good management practices, other social and contextual elements have come into the mix in order to promote strategic asset management. The development of an integrated approach to asset management is at the base of the research question. What are the considerations and implications for adopting and implementing an integrated strategic asset management (ISAM) framework? While operational matters have been given prominence, a subset of corporate governance, Asset Governance, details the policies and processes needed to acquire, utilise, maintain and account for an organisation’s assets. Asset governance stems from the organisation’s overarching corporate governance principles; as a result it defines the management context in which engineering asset management is implemented. This aspect will be examined to determine the appropriate relationship between organisational strategic management and strategic asset management to further the theoretical engagement with the maturity of strategy,policy and governance for infrastructure and engineered assets. Asset governance stems from the organisation’s overarching corporate governance principles; as a result it defines the management context in which engineering asset management is implemented. The research proceeds by a document analysis of corporate reports and policy recommendations in terms of infrastructure and engineered assets. The paper concludes that incorporating an integrated asset management framework can promote a more robust conceptualisation of public assets and how they combine to provide a comprehensive system of service outcomes.


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Proper management of the N applied to crops is necessary in order to increase yield, improve water use efficiency (WUE) and reduce the pollutions risks with the least economic, environmental and health costs. A field study with melon crops was conducted during 2005, 2006 and 2007 in central Spain, using 11 different amounts of N. Some environmental indexes have been proposed, to provide an essential tool for determining the groundwater pollution risks associated with common agricultural practices. These indexes are related to variation in the nitrate concentration of drinking water (Impact Index (II)) and groundwater (Environmental Impact Index (EII)). Also, the Management Efficiency (ME) was calculated, which is related to the amount of fruit produced per gram of N leached (Nl). To determine the optimum dose of N, it was also necessary to know the N mineralisation (NM). Our results show that 160 kg ha−1 of available N (Nav) produced the maximum fruit yield (FY), enhanced WUE and gave an NM of 85 kg ha−1, while the impact indexes did not exceed the fixed maximum allowable limits and ME was adequate. The proposed indexes proved to be an effective tool for determining the risk of nitrate contamination and confirmed that the optimum dose of N corresponded to the maximum FY with minimal loss of Nl.


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Urban Agriculture was a common practice in the old times. However after a period of low interest by urban population there is a movement of renaissance of urban agriculture especially in the new megalopolis. It is important to understand the role of UA in the new framework, and the interface of urban and rural agricultures, with their comparative advantages. Thus, we describe the impact of UA in several scenarios: political, socioeconomic and environmental. As a consequence several actions should be developed for improving the situation, with the stimulus to UA: urban planning, food value chain, appropriate technology, education and extension services, entertainment and leisure, selection of botanic varieties and agrochemical inputs, design and landscape and good farming practices. As a complement, there is an analysis of the Urban Greening Value Organization in our society. In the paper there is a description of the situation of urban agriculture in Spain (located mainly in roofs, walls, indoor and ground places) the existence of local regulations, barriers and opportunities in the new situation. Due to the social dimension of urban agriculture there are some comments about the role of the more significant stakeholders, and the goals and the structure of the neighbor communities.


