942 resultados para Geometry, Hyperbolic.


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Morphogenesis occurs in 3D space over time and is guided by coordinated gene expression programs. Here we use postembryonic development in Arabidopsis plants to investigate the genetic control of growth. We demonstrate that gene expression driving the production of the growth-stimulating hormone gibberellic acid and downstream growth factors is first induced within the radicle tip of the embryo. The center of cell expansion is, however, spatially displaced from the center of gene expression. Because the rapidly growing cells have very different geometry from that of those at the tip, we hypothesized that mechanical factors may contribute to this growth displacement. To this end we developed 3D finite-element method models of growing custom-designed digital embryos at cellular resolution. We used this framework to conceptualize how cell size, shape, and topology influence tissue growth and to explore the interplay of geometrical and genetic inputs into growth distribution. Our simulations showed that mechanical constraints are sufficient to explain the disconnect between the experimentally observed spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression and early postembryonic growth. The center of cell expansion is the position where genetic and mechanical facilitators of growth converge. We have thus uncovered a mechanism whereby 3D cellular geometry helps direct where genetically specified growth takes place.


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OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to delineate changes in aortic geometry and diameter due to dissection. BACKGROUND Aortic diameter is the major criterion for elective ascending aortic replacement for dilated ascending aortas to prevent aortic dissection. However, recommendations are made on the basis of clinical experience and observation of diameters of previously dissected aortas. METHODS Six tertiary centers on 2 continents reviewed their acute aortic dissection type A databases, which contained 1,821 patients. Included were all non-Marfan patients with nonbicuspid aortic valves who had undergone computed tomography angiography <2 years before and within 12 h after aortic dissection onset. Aortic geometry before and after dissection onset were compared. RESULTS Altogether, 63 patients were included (27 spontaneous and 36 retrograde dissections, median age 68 [57; 77] years; 54% were men). In all but 1 patient, maximum ascending aortic diameter was <55 mm before aortic dissection onset. The largest increase in diameter and volume induced by the dissection were observed in the ascending aorta (40.1 [36.6; 45.3] mm vs. 52.9 [46.1; 58.6] mm, +12.8 mm; p < 0.001; 124.0 [90.8; 162.5] cm(3) vs. 171.0 [147.0; 197.0] cm(3), +47 cm(3); p < 0.001). Mean aortic arch diameter increased from 39.8 (30.5; 42.6) mm to 46.4 (42.0; 51.6) mm (+6.6 mm; p < 0.001) and descending thoracic aorta diameter from 31.2 (27.0; 33.3) mm to 34.9 (30.9; 39.5) mm (+3.7 mm; p < 0.001). Changes in thoracic aorta geometry were similar for spontaneous and retrograde etiology. CONCLUSIONS Geometry of the thoracic aorta is affected by aortic dissection, leading to an increase in diameter that is most pronounced in the ascending aorta. Both spontaneous and retrograde dissection result in similar aortic geometry changes.


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In the last decades affine algebraic varieties and Stein manifolds with big (infinite-dimensional) automorphism groups have been intensively studied. Several notions expressing that the automorphisms group is big have been proposed. All of them imply that the manifold in question is an Oka–Forstnerič manifold. This important notion has also recently merged from the intensive studies around the homotopy principle in Complex Analysis. This homotopy principle, which goes back to the 1930s, has had an enormous impact on the development of the area of Several Complex Variables and the number of its applications is constantly growing. In this overview chapter we present three classes of properties: (1) density property, (2) flexibility, and (3) Oka–Forstnerič. For each class we give the relevant definitions, its most significant features and explain the known implications between all these properties. Many difficult mathematical problems could be solved by applying the developed theory, we indicate some of the most spectacular ones.


