979 resultados para GOLGI, CAMILO


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The effect of the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B (10 and 100 micrograms/ml) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica was determined in vitro by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. SEM revealed that initial swelling of the tegument led to surface blebbing and limited areas of sloughing after 24 h treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental syncytium, basal accumulations of secretory bodies (especially T2s) were evident in the earlier time periods but declined with longer incubations, until few secretory bodies remained in the syncytium overall. Blebbing of the apical plasma membrane and occasional areas of breakdown and sloughing of the tegument were observed over longer periods of treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental cell bodies, the Golgi complexes gradually decreased in size and activity, and few secretory bodies were produced. In the later time periods, the cells assumed abnormal shapes, the cytoplasm shrinking in towards the nucleus. In the vitelline follicles, a random dispersion of shell protein globules was evident within the intermediate-type cells, rather than their being organized into distinct shell globule clusters. Disruption of this process was more severe at the higher concentration of 100 micrograms/ml and again was more evident in tissue-slice material. In the latter, after prolonged (12 h) exposure to cytochalasin B, the intermediate and mature vitelline cells were filled with loosely packed and expanded shell globule clusters, containing few shell protein globules. The mature vitelline cells continued to lay down "yolk" globules and glycogen deposits. Disruption of the network of processes from the nurse cells was evident at the higher concentration of cytochalasin. Spaces began to appear between the vitelline cells and grew larger with progressively longer incubation periods, and the cells themselves assumed abnormal shapes. A number of binucleate stem cells were observed in tissue-slice material at the longest incubation period (12 h).


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The effect of the microtubule inhibitors colchicine (1 x 10(-3) M) and tubulozole-C(1 x 10(-6) M) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica has been determined in vitro by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. With colchicine treatment, the apical membrane of the tegument became increasingly convoluted and blebbed, while accumulations of T1 secretory bodies occurred in the basal region of the syncytium, leading to progressively fewer secretory bodies in the syncytium. In the tegumental cells there were distinct accumulations of T1 secretory bodies around the Golgi complexes, which remained active for up to 12 h incubation. Tubulozole-treated flukes showed more severe effects, with initial accumulations of secretory bodies, both at the tegumental apex and base. This was followed in the later time-periods by the sloughing of the tegumental syncytium. In the underlying tegumental cells, the granular endoplasmic reticulum (GER) cisternae were swollen and disrupted, becoming concentrated around the nucleus. The Golgi complexes were dispersed to the periphery of the cells and gradually disappeared from the cytoplasm. After treatment with both drugs, the cell population in the vitelline follicles was altered, with an abnormally large proportion of stem cells and relatively few intermediate type 1 cells. The nurse cell cytoplasm became fragmented and was no longer in contact with the vitelline cells, while the shell globule clusters within the intermediate type 2 and mature cells were loosely packed. In the mature vitelline cells, 'yolk' globules and glycogen deposits became fewer than normal and lipid droplets were observed. The results are discussed in relation to the different modes of action of the two drugs and potential significance of this to anthelmintic (benzimidazole) therapy.


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Caballeria liewi Lim, 1995, uses adhesive secretions from the head organs and posterior secretory systems to assist in locomotion and attachment. Ultrastructural investigations show that the head organs of C. liewi consist of three pairs of antero-lateral pit-like openings bearing microvilli and ducts leading from two types of uninucleated gland cells (located lateral to the pharynx), one type producing rod-like (S1) bodies with an electron-dense matrix containing less electron-dense vesicles and the second type producing oval (S2) bodies with a homogeneous electron-dense matrix. Interlinking band-like structures are observed between S1 bodies and between S2 bodies. S1 body is synthesised in the granular endoplasmic reticulum, transported to a Golgi complex to be packaged into vesicles and routed into ducts for exudation. The synthesis of the S2 body is unresolved. Haptoral secretions manifested externally as net-like structures are derived from dual electron-dense (DED) secretory body produced in the peduncular gland cells. The DED body consists of a less electron-dense oval core in a homogeneous electron-dense matrix. On exocytosis into the pyriform haptoral reservoir, DED bodies are transformed into a secretion with two types of inclusions (less electron-dense oval and electron-dense spherical inclusions) in an electron-dense matrix. The secretions are further transformed (as small, oval, electron-dense bodies) when transported to the superficial anchor grooves, and on exudation into the gill tissues, the secretions become an electron-dense matrix. Secretory bodies associated with uniciliated structures, anchor sleeves and marginal hooks are also observed.


