313 resultados para Geostatistical


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Los efectos del cambio global sobre los bosques son una de las grandes preocupaciones de la sociedad del siglo XXI. Algunas de sus posibles consecuencias como son los efectos en la producción, la sostenibilidad, la pérdida de biodiversidad o cambios en la distribución y ensamblaje de especies forestales pueden tener grandes repercusiones sociales, ecológicas y económicas. La detección y seguimiento de estos efectos constituyen uno de los retos a los que se enfrentan en la actualidad científicos y gestores forestales. En base a la comparación de series históricas del Inventario Forestal Nacional Español (IFN), esta tesis trata de arrojar luz sobre algunos de los impactos que los cambios socioeconómicos y ambientales de las últimas décadas han generado sobre nuestros bosques. En primer lugar, esta tesis presenta una innovadora metodología con base geoestadística que permite la comparación de diferentes ciclos de inventario sin importar los diferentes métodos de muestreo empleados en cada uno de ellos (Capítulo 3). Esta metodología permite analizar cambios en la dinámica y distribución espacial de especies forestales en diferentes gradientes geográficos. Mediante su aplicación, se constatarán y cuantificarán algunas de las primeras evidencias de cambio en la distribución altitudinal y latitudinal de diferentes especies forestales ibéricas, que junto al estudio de su dinámica poblacional y tasas demográficas, ayudarán a testar algunas hipótesis biogeográficas en un escenario de cambio global en zonas de especial vulnerabilidad (Capítulos 3, 4 y 5). Por último, mediante la comparación de ciclos de parcelas permanentes del IFN se ahondará en el conocimiento de la evolución en las últimas décadas de especies invasoras en los ecosistemas forestales del cuadrante noroccidental ibérico, uno de los más afectados por la invasión de esta flora (Capítulo 6). ABSTRACT The effects of global change on forests are one of the major concerns of the XXI century. Some of the potential impacts of global change on forest growth, productivity, biodiversity or changes in species assembly and spatial distribution may have great ecological and economic consequences. The detection and monitoring of these effects are some of the major challenges that scientists and forest managers face nowadays. Based on the comparison of historical series of the Spanish National Forest Inventory (NFI), this thesis tries to shed some light on some of the impacts driven by recent socio-economic and environmental changes on our forest ecosystems. Firstly, this thesis presents an innovative methodology based on geostatistical techniques that allows the comparison of different NFI cycles regardless of the different sampling methods used in each of them (Chapter 3). This methodology, in conjunction with other statistical techniques, allows to analyze changes in the spatial distribution and population dynamics of forest species along different geographic gradients. By its application, this thesis presents some of the first evidences of changes in species distribution along different geographical gradients in the Iberian Peninsula. The analysis of these findings, of species population dynamics and demographic rates will help to test some biogeographical hypothesis on forests under climate change scenarios in areas of particular vulnerability (Chapters 3, 4 and 5). Finally, by comparing NFI cycles with permanent plots, this thesis increases our knowledge about the patterns and processes associated with the recent evolution of invasive species in the forest ecosystems of North-western Iberia, one of the areas most affected by the invasion of allien species at national scale (Chapter 6).


