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The DSDP/ODP Hole 504B, drilled in the 5.9 Ma southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift, represents the deepest section through modern ocean floor basaltic basement. The hole penetrates a 570 m thick volcanic zone, a 210 m thick transition zone of volcanic rocks and dykes, and 1056 m of dykes. A representative selection of these basalt types has been investigated with respect to Nd and Pb isotopes. The epsilonNd of the basalts varies from 7.62 to 11.16. This range in the Nd-isotope composition represents about 67% of the total range reported for Pacific MORB. The Pb-isotope composition also shows significant variation, with 206Pb/204Pb varying from 17.90 to 18.82. The isotopic data show that a small volume of enriched mantle existed in the source. The large ranges in isotopic composition in a single drill hole demonstrate the importance of small-scale mantle heterogeneities in the petrogenesis of MORB. Fractional melting and extraction of small magma batches by channelled flow, and small, short-lived crustal magma reservoirs, with limited potential for mixing of the mantle derived magmas, are favored by these isotopic data.


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Bulk chlorine concentrations and chlorine stable isotope compositions were determined for hydrothermally altered basalt (extrusive lavas and sheeted dikes) and gabbro samples (n = 50) from seven DSDP/ODP/IODP drill sites. These altered oceanic crust (AOC) samples span a range of crustal ages, tectonic settings, alteration type, and crustal depth. Bulk chlorine concentrations range from < 0.01 wt.% to 0.09 wt.%. In general, higher chlorine concentrations coincide with an increase in temperature of alteration and amphibole content. d37Cl values of whole rock AOC samples range from -1.4 to +1.8 per mil. High d37Cl values (>=~0.5 per mil) are associated with areas of higher amphibole content. This observation is consistent with theoretical calculations that estimate amphibole should be enriched in 37Cl compared to co-existing fluid. Negative to near zero d37Cl values are found in areas dominated by clay minerals. Chlorine geochemistry is a rough indicator of metamorphic grade and mineralogy. AOC is a major Cl host in the subducting oceanic lithospheric slab. Here we show that bulk chlorine concentrations are ~3 times higher than previous estimates resulting in a greater contribution of Cl to the mantle.


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An inactive vent field comprised of dead chimneys was discovered on the ultrafast East Pacific Rise (EPR) at 18°S during the research campaign NAUDUR with the R/V Le Nadir in December 1993. One of these chimneys was sampled, studied and found to be largely composed of silica-mineralized bacterial-like filaments. The filaments are inferred to be the result of microbial activity leading to silica (± Fe-oxyhydroxide) precipitation. The chimney grew from the most external layer (precipitated 226 ± 4 yr. B.P.) towards the central chimney conduit. Hydrothermal activity ceased 154 ± 13 yr. B.P. and the chimney conduit was completely sealed. Mixing between an end-member hydrothermal fluid and seawater explains the Sr–Nd isotopic composition of the chimney. Seawater was the major source of Sr to the chimney, whereas the dominant Nd source was the local mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) leached by the hydrothermal fluids. The mixing scenarios point to a dynamic hydrothermal system with fluctuating fluid compositions. The proportion of seawater within the venting fluid responsible for the precipitation of the silica chimney layers varied between 94 and 85%. Pb-isotope data indicates that all of the Pb in the chimney was derived from the underlying MORB. The precipitation temperatures of the chimney layers varied between 55 and 71 °C, and were a function of the seawater/end-member hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio. δ30Si correlates with the temperature of precipitation implying that temperature is one of the major controls of the Si-isotope composition of the chimney. Concentrations of elements across the chimney wall were a function of this mixing ratio and the composition of the end-member hydrothermal fluid. The inward growth of the chimney wall and accompanying decrease in wall permeability resulted in an inward decrease in the seawater/hydrothermal fluid mixing ratio, which in turn exerted a control on the concentrations of the elements supplied mainly by the hydrothermal fluids. The silica chimney is significantly enriched in U, likely a result of bacterial concentration of U from the seawater-dominated vent fluid. The chimney is poor in rare earth elements (REE). It inherited its REE distribution patterns from the parent end-member hydrothermal fluids. The dilution of the hydrothermal fluid with over 85% seawater could not obliterate the particular REE features (positive Eu anomaly) of the hydrothermal fluids.


