303 resultados para Foguetes de sondagem


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Objective: To perform a long-term clinical evaluation of the periodontium of removable parti al denture (RPD) wearers, comparing the direct pillar teeth of tooth-supported and toothtissue supported RPDs. Method: Fifty patients with mean age of 45 years were enrolled in the study. The individuals were examined by a single examiner at the moment of denture installation and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In each exam, the following parameters were verified: gingival recession (GR), probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI) e amount kerati nized mucosa (KM). All patients received oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis and, when necessary, scaling and root planing. An analysis from the confidence interval was done to evaluate the endpoints regarding the type of denture in the direct pillar group. Results: The tooth-tissue supported dentures showed significantly higher GR, GI and PI values, and significantly lower KM values. Over time, neither of the types of denture presented statistically significant difference from the initial to the final examination for the parameters GR, PD, KM and GI, while the PI was significant only for the tooth-supported dentures. Conclusion: Pillar teeth adjacent to free ends presented a less favorable periodontal conditi on than the pillar teeth adjacent to intercalated spaces. However, the use of RPD did not aggravate the initial condition, after a follow-up period of 12 months. The findings of the study indicate that, within 1 year, there were no significant differences between the direct pillars of the toothsupported and tooth-ti ssue supported dentures, and suggest the need of professional follow up for a longer period.


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There is a bidirectional association between periodontal disease (PD) and diabetes mellitus, in which diabetes favors the development of PD and PD, if left untreated, can worsen the metabolic control of diabetes. Thus, periodontal disease should be treated to restore periodontal health and reduce the complications of diabetes. Therefore, the objective is assess the effect of full mouth periodontal therapy decontamination (Full Mouth Desinfection - FMD) in diabetic type II patients with chronic periodontitis during 12 months. Thirty-one patients in group one (G1) and 12 in group two (G2) were followed at baseline, 03, 06 09 and 12 months. There following clinical parameters were accessed: probing on bleeding (BOP), visible plaque index (PI), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival recession (GR). For diabetic patients, there were also made laboratory tests to evaluate blood parameters: fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin. The results had been analyzed in two ways: all sites in the mouth and another with diseased sites. The Mann-Whitney, Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used with 5% significance. Intergroup analysis of all sites it is clear that there was no significant difference over time concerning PD, BOP, PI, CAL and RG. However, when evaluating the diseased sites, we observed significant difference for CAL and PD, with higher values in G1. The intragroup analysis for all sites showed a statistically significant reduction at PD, PI and BOP in both groups. Intragroup analysis of periodontal affected sites showed a statistically significant reduction in PD, BOP and CAL in both groups. There was also a statistically significant increase in RG values. There was no significant change concerning glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose in the G1. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were improvements in periodontal parameters over the 12 months of research, but without changes in glycemic levels of diabetic patients. Thus, periodontal therapy proved effective in maintaining oral health.


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Background: Several theories, such as the biological width formation, the inflammatory reactions due to the implant-abutment microgap contamination, and the periimplant stress/strain concentration causing bone microdamage accumulation, have been suggested to explain early periimplant bone loss. However, it is yet not well understood to which extent the implant-abutment connection type may influence the remodeling process around dental implants. Aim: to evaluate clinical, bacteriological, and biomechanical parameters related to periimplant bone loss at the crestal region, comparing external hexagon (EH) and Morse-taper (MT) connections. Materials and methods: Twelve patients with totally edentulous mandibles received four custom made Ø 3.8 x 13 mm implants in the interforaminal region of the mandible, with the same design, but different prosthetic connections (two of them EH or MT, randomly placed based on a split-mouth design), and a immediate implant- supported prosthesis. Clinical parameters (periimplant probing pocket depth, modified gingival index and mucosal thickness) were evaluated at 6 sites around the implants, at a 12 month follow-up. The distance from the top of the implant to the first bone-to-implant contact – IT-FBIC was evaluated on standardized digital peri-apical radiographs acquired at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months follow-up. Samples of the subgingival microbiota were collected 1, 3 and 6 months after implant loading. DNA were extracted and used for the quantification of Tanerella forsythia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggragatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella intermedia and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Comparison among multiple periods of observation were performed using repeated-measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by a Tukey post-hoc test, while two-period based comparisons were made using paired t- test. Further, 36 computer-tomographic based finite element (FE) models were accomplished, simulating each patient in 3 loading conditions. The results for the peak EQV strain in periimplant bone were interpreted by means of a general linear model (ANOVA). Results: The variation in periimplant bone loss assessed by means of radiographs was significantly different between the connection types (P<0.001). Mean IT-FBIC was 1.17±0.44 mm for EH, and 0.17±0.54 mm for MT, considering all evaluated time periods. All clinical parameters presented not significant differences. No significant microbiological differences could be observed between both connection types. Most of the collected samples had very few pathogens, meaning that these regions were healthy from a microbiological point of view. In FE analysis, a significantly higher peak of EQV strain (P=0.005) was found for EH (mean 3438.65 µ∑) compared to MT (mean 840.98 µ∑) connection. Conclusions: Varying implant-abutment connection type will result in diverse periimplant bone remodeling, regardless of clinical and microbiological conditions. This fact is more likely attributed to the singular loading transmission through different implant-abutment connections to the periimplant bone. The present findings suggest that Morse-taper connection is more efficient to prevent periimplant bone loss, compared to an external hexagon connection.