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La investigación de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de técnicas geoestadísticas y su contribución a una mayor caracterización del binomio factores climáticos-rendimiento de un cultivo agrícola. El inexorable vínculo entre la variabilidad climática y la producción agrícola cobra especial relevancia en estudios sobre el cambio climático o en la modelización de cultivos para dar respuesta a escenarios futuros de producción mundial. Es información especialmente valiosa en sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos Los cuales son actualmente uno de los pilares operacionales en los que se sustenta la agricultura y seguridad alimentaria mundial; ya que su objetivo final es el de proporcionar información imparcial y fiable para la regularización de mercados. Es en este contexto, donde se quiso dar un enfoque alternativo a estudios, que con distintos planteamientos, analizan la relación inter-anual clima vs producción. Así, se sustituyó la dimensión tiempo por la espacio, re-orientando el análisis estadístico de correlación interanual entre rendimiento y factores climáticos, por el estudio de la correlación inter-regional entre ambas variables. Se utilizó para ello una técnica estadística relativamente nueva y no muy aplicada en investigaciones similares, llamada regresión ponderada geográficamente (GWR, siglas en inglés de “Geographically weighted regression”). Se obtuvieron superficies continuas de las variables climáticas acumuladas en determinados periodos fenológicos, que fueron seleccionados por ser factores clave en el desarrollo vegetativo de un cultivo. Por ello, la primera parte de la tesis, consistió en un análisis exploratorio sobre comparación de Métodos de Interpolación Espacial (MIE). Partiendo de la hipótesis de que existe la variabilidad espacial de la relación entre factores climáticos y rendimiento, el objetivo principal de esta tesis, fue el de establecer en qué medida los MIE y otros métodos geoestadísticos de regresión local, pueden ayudar por un lado, a alcanzar un mayor entendimiento del binomio clima-rendimiento del trigo blando (Triticum aestivum L.) al incorporar en dicha relación el componente espacial; y por otro, a caracterizar la variación de los principales factores climáticos limitantes en el crecimiento del trigo blando, acumulados éstos en cuatro periodos fenológicos. Para lleva a cabo esto, una gran carga operacional en la investigación de la tesis consistió en homogeneizar y hacer los datos fenológicos, climáticos y estadísticas agrícolas comparables tanto a escala espacial como a escala temporal. Para España y los Bálticos se recolectaron y calcularon datos diarios de precipitación, temperatura máxima y mínima, evapotranspiración y radiación solar en las estaciones meteorológicas disponibles. Se dispuso de una serie temporal que coincidía con los mismos años recolectados en las estadísticas agrícolas, es decir, 14 años contados desde 2000 a 2013 (hasta 2011 en los Bálticos). Se superpuso la malla de información fenológica de cuadrícula 25 km con la ubicación de las estaciones meteorológicas con el fin de conocer los valores fenológicos en cada una de las estaciones disponibles. Hecho esto, para cada año de la serie temporal disponible se calcularon los valores climáticos diarios acumulados en cada uno de los cuatro periodos fenológicos seleccionados P1 (ciclo completo), P2 (emergencia-madurez), P3 (floración) y P4 (floraciónmadurez). Se calculó la superficie interpolada por el conjunto de métodos seleccionados en la comparación: técnicas deterministas convencionales, kriging ordinario y cokriging ordinario ponderado por la altitud. Seleccionados los métodos más eficaces, se calculó a nivel de provincias las variables climatológicas interpoladas. Y se realizaron las regresiones locales GWR para cuantificar, explorar y modelar las relaciones espaciales entre el rendimiento del trigo y las variables climáticas acumuladas en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Al comparar la eficiencia de los MIE no destaca una técnica por encima del resto como la que proporcione el menor error en su predicción. Ahora bien, considerando los tres indicadores de calidad de los MIE estudiados se han identificado los métodos más efectivos. En el caso de la precipitación, es la técnica geoestadística cokriging la más idónea en la mayoría de los casos. De manera unánime, la interpolación determinista en función radial (spline regularizado) fue la técnica que mejor describía la superficie de precipitación acumulada en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Los resultados son más heterogéneos para la evapotranspiración y radiación. Los métodos idóneos para estas se reparten entre el Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), IDW ponderado por la altitud y el Ordinary Kriging (OK). También, se identificó que para la mayoría de los casos en que el error del Ordinary CoKriging (COK) era mayor que el del OK su eficacia es comparable a la del OK en términos de error y el requerimiento computacional de este último es mucho menor. Se pudo confirmar que existe la variabilidad espacial inter-regional entre factores climáticos y el rendimiento del trigo blando tanto en España como en los Bálticos. La herramienta estadística GWR fue capaz de reproducir esta variabilidad