314 resultados para Flavour


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Onion (Allium cepa L.) is botanically included in the Liliaceae and species are found across a wide range of latitudes and altitudes in Europe, Asia, N. America and Africa. World onion production has increased by at least 25% over the past 10 years with current production being around 44 million tonnes making it the second most important horticultural crop after tomatoes. Because of their storage characteristics and durability for shipping, onions have always been traded more widely than most vegetables. Onions are versatile and are often used as an ingredient in many dishes and are accepted by almost all traditions and cultures. Onion consumption is increasing significantly, particularly in the USA and this is partly because of heavy promotion that links flavour and health. Onions are rich in two chemical groups that have perceived benefits to human health. These are the flavonoids and the alk(en)yl cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs). Two flavonoid subgroups are found in onion, the anthocyanins, which impart a red/purple colour to some varieties and flavanols such as quercetin and its derivatives responsible for the yellow and brown skins of many other varieties. The ACSOs are the flavour precursors, which, when cleaved by the enzyme alliinase, generate the characteristic odour and taste of onion. The downstream products are a complex mixture of compounds which include thiosulphinates, thiosulphonates, mono-, di- and tri-sulphides. Compounds from onion have been reported to have a range of health benefits which include anticarcinogenic properties, antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic activity, antiasthmatic and antibiotic effects. Here we review the agronomy of the onion crop, the biochemistry of the health compounds and report on recent clinical data obtained using extracts from this species. Where appropriate we have compared the data with that obtained from garlic (Allium sativum L.) for which more information is widely available. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Many Object recognition techniques perform some flavour of point pattern matching between a model and a scene. Such points are usually selected through a feature detection algorithm that is robust to a class of image transformations and a suitable descriptor is computed over them in order to get a reliable matching. Moreover, some approaches take an additional step by casting the correspondence problem into a matching between graphs defined over feature points. The motivation is that the relational model would add more discriminative power, however the overall effectiveness strongly depends on the ability to build a graph that is stable with respect to both changes in the object appearance and spatial distribution of interest points. In fact, widely used graph-based representations, have shown to suffer some limitations, especially with respect to changes in the Euclidean organization of the feature points. In this paper we introduce a technique to build relational structures over corner points that does not depend on the spatial distribution of the features. © 2012 ICPR Org Committee.


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Objectives: The current study aims to evaluate dosage form preferences in children and young adults together with identifying the key pragmatic dosage form characteristics that would enable appropriate formulation of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). Methods: International, multisite, cross-sectional questionnaire of children and young adults aged from 6 to 18 years. Eligibility was based on age, ability to communicate and previous experience in taking medications. The study was carried out at three locations: the UK, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The questionnaire instrument was designed for participant self-completion under supervision of the study team.Results 104 questionnaires were completed by the study cohort (n=120, response rate 87%). Results: showed that ODTs were the most preferred oral dosage forms (58%) followed by liquids (20%), tablets (12%) and capsules (11%). The preferred colours were pink or white while the preferred size was small (<8 mm) with a round shape. With regard to flavour, strawberry was the most preferred (30.8%), while orange was the least preferred (5.8%). The results also showed that the most important physical characteristics of ODTs were disintegration time followed by taste, size and flavour, respectively. Conclusions: The results of our study support the WHO's claim for a shift of paradigm from liquid towards ODTs dosage forms for drug administration to young children older than 6 years. Data from this study will also equip formulators to prioritise development of key physical/performance attributes within the delivery system.