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This study is based on the design and development of a Didactic sequence in Physics for the first year of high school in a public school, involving structured activities on Astronomy topics, Astronautics and Aeronautics. In addition, it produced a didactic-pedagogic Tutorial for teachers to develop teaching-learning processes in Physics through activities with handmade rockets. These activities have been based on teaching moments of questioning, systematization and contextualization. In this context the understanding and the deepening of concepts and scientific and physical phenomena are related to everyday knowledge, in accordance with the historical-cultural theory, with the Three Pedagogic Moments, dialogicity and Information and Communication Technologies as instruments of triggering actions and motivation, like movies and applications in teaching Astronomy, Physics and Mathematics. The research activities were conduced by adopting a qualitative approach and included reports, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and other notes. The development of the Didactic Sequence enabled a differentiated teaching and learning process, including aspects such as conceptualization, contextualization, flexibility, interdisciplinary and theoreticalexperimental relationship.


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O presente projeto educativo consiste na recolha, estudo e implementação de estratégias de correção postural e qualidade do movimento na performance num conjunto de sessões individuais feito com quatro alunos de piano do Conservatório de Música de Cascais. No início de cada sessão foi gravado um momento performativo, avaliado em matriz própria, que serviu para monitorizar o progresso de cada aluno e para orientar a planificação específica de cada aula, garantindo um acompanhamento individualizado. De forma a recolher dados relativos à consciência e à incidência de problemas médicos em músicos profissionais em Portugal, e assim averiguar a pertinência da implementação de medidas de prevenção em escolas de música, foi feita uma sondagem a nível nacional com a adaptação de um questionário de música e saúde preexistente.


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A periodontite é uma patologia inflamatória, causada pela interação entre o biofilme bacteriano e a resposta imune do hospedeiro e é caracterizada pela degradação de fibras colágenas do periodonto. Os avanços científicos possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que possibilitem o diagnóstico precoce da doença, ou seja, prevenir a perda de inserção e progressão da periodontite. O diagnóstico da doença periodontal baseia-se em parâmetros clínicos como profundidade de sondagem, perda de inserção, hemorragia a sondagem e exames radiográficos. A análise dos biomarcadores presentes no fluido crevicular gengival (FCG) e saliva tem sido alvo de inúmeros artigos, uma vez que o fluido crevicular gengival (FCG) é composto de uma gama de biomarcadores celulares e moleculares. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer uma revisão narrativa da literatura publicada a cerca dos métodos utilizados para diagnóstico precoce e prognóstico dos processos patológicos que podem estar presentes no periodonto. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica online entre Dezembro de 2015 e Maio de 2016, com o objetivo de fazer uma revisão bibliográfica acerca do tema. Não foi estabelecido restrição quanto a data de publicação. Através da identificação da concentração de determinadas proteínas presentes no FCG é possível avaliar a atividade da doença periodontal e o prognóstico. Um importante número de marcadores como a elastase neutrofílica, prostaglandina E2, catepsinas, osteocalcina, -glucoronidase, colagenase, fosfatase alcalina, aspartato aminotransferase são citados (Genco et al., 1992). De acordo com a literatura publicada pode-se concluir que há alguns marcadores promissores para o diagnóstico precoce e prognóstico da doença periodontal, entretanto, não há ainda um marcador que possa identificar a futura perda de inserção ou a suscetibilidade à doença periodontal. São necessários estudos longitudinais para melhor entendimento do papel dos biomarcadores do FCG.