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The Dent Blanche Tectonic System (DBTS) is a composite thrust sheet derived from the previously thinned passive Adriatic continental margin. A kilometric high-strain zone, the Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone (RCSZ) defines the major tectonic boundary within the DBTS and separates it into two subunits, the Dent Blanche s.s. nappe to the northwest and the Mont Mary nappe to the southeast. Within this shear zone, tectonic slices of Mesozoic and pre-Alpine meta-sediments became amalgamated with continental basement rocks of the Adriatic margin. The occurrence of high pressure assemblages along the contact between these tectonic slices indicates that the amalgamation occurred prior to or during the subduction process, at an early stage of the Alpine orogenic cycle. Detailed mapping, petrographic and structural analysis show that the Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone results from several superimposed Alpine structural and metamorphic stages. Subduction of the continental fragments is recorded by blueschist-facies deformation, whereas the Alpine collision is reflected by a greenschist facies overprint associated with the development of large-scale open folds. The postnappe evolution comprises the development of low-angle brittle faults, followed by large-scale folding (Vanzone phase) and finally brittle extensional faults. The RCSZ shows that fragments of continental crust had been torn off the passive continental margin prior to continental collision, thus recording the entire history of the orogenic cycle. The role of preceding Permo-Triassic lithospheric thinning, Jurassic rifting, and ablative subduction processes in controlling the removal of crustal fragments from the reactivated passive continental margin is discussed. Results of this study constrain the temporal sequence of the tectono-metamorphic processes involved in the assembly of the DBTS, but they also show limits on the interpretation. In particular it remains difficult to judge to what extent precollisional rifting at the Adriatic continental margin preconditioned the efficiency of convergent processes, i.e. accretion, subduction, and orogenic exhumation.


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This paper describes a technique to significantly improve upon the mass peak shape and mass resolution of spaceborne quadrupolemass spectrometers (QMSs) through higher order auxiliary excitation of the quadrupole field. Using a novel multiresonant tank circuit, additional frequency components can be used to drive modulating voltages on the quadrupole rods in a practical manner, suitable for both improved commercial applications and spaceflight instruments. Auxiliary excitation at frequencies near twice that of the fundamental quadrupole RF frequency provides the advantages of previously studied parametric excitation techniques, but with the added benefit of increased sensed excitation amplitude dynamic range and the ability to operate voltage scan lines through the center of upper stability islands. Using a field programmable gate array, the amplitudes and frequencies of all QMS signals are digitally generated and managed, providing a robust and stable voltage control system. These techniques are experimentally verified through an interface with a commercial Pfeiffer QMG422 quadrupole rod system. When operating through the center of a stability island formed from higher order auxiliary excitation, approximately 50% and 400% improvements in 1% mass resolution and peak stability were measured, respectively, when compared with traditional QMS operation. Although tested with a circular rod system, the presented techniques have the potential to improve the performance of both circular and hyperbolic rod geometry QMS sensors.


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Migrating fibroblasts undergo contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL), a process that was discovered five decades ago and still is not fully understood at the molecular level. We identify the Slit2-Robo4-srGAP2 signaling network as a key regulator of CIL in fibroblasts. CIL involves highly dynamic contact protrusions with a specialized actin cytoskeleton that stochastically explore cell-cell overlaps between colliding fibroblasts. A membrane curvature-sensing F-BAR domain pre-localizes srGAP2 to protruding edges and terminates their extension phase in response to cell collision. A FRET-based biosensor reveals that Rac1 activity is focused in a band at the tip of contact protrusions, in contrast to the broad activation gradient in contact-free protrusions. SrGAP2 specifically controls the duration of Rac1 activity in contact protrusions, but not in contact-free protrusions. We propose that srGAP2 integrates cell edge curvature and Slit-Robo-mediated repulsive cues to fine-tune Rac1 activation dynamics in contact protrusions to spatiotemporally coordinate CIL.