con un rendimiento lo suficientemente significativo como para considerarla una herramienta válida en futuros estudios. No obstante, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en la misma respecto a la información que devuelve el programa a nivel local y que no permite desgranar todo el detalle sobre la ejecución del mismo. Los indicadores y periodos fenológicos que mejor pudieron reproducir la variabilidad espacial del rendimiento en España y Bálticos, arrojaron aún, una mayor credibilidad a los resultados obtenidos y a la eficacia del GWR, ya que estaban en línea con el conocimiento agronómico sobre el cultivo del trigo blando en sistemas agrícolas mediterráneos y norteuropeos. Así, en España, el indicador más robusto fue el balance climático hídrico Climatic Water Balance) acumulado éste, durante el periodo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Aunque se identificó la etapa clave de la floración como el periodo en el que las variables climáticas acumuladas proporcionaban un mayor poder explicativo del modelo GWR. Sin embargo, en los Bálticos, países donde el principal factor limitante en su agricultura es el bajo número de días de crecimiento efectivo, el indicador más efectivo fue la radiación acumulada a lo largo de todo el ciclo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Para el trigo en regadío no existe ninguna combinación que pueda explicar más allá del 30% de la variación del rendimiento en España. Poder demostrar que existe un comportamiento heterogéneo en la relación inter-regional entre el rendimiento y principales variables climáticas, podría contribuir a uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan, a día de hoy, los sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos, y éste es el de poder reducir la escala espacial de predicción, de un nivel nacional a otro regional. ABSTRACT This thesis explores geostatistical techniques and their contribution to a better characterization of the relationship between climate factors and agricultural crop yields. The crucial link between climate variability and crop production plays a key role in climate change research as well as in crops modelling towards the future global production scenarios. This information is particularly important for monitoring and forecasting operational crop systems. These geostatistical techniques are currently one of the most fundamental operational systems on which global agriculture and food security rely on; with the final aim of providing neutral and reliable information for food market controls, thus avoiding financial speculation of nourishments of primary necessity. Within this context the present thesis aims to provide an alternative approach to the existing body of research examining the relationship between inter-annual climate and production. Therefore, the temporal dimension was replaced for the spatial dimension, re-orienting the statistical analysis of the inter-annual relationship between crops yields and climate factors to an inter-regional correlation between these two variables. Geographically weighted regression, which is a relatively new statistical technique and which has rarely been used in previous research on this topic was used in the current study. Continuous surface values of the climate accumulated variables in specific phenological periods were obtained. These specific periods were selected because they are key factors in the development of vegetative crop. Therefore, the first part of this thesis presents an exploratory analysis regarding the comparability of spatial interpolation methods (SIM) among diverse SIMs and alternative geostatistical methodologies. Given the premise that spatial variability of the relationship between climate factors and crop production exists, the primary aim of this thesis was to examine the extent to which the SIM and other geostatistical methods of local regression (which are integrated tools of the GIS software) are useful in relating crop production and climate variables. The usefulness of these methods was examined in two ways; on one hand the way this information could help to achieve higher production of the white wheat binomial (Triticum aestivum L.) by incorporating the spatial component in the examination of the above-mentioned relationship. On the other hand, the way it helps with the characterization of the key limiting climate factors of soft wheat growth which were analysed in four phenological periods. To achieve this aim, an important operational workload of this thesis consisted in the homogenization and obtention of comparable phenological and climate data, as well as agricultural statistics, which made heavy operational demands. For Spain and the Baltic countries, data on precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, evapotranspiration and solar radiation from the available meteorological stations were gathered and calculated. A temporal serial approach was taken. These temporal series aligned with the years that agriculture statistics had previously gathered, these being 14 years from 2000 to 2013 (until 2011 for the Baltic countries). This temporal series was mapped with a phenological 25 km grid that had the location of the meteorological stations with the objective of obtaining the phenological values in each of the available stations. Following this procedure, the