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The most recent submarine eruption observed offshore the Azores archipelago occurred between 1998-2001 along the submarine Serreta ridge (SSR), ~4-5 nautical miles WNW of Terceira Island. This submarine eruption delivered abundant basaltic lava balloons floating at the sea surface and significantly changed the bathymetry around the eruption area. Our work combines bathymetry, volcanic facies cartography, petrography, rock magnetism and geochemistry in order to (1) track the possible vent source at seabed, (2) better constrain the Azores magma source(s) sampled through the Serreta submarine volcanic event, and (3) interpret the data within the small-scale mantle source heterogeneity framework that has been demonstrated for the Azores archipelago. Lava balloons sampled at sea surface display a radiogenic signature, which is also correlated with relatively primitive (low) 4He/3He isotopic ratios. Conversely, SSR lavas are characterized by significantly lower radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios than the lava balloons and the onshore lavas from the Terceira Island. SSR lavas are primitive, but incompatible trace-enriched. Apparent decoupling between the enriched incompatible trace element abundances and depleted radiogenic isotope ratios is best explained by binary mixing of a depleted MORB source and a HIMU­type component into magma batches that evolved by similar shallower processes in their travel to the surface. The collected data suggest that the freshest samples collected in the SSR may correspond to volcanic products of an unnoticed and more recent eruption than the 1998-2001 episode.


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Since the study of Large Dam Reservoirs is of worldwide interest, in this PhD project we investigated the Ridracoli reservoir, one of the main water supply in Emilia-Romagna (north-eastern Italy). This work aims to characterize waters and sediments to better understand their composition, interactions and any process that occurs, for a better geochemical and environmental knowledge of the area. Physical and chemical analyses on the water column have shown an alternation of stratification and mixing of water in the reservoir’s water body due to seasonal variations in temperature and density. In particular, it was observed the establishment, in late summer, of anoxic conditions at the bottom, which in turn affects the concentration and mobility of some elements of concern (e.g. Fe and Mn) for the water quality. Sediments within the reservoir and from surrounding areas were analysed for organic matter, total inorganic composition and grain size, assessing the inter-element relationship, grain size, geological background and damming influences on their chemistry, through descriptive statistics, Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis. The reservoir’s area was also investigated by pseudo total composition (Aqua Regia digestion), degree of elements extractability, and enrichment factors, then analysed and compared to limits by law and literature. Sediment cores, interstitial waters, and benthic chamber data from the bottom were of great interest due to organic matter degradation, early diagenesis, mineral formation at water-sediment interface and observed flows. Finally, leaching test and extraction procedures, of environmental interest, showed peculiar partitioning, both regarding spatial and in-depth distribution, and the absence of pollution. Collectively, our results are useful for the comprehension of processes that occur in water and sediments of Ridracoli reservoir, providing important knowledges on the site that could be relevant for the management of the resource and the planning of future interventions.


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The present study addresses to understand the sedimentological properties of the coasts of kodungallur and chellanam, central Kerala to bring out the relationship between the textural, mineralogical and geochemical characters with that of the respective environment. The grain size study of the beach ridge sediments from different pits has been investigated at close intervals, which enables to understand the grain size variations with depth. The sediment samples from various pits of the beach ridges indicate that the sediments range primarily from medium to very fine sand, well to moderately sorted, fine to coarse skewed and leptokurtic to platykurtic. The study area is considered as a prograding coast. Variations in grain size down the pit give three phases of beach building activities i.e.; a coarsening upward sequence in the bottom layers, a fining upward in the middle and coarsening upward in the top. Beach ridges are formed by swash built sediments with cross bedding and setting lag type sediments with seaward dipping/horizontal units. Geochemical signatures in the study area have been brought out through the analysis of major and trace elements. Iron is significantly enriched and its control over many trace elements is evident. Copper, chromium, cobalt, lithium, lead and zinc show decreasing trend with depth, while sodium, potassium,strontium,nickel and organic carbon increases. The association of many trace elements with organic carbon has also been established. Dissolution of trace elements in anoxic environment, at depth and reprecipitation in the oxic layers, at near or subsurface, are the major mechanism that brought out the variation of certain environmentally sensitive elements