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Structural composite lumber (SCL) products often possess significantly higher design values than the top grades of solid lumber, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications. The enhanced mechanical properties of SCL are mainly due to defect randomization and densification of the wood fiber, both largely functions of the size, shape and composition (species) of the wood element. Traditionally, SCL manufacturers have used thin, rectangular elements produced from either moderate density softwoods or low density hardwoods. Higher density hardwood species have been avoided, as they require higher pressures to adequately densify and consolidate the wood furnish. These higher pressures can lead to increased manufacturing costs, damage to the wood fiber and/or a product that is too dense, making it heavy and unreceptive to common mechanical fastening techniques. In the northeastern United States high density, diffuse-porous hardwoods (such as maple, beech and birch) are abundant. Use of these species as primary furnish for a SCL product may allow for a competitive advantage in terms of resource cost against products that rely on veneer grade logs. Proximity to this abundant and relatively inexpensive resource may facilitate entry of SCL production facilities in the northeastern United States, where currently none exist. However, modifications to current strand sizes, geometries or production techniques will likely be required to allow for use of these species. A new SCL product concept has been invented allowing for use of these high density hardwoods. The product, referred to as long-strand structural composite lumber (LSSCL), uses strands of significantly larger cross sectional areas and volumes than existing SCL products. In spite of the large strand size, satisfactory consolidation is achieved without excessive densification of the wood fiber through use of a symmetrical strand geometric cross-section. LSSCL density is similar to that of existing SCL products, but is due mainly to the inherent density of the species, rather than through densification. An experiment was designed and conducted producing LSSCL from both large (7/16”) and small (1/4”) strands, of both square and triangular geometric cross sections. Testing results indicate that the large, triangular strands produce LSSCL beams with projected design values of: Modulus of elasticity (MOEapp) – 1,750,000 psi; Allowable bending stress (Fb) – 2750 psi; Allowable shear stress (Fv) – 260 psi. Several modifications are recommended which may lead to improvement of these values, likely allowing for competition against existing SCL products.


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We present a consistent data set for the ice thickness, the bedrock topography and the ice surface topography of the King George Island ice cap (Arctowski Icefield and the adjacent central part). The data set is composed of groundbased and airborne Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and differential GPS (DGPS) measurements, obtained during several field campaigns. The data set incorporates groundbased measurements in the safely accessible inner parts and airborne measurements in the heavily crevassed coastal areas of the ice cap. In particular, the inclusion of airborne GPR measurements with the 30MHz BGR-P30-System developed at the Institute of Geophysics (University of Münster) completes the picture of the ice geometry substantially. The compiled digital elevation model of the bedrock shows a rough, highly variable topography with pronounced valleys, ridges, and troughs. The mean ice thickness is approx. 238m, with a maximum value of approx. 400m in the surveyed area. Noticeable are bounded areas in the bedrock topography below sea level where marine based ice exists.


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Partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and iron availability in seawater show corresponding changes due to biological and anthropogenic activities. The simultaneous change in these factors precludes an understanding of their independent effects on the ecophysiology of phytoplankton. In addition, there is a lack of data regarding the interactive effects of these factors on phytoplankton cellular stoichiometry, which is a key driving factor for the biogeochemical cycling of oceanic nutrients. Here, we investigated the effects of pCO2 and iron availability on the elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si) of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima (Hasle) Hasle by dilute batch cultures under 4 pCO2 (~200, ~380, ~600, and ~800 µatm) and five dissolved inorganic iron (Fe'; ~5, ~10, ~20, ~50, and ~100 pmol /L) conditions. Our experimental procedure successfully overcame the problems associated with simultaneous changes in pCO2 and Fe' by independently manipulating carbonate chemistry and iron speciation, which allowed us to evaluate the individual effects of pCO2 and iron availability. We found that the C:N ratio decreased significantly only with an increase in Fe', whereas the C:P ratio increased significantly only with an increase in pCO2. Both Si:C and Si:N ratios decreased with increasing pCO2 and Fe'. Our results indicate that changes in pCO2 and iron availability could influence the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in future oceans with high- CO2 levels, and, similarly, during the time course of phytoplankton blooms. Moreover, pCO2 and iron availability may also have affected oceanic nutrient biogeochemistry in the past, as these conditions have changed markedly over the Earth's history.