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En el sector de la edificación, las grandes constructoras comienzan a considerar aspectos medioambientales, no limitándose a lo establecido por la legislación vigente, y buscando la implementación de buenas prácticas. Si bien este hecho es una realidad para las grandes empresas constructoras, todavía falta que la gran mayoría de las empresas del sector (pequeñas y medianas) adopten ésta tendencia. En este sentido, las publicaciones y estadísticas consultadas revelan que el sector de la construcción sigue siendo el sector con menor número de Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental (SGA) certificados en comparación con otros sectores industriales, debido principalmente a las peculiaridades de su actividad. Por otra parte, el sector de la construcción genera grandes cantidades de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD). Aunque, en los últimos años la actividad de la construcción ha disminuido, debido a la crisis económica del país, no hay que olvidar todos los problemas causados por este tipo de residuos, o mejor dicho, por su gestión. La gestión de los RCD actual está lejos de alcanzar la meta propuesta en la Directiva Marco de Residuos (DMR), la cual exige un objetivo global para el año 2020 en el que el 70% de todos los RCD generados deberán ser reciclados en los países de la UE. Pero, la realidad es que sólo el 50% de la RCD generados en la Unión Europea se recicla. Por este motivo, en los últimos años se ha producido una completa modificación del régimen jurídico aplicable a los RCD, incorporando importantes novedades a nuestro ordenamiento interno como son: la redacción de un Estudio de gestión de RCD (en fase de diseño) y un Plan de gestión de RCD (en fase de ejecución). Entre estas medidas destaca el poder conocer, con la antelación suficiente, la cantidad y el momento en que los RCD son generados, para así poder planificar la gestión más adecuada para cada categoría de RCD. Es por ello que el desarrollo de cualquier instrumento que determine la estimación de RCD así como iniciativas para su control debe ser considerado como una herramienta para dar respuestas reales en el campo de la sostenibilidad en la edificación. Por todo lo anterior, el principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral es mejorar la gestión actual de los RCD, a través de la elaboración e implementación en obra de un Sistema de gestión de RCD en fase de ejecución que podrá ser incluido en el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental de las empresas constructoras. Para ello, se ha identificado la actividad que más residuo genera, así como las diferentes categorías de RCD generadas durante su ejecución, a través del análisis de nueve obras de edificación de nueva planta. Posteriormente, se han determinado y evaluado, en función de su eficacia y viabilidad, veinte buenas prácticas encaminadas a reducir la generación de RCD. También, se han identificado y evaluado, en función de su coste económico, cinco alternativas de gestión para cada categoría de RCD generada. Por último, se ha desarrollado e implementado un Sistema de Gestión de RCD en una empresa de construcción real. En definitiva, el Sistema de Gestión de RCD propuesto contiene una herramienta de estimación de RCD y también proporciona una relación de buenas prácticas, según su viabilidad y eficacia, sobre los aspectos más significativos en cuanto a la gestión de RCD se refiere. El uso de este Sistema de gestión de RCD ayudará a los técnicos de la construcción en el desarrollo de los documentos "Estudio de gestión de RCD " y "Plan de gestión de RCD " - requeridos por ley -. Además, el Sistema promueve la gestión ambiental de la empresa, favoreciendo la cohesión del proceso constructivo, estableciendo responsabilidades en el ámbito de RCD y proporcionando un mayor control sobre el proceso. En conclusión, la implementación de un sistema de gestión de RCD en obra ayuda a conseguir una actividad de edificación, cuyo principal objetivo sea la generación de residuos cero. ABSTRACT Currently, in the building sector, the main construction companies are considering environmental issues, not being limited to the current legislation, and seeking the implementation of good practices. While this fact is a reality for large construction companies, still the vast majority of construction companies (small and medium enterprises) need to accept this trend. In this sense, official publications and statistics reveal that the construction sector remains with the lowest number of certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS) compared to other industrial sectors, mainly due to the peculiarities of its activity. Moreover, the construction industry in Spain generates large volumes of construction and demolition waste (CDW) achieving a low recycling rate compared to other European Union countries and to the target set for 2020. Despite the complete change in the legal regime for CDW in Spain, there are still several difficulties for their application at the construction works. Among these difficulties the following can be highlighted: onsite segregation, estimating CDW generation and managing different CDW categories. Despite these difficulties, the proper CDW management must be one of the main aspects considered by construction companies in the EMS. However, at present the EMS used in construction companies consider very superficially CDW management issues. Therefore, current EMS should go a step further and include not only procedures for managing CDW globally, but also specific procedures for each CDW category, taking into account best practices for prevention, minimization and proper CDW management in order to achieve building construction works with zero waste generation. The few scientific studies analysing EMS implementation in construction enterprises focus on studying the benefits and barriers of their implementation. Despite the drawbacks found, implementing an EMS would bring benefits such as improving the corporate image in relation to the environment, ensuring compliance with the law or reducing environmental risks. Also, the international scientific community has shown great interest in defining models to estimate in advance the CDW that will be generated during the building construction or rehabilitation works. These studies analyse the overall waste generation and its different CDW categories. However, despite the many studies found on CDW quantification, analysing its evolution throughout the construction activities is a factor that must be further studied and discussed in greater depth, as results would be of great significance when planning the CDW management. According to the scientific studies analysing the implementation of good environmental practices in construction sites, it seems that, in general, the CDW collection system is done in a decentralized manner by each subcontracted company. In addition, the corporate image generated when poor practices are done may adversely affect the company's reputation and can result in loss of contracts. Finally, although there are numerous guides and manuals of good practices for CDW management, no references have been found implementing these measures in the Environmental Management System of the construction companies. From all the above, this thesis aims to provide answers to reduce the environmental impact caused by CDW generation in building construction works, in order to get a building process with zero waste generation. In this sense, is essential to generate new knowledge in order to implement a system which can carry out comprehensive management of CDW generated onsite, at the design stage until the end of its life cycle, taking into account both technical and economic criteria. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to define and implement a CDW management system for residential building construction works, helping construction agents not only to manage the CDW in accordance with current legislation, but also minimizing their generation on site by applying best practices, resulting in achieving the goal of zero waste in building works.


