989 resultados para Formal labor market


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El artículo aborda la evolución del mercado de trabajo y de la estructura del empleo en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período 1991-2009. El análisis recurre a la articulación de una multiplicidad de fuentes de información para dar cuenta de los diferentes aspectos de los fenómenos laborales. A partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares, se analizan los indicadores básicos de los mercados de trabajo urbanos en los principales aglomerados de la provincia y se lleva a cabo una caracterización de sus respectivas estructuras de empleo, considerando dimensiones tales como la categoría ocupacional, la composición público-privado, la condición de registro del empleo (registrado y no registrado) y el sector de actividad. Por otra parte, a nivel del total provincial, se analiza la evolución el empleo privado registrado y su composición sectorial. Para este tipo de análisis se utilizan datos procedentes de los registros administrativos que surgen de las declaraciones juradas de personal en relación de dependencia que realizan mensualmente los contribuyentes ante la AFIP. Estos datos permiten tratamientos muy desagregados de la información, de suma importancia para el análisis sectorial detallado. También a nivel del total provincial, se caracteriza al empleo público en sus distintos niveles de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal) a partir de fuentes presupuestarias y de otras, menos difundidas, elaboradas por distintos organismos públicos. El artículo ofrece análisis descriptivos de las variables mencionadas y un pormenorizado detalle metodológico respecto de las fuentes y el tratamiento de la información.


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In the present paper I intend to put forward some inquiries regarding the socio-labor guidance and transition of the young people in the co-ordinates of contemporary society. The outstanding paradox in which some young people are immersed when trying to get a first, second, third employment is also analyzed: "The job of looking for a job". This is a common experience shared by many young people when they try to find a place in the complex labor panorama. Looking for a job is a recurrent situation in contemporary society, given the high dose of precarious employment in which the productive world moves. Life-long jobs belong to the past and what is normal is that people strive to enter the competitive labor market repeatedly. Moreover, the paper offers the partial results of a larger research project that approaches tutorship, decision taking and expectations before the academic-labor future of the studentship in the last years of secondary school. Finally, I suggest some insights in the line that it is not longer feasible to work with old-fashioned guidance, trying to channel people's vocation and offering them information so that they get a job that provides them with the happiness of "doing what you like". Behind these ideas lay the normal biographies, the predictable itineraries. Labor market complexity makes the transition to working life very difficult. Once immersed in it, biographies and labor itineraries are constructed and reconstructed at the rhythm of the changing fortunes of times.


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El artículo aborda la evolución del mercado de trabajo y de la estructura del empleo en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período 1991-2009. El análisis recurre a la articulación de una multiplicidad de fuentes de información para dar cuenta de los diferentes aspectos de los fenómenos laborales. A partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares, se analizan los indicadores básicos de los mercados de trabajo urbanos en los principales aglomerados de la provincia y se lleva a cabo una caracterización de sus respectivas estructuras de empleo, considerando dimensiones tales como la categoría ocupacional, la composición público-privado, la condición de registro del empleo (registrado y no registrado) y el sector de actividad. Por otra parte, a nivel del total provincial, se analiza la evolución el empleo privado registrado y su composición sectorial. Para este tipo de análisis se utilizan datos procedentes de los registros administrativos que surgen de las declaraciones juradas de personal en relación de dependencia que realizan mensualmente los contribuyentes ante la AFIP. Estos datos permiten tratamientos muy desagregados de la información, de suma importancia para el análisis sectorial detallado. También a nivel del total provincial, se caracteriza al empleo público en sus distintos niveles de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal) a partir de fuentes presupuestarias y de otras, menos difundidas, elaboradas por distintos organismos públicos. El artículo ofrece análisis descriptivos de las variables mencionadas y un pormenorizado detalle metodológico respecto de las fuentes y el tratamiento de la información.


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This paper tries to understand the current status of South African labor market, which is changing in contradictory directions, i.e. a strengthening of the rights and protection of workers at the same time as the flexibilization of employment, in the context of the characteristics of labor and social security legislation in South Africa, as well as the nature of labor and social security reforms after democratization. We put emphasis on the corporatist nature of labor policy-making as the factor influencing the course of reforms; it is argued that the apparently contradictive changes can be explained consistently by the corporatist labor policy-making process which has been practiced notwithstanding the problem of representativeness.


