995 resultados para Global Fortune 500


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23rd SPACE AGM and Conference from 9 to 12 May 2012 Conference theme: The Role of Professional Higher Education: Responsibility and Reflection Venue: Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland


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An extraction-anodic adsorptive stripping voltammetric procedure using microwave-assisted solvent extraction and a gold ultramicroelectrode was developed for determining the pesticide ametryn in soil samples. The method is based on the use of acetonitrile as extraction solvent and on controlled adsorptive accumulation of the herbicide at the potential of 0.50 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in the presence of Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 3.3). Soil sample extracts were analysed directly after drying and redissolution with the supporting electrolyte but without other pre-treatment. The limit of detection obtained for a 10 s collection time was 0.021 µg g-1. Recovery experiments for the global procedure, at the 0.500 µg g-1 level, gave satisfactory mean and standard deviation results which were comparable to those obtained by HPLC with UV detection.


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O envelhecimento progressivo da população idosa, com aumento de prevalência de doenças crónicas, está associado a um aumento da prevalência de deterioração funcional, dependência, admissões hospitalares, e maior morbilidade e mortalidade. É nosso objetivo sinalizar a estrutura da avaliação geriátrica global integrada e a demonstração da sua eficiência na prática clinica. A avaliação geriátrica global integrada (AGGI) constitui desejavelmente uma prática multidimensional, sistemática, de caracterização do estado clínico, nutricional, funcional, qualidade de vida e aspectos sociais em pessoas idosas. A equipa de profissionais que a elaboram deverá ser multiprofissional de acordo com a diversidade de competências necessárias para uma avaliação que, a nível hospitalar, será efetuada na admissão e na alta do doente. Recomenda-se que seja protocolada em todas as instituições, que haja um registo único, onde todos os profissionais possam colocar as suas observações, constituindo uma forma eficiente de informação entre os intervenientes profissionais, os seus pares e os doentes e suas redes de apoio. A utilização de questionários de risco validados constitui uma mais valia na deteção de risco ou de situações já alteradas mas subnotificadas e no planeamento da sua intervenção. Após a realização da AGGI, deverá ser delineada e registada uma estratégia de intervenção, com o estabelecimento de objetivos a curto e a longo prazo, a serem monitorizados e ajustados, de acordo com a necessidade. A evidência científica tem demonstrado que a prática da AGGI constitui um método eficaz na redução da morbilidade e mortalidade em indivíduos idosos.


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The problem of uncertainty propagation in composite laminate structures is studied. An approach based on the optimal design of composite structures to achieve a target reliability level is proposed. Using the Uniform Design Method (UDM), a set of design points is generated over a design domain centred at mean values of random variables, aimed at studying the space variability. The most critical Tsai number, the structural reliability index and the sensitivities are obtained for each UDM design point, using the maximum load obtained from optimal design search. Using the UDM design points as input/output patterns, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed based on supervised evolutionary learning. Finally, using the developed ANN a Monte Carlo simulation procedure is implemented and the variability of the structural response based on global sensitivity analysis (GSA) is studied. The GSA is based on the first order Sobol indices and relative sensitivities. An appropriate GSA algorithm aiming to obtain Sobol indices is proposed. The most important sources of uncertainty are identified.


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High-level parallel languages offer a simple way for application programmers to specify parallelism in a form that easily scales with problem size, leaving the scheduling of the tasks onto processors to be performed at runtime. Therefore, if the underlying system cannot efficiently execute those applications on the available cores, the benefits will be lost. In this paper, we consider how to schedule highly heterogenous parallel applications that require real-time performance guarantees on multicore processors. The paper proposes a novel scheduling approach that combines the global Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduler with a priority-aware work-stealing load balancing scheme, which enables parallel realtime tasks to be executed on more than one processor at a given time instant. Experimental results demonstrate the better scalability and lower scheduling overhead of the proposed approach comparatively to an existing real-time deadline-oriented scheduling class for the Linux kernel.


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Global warming is a major concern nowadays. Weather conditions are changing, and it seems that human activity is one of the main causes. In fact, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the burning of fossil fuels has increased the nonnatural emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that absorbs the infrared radiation produced by the reflection of the sunlight on the Earth’s surface, trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Global warming and the associated climate changes are being the subject of intensive research due to their major impact on social, economic, and health aspects of human life. This paper studies the global warming trend in the perspective of dynamical systems and fractional calculus, which is a new standpoint in this context. Worldwide distributed meteorological stations and temperature records for the last 100 years are analysed. It is shown that the application of Fourier transforms and power law trend lines leads to an assertive representation of the global warming dynamics and a simpler analysis of its characteristics.