daily accumulated climate values for each of the four selected phenological periods were calculated; namely P1 (complete cycle), P2 (emergency-maturity), P3 (flowering) and P4 (flowering- maturity). The interpolated surface was then calculated using the set of selected methodologies for the comparison: deterministic conventional techniques, ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging weighted by height. Once the most effective methods had been selected, the level of the interpolated climate variables was calculated. Local GWR regressions were calculated to quantify, examine and model the spatial relationships between soft wheat production and the accumulated variables in each of the four selected phenological periods. Results from the comparison among the SIMs revealed that no particular technique seems more favourable in terms of accuracy of prediction. However, when the three quality indicators of the compared SIMs are considered, some methodologies appeared to be more efficient than others. Regarding precipitation results, cokriging was the most accurate geostatistical technique for the majority of the cases. Deterministic interpolation in its radial function (controlled spline) was the most accurate technique for describing the accumulated precipitation surface in all phenological periods. However, results are more heterogeneous for the evapotranspiration and radiation methodologies. The most appropriate technique for these forecasts are the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), weighted IDW by height and the Ordinary Kriging (OK). Furthermore, it was found that for the majority of the cases where the Ordinary CoKriging (COK) error was larger than that of the OK, its efficacy was comparable to that of the OK in terms of error while the computational demands of the latter was much lower. The existing spatial inter-regional variability between climate factors and soft wheat production was confirmed for both Spain and the Baltic countries. The GWR statistic tool reproduced this variability with an outcome significative enough as to be considered a valid tool for future studies. Nevertheless, this tool also had some limitations with regards to the information delivered by the programme because it did not allow for a detailed break-down of its procedure. The indicators and phenological periods that best reproduced the spatial variability of yields in Spain and the Baltic countries made the results and the efficiency of the GWR statistical tool even more reliable, despite the fact that these were already aligned with the agricultural knowledge about soft wheat crop under mediterranean and northeuropean agricultural systems. Thus, for Spain, the most robust indicator was the Climatic Water Balance outcome accumulated throughout the growing period (between emergency and maturity). Although the flowering period was the phase that best explained the accumulated climate variables in the GWR model. For the Baltic countries where the main limiting agricultural factor is the number of days of effective growth, the most effective indicator was the accumulated radiation throughout the entire growing cycle (between emergency and maturity). For the irrigated soft wheat there was no combination capable of explaining above the 30% of variation of the production in Spain. The fact that the pattern of the inter-regional relationship between the crop production and key climate variables is heterogeneous within a country could contribute to one is one of the greatest challenges that the monitoring and forecasting operational systems for crop production face nowadays. The present findings suggest that the solution may lay in downscaling the spatial target scale from a national to a regional level.


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Las mineralizaciones de oro de Galicia Occidental ligadas a grandes estructuras comienzan a ser interpretadas de manera más rigurosa, al mismo tiempo que la continuada elevación de las cotizaciones del oro han hecho más atractiva la reactivación de áreas hasta ahora casi olvidadas. El propósito de esta investigación participa de las razones anteriores. La zona de cizalla Busto Limideiro se inscribe en una de estas estructuras, la cizalla Santa Comba-Punta Langosteira, con la que se relacionan un importante número de yacimientos auríferos entre los que destacan Corcoesto y Monte Piñor. Por su situación geológica, estos indicios se enmarcan en el Macizo Ibérico, en la Zona de Galicia Tras-os-Montes. Este trabajo aporta más conocimiento sobre un modelo general del oro de los yacimientos del noroeste español, integrándolo en los yacimientos de oro orogénico del Varisco europeo. Este estudio ha supuesto un importante esfuerzo investigador centrado sobre de los procesos genéticos que han dado lugar a las mineralizaciones auríferas. Los estudios petrográficos, metalogénicos, geoquímicos, microtemométricos y el análisis de isótopos han permitido establecer un modelo general y otros más específicos sobre la existencia y condiciones de formación en la concentración del oro mineralógico. De esta forma se ha caracterizado su mineralogía, quimismo, edad, y naturaleza de los paleofluidos que han intervinieron en su formación. De los resultados obtenidos se destaca que estas mineralizaciones se encuentran fuertemente ligadas a las