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It seems like that backward- bending of labor supply function can be observed in Central Asian Countries such as Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. People’s basic needs of life are satisfied and they do not increase labor supplies even if wage increases. It is possible to find some cases in which slowdowns increase, when a manager in a firm enforces penalties for workers have slowdowns. This phenomenon occurs because a worker prefers the position of equilibrium on the labor supply function always in the upper direction. This article explains the increase of free-riders by penalties and how to avoid them.


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The export-oriented garment industry in Madagascar has displayed robust growth, thus both contributing to the economy and creating formal employment opportunities. However, it experienced a critical situation after the political turmoil that occurred in 2009. Our investigation using the trade data demonstrates that suspension of duty-free access to the US market (AGOA) resulting from the turmoil had a greater impact on exports, 64%–78% reduction, than the turmoil itself. Our original factory-level data demonstrates that AGOA suspension increased the probability of closure by 57.8% for the factories supplying exclusively to US market, and reduced 6405 jobs for low-skilled positions during the post turmoil period. The factory-level adverse impacts are much less than those on export value at the industry level because of the maintained duty-free access to EU, which has provided an alternative market. It suggests that if EU also had cancelled duty-free access, adverse impacts would have been enormous. Given the general pattern of comparative advantage in low-income countries, unplanned cancellation of duty-free access for them hurts labor-intensive industries and low-skilled workers.


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International production fragmentation has been a global trend for decades, becoming especially important in Asia where the manufacturing process is fragmented into stages and dispersed around the region. This paper examines the effects of input and output tariff reductions on labor demand elasticities at the firm level. For this purpose, we consider a simple heterogenous firm model in which firms are allowed to export their products and to use imported intermediate inputs. The model predicts that only productive firms can use imported intermediate inputs (outsourcing) and tend to have larger constant-output labor demand elasticities. Input tariff reductions would lower the factor shares of labor for these productive firms and raise conditional labor demand elasticities further. We test these empirical predictions, constructing Chinese firm-level panel data over the 2000--2006 period. Controlling for potential tariff endogeneity by instruments, our empirical studies generally support these predictions.


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Esta tese analisa 9.041 trajetórias ocupacionais de jovens engenheiros como empregados formais no Brasil entre 2003-2012, a partir da técnica de Optimal Matching Analysis (OMA). Estas trajetórias foram comparadas às de uma geração anterior de jovens engenheiros, tanto em seu período-base (1995-2002) como entre 2003-2012, a fim de identificar efeitos de idade e período. Os principais resultados são: (i) conforme esperado, trajetórias ocupacionais ligadas à gestão (em áreas correlatas à engenharia ou não) são as que oferecem remuneração mais alta em todos os períodos analisados; (ii) nos anos 2000, o terceiro padrão mais atrativo para os jovens daquela geração foi permanecer como engenheiro típico, caminho perseguido por praticamente metade deles, enquanto tal atratividade não foi verificada nos anos 1990; (iii) o salário de entrada dos jovens engenheiros subiu 24% em termos reais entre 1995 e 2003; (iv) há pouca mobilidade de trajetória ocupacional por parte da geração dos engenheiros de 1995 após 2003; (v) os jovens engenheiros de 1995 que permaneceram como engenheiros típicos durante os anos 2000 chegaram a 2012 ganhando apenas 14% a mais do que os jovens engenheiros de 2003 (com 8 anos a menos de experiência); para comparação, os gestores da geração 90 ganhavam em torno de 50% a mais do que os da geração 2000; (vi) há dois momentos de definição de trajetória ocupacional: um primeiro ocorre até 3 anos após o primeiro emprego, mas promoções a cargos de gestão podem ocorrer entre 8 e 10 anos. Estes resultados indicam que, se por um lado houve uma revalorização dos profissionais de engenharia na última década, por outro lado esta revalorização não trouxe engenheiros anteriormente formados a carreiras típicas em engenharia. Isto, aliado à baixa demanda pelos cursos de engenharia durante os anos 80 e 90, corrobora a hipótese de um hiato geracional entre os engenheiros, documentado em artigos anteriores.