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The dietary intake of sodium chloride has increased considerably over the last few decades due to changes in the human diet. This higher intake has been linked to a number of diseases including hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Numerous international health agencies, as well as the food industry, have now recommended a salt intake level of 5-6 g daily, approximately half of the average current daily intake level. Cereal products, and in particular bread, are a major source of salt in the Western diet. Therefore, any reduction in the level of salt in bread could have a major impact on global health. However, salt is a critical ingredient in bread production, and its reduction can have a deleterious effect on the production process as well as on the final bread quality characteristics such as shelf-life, bread volume and sensory characteristics, all deviating from the bakers’ and consumers’ expectations. This work addresses the feasibility of NaCl reduction in wheat bread focusing on options to compensate NaCl with the use of functional sourdoughs. Three strains were used for the application of low-salt bread; L. amylovorus DSM19280, W. cibaria MG1 and L. reuteri FF2hh2. The multifunctional strain L. reuteri FF2hh2 was tested the first time and its application could be demonstrated successfully. The functionalities were based on the production of exopolysaccharides as well as the production of antifungal compounds. While the exopolysaccharides, mainly high molecular dextrans, positively influenced mainly bread loaf volume, crumb structure and staling rate, the strains producing antifungal compounds prolonged the microbial shelf life significantly and compensated the lack of salt. The impact on the sensory characteristics of bread were evaluated by descriptive sensory evaluation. The increase in surface area as well as the presence of organic acids impacted significantly on the flavour profile of the sourdough bread samples. The flavour attribute “salt” could be enhanced by sourdough addition and increased the salty perception. Furthermore, a trained sensory panel evaluated for the first time the impact of yeast activity, based on different salt and yeast concentrations, on the volatile aroma profile of bread crumb samples. The analytical measurements using high resolution gas chromatography and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) resulted in significantly different results based on different yeast activities. Nevertheless, the extent of the result could not be recognised by the sensory panel analysing the odour profile of the bread crumb samples. Hence, the consumer cannot recognised low-salt bread by its odour. The use of sourdough is a natural option to overcome the broad range of technological issues caused by salt reduction and also a more popular alternative compared to existing chemical salt replacers.


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As the world`s population is constantly growing, food security will remain on the policy Agenda, particularly in Africa. At the same time, global food systems experience a new wave focusing on local foods and food sovereignty featuring high quality food products of verifiable geographical origin. This article argues that Geographical Indications (GI´s) hold the potential to help transform the Tanzanian agriculture-dependent economy through the tapping of value from unique products, attributing taste and colour to place or regional geography. This study aims to identify the existence and characteristics of food origin products in Tanzania that have potential for GI certification. The hypothesis was that there are origin products in Tanzania whose unique characteristics are linked to the area of production. Geographical indications can be useful policy instruments contributing to food security and sovereignty and quality within an efficient marketing system with the availability of government support, hence the need to identify key candidates for GI certification. Five Tanzanian origin products were selected from 14 candidate agricultural products through a scoping study. Rice from Kyela, Aloe vera, Coffee and Sugar from Kilimanjaro and Cloves from Zanzibar are some of the product cases investigated and provides for in-depth case study, as ´landscape´ products incorporating ´taste of place´. Interviews were conducted to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected on the production area, product quality perceived by the consumer in terms of taste, flavour, texture, aroma, appearance (colour, size) and perceptions of links between geography related factors (soil, land weather characteristics) and product qualities. A qualitative case study analysis was done for each of the (five) selected Tanzanian origin products investigated with plausible prospects for Tanzania to leapfrog into exports of Geographical Indications products. Framework conditions for producers creating or capturing market value as stewards of cultural and landscape values, environments, and institutional requirements for such creation or capturing to happen, including presence of export opportunities, are discussed. Geographical indication is believed to allow smallholders to create employment and build monetary value, while stewarding local food cultures and natural environments and resources, and increasing the diversity of supply of natural and unique quality products and so contribute to enhanced food security.


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Le alte pressioni di omogeneizzazione sono considerate una tecnologia non termica basata sull’applicazione di pressioni comprese tra 60 e 400 MPa ad alimenti fluidi o fluidificabili, con un tempo di trattamento di pochi millisecondi. Questa tecnologia permette di ottenere una serie di effetti sull’alimento che variano in rapporto all’entità del trattamento applicato e alla matrice fluida considerata. Pertanto, le alte pressioni di omogeneizzazione rappresentano una delle tecnologie maggiormente studiate in ragione delle loro buone opportunità applicative a livello industriale. Tale tecnologia viene comunemente applicata per modificare le proprietà funzionali di alcune macromolecole caratteristiche degli alimenti ed ha permesso l’ottenimento di prodotti di origine lattiero-casearia ed anche succhi di frutta caratterizzati da migliore texture, gusto, flavour e aumentata shelf-life. L’omogeneizzazione ad alta pressione, considerata come trattamento di sanitizzazione a freddo, è in grado di disattivare sia microrganismi patogeni che degradativi presenti in un determinato sistema, contribuendo a ridurre o contenere quindi lo sviluppo microbico nei prodotti alimentari. L’effetto di tale tecnologia, quando applicata a livelli compresi tra 60-200 MPa bar è stato valutato nei confronti di diversi patogeni quali Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium microrganismi degradativi, come Bacillus subtilis e lieviti, deliberatamente inoculati in prodotti diversi.