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The work by Koglin et al. (Koglin, N., Kostopoulos, D., Reichmann, T., 2009. Geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Samothraki mafic Suite, NE Greece: Trace-element, isotopic and zircon age constraints. Tectonophysics 473, 53-68. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.10.028), where the authors have proposed to nullify the scenario presented by Bonev and Stampfli (Bonev, N., Stampfli, G., 2008. Petrology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of Jurassic island arc magmatism as revealed by mafic volcanic rocks in the Mesozoic low-grade sequence, eastern Rhodope, Bulgaria. Lithos 100, 210-233) is here Put under discussion. The arguments for this proposal are reviewed in the light of available stratigraphic and radiometric age constraints, geochemical signature and tectonics of highly relevant Jurassic ophiolitic suites occurring immediately north of the Samothraki mafic suite. Our conclusion is that the weak arguments and the lack of knowledge on the relevant constraints from the regional geologic information make inconsistent the Proposal and the model of these authors. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study is an attempt to address issues related to sediment properties like texture, mineralogy and geochemistry as well as water quality of two important rivers of central Kerala-the Periyar and the Chalakudy rivers. The main objectives of the study are to investigate the textural and mineralogical characteristics as well as transportation and depositional mechanisms of the sediments of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers, to find out the geochemical variability of organic carbon, phosphorus and certain major (Na,K,Ca and Mg) and minor/trace(Mn,Pb,Ni,Cr, and Zn) elements in the bulk sediments and mud fraction of these rivers, to evaluate the status of heavy metal pollution registered in the sediments of these rivers, to assess the physico-chemical characteristics and water quality of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers and to estimate the dissolved nutrient flux through the Periyar and Chalakudy rivers into the receiving coastal waters. The granulometric characteristics as well as statistical parameters of the sediments of Periyar and Chalakudy rivers depend on the flow pattern controlled by the gradient of the terrain. Compared to Periyar, fluctuations in the dispersal of particles are more in Chalakudy river. In Periyar river, the P and Fe in bulk sediments show a positive correlation with C-org, while in Chalakudy river, both the elements are related to THM concentration. In general, C-org, Fe and P Shows an increasing trend downstream. In Periyar river, the P and Fe in bulk sediments show a positive correlation with C-org, while in Chalakudy river, both the elements are related to THM concentration. Among these two rivers, the pollution of water is several fold higher in Periyar river due to influx due to influx of considerable quantity of liquid and solid wastes of industrial/domestic/urban origin. Nutrient analysis reveals 2-3 times increase in N and P during monsoon season whereas SiO2-Si shows a decreasing trend.