estructuras y transformaciones físicas y químicas de las rocas afectadas por la banda de cizalla. Derivada de esta situación, se comprende la disposición espacial, a diversas escalas, con estructuras claramente en la transición del dominio dúctil a frágil. Además, resulta evidente, a escala macro y microscópica, el emplazamiento preferente del oro en estructuras de deformación miloníticas. Los estudios anteriores posibilitan formalizar un modelo de génesis para el yacimiento de Monte Piñor que resulta compatible con el establecido por Groves (1998), e incluirlas en un mismo contexto, como yacimientos de oro orogénico mesotermales, válido para el conjunto de todos los de la zona de cizalla Busto Limideiro. El estudio no omite la consideración geoestadística de este yacimiento, justificando la elección de direcciones de anisotropía explicadas por consideraciones de carácter estructural. Con ello, buscando el lado práctico desde el punto de vista minero, esta investigación propone líneas generales de aplicación de actuación con sentido de exploración, contribuyendo a la puesta en valor del conocimiento de las mineralizaciones de oro del noroeste español. ABSTRACT Old and nearly forgotten gold mines from Western Galicia are currently attractive to be recovered due to both, the new strict interpretation of gold mineralization linked to Variscan large structures and the increasing gold prices. The shear zone Busto Limiderio is relevant as a part of a Variscan large structure, Santa Comba-Punta Langosteira, which is related with a high number of gold deposits as Corcoesto and Monte Piñor. For its geological situation, these signs are part of the Iberian Massif in the area of Galicia Tras-os-Montes. Hence, the main aim of this study is to provide additional and important knowledge of Busto Limiderio about the general model of gold deposits in the Spanish northwest, integrating them in the orogenic gold deposits of European Variscan, enabling to analyze the economic recovery possibility of this area. This thesis has been focused on the genetic processes that have led to the gold mineralization. Petrographic studies, metalogenic, geochemical, microthermometric and isotope analysis have allowed to establish a general and specific models about the existence and training conditions in the concentration of mineralogical gold. Consequently, the mineralogy, chemical characteristics, age, and nature of paleofluids that have participated in its formation have been characterized. The results showed that Busto Limiderio gold mineralization are strongly linked to the structures and physical and chemical transformations of affected rocks by the shear band. The mineralization spatial distribution at various scales is due to the link with the large structures in the ductile-to-brittle transition domain. Furthermore, this factor determine at macro and microscopic scale, the preferred location of the gold structures mylonitic deformation. Previous studies have permitted to establish a model of genesis for the site of Monte Piñor which is compatible with the established by Groves (1998), and also to include them in the same context as mesothermal orogenic gold deposits, valid throughout all of Busto Limideiro shear zone. This study does not omit consideration of the geostatistical deposit, justifying the choice of directions of anisotropy explained by structural considerations. This thesis concludes with general action guidelines for mining exploration, contributing to the enhancement of knowledge of Spanish gold mineralization northwest.


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A condutividade hidráulica (K) é um dos parâmetros controladores da magnitude da velocidade da água subterrânea, e consequentemente, é um dos mais importantes parâmetros que afetam o fluxo subterrâneo e o transporte de solutos, sendo de suma importância o conhecimento da distribuição de K. Esse trabalho visa estimar valores de condutividade hidráulica em duas áreas distintas, uma no Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG) e outra no Sistema Aquífero Bauru (SAB) por meio de três técnicas geoestatísticas: krigagem ordinária, cokrigagem e simulação condicional por bandas rotativas. Para aumentar a base de dados de valores de K, há um tratamento estatístico dos dados conhecidos. O método de interpolação matemática (krigagem ordinária) e o estocástico (simulação condicional por bandas rotativas) são aplicados para estimar os valores de K diretamente, enquanto que os métodos de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear e cokrigagem permitem incorporar valores de capacidade específica (Q/s) como variável secundária. Adicionalmente, a cada método geoestatístico foi aplicada a técnica de desagrupamento por célula para comparar a sua capacidade de melhorar a performance dos métodos, o que pode ser avaliado por meio da validação cruzada. Os resultados dessas abordagens geoestatísticas indicam que os métodos de simulação condicional por bandas rotativas com a técnica de desagrupamento e de krigagem ordinária combinada com regressão linear sem a técnica de desagrupamento são os mais adequados para as áreas do SAG (rho=0.55) e do SAB (rho=0.44), respectivamente. O tratamento estatístico e a técnica de desagrupamento usados nesse trabalho revelaram-se úteis ferramentas auxiliares para os métodos geoestatísticos.