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Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-associated deaths in men and signalling via a transcription factor called androgen receptor (AR) is an important driver of the disease. Androgen treatment is known to affect the expression and activity of other oncogenes including receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In this study we report that AR-positive prostate cancer cell-lines express 50% higher levels of enzymes in the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP) than AR-negative prostate cell-lines. HBP produces hexosamines that are used by endoplasmic reticulum and golgi enzymes to glycosylate proteins targeted to plasma-membrane and secretion. Inhibition of O-linked glycosylation by ST045849 or N-linked glycosylation with tunicamycin decreased cell viability by 20%. In addition, tunicamycin inhibited the androgen-induced expression of AR target genes KLK3 and CaMKK2 by 50%. RTKs have been shown to enhance AR activity and we used an antibody array to identify changes in the phosphorylation status of RTKs in response to androgen stimulation. Hormone treatment increased the activity of Insulin like Growth Factor 1-Receptor (IGF-1R) ten-fold and this was associated with a concomitant increase in the N-linked glycosylation of the receptor, analyzed by lectin enrichment experiments. Glycosylation is known to be important for the processing and stability of RTKs. Inhibition of N-linked glycosylation resulted in accumulation of IGF-1R pro-receptor with altered mobility as shown by immunoprecipitation. Confocal imaging revealed that androgen induced plasma-membrane localization of IGF-1R was blocked by tunicamycin. In conclusion we have established that the glycosylation of IGF-1R is necessary for the full activation of the receptor in response to androgen treatment and that perturbing this process can break the feedback loop between AR and IGF-1R activation in prostate cells. Achieving similar results selectively in a clinical setting will be an important challenge in the future.


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Retrograde transport links early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN), thereby connecting the endocytic and the biosynthetic/secretory pathways. To determine how internalized molecules are targeted to the retrograde route, we have interfered with the function of clathrin and that of two proteins that interact with it, AP1 and epsinR. We found that the glycosphingolipid binding bacterial Shiga toxin entered cells efficiently when clathrin expression was inhibited. However, retrograde transport of Shiga toxin to the TGN was strongly inhibited. This allowed us to show that for Shiga toxin, retrograde sorting on early/recycling endosomes depends on clathrin and epsinR, but not AP1. EpsinR was also involved in retrograde transport of two endogenous proteins, TGN38/46 and mannose 6-phosphate receptor. In conclusion, our work reveals the existence of clathrin-independent and -dependent transport steps in the retrograde route, and establishes a function for clathrin and epsinR at the endosome-TGN interface.


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EpsinR is a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) enriched 70-kD protein that binds to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, clathrin, and the gamma appendage domain of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP1). In cells, its distribution overlaps with the perinuclear pool of clathrin and AP1 adaptors. Overexpression disrupts the CCV-dependent trafficking of cathepsin D from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes and the incorporation of mannose-6-phosphate receptors into CCVs. These biochemical and cell biological data point to a role for epsinR in AP1/clathrin budding events in the cell, just as epsin1 is involved in the budding of AP2 CCVs. Furthermore, we show that two gamma appendage domains can simultaneously bind to epsinR with affinities of 0.7 and 45 microM, respectively. Thus, potentially, two AP1 complexes can bind to one epsinR. This high affinity binding allowed us to identify a consensus binding motif of the form DFxDF, which we also find in gamma-synergin and use to predict that an uncharacterized EF-hand-containing protein will be a new gamma binding partner.


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Metabolic alterations have been identified as a frequent event in cancer. This is often associated with increased flux through glycolysis, and also a secondary pathway to glycolysis, hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP). HBP provides substrate for N-linked glycosylation, which occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. N-linked glycosylation supports protein folding and correct sorting of proteins to plasma membrane and secretion. This process generates complex glycoforms, which can be recognized by other proteins and glycosylation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) can also regulate their plasma-membrane retention time. Of special interest for experimental biologists, plants produce proteins, termed lectins, which bind with high specificity to glyco-conjugates. For the purposes of molecular biology, plant lectins can be conjugated to different moieties, such as agarose beads, which enable precipitation of specifically glycosylated proteins. In this chapter, we describe in detail how to perform pull-down experiments with commercially available lectins to identify changes in the glycosylation of RTKs.