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Chapter 6 concerns ‘Designing and developing digital and blended learning solutions’, however, despite its title, it is not aimed at developing L&D professionals to be technologists (in so much as how Chapter 3 is not aimed at developing L&D professionals to be accounting and financial experts). Chapter 6 is about developing L&D professionals to be technology savvy. In doing so, I adopt a culinary analogy in presenting this chapter, where the most important factors in creating a dish (e.g. blended learning), are the ingredients and the flavour each of it brings. The chapter first explores the typical technologies and technology products that are available for learning and development i.e. the ingredients. I then introduce the data Format, Interactivity/ Immersion, Timing, Content (creation and curation), Connectivity and Administration (FITCCA) framework, that helps L&D professionals to look beyond the labels of technologies in identifying what the technology offers, its functions and features, which is analogous to the ‘flavours’ of the ingredients. The next section discusses some multimedia principles that are important for L&D professionals to consider in designing and developing digital learning solutions. Finally, whilst there are innumerable permutations of blended learning, this section focuses on the typical emphasis in blended learning and how technology may support such blends.


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Gluten sensitive consumers and people suffering from coeliac disease account for up to 6% of the general population (Catassi et al., 2013). These consumers must avoid foods which contain gluten and related proteins found in wheat, rye or barley. Beer is produced from barley malt and therefore contains hordeins, (gluten like proteins). Beers labelled as gluten-free must contain below 10 mg/kg hordeins (10 mg/kg hordeins = 20 mg/kg gluten under current regulations) to be considered safe for gluten sensitive consumers. Currently there are a limited number of methods available for reducing beer hordeins, the studies outlined in this thesis provide a range of tools for the beverage industry to reduce the hordein content of beer It is well known, that during malting and brewing hordeins are reduced, but they still remain in beer at levels above 10 mg/kg. During malting, hordeins are broken down to form new proteins in the growing plant. Model malting and brewing systems were developed and used to test, how the modification of the malting process could be used to reduce beer hordeins. It was shown, that by using a controlled malting and brewing regime, a range of barley cultivars produced beer with significant differences in levels of hordeins. Beer hordeins ranged from 10 mg/kg to 60 mg/kg. Another study revealed that when malting was prolonged, to maximise breakdown of proteins, beer hordeins can be reduced by up to 44%. The natural breakdown of hordein during malting enhanced in a further study, when a protease was added to support the hordein degradation during steeping and germination. The enzyme addition resulted in a 46% reduction in beer hordeins 2 when compared to the control. All of the malt treatments had little or no impact on malt quality. The hordein levels can also be reduced during the beer stabilisation process. Levels of beer hordein were tested after stabilisation using two different concentrations of silica gel and tannic acid. Silica gel was very effective in reducing beer hordeins, 90% of beer hordeins were removed compared to the control beer. Beer hordeins could be reduced to below 10 mg/kg and the beer qualities such as foam, colour and flavour were not affected. Tannic acid also reduced beer hordein by up to 90%, but it reduced foam stability and affected beer flavours. A further study described treatment of beer with microbial transglutaminase (mTG), to create bonds between hordein proteins, which increased particle size and allowed removal during filtration. The addition of the mTG led to a reduction of the beer hordein by up to 96% in beer, and the impact on the resulting beer quality was minimal. These studies provide the industry with a toolbox of methods leading to the reduction of hordein in the final beer without negatively affecting beer quality.


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Cheddar cheese was made using control culture (Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis), or with control culture plus a galactose-metabolising (Gal+) or galactose-non-metabolising (Gal-) Streptococcus thermophilus adjunct; for each culture type, the pH at whey drainage was either low (pH 6.15) or high (pH 6.45). Sc. thermophilus affected the levels of residual lactose and galactose, and the volatile compound profile and sensory properties of the mature cheese (270 d) to an extent dependent on the drain pH and phenotype (Gal+ or Gal-). For all culture systems, reducing drain pH resulted in lower levels of moisture and lactic acid, a higher concentration of free amino acids, and higher firmness. The results indicate that Sc. thermophilus may be used to diversify the sensory properties of Cheddar cheese, for example from a fruity buttery odour and creamy flavour to a more acid taste, rancid odour, and a sweaty cheese flavour at high drain pH.