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The Podzols of the world are divided into intra-zonal and zonal according to then location. Zonal Podzols are typical for boreal and taiga zone associated to climate conditions. Intra-zonal podzols are not necessarily limited by climate and are typical for mineral poor substrates. The Intra-zonal Podzols of the Brazilian Amazon cover important surfaces of the upper Amazon basin. Their formation is attributed to perched groundwater associated to organic matter and metals accumulations in reducing/acidic environments. Podzols have a great capacity of storing important amounts of soil organic carbon in deep thick spodic horizons (Bh), in soil depths ranging from 1.5 to 5m. Previous research concerning the soil carbon stock in Amazon soils have not taken into account the deep carbon stock (below 1 m soil depth) of Podzols. Given this, the main goal of this research was to quantify and to map the soil organic carbon stock in the region of Rio Negro basin, considering the carbon stored in the first soil meter as well as the carbon stored in deep soil horizons up to 3m. The amount of soil organic carbon stored in soils of Rio Negro basin was evaluated in different map scales, from local surveys, to the scale of the basin. High spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing images were necessary in order to map the soil types of the studied areas and to estimate the soil carbon stock in local and regional scale. Therefore, a multi-sensor analysis was applied with the aim of generating a series of biophysical attributes that can be indirectly related to lateral variation of soil types. The soil organic carbon stock was also estimated for the area of the Brazilian portion of the Rio Negro basin, based on geostatistical analysis (multiple regression kriging), remote sensing images and legacy data. We observed that Podzols store an average carbon stock of 18 kg C m-2 on the first soil meter. Similar amount was observed in adjacent soils (mainly Ferralsols and Acrisols) with an average carbon stock of 15 kg C m-2. However if we take into account a 3 m soil depth, the amount of carbon stored in Podzols is significantly higher with values ranging from 55 kg C m-2 to 82 kg C m-2, which is higher than the one stored in adjacent soils (18 kg C m-2 to 25 kg C m-2). Given this, the amount of carbon stored in deep soil horizons of Podzols should be considered as an important carbon reservoir, face a scenario of global climate change


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As imagens de alta resolução espacial impulsionaram os estudos de Sensoriamento Remoto em ambientes urbanos, já que elas permitem uma melhor distinção dos elementos que compõem esse ambiente tão heterogêneo. Técnicas de Geoestatística são cada vez mais utilizadas em estudos de Sensoriamento Remoto e o variograma é uma importante ferramenta de análise geoestatística, pois permitem entender o comportamento espacial de uma variável regionalizada, neste caso, os níveis de cinza de uma imagem de satélite. O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a proposta metodológica que consiste em identificar padrões residenciais urbanos de três classes de uso e ocupação do solo por meio da análise dos valores apresentados pelos parâmetros, alcance, patamar e efeito pepita de um variograma. A hipótese é que os valores correspondentes a esses parâmetros representem o comportamento espectral padrão de cada classe e, portando, indicam que há um padrão na organização espacial de cada uma das classes. Para a presente pesquisa foram utilizadas imagem IKONOS 2002, e a classificação de uso e ocupação do solo da sub-bacia do córrego Bananal na bacia do Rio Cabuçu de Baixo em São Paulo SP. Amostras das imagens de cada classe foram extraídas e os valores de nível de cinza em cada pixel foram utilizados para calcular os variogramas. Após análise dos resultados obtidos, apenas o parâmetro alcance foi levado em consideração, pois é através desse parâmetro que se observa o grau de homogeneidade de cada amostra. Os valores de alcance obtidos nos cálculos dos variogramas identificaram com melhor precisão a classe Conjuntos Residenciais que é uma classe com padrões e características singulares, já a identificação das classes Ocupação Densa Regular e Ocupação Densa Irregular não obteve uma precisão boa, sendo que essas classes são similares em diversos aspectos.


