921 resultados para Fryer Library
This year, IFLA's World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) was held in Durban, South Africa, under the title ¿Libraries for the future: progress, development and partnerships¿. The association thus continued its policy of holding the event in different continents: Buenos Aires (South America) 2004, Oslo (Europe) 2005, Seoul (Asia) 2006, Durban (Africa) 2007, Quebec (North America) 2008, Milan (Europe) 2009 and Brisbane (Oceania) 2010.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Quarterly State Library Update for patrons.
In its long and irregular transition, from traditional library to the electronic book we have seen combining and alternating the hybrid, electronic and most recently the digital libraries. All these concepts which are combining and are conditioning each other, are referring to methods of organization and use of an informational content (which exists or not in an informational structure).
Legislation passed during the 2010 legislative session required a study of ways to streamline state-funded library operations and services. The Iowa Library Association was asked to lead this endeavor and named a committee to carry out the study. The study resulted in the development of a plan for reorganization, which is outlined in the Iowa Library Services Reorganization Report. The Iowa Library Reorganization Committee was representative of the Library Services Areas, the State Library of Iowa, and public libraries of all sizes from all around the state. The president of the Iowa Library Association and the State Librarian also served as members of the Committee. The report was submitted to members of the Iowa legislature on November 1, 2010.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
The Standards and Accreditation program exists to encourage the ongoing development of high quality public library services in Iowa. In Service to Iowa: Public Library Standards is the manual for the State Library of Iowa’s standards program. It was first published in 1985 and was updated in 1989, 1997, 2004, and now in 2010. Iowa’s voluntary public library standards program was established to give public libraries a tool to identify strengths and areas for improvement. It is also used to document the condition of public library service in Iowa, to distribute Direct State Aid funding, and to meet statutory requirements. In 2010, the Iowa Commission of Libraries appointed the Public Library Standards Advisory Task Force to revise In Service to Iowa. The Task Force included members representing libraries from different size categories, the Iowa Commission of Libraries, Library Service Area staff, and State Library staff. All members support and stress the importance of the accreditation process and thank the Iowa public library community for its assistance.
Annual report for State Library of Iowa
Annual report for State Library of Iowa
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
The information in this digest comes from the FY10 Iowa Annual Public Library Survey. It reflects the activities of 525 of the 543 public libraries in Iowa.
The 2009-2010 (FY10) edition of Iowa Public Library Statistics includes information on income, expenditures, collections, circulation, and other measures, including staff. Each section is arranged by size code, then alphabetically by city. The totals and percentiles for each size code grouping are given immediately following the alphabetical listings. Totals and medians for all reporting libraries are given at the end of each section. There are 543 libraries included in this publication; 525 submitted a report. The table of size codes (page 5) lists the libraries alphabetically. The following table lists the size code designations, the population range in each size code, the number of libraries reporting in each size code, and the total population of the reporting libraries in each sizecode. The total population served by the 543 libraries is 2,339,070. Population data is used to determine per capita figures throughout the publication.
Soil science has sought to develop better techniques for the classification of soils, one of which is the use of remote sensing applications. The use of ground sensors to obtain soil spectral data has enabled the characterization of these data and the advancement of techniques for the quantification of soil attributes. In order to do this, the creation of a soil spectral library is necessary. A spectral library should be representative of the variability of the soils in a region. The objective of this study was to create a spectral library of distinct soils from several agricultural regions of Brazil. Spectral data were collected (using a Fieldspec sensor, 350-2,500 nm) for the horizons of 223 soil profiles from the regions of Matão, Paraguaçu Paulista, Andradina, Ipaussu, Mirandópolis, Piracicaba, São Carlos, Araraquara, Guararapes, Valparaíso (SP); Naviraí, Maracajú, Rio Brilhante, Três Lagoas (MS); Goianésia (GO); and Uberaba and Lagoa da Prata (MG). A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the data was then performed and a graphic representation of the spectral curve was created for each profile. The reflectance intensity of the curves was principally influenced by the levels of Fe2O3, clay, organic matter and the presence of opaque minerals. There was no change in the spectral curves in the horizons of the Latossolos, Nitossolos, and Neossolos Quartzarênicos. Argissolos had superficial horizon curves with the greatest intensity of reflection above 2,200 nm. Cambissolos and Neossolos Litólicos had curves with greater reflectance intensity in poorly developed horizons. Gleisols showed a convex curve in the region of 350-400 nm. The PCA was able to separate different data collection areas according to the region of source material. Principal component one (PC1) was correlated with the intensity of reflectance samples and PC2 with the slope between the visible and infrared samples. The use of the Spectral Library as an indicator of possible soil classes proved to be an important tool in profile classification.