600 resultados para Flying Foxes
Feathers confer protection against biophysical agents and determine flying ability. The geometry and arrangement of the barbs, together with the keratin and pigments deposited in the feathers, determine the mechanical stability of the vane, and its stiffness and resistance to abrasive agents. In colour-polymorphic species, individuals display alternative colour morphs, which can be associated with different foraging strategies. Each morph may therefore require specific flying abilities, and their feathers may be exposed to different abrasive agents. Feathers of differently coloured individuals may thus have a specific structure, and colour pigments may help resist abrasive agents and improve stiffness. We examined these predictions in the barn owl (Tyto alba), a species for which the ventral body side varies from white to dark reddish pheomelanic, and in the number and size of black spots located at the tip of the feathers. White and reddish birds show different foraging strategies, and the size of black feather spots is associated with several phenotypic attributes. We found that birds displaying a darker reddish coloration on the ventral body side deposit more melanin pigments in their remiges, which also have fewer barbs. This suggests that wear resistance increases with darkness, whereas feathers of lighter coloured birds may bend less easily. Accordingly, individuals displaying a lighter reddish coloration on the ventral body side, and those displaying larger black spots, displayed more black transverse bars on their remiges: as larger-spotted individuals are heavier and longer-winged birds also have more transverse bars, these bars may reduce feather bending when flying. We conclude that differently coloured individuals produce wing feathers of different strengths to adopt alternative behavioural and life history strategies
Rhodnius barretti , a new triatomine species, is described based on adult specimens collected in rainforest environments within the Napo ecoregion of western Amazonia (Colombia and Ecuador). R. barretti resembles Rhodnius robustus s.l. , but mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences reveal that it is a strongly divergent member of the “robustus lineage”, i.e., basal to the clade encompassing Rhodnius nasutus , Rhodnius neglectus , Rhodnius prolixus and five members of the R. robustus species complex. Morphometric analyses also reveal consistent divergence from R. robustus s.l. , including head and, as previously shown, wing shape and the length ratios of some anatomical structures. R. barretti occurs, often at high densities, in Attalea butyracea and Oenocarpus bataua palms. It is strikingly aggressive and adults may invade houses flying from peridomestic palms. R. barretti must therefore be regarded as a potential Trypanosoma cruzi vector in the Napo ecoregion, where Chagas disease is endemic.
Protomeliturga turnerae (Ducke, 1907) represents the monotypic tribe Protomeliturgini (Andrenidae, Panurginae). The species is oligolectic on flowers of Turnera L. (Turneraceae). A survey of bees on flowers of Turneraceae and of material in entomological collections showed that P. turnerae is common and endemic in Northeastern Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to Alagoas. In João Pessoa, Paraíba, we studied the reproductive biology and mating behavior of P. turnerae and its relations to plants. At the study site, the species was univoltine with males emerging 5-8 days before the females. Soon after emergence the males established territories on flowers of Turnera subulata Smith which they occupied during several days. Parts of each territory overlapped with those of 1 to 3 other males. On the average, a territory comprised 124 flowers, 59 being shared with other males. Males showed two mating strategies: patrolling the flowers of T. subulata in which females collected pollen or waiting in a specific flower inside the territory for arriving females. P. turnerae showed multiple mating. On the average, a male mated 7 times a day, each copula lasting 3 to 25 sec. We observed 2 to 3 males attempting to copulate with the same female. At the end of anthesis of T. subulata the males stopped flying activity and remained inside flowers until their closure.
The coreid Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas, 1852) is commonly found in corn (Zea mays L.) fields in Brazil, and it has been observed flying and landing on objects or persons near these fields. During January, 1995, this behavior was studied in corn plantations. Results indicated that the bugs concentrated on objects (plastic cylinders traps) introduced into their habitat and that their number increased during the first 24 hs. However, as time passed (8 days), this possible territorial or recognition behavior gradually decreased, and tended to disappear.
Due to the importance of some Pleurosticti Scarabaeidae as agricultural pests allied to information absence on the species that occur in Brazilian Central-West region, on studies occurrence, biology and behavior on this group of scarabs were conducted. Biology and behavioral studies started with Liogenys fuscus Blanchard, 1850 (Melolonthinae), a very common species and were developed in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul. Adult beetles were collected from light traps from February 2005 to January 2007, at the experimental farm of the Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul in Aquidauana (UEMS). In the laboratory adults were placed in plastic containers with soil with sprouts of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (Poaceae). Eggs were transferred to a climatized chamber at 26 ± 1º C with a 12hourlight, 12hour darkness photoperiod cycle. Adult flight activity occurred in August and in September to December from 06:00 pm to 06:00 am, with the largest number of individuals flying from 07:00 to 10:00 pm. Eggs measured 1 x 1.5 mm and were laid individually or in groups in soil chambers; eggs were initially white and became yellow near hatching. The embryonic period lasted 14.3 days; first, second and third instars lasted 28.5, 48.8, and 68.2 days, respectively. The prepupal period lasted 120.2 days and the prepupa stayed inactive in soil. The mean duration of pupal stage was 27.5 days and the mean longevity of adults was 23.6 days. In laboratory the calling behavior between males and females was observed; copulation lasted, in mean, 25 minutes.