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A new methodology is proposed to produce subsidence activity maps based on the geostatistical analysis of persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) data. PSI displacement measurements are interpolated based on conditional Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) to calculate multiple equiprobable realizations of subsidence. The result from this process is a series of interpolated subsidence values, with an estimation of the spatial variability and a confidence level on the interpolation. These maps complement the PSI displacement map, improving the identification of wide subsiding areas at a regional scale. At a local scale, they can be used to identify buildings susceptible to suffer subsidence related damages. In order to do so, it is necessary to calculate the maximum differential settlement and the maximum angular distortion for each building of the study area. Based on PSI-derived parameters those buildings in which the serviceability limit state has been exceeded, and where in situ forensic analysis should be made, can be automatically identified. This methodology has been tested in the city of Orihuela (SE Spain) for the study of historical buildings damaged during the last two decades by subsidence due to aquifer overexploitation. The qualitative evaluation of the results from the methodology carried out in buildings where damages have been reported shows a success rate of 100%.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.


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Traditionally, geostatistical algorithms are contained within specialist GIS and spatial statistics software. Such packages are often expensive, with relatively complex user interfaces and steep learning curves, and cannot be easily integrated into more complex process chains. In contrast, Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) promote interoperability and loose coupling within distributed systems, typically using XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and Web services. Web services provide a mechanism for a user to discover and consume a particular process, often as part of a larger process chain, with minimal knowledge of how it works. Wrapping current geostatistical algorithms with a Web service layer would thus increase their accessibility, but raises several complex issues. This paper discusses a solution to providing interoperable, automatic geostatistical processing through the use of Web services, developed in the INTAMAP project (INTeroperability and Automated MAPping). The project builds upon Open Geospatial Consortium standards for describing observations, typically used within sensor webs, and employs Geography Markup Language (GML) to describe the spatial aspect of the problem domain. Thus the interpolation service is extremely flexible, being able to support a range of observation types, and can cope with issues such as change of support and differing error characteristics of sensors (by utilising descriptions of the observation process provided by SensorML). XML is accepted as the de facto standard for describing Web services, due to its expressive capabilities which allow automatic discovery and consumption by ‘naive’ users. Any XML schema employed must therefore be capable of describing every aspect of a service and its processes. However, no schema currently exists that can define the complex uncertainties and modelling choices that are often present within geostatistical analysis. We show a solution to this problem, developing a family of XML schemata to enable the description of a full range of uncertainty types. These types will range from simple statistics, such as the kriging mean and variances, through to a range of probability distributions and non-parametric models, such as realisations from a conditional simulation. By employing these schemata within a Web Processing Service (WPS) we show a prototype moving towards a truly interoperable geostatistical software architecture.


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Very large spatially-referenced datasets, for example, those derived from satellite-based sensors which sample across the globe or large monitoring networks of individual sensors, are becoming increasingly common and more widely available for use in environmental decision making. In large or dense sensor networks, huge quantities of data can be collected over small time periods. In many applications the generation of maps, or predictions at specific locations, from the data in (near) real-time is crucial. Geostatistical operations such as interpolation are vital in this map-generation process and in emergency situations, the resulting predictions need to be available almost instantly, so that decision makers can make informed decisions and define risk and evacuation zones. It is also helpful when analysing data in less time critical applications, for example when interacting directly with the data for exploratory analysis, that the algorithms are responsive within a reasonable time frame. Performing geostatistical analysis on such large spatial datasets can present a number of problems, particularly in the case where maximum likelihood. Although the storage requirements only scale linearly with the number of observations in the dataset, the computational complexity in terms of memory and speed, scale quadratically and cubically respectively. Most modern commodity hardware has at least 2 processor cores if not more. Other mechanisms for allowing parallel computation such as Grid based systems are also becoming increasingly commonly available. However, currently there seems to be little interest in exploiting this extra processing power within the context of geostatistics. In this paper we review the existing parallel approaches for geostatistics. By recognising that diffeerent natural parallelisms exist and can be exploited depending on whether the dataset is sparsely or densely sampled with respect to the range of variation, we introduce two contrasting novel implementations of parallel algorithms based on approximating the data likelihood extending the methods of Vecchia [1988] and Tresp [2000]. Using parallel maximum likelihood variogram estimation and parallel prediction algorithms we show that computational time can be significantly reduced. We demonstrate this with both sparsely sampled data and densely sampled data on a variety of architectures ranging from the common dual core processor, found in many modern desktop computers, to large multi-node super computers. To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the diffeerent methods we employ synthetic data sets and go on to show how the methods allow maximum likelihood based inference on the exhaustive Walker Lake data set.