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Introdução: A peri-implantite, um processo inflamatório que destroi e afeta tanto os tecidos moles como o tecido osseo em redor de um implante dentário Esta patologia vai ter grande influência a quando da escolha de uma solução terapêutica, sendo as principais opções terapêuticas a cirurgia regenerativa e ressetiva. Objetivo: Efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica no que diz respeito á peri-implantite e aos seus tratamentos cirurgicos convencionais, abordando tambem questões epidemiologicas da patologia e fatores de risco. Metodologia: A presente revisão bibliográfica foi baseada em informação ciêntifica publicada. Recorreu-se ás seguintes bases de dados: “MEDLINE/Pubmed”, “SciELO”, “EBSCO HOST” e “Science Direct”, através da introdução das seguintes palavras-chave: “Peri-implantitis”, “Mucositis”, “Peri-implant infections”, “Diagnosis”, “Treatment”, “Risk factors”, “Surgical treatment”. Conclusão: Para cada situação clínica de peri-implantite, é importante recorrer a diversos parâmetros de diagnóstico, como por exemplo o índice de placa, profundidade e hemorragia à sondagem, supuração e a evidência de perda óssea radiográfica. Aquando de reabilitação oral com implantes, o paciente deverá obedecer a um programa de manutenção eficaz, com o objetivo de manter a integridade dos tecidos peri-implantares. Na literatura científica são descritas diversas possibilidades de tratamento, existe enumero protocolos terapêuticos a efetuar. O médico dentista deve adoptar com base no diagnostico rigoroso o melhor tratamento a efetuar. Nesta linha de pensamentos existem várias aborgens terapêuticas que podemos efetuar, sendo a cirurgia ressetiva e a cirurgia regenerativa soluções têrapeuticas de elevada importância no que diz respeito ao sucesso no tratamento da peri-implantite.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2015.


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Due to the occurrence of diseases in the use of structural reinforcements in composites, with presentation of concrete blanket detachment, has been identified the need to evaluate the performance of concrete reinforced with glass fiber. This study aims to evaluate these concretes by means of testing methodologies, using concrete with low resistance with structural reinforcement for confinement by preimpregnated glass fiber and traditional fiberglass blanket. The first stage of work was the development of methodologies for analysis, opting for four types, such as the acoustic survey, strength to compressive, the pull-off and ultrasound. Next, tests were carried out using the four selected methodologies in 30 of proof-of-specimens by 5x10 cm, 15 were reinforced with the traditional fiberglass blanket with 5specimens exposed to test a marine environment of marine coastline of Natal-RN and 15 were reinforced with a pre-impregnated glass fiber blanket, as well as 5specimens exposed to a test environment of the marine coastline of Natal-RN. After conducting the acoustic survey, it has been verified a lack of delaminating and air bubbles in the samples, confirming the absence of gross shortcomings in the implementation of the ribs both the traditional fiberglass blanket and in the preimpregnated fiber glass blanket. After carrying out methods of pull-off and compressive strengthening test it was observed that the reinforced proof-bodies with pre-impregnated glass blanket showed maximum stresses higher than the traditional fiberglass blanket; consequently a greater grip with the formation of a smaller area of . fracture, unlike traditional glass mat, which showed lower maximum stresses, with a greater area of fracture. It was also found that the traditional fiberglass blanket presented detachment of blanket-concrete interface, unlike the pre-impregnated fiberglass blanket, which showed a better grip on the blanket-concrete interface. In the trial of ultrasound there was no presence of cracks in the blanket-concrete interface, yielding to both blankets good compactness of the concrete. At the end of this work, they were developed and proposed two methods of testing for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures with composites, for standardization, the acoustic survey and pull-off


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2001


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Dissertação de mest. em Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros Ramo Gestão Costeira, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002


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Artigo licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição Não Comercial Sem Derivações 4.0 Internacional - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, 2015.


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A peri-implantite é uma patologia que ocorre nos tecidos adjacentes dos implantes, onde ocorre uma perda óssea em redor do implante, podendo levar à sua perda. Vários mecanismos terapêuticos têm sido propostos na tentativa de travar a evolução desta patologia, como é o caso do tratamento regenerativo, onde se recorre ao uso de membranas e enxertos ou substitutos ósseos. O tratamento regenerativo tem sido alvo de grande discussão, uma vez que é impossível saber de que maneira cada paciente pode reagir à aplicação desta terapia, para além de que os resultados existentes nos estudos atuais reportam uma escassez no tratamento por completo da patologia. No entanto, os estudos existentes demonstram bons resultados e relatam que a sua aplicação é promissora no tratamento da peri-implantite, nomeadamente na redução dos parâmetros clínicos (profundidade de sondagem e hemorragia pós-sondagem) e dos parâmetros radiográficos (preenchimento ósseo).