The importance of age and feeding on the performance of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), a parasitoid of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) was investigated in the laboratory. Groups of female parasitoids were subject to the following treatments: a group fed during one, five and ten days after emergence of adults with coffee borer larvae; another group fed only with honey solution during five days after emergence; and as a control, a third group was kept without food for five days. At the end of each treatment, survivorship, parasitoid activity (walking and flying capacity in an arena), search capacity for finding coffee borer-infested berries, host feeding and oviposition (on immature hosts), were assessed. Unfed females showed a significant decrease in survivorship compared to individuals that were fed. The type of meal (insects or honey) did not significantly influence parasitoid activity, search and oviposition capacities. Females fed with honey solution significantly consumed less immature coffee borers. Younger females (one day old) walked and flew out of the arena significantly faster than older ones (5 and 10 days old). Implications of these results are discussed on the performance of C. stephanoderis as a biological control agent of the coffee berry borer.
Biological aspects of Leucothyreus ambrosius Blanchard (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Coleopterans of the family Melolonthidae comprise a large group of species that feed on different food sources, including plant roots, stems, and leaves, in addition to plant materials at different decomposition stages. Several species are found in the genus Leucothyreus, occurring in different regions of Brazil, including the various biomes in the country. Information on the biology of species of the genus Leucothyreus is scarce, therefore, we conducted studies on the biological aspects of Leucothyreus ambrosius Blanchard, 1850. The period of adult occurrence was determined with a light trap installed between a cropped and pasture area in the municipality of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Adults collected in the field were used to form insect pairs and the studies were initiated in the entomology laboratory as the adults began ovipositing. Adults were observed flying in the field from October to December. Eggs were obtained as pairs were formed and a colony was established, the embryonic period lasting 14.6 days on average. The larval period in the 1st instar lasted 21.6 days, in the 2nd instar 19.6 days, and in the 3rd instar, 85.6 days. The head capsule width was 1.48 mm in the 1st instar, 2.44 mm in the 2nd, and 3.83 mm in 3rd larval instar. The pupal stage had an average duration of 35.5 days. The egg to adult period lasted 173.3 days. Morphometric information for the larval and adult stages is presented in this study.
Se da a conocer aspectos biológico-pesqueros de Cheilopogon heterurus e Hirundichthys rondeletii relacionados a la colecta de sus ovas en el sur del litoral peruano, entre 2005-2008. La obtención de ovas de Ch. heterurus (2,1 mm) coincide con los períodos de mayor desprendimiento de Macrocystis integrifolia permitiendo a los peces voladores utilizarlas como sustrato para la fijación de sus huevos. También se colecta en atractores de algas y esteras de totora fabricados por pescadores. La colecta se produce de noviembre a diciembre (primavera) y de enero a marzo (verano). El principal mercado lo constituyen Japón (más del 30%), seguido de Corea del Sur, China y Hong Kong.
The attraction of walking as a pastime has grown enormously in Switzerland over the past few years. Synonym of health and wellbeing, this activity carries some risks which more and more patients are questioning; answering these questions is not always obvious, so we wanted to tackle the subject. This second section concerns risks linked to food which can be found in the forest. Echinococcosis is an underestimated parasite which affects a large proportion of foxes in Switzerland. This infectious disease can also affect man following contamination which usually occurs through eating berries. Prevention is the most effective way to avoid poisoning by mushrooms. In case of poisoning, the physician must try and determine the toxidrome. The key element is the length of time before symptoms develop. Treatment is always symptomatic, using activated charcoal.
Albert Lewin, conocido director de cine de Hollywood influenciado por el movimiento surrealista, une el mito de Pandora con la leyenda del Holandés errante para crear una historia de amor ejemplar, una historia de amor loco que va más allá de los límites de la racionalidad. Y, como que para creer en este tipo de amor no es la razón stricto sensu la que nos ha de guiar, construye un mundo de signos, un mundo semiológico complejo que este artículo ayuda a descifrar.