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Automatically generating maps of a measured variable of interest can be problematic. In this work we focus on the monitoring network context where observations are collected and reported by a network of sensors, and are then transformed into interpolated maps for use in decision making. Using traditional geostatistical methods, estimating the covariance structure of data collected in an emergency situation can be difficult. Variogram determination, whether by method-of-moment estimators or by maximum likelihood, is very sensitive to extreme values. Even when a monitoring network is in a routine mode of operation, sensors can sporadically malfunction and report extreme values. If this extreme data destabilises the model, causing the covariance structure of the observed data to be incorrectly estimated, the generated maps will be of little value, and the uncertainty estimates in particular will be misleading. Marchant and Lark [2007] propose a REML estimator for the covariance, which is shown to work on small data sets with a manual selection of the damping parameter in the robust likelihood. We show how this can be extended to allow treatment of large data sets together with an automated approach to all parameter estimation. The projected process kriging framework of Ingram et al. [2007] is extended to allow the use of robust likelihood functions, including the two component Gaussian and the Huber function. We show how our algorithm is further refined to reduce the computational complexity while at the same time minimising any loss of information. To show the benefits of this method, we use data collected from radiation monitoring networks across Europe. We compare our results to those obtained from traditional kriging methodologies and include comparisons with Box-Cox transformations of the data. We discuss the issue of whether to treat or ignore extreme values, making the distinction between the robust methods which ignore outliers and transformation methods which treat them as part of the (transformed) process. Using a case study, based on an extreme radiological events over a large area, we show how radiation data collected from monitoring networks can be analysed automatically and then used to generate reliable maps to inform decision making. We show the limitations of the methods and discuss potential extensions to remedy these.


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Large monitoring networks are becoming increasingly common and can generate large datasets from thousands to millions of observations in size, often with high temporal resolution. Processing large datasets using traditional geostatistical methods is prohibitively slow and in real world applications different types of sensor can be found across a monitoring network. Heterogeneities in the error characteristics of different sensors, both in terms of distribution and magnitude, presents problems for generating coherent maps. An assumption in traditional geostatistics is that observations are made directly of the underlying process being studied and that the observations are contaminated with Gaussian errors. Under this assumption, sub–optimal predictions will be obtained if the error characteristics of the sensor are effectively non–Gaussian. One method, model based geostatistics, assumes that a Gaussian process prior is imposed over the (latent) process being studied and that the sensor model forms part of the likelihood term. One problem with this type of approach is that the corresponding posterior distribution will be non–Gaussian and computationally demanding as Monte Carlo methods have to be used. An extension of a sequential, approximate Bayesian inference method enables observations with arbitrary likelihoods to be treated, in a projected process kriging framework which is less computationally intensive. The approach is illustrated using a simulated dataset with a range of sensor models and error characteristics.


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Heterogeneous datasets arise naturally in most applications due to the use of a variety of sensors and measuring platforms. Such datasets can be heterogeneous in terms of the error characteristics and sensor models. Treating such data is most naturally accomplished using a Bayesian or model-based geostatistical approach; however, such methods generally scale rather badly with the size of dataset, and require computationally expensive Monte Carlo based inference. Recently within the machine learning and spatial statistics communities many papers have explored the potential of reduced rank representations of the covariance matrix, often referred to as projected or fixed rank approaches. In such methods the covariance function of the posterior process is represented by a reduced rank approximation which is chosen such that there is minimal information loss. In this paper a sequential Bayesian framework for inference in such projected processes is presented. The observations are considered one at a time which avoids the need for high dimensional integrals typically required in a Bayesian approach. A C++ library, gptk, which is part of the INTAMAP web service, is introduced which implements projected, sequential estimation and adds several novel features. In particular the library includes the ability to use a generic observation operator, or sensor model, to permit data fusion. It is also possible to cope with a range of observation error characteristics, including non-Gaussian observation errors. Inference for the covariance parameters is explored, including the impact of the projected process approximation on likelihood profiles. We illustrate the projected sequential method in application to synthetic and real datasets. Limitations and extensions are discussed. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.