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A limiting factor in the accuracy and precision of U/Pb zircon dates is accurate correction for initial disequilibrium in the 238U and 235U decay chains. The longest-lived-and therefore most abundant-intermediate daughter product in the 235U isotopic decay chain is 231Pa (T1/2 = 32.71 ka), and the partitioning behavior of Pa in zircon is not well constrained. Here we report high-precision thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-Pb zircon data from two samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, which show evidence for incorporation of excess 231Pa during zircon crystallization. The most precise analyses from the two samples have consistent Th-corrected 206Pb/238U dates with weighted means of 11.9325 ± 0.0039 Ma (n = 9) and 11.920 ± 0.011 Ma (n = 4), but distinctly older 207Pb/235U dates that vary from 12.330 ± 0.048 Ma to 12.140 ± 0.044 Ma and 12.03 ± 0.24 to 12.40 ± 0.27 Ma, respectively. If the excess 207Pb is due to variable initial excess 231Pa, calculated initial (231Pa)/(235U) activity ratios for the two samples range from 5.6 ± 1.0 to 9.6 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 5.2 to 11.4 ± 5.8. The data from the more precisely dated sample yields estimated DPazircon/DUzircon from 2.2-3.8 and 5.6-9.6, assuming (231Pa)/(235U) of the melt equal to the global average of recently erupted mid-ocean ridge basaltic glasses or secular equilibrium, respectively. High precision ID-TIMS analyses from nine additional samples from Hole 735B and nearby Hole 1105A suggest similar partitioning. The lower range of DPazircon/DUzircon is consistent with ion microprobe measurements of 231Pa in zircons from Holocene and Pleistocene rhyolitic eruptions (Schmitt (2007; doi:10.2138/am.2007.2449) and Schmitt (2011; doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-040610-133330)). The data suggest that 231Pa is preferentially incorporated during zircon crystallization over a range of magmatic compositions, and excess initial 231Pa may be more common in zircons than acknowledged. The degree of initial disequilibrium in the 235U decay chain suggested by the data from this study, and other recent high precision datasets, leads to resolvable discordance in high precision dates of Cenozoic to Mesozoic zircons. Minor discordance in zircons of this age may therefore reflect initial excess 231Pa and does not require either inheritance or Pb loss.


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On the basis of their respective eruptive environments and chemical characteristics, alkalic dolerite sills from the northern Pigafetta Basin (Site 800) and tholeiitic pillow lavas from the Mariana Basin (Site 802) sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 are considered to represent examples of the widespread mid-Cretaceous volcanic event in the western Pacific. Both groups of basic rocks feature mild, low-grade, anoxic smectite-celadonite-carbonate-pyrite alteration; late-stage oxidation is very limited in extent, with the exception of the uppermost sill unit at Site 800. The aphyric and nonvesicular Site 800 alkalic dolerite sills are all well-evolved mineralogically and chemically, being mainly of hawaiite composition, and are similar to ocean island basalts. They are characterized by high contents of incompatible elements (for example, 300-400 ppm Zr), well-fractionated rare earth element patterns ([La/Yb]N 18-21) and HIMU isotopic characters. They probably represent deep-sea, lateral, intrusive off-shoots from nearby seamounts of similar age. The olivine-plagioclase +/- clinopyroxene phyric tholeiitic pillow lavas and thin flows of Site 802 are nonvesicular and quench-textured throughout. Relative to normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt, they are enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements, exhibit flat (unfractionated) rare earth element patterns and have distinctive (lower) Zr/Nb, Zr/Ta, La/Ta, and Hf/Th ratios. Overall they are compositionally and isotopically similar to the mid-Cretaceous tholeiites of the Nauru basin and the Ontong-Java and Manihiki plateaus. The Site 802 tholeiites differ from the thickened crustal segments of the oceanic plateaus, however, in apparently representing only a thin veneer over the local basement in an off-axis environment.


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Miocene to Quaternary sediments from the Oki Ridge (Site 798) and the Kita-Yamato Trough (Site 799) in the Japan Sea contain organic carbon ranging from about 0.6% in light-colored layers to almost 6% in dark layers. The organic matter consists of a variable mixture of marine and terrigenous contributions, the ratio of which is not correlated to the total organic carbon content. Marine organic particles clearly dominate in the deeper section of Hole 799B. The extractable bitumen is strongly dominated by long-chain alkenones from microalgae in the shallower sediments, whereas bishomohopanoic acid (C32) of eubacterial origin is the single most abundant compound in deeper samples. Normal alkanes and straight-chain carboxylic acids, both of which show a bimodal distribution with odd and even carbon-number predominance, respectively, are two other groups of compounds which are important constituents of the extracts. The deepest samples at Site 799 contain a considerable amount of short-chain components, which probably migrated upward from thermally more altered deeper sediments.