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Embedded real-time systems often have to support the embedding system in very different and changing application scenarios. An aircraft taxiing, taking off and in cruise flight is one example. The different application scenarios are reflected in the software structure with a changing task set and thus different operational modes. At the same time there is a strong push for integrating previously isolated functionalities in single-chip multicore processors. On such multicores the behavior of the system during a mode change, when the systems transitions from one mode to another, is complex but crucial to get right. In the past we have investigated mode change in multiprocessor systems where a mode change requires a complete change of task set. Now, we present the first analysis which considers mode changes in multicore systems, which use global EDF to schedule a set of mode independent (MI) and mode specific (MS) tasks. In such systems, only the set of MS tasks has to be replaced during mode changes, without jeopardizing the schedulability of the MI tasks. Of prime concern is that the mode change is safe and efficient: i.e. the mode change needs to be performed in a predefined time window and no deadlines may be missed as a function of the mode change.


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In this paper we consider global fixed-priority preemptive multiprocessor scheduling of constrained-deadline sporadic tasks that share resources in a non-nested manner. We develop a novel resource-sharing protocol and a corresponding schedulability test for this system. We also develop the first schedulability analysis of priority inheritance protocol for the aforementioned system. Finally, we show that these protocols are efficient (based on the developed schedulability tests) for a class of priority-assignments called reasonable priority-assignments.


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The influence of uncertainties of input parameters on output response of composite structures is investigated in this paper. In particular, the effects of deviations in mechanical properties, ply angles, ply thickness and on applied loads are studied. The uncertainty propagation and the importance measure of input parameters are analysed using three different approaches: a first-order local method, a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) supported by a variance-based method and an extension of local variance to estimate the global variance over the domain of inputs. Sample results are shown for a shell composite laminated structure built with different composite systems including multi-materials. The importance measures of input parameters on structural response based on numerical results are established and discussed as a function of the anisotropy of composite materials. Needs for global variance methods are discussed by comparing the results obtained from different proposed methodologies. The objective of this paper is to contribute for the use of GSA techniques together with low expensive local importance measures.


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We consider the global scheduling problem of multimode real-time systems upon identical multiprocessor platforms. During the execution of a multimode system, the system can change from one mode to another such that the current task set is replaced with a new task set. Thereby, ensuring that deadlines are met requires not only that a schedulability test is performed on tasks in each mode but also that (i) a protocol for transitioning from one mode to another is specified and (ii) a schedulability test for each transition is performed. In this paper, we extend the synchronous transition protocol SM-MSO in order to take into account mode-independent tasks [1], i.e., tasks of which the execution pattern must not be jeopardized by the mode changes.


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We consider the problem of scheduling a multi-mode real-time system upon identical multiprocessor platforms. Since it is a multi-mode system, the system can change from one mode to another such that the current task set is replaced with a new task set. Ensuring that deadlines are met requires not only that a schedulability test is performed on tasks in each mode but also that (i) a protocol for transitioning from one mode to another is specified and (ii) a schedulability test for each transition is performed. We propose two protocols which ensure that all the expected requirements are met during every transition between every pair of operating modes of the system. Moreover, we prove the correctness of our proposed algorithms by extending the theory about the makespan determination problem.


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Consider global fixed-priority preemptive multiprocessor scheduling of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks. I conjecture that the utilization bound of SM-US(√2−1) is √2-1.


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The relationship between the changes of the global economy and individual working conditions formed the background of the first WORKS conference “The transformation of work in a global knowledge economy: towards a conceptual framework”, held in Chania, Greece from 21st – 22nd September, 2006 and attended by around 50 European researchers. Experts from academia and trade unions from all over the world were invited to give insights into their field of research, contributing to one of the main topics of the conference: (i) globalisation and organisational restructuring, (ii) workers’ organisation, the quality of working life and the gender dimension and (iii) global experiences and recommendations.


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Consider the problem of scheduling real-time tasks on a multiprocessor with the goal of meeting deadlines. Tasks arrive sporadically and have implicit deadlines, that is, the deadline of a task is equal to its minimum inter-arrival time. Consider this problem to be solved with global static-priority scheduling. We present a priority-assignment scheme with the property that if at most 38% of the processing capacity is requested then all deadlines are met.


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Today all kinds of innovations and research work is done by partnerships of competent entities each having some specialized skills. Like the development of the global economy, global innovation partnerships have grown considerably and form the basis of most of the sophisticated innovations today. To further streamline and simplify such cooperation, several innovation networks have been formed, both at local and global levels. This paper discusses the different types of innovations and how cooperation can benefit innovation in terms of pooling of resources and sharing of risks. One example of an open global co-innovation network promoted by Tata Consultancy Services, the TCS COIN is taken as a case. It enables venture capitalists, consultants, research agencies, companies and universities form nodes of the network so that each entity can play a meaningful role in the innovation network. Further, two innovation projects implemented using the COIN are discussed. Innovation Networks like these could form the basis of a unique global innovation network, which is not owned by any company and is used by innovation partners globally to collaborate and conduct research and development.