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Debido al futuro incierto de la mayor parte de los fumigantes edáficos usados actualmente en la Unión Europea, que pueden implicar riesgos para la salud humana/animal y el medio ambiente, es necesario desarrollar programas de manejo integrado para el control de plagas de cultivos. Estos programas se incluyen como obligatorios en el Reglamento (EC) No. 1107/2009. De acuerdo con este Reglamento, es obligatoria la evaluación del riesgo asociado al uso de productos fitosanitarios sobre los organismos edáficos no diana y sus funciones, además de llevar a cabo ensayos con diferentes especies indicadoras para obtener datos de toxicidad que puedan ser usados posteriormente en la evaluación de riesgo. Sin embargo, la baja representatividad de algunas de estas especies indicadoras en el área Mediterránea supone una gran limitación. En esta situación, el Panel Científico de Productos Fitosanitarios y sus Residuos de la Autoridad Europea en Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA), ha señalado la necesidad de modificar los datos ecotoxicológicos requeridos para evaluar los efectos adversos de los productos fitosanitarios de una manera más integrada, incluyendo criterios funcionales y estructurales mediante organismos como bacterias, hongos, protozoos y nematodos. De este modo, la EFSA ha recomendado el uso de los nematodos en la evaluación de la funcionalidad y estructura del suelo. Los nematodos están globalmente distribuidos y son morfológicamente diversos; esto junto con su gran abundancia y diversidad de respuestas a las perturbaciones edáficas, los convierte en indicadores adecuados del estado del suelo. Puesto que los nematodos interaccionan con muchos otros organismos que participan en diferentes eslabones de la red trófica edáfica, jugando papeles importantes en procesos edáficos esenciales en los agroescosistemas, la diversidad de nematodos es, a menudo, usada como indicador biológico de los efectos de las prácticas agrícolas en el estado del suelo. En los últimos años, diferentes índices basados en la comunidad nematológica han facilitado la interpretación de datos complejos sobre la ecología del suelo. Los índices de la red trófica edáfica, basados en la abundancia de grupos funcionales definidos como grupos C-P y grupos tróficos, permiten la evaluación de la funcionalidad de la red trófica edáfica. Por otra parte, la dificultad en la identificación taxonómica de nematodos para explicar su uso limitado como indicadores ecológicos, es ampliamente discutida, y existe cierta controversia en cuanto a la eficacia de los diferentes métodos de identificación de nematodos. Se argumenta que la identificación morfológica es difícil y puede llevar mucho tiempo debido a la falta de expertos especializados, y se afirma que las técnicas moleculares pueden resolver algunas limitaciones de las técnicas morfológicas como la identificación de juveniles. Sin embargo, los métodos de identificación molecular tienen también limitaciones; la mayoría de las bases de datos de secuencias de ADN están fuertemente orientadas hacia los nematodos fitoparásitos, los cuales representan sólo una parte de la comunidad edáfica de nematodos, mientras que hay poca información disponible de nematodos de vida libre a pesar de representar la mayoría de los nematodos edáficos. Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de los efectos de fumigantes edáficos en la funcionalidad del suelo a través del uso de diferentes indicadores basados en la comunidad de nematodos, como los índices de la red trófica, índices de diversidad, abundancia de los taxones más relevantes etc. También se han analizado otros indicadores funcionales relacionados con la supresividad edáfica, el ciclo de nutrientes o la actividad de la microfauna del suelo. En el capítulo 1, la diversidad de nematodos estudiada en una explotación comercial de fresa y sus alrededores durante dos campañas consecutivas en el suroeste español, fue baja en los suelos fumigados con fumigantes químicos ambas campañas y, aunque se observó una recuperación a lo largo de la campaña en la zona tratada, los suelos fumigados mostraron una condición perturbada permanente. La comunidad de nematodos estuvo más asociada al ciclo de nutrientes en la zona sin cultivar que en los suelos cultivados, y se observó poca relación entre la biomasa de las plantas y la estructura de la comunidad de nematodos. Los surcos sin tratar dentro de la zona de cultivo funcionaron como reservorio tanto de nematodos fitoparásitos como beneficiosos; sin embargo estas diferencias entre los surcos y los lomos de cultivo no fueron suficientes para mantener la supresividad edáfica en los surcos. Los suelos tratados fueron menos supresivos que los suelos sin tratar, y se observaron correlaciones