901 resultados para General Principles ofInternational Law
It has been alleged that J M Keynes, quoting in the General Theory a passage from J S Mill's Principles, misunderstood the passage in question and was therefore wrong to cite Mill as an upholder of the 'classical' proposition that 'supply creates its own demand'. We believe that, although Keynes was admittedly in error with respect to, so-to-say, the 'letter' of Mill's exposition, he did not mislead readers as to the 'substance' of Mill's conception. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that J S Mill did indeed stand for a 'classical' position, vulnerable to Keynes's critique as developed in the General Theory. [This is a revised version of an earlier working paper: 'Keynes, Mill and Say's Law', Strathclyde Papers in Economics, 2000/11]
Law and science have partnered together in the recent past to solve major public health issues, ranging from asbestos to averting the threat of a nuclear holocaust. This paper travels to a legal and health policy frontier where no one has gone before, examining the role of precautionary principles under international law as a matter of codified international jurisprudence by examining draft terminology from prominent sources including the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (UK), the Swiss Confederation, the USA (NIOSH) and the OECD. The research questions addressed are how can the benefits of nanotechnology be realized, while minimizing the risk of harm? What law, if any, applies to protect consumers (who comprise the general public, nanotechnology workers and their corporate social partners) and other stakeholders within civil society from liability? What law, if any, applies to prevent harm?
This guide was created to aid communities in the process of smart planning and is organized around the 10 Smart Planning Principles signed into Iowa law in 2010. A general description of the concept, strategies for encouraging use, policy tools for implementation, and a current Iowa example are presented for each Principle. In addition, a brief list of resources is provided to help local governments, community organizations and citizen planners find information and ideas on community involvement and incorporation of smart planning concepts in every day decisions.
The rules on prescription in Part VIII, Chapter 18, of the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL) follow the provisions of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR), which, in general, have deserved favourable comments. Yet, a number of rules contained in those texts have been omitted. It is necessary to ascertain whether the CESL rules only apply to provisions on rights and claims resulting from sales or related services contracts, or whether they are also applicable to any other contractual right or claim and also to rights or claims of non-contractual origin. One of the most problematic issues concerns general prescription periods: firstly, because there are two general periods, a short one and a long one, without any specification about the claims or rights covered by each one of them; secondly, because neither period is suitable in case of non-conformity. There are also some interpretation problems due to missing, ambiguous or defective definitions. The systematic approach demands clarification too.
El treball que es presenta conté un text articulat sobre la part de teoria general del contracte (arts. 612-1 i següents) del llibre sisè del Codi Civil de Catalunya. El procés de codificació civil que es viu a Catalunya justifica aquest treball, que podria ser útil per a elaboració del llibre sisè del CCCat dedicat a les obligacions i els contractes. El treball consta d’una proposta de text articulat, amb el seus respectius comentaris a cada article. Es tracta del capítol segon del títol primer del llibre sisè, i es divideix en les següents seccions: 1) El contracte, els seus elements essencials, i la seva eficàcia; 2) La formació del contracte; 3) La interpretació del contracte; i 4) La ineficàcia del contracte, que inclou l’anàlisi dels vicis del consentiment. El treball ha pres com a referència les principals propostes d’harmonització del dret contractual (Principis Unidroit [PICC], Principis de Dret Contractual Europeu [PECL], Marc Comú de Referència [DCFR], i l’Instrument Opcional sobre Compravenda Europea [CESL] i la regulació dels codis més moderns (entre ells, el del Quebec, l’Holandès, el Portuguès o l’Italià) i les seves propostes de reforma (el projecte Terrè a França, i la Propuesta de Modificación del Código Civil Español en materia de obligaciones y contratos). En la proposta presentada s’incorporen institucions no regulades en el Codi civil espanyol actualment vigent a Catalunya en la seva condició de dret supletori, i s’omplen algunes llacunes d’aquest cos legal. Es poden citar, entre elles, les clàusules abusives dels contractes, el canvi en les circumstàncies essencials del contracte, el contracte per a persona per designar, la responsabilitat per culpa in contrahendo, les cartes d’intencions, el règim de l’oferta i l’acceptació del contracte, els contractes preparatoris, els drets de preferència, la possibilitat d’anul·lació del contracte per concessió d’un avantatge injust a alguna de les parts, i el règim dels contractes en frau de creditors.
Cover title.
Printed at the Niagara Spectator Office
Four questions dominate normative contemporary constitutional theroy: What is the purpose of a constitution? What makes a constitution legitimate? What kinds of arguments are legitimate within the process of constitutional interpretation? What can make judicial review of legislation legitimate in principle? The main purpose of this text is to provide one general answer to the last question. The secondary purpose is to show how this answer may bear upon our understanding of the fundamental basis of constitutional law. These two purposes should suggest particular answers to the first three questions.
This brief article is devoted to a critique of the arguments put forward by the Attorney General of Canada in connection with the Reference concerning certain questions relating to the secession of Quebec (hereinafter, "the Reference"). This critique will not be presented from a plainly positivist standpoint. On the contrary, I will be examining in particular (1) how the approach taken by the Attorney General impoverished the legal concepts of the rule of law anf federalism, both of which were, however, central to her submission; and, in a more general way, (2) how the excessively detailed analysis of constitutional texts contributes to the impoverishment of the symbolic function of the law, however essential that dimension may be to its legitimacy. My criticism will take into account the reasons for judgement delivered recently by the Supreme Court in the Reference.
Un résumé en français est également disponible.
Dans un contexte où les virus informatiques présentent un risque sérieux pour les réseaux à travers le globe, il est impératif de retenir la responsabilité des compagnies qui n’y maintiennent pas une sécurité adéquate. À ce jour, les tribunaux québécois n’ont pas encore été saisis d’affaires en responsabilité pour des virus informatiques. Cet article brosse un portrait général de la responsabilité entourant les virus informatiques en fonction des principes généraux de responsabilité civile en vigueur au Québec. L’auteur propose des solutions pour interpréter les trois critères traditionnels la faute, le dommage et le lien causal en mettant l’accent sur l’obligation de précaution qui repose sur les épaules de l’administrateur de réseau. Ce joueur clé pourrait bénéficier de l’adoption de dispositions générales afin de limiter sa responsabilité. De plus, les manufacturiers et les distributeurs peuvent également partager une partie de la responsabilité en proportion de la gravité de leur faute. Les entreprises ont un devoir légal de s’assurer que leurs systèmes sont sécuritaires afin de protéger les intérêts de leurs clients et des tiers.