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Os Planos de Segurança da Água surgem com a necessidade de aumentar a segurança da água de abastecimento, superando a monitorização de conformidade de “fim de linha”, permitindo aumentar a confiança do consumidor na qualidade da água que lhe é fornecida. Esta nova abordagem recorre a uma metodologia de gestão baseada na identificação e no controlo de riscos em pontos críticos de um sistema de abastecimento, em complemento do controlo realizado através da monitorização da conformidade da água entregue aos consumidores. O Plano de Segurança da Água (PSA) encontra-se implementado no Sistema Regional do Carvoeiro (SRC) desde o ano de 2009. O SRC é um sistema de abastecimento de água em alta, sendo constituído por conjunto de infraestruturas de captação, tratamento, transporte e armazenamento de água desde a sua origem, localizada no rio Vouga, em Carvoeiro, até aos municípios integrados na Associação de Municípios do Carvoeiro-Vouga. Atendendo à obra de expansão do SRC, tornou-se imperativo efetuar uma revisão ao PSA, sendo este o objetivo primordial do trabalho de estágio desenvolvido na empresa Águas do Vouga S.A, concessionária responsável pela gestão do SRC. Para a prossecução deste objetivo, o trabalho desenvolvido envolveu os seguintes passos metodológicos: identificação das operações aplicadas no SRC; identificação de perigos e eventos perigosos em todos os órgãos constituintes do sistema; avaliação de riscos; identificação de pontos críticos de controlo; identificação de pontos de monitorização e medidas preventivas; elaboração do plano de monitorização, incluindo, procedimentos de controlo operacional em condições normais de funcionamento e em caso de desvio; validação deste plano. Deste trabalho resultou a identificação de 166 eventos perigosos, 17 tipologias de perigos, 3 pontos de controlo crítico e 17 pontos de monitorização. Os pontos de controlo crítico foram identificados nos processos de tratamento da ETA do Carvoeiro. O primeiro foi localizado na etapa de filtração com areia, antracite e zeólitos correspondendo aos perigos com metais (Fe e Mn), outros compostos químicos perigosos, partículas, turvação, matéria orgânica e alumínio. O segundo ponto foi identificado na etapa de filtração com filtros de carvão ativado granular relativo ao aparecimento de sabor e cianotoxinas. O terceiro ponto de controlo crítico foi encontrado na etapa de desinfeção referente aos microrganismos patogénicos. Os pontos de monitorização foram localizados ao longo do sistema em situações onde não se dispõem de nenhuma medida de controlo para eliminar o perigo e antes e após os pontos de controlo crítico. O plano de monitorização foi desenvolvido para estes pontos, embora os limites e procedimentos definidos devam ser alvo de revisão após a conclusão da obra de expansão do sistema. A validação da revisão do plano foi iniciada, mas cingiu-se apenas na avaliação preliminar de riscos, prévia ao início de operação da ETA do Carvoeiro. Para além da revisão deste plano, foram realizadas outras tarefas, nomeadamente uma análise à qualidade da água fornecida e distribuída pelo sistema, a elaboração do plano PCQA para o ano de 2016, a configuração da plataforma de gestão operacional NAVIATM e a revisão do Manual de Gestão da Águas do Vouga relativo ao processo de qualidade na captação, tratamento e distribuição e ao processo de qualidade na gestão do PSA.


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In Australia, sweetpotato production has grown remarkably (1700%) in the last 16 years. Growers currently market 75 000 t per annum, worth $80-90 million at farm gate. The orange-fleshed cultivars are the most familiar to consumers, but other cultivars with varying flesh colour and properties also have potential for the consumer market. Given that Australian sweetpotato growers desire alternative cultivars to promote market demand, it is important to articulate the characteristics of sweetpotatoes that are most and least desirable for consumers. Research indicates that consumer acceptability of the new cultivar 'Evangeline' may assist sweetpotato growers and marketers in understanding the impact of both sensory properties, such as colour and the importance of flavour and texture of sweetpotatoes, and an awareness of the potential health benefits of sweetpotato consumption. In addition, whilst consumer preferences (regarding size, colour, texture, skin tone) and nutritional knowledge of sweet potato (regarding glycaemic index) is increasing, there is limited research investigating consumers understanding of health messages of sweetpotato attributes. This industry and consumer research review highlights the potential for promoting innovative strategies to improve adoption of new cultivars in the marketplace.