positivas entre la supresividad edáfica y la estructura de la red trófica edáfica y la diversidad de nematodos. En el capítulo 2, se evaluaron los efectos de dos pesticidas orgánicos con efecto nematicida y dos nematicidas convencionales sobre las propiedades físico químicas del suelo, la diversidad de nematodos y la biomasa de las plantas en condiciones experimentales en dos tipos de suelo: suelos agrícolas poco diversos y suelos provenientes de una zona de vegetación natural muy diversos. El mayor efecto se observó en el tratamiento con neem, el cual indujo un gran incremento en el número de dauerlarvas en los suelos pobres en nutrientes, mientras que el mismo tratamiento indujo un incremento de poblaciones de nematodos bacterívoros, más estables y menos oportunistas, en los suelos del pinar ricos en materia orgánica. En el capítulo 3, se comparó la eficacia de métodos moleculares (TRFLP, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) y morfológicos (microscopía de alta resolución) para la identificación de diferentes comunidades denematodos de España e Irlanda. Se compararon estadísticamente las diferencias y similitudes en la diversidad de nematodos, otros indicadores ecológicos y de la red trófica edáfica. Las identificaciones mediante el uso de TRFLP sólo detectó un porcentaje de los taxones presentes en las muestras de suelo identificadas morfológicamente, y los nematodos omnívoros y predadores no fueron detectados molecularmente en nuestro estudio. Los índices calculados en base a los nematodos micróboros mostraron más similitud cuando se identificaron morfológica y molecularmente que los índices basados en grupos tróficos más altos. Nuestros resultados muestran que, al menos con la técnica usada en este estudio, la identificación morfológica de nematodos es una herramienta fiable y más precisa que la identificación molecular, puesto que en general se obtiene una mayor resolución en la identificación de nematodos. En el capítulo 4, se estudiaron también los efectos de los nematicidas químicos sobre la comunidad de nematodos y la biomasa de las plantas en condiciones experimentales de campo, donde se aplicaron en una rotación de cultivo judía-col durante un ciclo de cultivo. Se aplicaron dos tipos de enmiendas orgánicas con el objetivo de mitigar el efecto negativo de los productos fitosanitarios sobre la diversidad edáfica. El efecto de los nematicidas sobre las propiedades del suelo y sobre la comunidad de nematodos fue más agudo que el efecto de las enmiendas. La incorporación de los restos de cosecha al final del ciclo de cultivo de la judía tuvo un gran efecto sobre la comunidad de nematodos, y aunque el número total de nematodos incrementó al final del experimento, se observó una condición perturbada permanente de la red trófica edáfica a lo largo del experimento. ABSTRACT Due to the uncertain future of the soil fumigants most commonly used in the EU, that might involve risks for human/animal health and the environment, there is a need to develop new integrated pest management programs, included as mandatory in the Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, to control crop diseases. According to this Regulation, evaluating the risk associated to the use of the plant production products (PPP) on non-target soil fauna and their function, and developing assays with different indicator species to obtain toxicity data to be used in the risk evaluation is mandatory. However, the low representativeness of some of these indicator species in the Mediterranean area is a relevant limitation. In this situation, the Scientific Panel of Plant Protection Products and their Residues of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has pointed out the necessity of modifying the ecotoxicological data set required to evaluate non-target effects of PPP in a more integrated way, including structural and functional endpoints with organism such as bacteria, fungi, protists and nematodes. Thus, EFSA has recommended the use of nematodes in the assessment of the functional and structural features of the soil. Nematodes are globally distributed and morphologically diverse, and due to their high abundance and diversity of responses to soil disturbance, they are suitable indicators of the soil condition. Since nematodes interact with many other organisms as participants in several links of the soil food web, playing important roles in essential soil processes in agroecosystems, nematode diversity is often used as a biological indicator of the effects of agricultural practices on soil condition. In the last years, various indices based on soil nematode assemblages, have facilitated the interpretation of complex soil ecological data. Soil food web indices based on the abundances of functional guilds defined by C-P groups and trophic