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La cellule utilise des nœuds d’interactions protéiques relativement stables, conservés et souvent constitués d’adaptateurs moléculaires pour gérer des signaux reçus (synthèse, sécrétion, traffic, métabolisme, division), des problèmes de sécurité et de niveaux d’énergie. Nos résultats montrent que la cellule utilise aussi des nœuds relativement petits et dynamiques où des informations propres concernant des voies métaboliques apparemment indépendantes sont évaluées. Ces informations y sont intégrées localement et une décision y est prise pour action immédiate. Cette idée est supportée par notre étude sur le récepteur de l’insuline (RI). Ce récepteur transmembranaire à activité tyrosine kinase reconnaît un signal externe (insuline circulante) et engage la signalisation de l’insuline, les réponses métaboliques et le contrôle du glucose circulant. Le RI est aussi impliqué dans l’internalisation de l’insuline et sa dégradation dans les endosomes (clairance). Il régule donc indirectement la sécrétion de l’insuline par les cellules du pancréas endocrine. La signification pathophysiologique de l’endocytose du RI ainsi que les bases moléculaires d’une telle coordination sont peu connues. Nous avons construit un réseau d’interactions du RI (IRGEN) à partir d’un protéome de fractions Golgi-endosomales (G/E) hépatiques. Nous démontrons une forte hétérogénéité fonctionnelle autour du RI avec la présence des protéines ATIC, PTPLAD1, AMPKα et ANXA2. ANXA2 est une protéine impliquée dans la biogénèse et le transport endosomal. Nos résultats identifient un site de SUMOylation régulé par l’insuline dans sa région N-terminale. ATIC est une enzyme de la voie de synthèse des purines de novo dont le substrat AICAR est un activateur de l’AMPKα. Des analyses biochimiques in vitro et in vivo nous montrent que ATIC favorise la tyrosine phosphorylation du RI par opposition fonctionnelle à PTPLAD1. Une délétion partielle d’ATIC stimule l’activation de l’AMPK dont la sous-unité AMPKα2 apparaît déterminante pour le trafic du RI. Nous démontrons que ATIC, PTPLAD1, AMPKα, AICAR et ANXA2 contrôlent l’endocytose du RI à travers le cytosquelette d’actine et le réseau de microtubules. Nous ressortons un nœud de signalisation (ATIC, PTPLAD1, AMPKα) capable de détecter les niveaux d’activation du RI, d’énergie cellulaires (rapports AMP/ATP) et aussi d’agir sur la signalisation et l’endocytose du RI. Cette proximité moléculaire expliquerait le débat sur le mécanisme primaire du diabète de type 2 (DT2), notamment entre la sensibilité à l’insuline et sa clairance. Nous avons calculé un enrichissement de 61% de variants communs du DT2 parmi les protéines fonctionnellement proches du RI incluant RI, ATIC, AMPKα, KIF5A et GLUT2. Cet enrichissement suggère que l’hétérogénéité génétique révélée par les consortiums sur études génomiques (GWAS) converge vers des mécanismes peu étudiés de biologie cellulaire.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde (Nutrição), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Individual eukaryotic microbes, such as the kinetoplastid parasite Trypanosoma brucei, have a defined size, shape, and form yet transition through life cycle stages, each having a distinct morphology. In questioning the structural processes involved in these transitions, we have identified a large calpain-like protein that contains numerous GM6 repeats (ClpGM6) involved in determining T. brucei cell shape, size, and form. ClpGM6 is a cytoskeletal protein located within the flagellum along the flagellar attachment zone (FAZ). Depletion of ClpGM6 in trypomastigote forms produces cells with long free flagella and a shorter FAZ, accompanied by repositioning of the basal body, the kinetoplast, Golgi, and flagellar pocket, reflecting an epimastigote-like morphology. Hence, major changes in microbial cell form can be achieved by simple modulation of one or a few proteins via coordinated association and positioning of membrane and cytoskeletal components.


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O cinema português não tem junto do público nacional o mesmo apelo de outros tempos. Hoje a oferta é maior e o cinema norte-americano parece ter invadido as salas de cinema portuguesas. Hoje o cinema português está mais dependente do financiamento público, a ida às salas de cinema para ver produções nacionais é parca quando comparada com afluência para ver filmes de outros países e a produção nacional nem sempre passa nas salas nacionais. Sob este cenário, o trabalho aqui apresentado pretende responder ao que parece ser uma necessidade de desenvolvimento e de crescimento do sector usando como ferramenta as relações públicas. Este trabalho consiste, assim, numa aplicação prática das técnicas de relações públicas para construir uma estratégia de comunicação que, por um lado, promova o cinema português e que, por outro, fortaleça o sector.


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O intuito deste projecto de investigação é o de fazer um plano de comunicação para alterar o comportamento dos jovens face aos hábitos alimentares. O público-alvo desta comunicação são jovens entre os 16 e 21 anos. O problema em estudo neste trabalho são os hábitos alimentares dos jovens portugueses, tendo como objetivo a melhoria por parte dos jovens dos hábitos alimentares. Uma vez que estamos a alterar comportamentos e atitudes, este plano de comunicação insere-se no âmbito do marketing social. O presente projecto foi desenvolvido em três fases: primeiro foi feita uma revisão da literatura para perceber quais os hábitos alimentares dos jovens e o que já foi feito de comunicação para esta causa. Em seguida foi efectuado um questionário aos jovens para que fosse possível perceber o que consomem, as noções que têm de alimentação saudável e como se deve comunicar sobre hábitos alimentares com o target definido. Por fim, realizou-se uma estratégia de comunicação com base nas respostas dos inquiridos. A estratégia de comunicação é o mais adequada possível para os jovens, a fim de se conseguir passar a mensagem. De acordo com os resultados obtidos podemos perceber que muitos dos inquiridos não têm a melhor alimentação, contudo a maioria tem noção do que são bons hábitos alimentares. Relativamente aos meios para passar a mensagem, os inquiridos elegeram aqueles mais direcionados aos jovens. O resultado deste projecto foi um plano de comunicação com o objetivo dos jovens alterarem os seus hábitos alimentares. Este plano teve grande enfoque na publicidade, nas relações públicas e nos social media.