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O estudo foi conduzido em dois ensaios distintos, testando-se o efeito da utilização do morango silvestre, como aditivo aromático, no alimento composto comercial de porcas em lactação, e de leitões em recria. Utilizou-se um total de 47 porcas reprodutoras híbridas comerciais, de linha genética PIC© (Large White x Landrace) e 561 leitões, desmamados aos 28 dias de vida, seguindo-se uma recria de 14 dias. Utilizaram-se dois alimentos compostos comerciais distintos, a dieta controlo e a dieta experimental, preparada com base no alimento controlo, aditado com aroma de morango silvestre. Os leitões em recria receberam um alimento composto medicamentoso, com o mesmo aroma do alimento composto aromático experimental das porcas reprodutoras. Procedeu-se à pesagem dos leitões, por parque, ao desmame e no final da recria. Controlou-se o alimento distribuído e rejeitado, o que permitiu a determinação do alimento ingerido, por parque. Determinou-se o ganho médio diário e o índice de conversão alimentar, na fase de recria. Os resultados obtidos sugerem interesse na utilização deste aroma, permitindo melhores resultados no desempenho produtivo dos leitões, em aleitamento (+ 0,14 a 0,19 kg PV ao desmame) e em fase de recria (+ 17 a 32 g de GMD e - 0,09 a 0,04 de IC).


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Physalis (Physalis peruviana L.), also known as cape gooseberry or ground-cherry, plays an important role in nutrition as an excellent base for dietetic products. Highly valued for its unique flavour, texture and colour, recent research has shown that physalis fruit is rich in many beneficial compounds. In this study, the diameter and mass of physalis fruits were measured, which can be used to calculate other biometric characteristics of the fruit, such as: surface area, volume or density. Other physical properties were measured, namely the colour coordinates, by means of a Chroma meter, whilst the textural parameters firmness and elasticity were measured with a texturometer. The following values were calculated for the physalis fruits analysed in the present work: 1.69 cm for average diameter; 8.98 cm2 for surface area, 2.51 cm3 for volume; 2.77 g for mass was, and 1.10 g/cm3 for density. The colour coordinates were 56.72 for lightness, 16.69 for redness, and 58.11 for yellowness. Skin firmness and elasticity were evaluated for texture attributes, and their average values were 2.40 N and 2.94 mm, respectively. The results of this work are in accordance


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Export of Fijian papaya (Carica papaya) fruit to destinations such as New Zealand has increased significantly over the last several years. Shipment by sea rather than air is the preferred method, given the capacity for larger volumes and reductions in cost. Long shipping times, however, can compromise fruit quality, although the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may provide a viable solution for extending fruit storage life. In a collaborative ACIAR project, Australian and Fijian researchers investigated the potential of using MAP to extend storage life of a Fijian papaya ('Fiji Red') fruit based on simulated sea transport conditions. Fruit were packed in one of three MAP environments within cartons, consisting of either a (1) Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) bag with 10 g of KMnO4, (2) Polyamide Film (PF) bag with macro-perforations or (3) without a bag (control fruit). Fruit were held for 1, 2 or 3 weeks at 10°C before being unpacked, ripened and assessed for quality. On day 6 after outturn, fruit with the highest overall quality were those held in LDPE bags. LDPE fruit generally coloured up faster at outturn than PF or control fruit, had less overall moisture loss and scored high in flavour. Headspace carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations within the LDPE bags were also near recommended levels for maintaining optimum storage-life quality. The LDPE bag provided the most suitable conditions for long term storage of fresh papaya fruit and is therefore the recommended MAP type for use with sea freight export out of Fiji.


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O estudo foi conduzido em dois ensaios distintos, testando-se o efeito da utilização do morango silvestre, como aditivo aromático, no alimento composto comercial de porcas em lactação, e de leitões em recria. Utilizou-se um total de 47 porcas reprodutoras híbridas comerciais, de linha genética PIC© (Large White x Landrace) e 561 leitões, desmamados aos 28 dias de vida, seguindo-se uma recria de 14 dias. Utilizaram-se dois alimentos compostos comerciais distintos, a dieta controlo e a dieta experimental, preparada com base no alimento controlo, aditado com aroma de morango silvestre. Os leitões em recria receberam um alimento composto medicamentoso, com o mesmo aroma do alimento composto aromático experimental das porcas reprodutoras. Procedeu-se à pesagem dos leitões, por parque, ao desmame e no final da recria. Controlou-se o alimento distribuído e rejeitado, o que permitiu a determinação do alimento ingerido, por parque. Determinou-se o ganho médio diário e o índice de conversão alimentar, na fase de recria. Os resultados obtidos sugerem interesse na utilização deste aroma, permitindo melhores resultados no desempenho produtivo dos leitões, em aleitamento (+ 0,14 a 0,19 kg PV ao desmame) e em fase de recria (+ 17 a 32 g de GMD e - 0,09 a 0,04 de IC).