groups, permit evaluating soil food web functioning. On the other hand, the difficulty of nematode taxonomical identification is commonly argued to explain their limited used as ecological indicators, and there is a certain controversy in terms of the efficacy of various nematode identification methods. It is argued that the morphological identification is difficult and time consuming due to the lack of specialist knowledge, and it is claimed that molecular techniques can solve some limitations of morphological techniques such as the identification of juveniles. Nevertheless, molecular identification methods are limited too, since most of the DNA-based databases are strongly oriented towards plant-parasitic nematodes that represent only a fraction of the soil nematode community, while there is little information available on free-living nematodes, which represent most soil nematodes. This work focuses on the study of the effects of soil fumigants on soil functioning through the use of different indicators based on soil nematode community as soil food web indices, diversity indices, the abundance of more relevant taxa etc. Other functional indicators related to soil suppressiveness, nutrient cycling, or the activity of soil microfauna have been also studied. In chapter 1, nematode diversity assessed in a commercial strawberry farm and its surroundings for two consecutive growing seasons in southern Spain, was low in fumigated soils with chemical pesticides throughout both seasons and, although yearly recovery occurred within the treated fields, fumigated soils showed a permanent perturbed condition. The nematode community was more closely associated to nutrient cycling in the non-cropped than in the cropped soils, and the link between plant biomass and nematode community structure was weak. Non-treated furrows within the treated fields were a reservoir of both beneficial and plant-parasitic nematodes, but such difference between furrows and beds was not enough to maintain more suppressive soil assemblages in the furrows. Treated soils were less suppressive than unmanaged soils, and there was a positive and significant correlation between soil suppressiveness and soil food web structure and diversity. In chapter 2, the effects of two organic pesticides with nematicide effect and two chemical nematicides on soil physicalchemical properties, soil nematode diversity and plant biomass in experimental conditions were assessed in two types of soils: low diversity soils from an agricultural farm, and high diversity soils from a natural vegetation area. The larger effect was observed on the neem treatment, which induced a large boost of dauer juveniles in the nutrient-depleted soil, while the same treatment induced the increase of more stable, less opportunistic, populations of generalist bacterivore nematodes in the pine forest soil, rich in organic matter. In chapter 3, comparison of the efficiency of molecular (TRFLP, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) and morphological (microscopy at high magnification) identification methods was carried out in different nematode communities from five sites of different land uses in Spain and Ireland. Differences and similarities on nematode diversity and other ecological and soil food web indices assessed by both methods, were statistically compared. Molecular identification with TRFLP only detected a percentage of the taxa present in the soil samples identified morphologically, and omnivores and predators were not detected molecularly in our study. Indices involving microbial feeding nematodes were more similar between identification methods than indices involving higher trophic links. Our results show that, at least with the technique used in this study, identifying nematodes morphologically is a reliable and more precise identification tool than molecular identification, since a higher taxonomic resolution is in general obtained compared to TRFLP. In chapter 4, the effect of chemical nematicides on nematode community descriptors and plant biomass was also studied in field conditions in an experimental area in which dazomet and dimethyl disulfide was applied in a bean-cabbage rotation system for a single season. Organic amendments were incorporated into the soil with the aim of mitigate the negative effect of the pesticides on soil diversity. The effect of the nematicides was much more noticeable than the effect of the amendments on soil properties and nematode community descriptors. The incorporation of bean crop residues into the soil at the end of bean crop cycle affected soil nematode community descriptors to a great extent, and although total number of nematodes increased at the end of the experiment, a permanent perturbed soil food web condition was observed along the experiment.