Albert Lewin, conegut director de cinema de Hollywood influenciat pel moviment surrealista, conjumina el mite de Pandora amb la llegenda de l'Holandès errant per crear una història d¿amor exemplar, una història d¿amor foll que va més enllà del límits de la racionalitat. I, com que per creure en aquest tipus d'amor no es la raó stricto sensu la que ens ha de guiar, basteix tot un món de signes, un món semiològic complex que aquest article ajuda a desxifrar.
Local adaptation of populations requires some degree of spatio-temporal isolation. Previous studies of the two dung fly species Scathophaga stercoraria and Sepsis cynipsea have revealed low levels of geographic and altitudinal genetic differentiation in quantitative life history and morphological traits, but instead high degrees of phenotypic plasticity. These patterns suggest that gene flow is extensive despite considerable geographic barriers and large spatio-temporal variation in selection on body size and related traits. In this study we addressed this hypothesis by investigating genetic differentiation of dung fly populations throughout Switzerland based on the same 10 electrophoretic loci in each species. Overall, we found no significant geographic differentiation of populations for either species. This is inconsistent with the higher rates of gene flow expected due to better flying capacity of the larger S. stercoraria. However, heterozygote deficiencies within populations indicated structuring on a finer scale, seen for several loci in S. cynipsea, and for the locus PGM (Phosphoglucomutase) in S. stercoraria. Additionally, S. cynipsea showed a tendency towards a greater gene diversity at higher altitudes, mediated primarily by the locus MDH (malate dehydrogenase), at which a second allele was only present in populations above 1000 m. This may be caused by increased environmental stress at higher altitudes in this warm-adapted species. MDH might thus be a candidate locus subject to thermal selection in this species, but this remains to be corroborated by direct evidence. In S. stercoraria, no altitudinal variation was found.
Since the introduction of expanded levels of intrastate service on October 30, 2006, Amtrak trains in Illinois have produced impressive gains in both ridership and ticket revenue. This success and continuing stakeholder support has given rise to a formal request from the Illinois Department of Transportation (“Ill. DOT”) to Amtrak to develop a feasibility study regarding possible service consisting of a morning and an evening train in each direction between Chicago and the Quad Cities. The area between Chicago and the Quad Cities includes many rapidly growing communities. From Chicago toward the West and South, many towns and cities have experienced double digit growth increases in population since the year 2000. Southern DuPage, Cook and Will counties have seen especially strong growth, pressuring highway infrastructure, utilities, and schools. Community development and highway congestion are readily apparent when traveling the nearly 3 hour, 175 mile route between Chicago and the Quad Cities. As information, there are only three weekday round trip bus frequencies available between Chicago and the Quad Cities. The Quad City International Airport offers a total of 10 daily scheduled round trip flights to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport via two separate carriers flying regional jets. The Quad Cities (Davenport, Moline, Rock Island, and Bettendorf) are located along the Mississippi River. Nearly 60% of its visitors are from the Chicago area. With dozens of miles of scenic riverfront, river boating, casinos, and thousands of acres of expansive public spaces, the Quad Cities area is a major draw from both Iowa and Illinois. The huge Rock Island Arsenal, one of the largest military arsenals in the country and located along the river, is transitioning to become the headquarters of the United States First Army. As will be discussed later in the report, there is only one logical rail route through the Quad Cities themselves. The Iowa Interstate Railroad operates through the Quad Cities along the river and heads west through Iowa. The Quad Cities are considering at least three potential locations for an Amtrak station. A study now underway supported by several local stakeholders will recommend a site which will then be considered, given available local and other financial support. If Amtrak service were to terminate in the Quad Cities, an overnight storage track of sufficient length along with ample parking and certain other requirements covered elsewhere in the report would be required.
Artikkeli on osa Hertta Pulkkisen syventävien opintojen projektityötä
The objective of this work was to develop a genetic transformation system for tropical maize genotypes via particle bombardment of immature zygotic embryos. Particle bombardment was carried out using a genetic construct with bar and uidA genes under control of CaMV35S promoter. The best conditions to transform maize tropical inbred lines L3 and L1345 were obtained when immature embryos were cultivated, prior to the bombardment, in higher osmolarity during 4 hours and bombarded at an acceleration helium gas pressure of 1,100 psi, two shots per plate, and a microcarrier flying distance of 6.6 cm. Transformation frequencies obtained using these conditions ranged from 0.9 to 2.31%. Integration of foreign genes into the genome of maize plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis as well as bar and uidA gene expressions. The maize genetic transformation protocol developed in this work will possibly improve the efficiency to produce new transgenic tropical maize lines expressing desirable agronomic characteristics.