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The literature on unemployment has mostly focused on labor market issues while the impact of capital foonation is largely neglected Job-creation is often thought to be a matter of encouraging more employment on a given capital stock. In contrast, this paper explicitly deals with the long-run consequences of institutional shocks on capital foonation and employment. It is shown that the usual trade off between employment and wages disappears in the long run. In line with an appropriation model, the estimated values for the long-run elasticities of substitution between capital and labor for Germany and France are substantially greater than one.


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This paper analyzes whether differences in institutional structures on capital markets contribute to explaining why some DECO-countries, in particular the Anglo-Saxon countries, have been much more successful over the last two decades in producing employment growth and in reducing unem­ployment than most continental-European DECO-countries. It is argued that the often-blamed labor market rigidities alone, while important, do not provide a satisfactory explanation for these differ­ences across countries and over time. Financial constraints are potentially important obstacles against creating new firms and jobs and thus against coping well with structural change and against moving successfully toward the "new economy". Highly developed venture capital markets should help to alleviate such financial constraints. This view that labor-market institutions should be sup­plemented by capital market imperfections for explaining differences in employment performances is supported by our panel data analysis, in which venture capital turns out to be a significant insti­tutional variable.


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We study the impact of the different stages of human capital accumulation on the evolution of labor productivity in a model calibrated to the U.S. from 1961 to 2008. We add early childhood education to a standard continuous time life cycle economy and assume complementarity between educational stages. There are three sectors in the model: the goods sector, the early childhood sector and the formal education sector. Agents are homogenous and choose the intensity of preschool education, how long to stay in formal school, labor effort and consumption, and there are exogenous distortions to these four decisions. The model matches the data very well and closely reproduces the paths of schooling, hours worked, relative prices and GDP. We find that the reduction in distortions to early education in the period was large and made a very strong contribution to human capital accumulation. However, due to general equilibrium effects of labor market taxation, marginal modification in the incentives for early education in 2008 had a smaller impact than those for formal education. This is because the former do not decisively affect the decision to join the labor market, while the latter do. Without labor taxation, incentives for preschool are significantly stronger.


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An increasing number of bilateral or plurilateral trade agreements (or regional trade agreements: RTAs) include "labor clauses" that require or urge the signatory countries to commit to maintaining a certain level of labor standards. This paper performs an empirical analysis of the impacts of such labor clauses provided in RTAs on working conditions that laborers in the RTA signatory countries actually face, using macro-level data for a wide variety of countries. The paper first examines the texts of labor provisions in more than 220 effective RTAs and (re-)classifies "RTAs with labor clauses" according to two criteria: (i) the agreement urges or expects the signatory countries to harmonize their domestic labor standards with internationally recognized standards, and (ii) the agreement stipulates the procedures for consultations and/or dispute settlement on labor-condition issues between the signatory countries. Based on this labor-clause RTA classification, the paper estimates the impacts of RTA labor clauses on working conditions in countries with two empirical specifications using the sample covering 136 countries or economies and years from 1995 through 2011. The estimation is extended to takes into account possible lags in the labor-condition effects of labor clauses as well as to consider potential difference in the impacts for countries in different income levels. The empirical results for the four measures of labor conditions (mean monthly real earnings, mean weekly work hours per employee, fatal occupational injury rate, and the number of the ILO's Core Conventions ratified) find no evidence for possible pro-labor-condition effects of RTA labor clauses overall, which should be consistent with the view of economics literature that questions the relevance of linking trade policy with issues in the domestic labor standards.


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Vol. 2, no. 5, May 1915, erroneously numbered v. 2, no. 4.


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Geographic area includes Adams, Kane, Kankakee, Tazewell, Union, and Woodford Counties, and Addison, Maywood, Moline and Woodridge municipal areas in Illinois.


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"April 1957."