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In order to establish rational nitrogen (N) application and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its balance is crucial. Excessive doses of N and/or water applied to fertigated crops involve a substantial risk of aquifer contamination by nitrate; but knowledge of N cycling and availability within the soil could assist in avoiding this excess. In central Spain, the main horticultural fertigated crop is the melon type ?piel de sapo¿ and it is cultivated in vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution (Directive 91/676/CEE). However, until few years ago there were not antecedents related to the optimization of nitrogen fertilization together with irrigation. Water and N footprint are indicators that allow assessing the impact generated by different agricultural practices, so they can be used to improve the management strategies in fertigated crop systems. The water footprint distinguishes between blue water (sources of water applied to the crop, like irrigation and precipitation), green water (water used by the crop and stored in the soil), and it is furthermore possible to quantify the impact of pollution by calculating the grey water, which is defined as the volume of polluted water created from the growing and production of crops. On the other hand, the N footprint considers green N (nitrogen consumed by the crops and stored in the soil), blue N (N available for crop, like N applied with mineral and/or organic fertilizers, N applied with irrigation water and N mineralized during the crop period), whereas grey N is the amount of N-NO3- washed from the soil to the aquifer. All these components are expressed as the ratio between the components of water or N footprint and the yield (m3 t-1 or kg N t-1 respectively). The objetives of this work were to evaluate the impact derivated from the use of different fertilizer practices in a melon crop using water and N footprint.


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Una de las características definitorias del sistema urbano contemporáneo es su desterritorialización, es decir, su adopción de un modelo de desarrollo que se da al margen del territorio concreto que lo sustenta y de los recursos biofísicos y culturales existentes en él. Dicha desterritorialización es posible gracias al uso intensivo de energía que ha permitido ampliar hasta la escala global los flujos del metabolismo urbano. De este modo se han roto las relaciones de proximidad urbano-rurales, y se ha aumentado la dependencia de recursos externos. Entre las diferentes manifestaciones de esta desterritorialización se encuentra la organización del sistema alimentario, que en la actualidad responde a un modelo globalizado, en el que la distancia entre producción y consumo ha aumentado a costa de incrementar el gasto energético en transporte y conservación de alimentos. Este distanciamento físico va acompañado también de un distanciamiento social e identario, con la hegemonía de un modelo agroindustrial que no respeta los paisajes, las prácticas agrícolas, los conocimientos tradicionales ni las variedades genéticas locales. Tanto el modelo territorial como el alimentario son altamente vulnerables ante crisis externas que pueden alterar su funcionamiento. El enfoque (bio)regionalista desde el mismo inicio de la ciudad industrial hasta nuestros días ha propuesto un modelo de ordenación territorial alternativo, adaptado a las condiciones locales y basado en la proximidad, que dotaría al sistema territorial de mayor resiliencia y sostenibilidad. Para confirmar este presupuesto y evaluar la capacidad de reterritorialización alimentaria se ha desarrollado una metodología que aborda el estudio del sistema territorial como socioecosistema complejo, en el que se distinguen componentes de tipo social, construido y biofísico, que se encuentran interrelacionados. La historia de cambios en la organización del sistema, su estado actual y su capacidad de reorganizarse en estados alternativos son las bases de dicha evaluación. Esta metodología se aplica a la Comunidad de Madrid con el fin de describir su sistema territorial desde el punto de vista del abastecimiento alimentario y evaluar su capacidad de reterritorialización. ABSTRACT Deterritorialization is one of the defining characteristics of the contemporary urban system. This means that its development model is designed ignoring the attributes of the specific region in which is located, and the biophysical and cultural resources therein. Such territorialization is possible due to the intensive energy consumption that allows expanding to a global scale the flows of urban metabolism. This way, urban-rural linkages have been broken, increasing dependency on external resources. The modern food system is among the clearest expressions of a deterritorialized model. In a globalized food system, increasing distances between production and consumption spaces are possible through energy-intensive transport and preservation activities. Physical distanciation goes hand in hand with social disconnection and loss of identity, due to a hegemonic agro-industrial model that does not respect local landscapes, agricultural practices, traditional knowledge or genetic varieties. Both the regional and the food systems are highly vulnerable to external shocks that may affect their functions. The bioregionalist approach has proposed, since the industrial city until today, an alternative model, adapted to local conditions and rooted on proximity, which provides a sustainable and resilient regional planning and management. To confirm this assumption and assess the food reterritorialisation capacity, a methodology has been developed that address the regional system as a complex social-ecosystem, in which interrelated social, built and biophysical subsystems are included. Assessment is based in the analysis of regimes shifts in the history of the system, and in the description of its current and alternative states. This methodology is applied to the administrative region of Madrid in order to describe its regional food system and assess its reterritorialization capacity.


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A mathematical model of the process employed by a sonic anemometer to build up the measured wind vector in a steady flow is presented to illustrate the way the geometry of these sensors as well as the characteristics of aerodynamic disturbance on the acoustic path can lead to singularities in the transformation function that relates the measured (disturbed) wind vector with the real (corrected) wind vector, impeding the application of correction/calibration functions for some wind conditions. An implicit function theorem allows for the identification of those combinations of real wind conditions and design parameters that lead to undefined correction/ calibration functions. In general, orthogonal path sensors do not show problematic combination of parameters. However, some geometric sonic sensor designs, available in the market, with paths forming smaller angles could lead to undefined correction functions for some levels of aerodynamic disturbances and for certain wind directions. The parameters studied have a strong influence on the existence and number of singularities in the correction/ calibration function as well as on the number of singularities for some combination of parameters. Some conclusions concerning good design practices are included.


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The rural population is getting smaller as percentage of the total population in the countries. There is a constant depopulation of rural areas to urban areas. The most extreme data are in countries like USA, where the rural population is 1.5%, from which 1% of that amount is part time and only 0.5% full time. On the other side, we have countries with more than 50% rural population. Related to training, cultural development, business and specific weight in society, rural residents have no significance in their societies. As they are few, and separated across the territory they have no influence on their societies. Comparing the USA farmer with one from the EU, we see that the American one is a businessperson and the European one, in most cases is a farm worker. To reduce this gap between these different farmers, we believe that we must train the new generations of children belonging to farming Europe. They must have a common language, English; they must know other countries culture and farming systems, live and network with other young Europeans colleagues,future young farmers. It is what we have coined as AGRO-ERASMUS. A project to be placed within the EU Common Agriculture Policies. The project must be designed before its implementation. Even some previous experience should make better viability. It should make use of a network of agricultural universities in several European countries. Each university would build a "farm school" where young people would learn "English?, and visit and work in small agricultural practices with a correct use of the time. One important subject dealing with should be agribusiness. The procedure based on the ?Farm School? (F-S) experience, should start with young people from 13 years up to 18 years. Their attendance, every summer, to the F-S should be rotated between different countries besides their own. The first and second year, with young people 13/14 years old, the Farm School would last less than three weeks in an English speaking country (Ireland, UK or someone else). They should live with a local family the time they stay outside of the Farm School (F-S). This two years period must be devoted to learn and become familiar with the English language and cultural differences. The rest of the four years left, the Farm Schools will have longer duration and be placed in other countries from the network. The living way would be in multinational teams of young people where the only spoken language would be English. After six years of summer oexistence speaking English and learning new competences and skills with colleagues from other countries, we would have a great team of young and future European farmers, able to travel free and confident through the whole Europe and ready to be engaged in productive, commercial and research activities. These new young farmers may revive European agriculture and would not look any more like rural habitants, but international business-farmers, professionally speaking. In a brief survey among the assistants to the Fifth International Academic Conference titled "Alternative Income Sources in Small Agricultural Holdings of the European Union" held in Krakow (PL) in June 2015, participants from universities and countries like Poland, Hungary, Rep. Czech, Portugal, Romania, etc., expressed the necessity of addressing this problem in a new and bold way.


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Our global impact is finally receiving the scientific attention it deserves. The outcome will largely determine the future course of evolution. Human-modified ecosystems are shaped by our activities and their side effects. They share a common set of traits including simplified food webs, landscape homogenization, and high nutrient and energy inputs. Ecosystem simplification is the ecological hallmark of humanity and the reason for our evolutionary success. However, the side effects of our profligacy and poor resource practices are now so pervasive as to threaten our future no less than that of biological diversity itself. This article looks at human impact on ecosystems and the consequences for evolution. It concludes that future evolution will be shaped by our awareness of the global threats, our willingness to take action, and our ability to do so. Our ability is presently hampered by several factors, including the poor state of ecosystem and planetary knowledge, ignorance of human impact, lack of guidelines for sustainability, and a paucity of good policies, practices, and incentives for adopting those guidelines in daily life. Conservation philosophy, science, and practice must be framed against the reality of human-dominated ecosystems, rather than the separation of humanity and nature underlying the modern conservation movement. The steps scientists can take to imbed science in conservation and conservation in the societal process affecting the future of ecosystems and human well-being are discussed.