1000 resultados para Filosofia del llenguatge


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L'elaborato affronta l'applicazione della tecnologia di downsizing nei motori ad accensione comandata: i dispositivi che ne permettono l'implementazione nei veicoli leggeri (EGR, sovralimentazione) e i problemi intrinsechi di questa tecnologia (possibile comparsa di fenomeni anomali di combutione come preaccensioni, autoaccensioni, DDT, detonazione e superknock). Sono presi in esame diversi metodi di soluzione dei problemi sopraelencati, uno fra tutti l'aggiunta di un'iniezione d'acqua per diminuire le temperature dei gas in camera di combustione e mitigare così le possibili detonazioni. Infine l'elaborato analizza alcuni esempi di applicazione della tecnologia di downsizing al fine di ridurre le emissioni di CO2 allo scarico entro i limiti imposti dalla Comunità Europea. Il progetto Ultraboost di Jaguar Land Rover, la filosofia di rightsizing (giusta cilindrata in base alla classe a cui il veicolo appartiene) di Audi, lo SkyActiv-G di Mazda sono solo alcuni dei motori nati sotto la filosofia del downsizing. Nei motori progettati al fine di ridurre le emissioni allo scarico ma allo stesso tempo mantenere buone prestazioni del motore, si trovano anche il concetto di DCEE (Double Compression Expansion Engine) di Joahnnson e il motore a pistoni opposti a due tempi di Achates Power.


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This article analyzes the Jakobsonian classification of aphasias. It aims to show on the one hand the non-linguistic character of this classification and on the other hand its asymmetry, in spite of the fact that its author had conceived his structural construction as symmetrical. The non-linguistic character of Jakobson’s formulation is due to the absence of any definition of language, this absence being the main characteristic of Jakobsonian linguistics: concerning the aphasia problem, the Jakobsonian formulation is linguistic solely by virtue of its object, aphasia, which is already considered as a linguistic concern because it belongs to the field of « language », but which is not defined as such (as linguistic). As for asymmetry, it demonstrates first the circularity of the Jakobsonian representation of language (the duality between structure and functioning), and secondly the non-linguistic character – in the Saussurean sense of the term – of the aphasia problem. Thus it appears that breaking (in the sense of Gaston Bachelard) with idiom is the prerequisite of a scientific apprehension of language, and therefore of any interdisciplinarity, this being one of Jakobson’s favorite topics but one that this linguist failed to render fruitful because he did not offer a real definition of language.


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When we use a proper name, by virtue of what do we succeed in saying something about an individual? In other words, how are we supposed to explain the seemingly trivial fact that by uttering “Aristotle was wise” we actually predicate something of the famous philosopher? Questions like these have animated a fervent debate among philosophers of language; however, nowadays the standard answer is that by using “Aristotle” we say something about that famous philosopher because the name we have used in our utterance refers to him. Even though no general consensus has been reached on how to characterize the relation of reference – there are still different and competing accounts of the latter on the philosophical market – almost everybody believes, especially after the publication of Saul Kripke’s "Naming and necessity", that reference is the only semantic relation that connects our uses of proper names to individuals in the world. Contrary to this widespread assumption, in this dissertation I shall claim that our uses of proper names are not always referential.


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L'elaborato è il risultato del progetto di tesi svolto presso l’azienda Lift Truck Equipment L.T.E. di Ostellato (Ferrara) che opera nell’ambito della progettazione e produzione di gruppi di sollevamento ed attrezzature per carrelli elevatori all’interno del gruppo Toyota Material Handling. Il progetto è stato svolto nel periodo da gennaio a marzo 2016 in collaborazione con l’ufficio di Ingegneria di processo di L.T.E. e riguarda l’applicazione del metodo MAGEC (Modi e Analisi dei Guasti e delle Criticità) per l’analisi dei guasti di una linea produttiva dell’azienda, la Rail Line. Nel primo capitolo viene inquadrato il sistema produttivo dell’azienda in aderenza con la filosofia del TPS (Toyota Production System) per chiarire l’ambito in cui è nato il progetto, le motivazioni che hanno portato al suo sviluppo e l’ottica secondo cui è stato svolto. Nel secondo capitolo è fornita una descrizione dell’approccio utilizzato, che consiste in una variante della FMECA, il metodo più utilizzato per le analisi in ambito affidabilistico. Inoltre sono riportate le attività di pianificazione che sono state svolte preliminarmente all’inizio del progetto. Successivamente nel terzo capitolo sono illustrati in modo dettagliato i vari step dell’implementazione del metodo, dalla raccolta dati, effettuata presso l’azienda, all’elaborazione. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato ai risultati dell’analisi e a una breve descrizione di come tali risultati sono stati utilizzati nelle attività di manutenzione preventiva.


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Big data are reshaping the way we interact with technology, thus fostering new applications to increase the safety-assessment of foods. An extraordinary amount of information is analysed using machine learning approaches aimed at detecting the existence or predicting the likelihood of future risks. Food business operators have to share the results of these analyses when applying to place on the market regulated products, whereas agri-food safety agencies (including the European Food Safety Authority) are exploring new avenues to increase the accuracy of their evaluations by processing Big data. Such an informational endowment brings with it opportunities and risks correlated to the extraction of meaningful inferences from data. However, conflicting interests and tensions among the involved entities - the industry, food safety agencies, and consumers - hinder the finding of shared methods to steer the processing of Big data in a sound, transparent and trustworthy way. A recent reform in the EU sectoral legislation, the lack of trust and the presence of a considerable number of stakeholders highlight the need of ethical contributions aimed at steering the development and the deployment of Big data applications. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence guidelines and charters published by European Union institutions and Member States have to be discussed in light of applied contexts, including the one at stake. This thesis aims to contribute to these goals by discussing what principles should be put forward when processing Big data in the context of agri-food safety-risk assessment. The research focuses on two interviewed topics - data ownership and data governance - by evaluating how the regulatory framework addresses the challenges raised by Big data analysis in these domains. The outcome of the project is a tentative Roadmap aimed to identify the principles to be observed when processing Big data in this domain and their possible implementations.


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This thesis studies how commercial practice is developing with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and discusses some normative concepts in EU consumer law. The author analyses the phenomenon of 'algorithmic business', which defines the increasing use of data-driven AI in marketing organisations for the optimisation of a range of consumer-related tasks. The phenomenon is orienting business-consumer relations towards some general trends that influence power and behaviors of consumers. These developments are not taking place in a legal vacuum, but against the background of a normative system aimed at maintaining fairness and balance in market transactions. The author assesses current developments in commercial practices in the context of EU consumer law, which is specifically aimed at regulating commercial practices. The analysis is critical by design and without neglecting concrete practices tries to look at the big picture. The thesis consists of nine chapters divided in three thematic parts. The first part discusses the deployment of AI in marketing organisations, a brief history, the technical foundations, and their modes of integration in business organisations. In the second part, a selected number of socio-technical developments in commercial practice are analysed. The following are addressed: the monitoring and analysis of consumers’ behaviour based on data; the personalisation of commercial offers and customer experience; the use of information on consumers’ psychology and emotions, the mediation through marketing conversational applications. The third part assesses these developments in the context of EU consumer law and of the broader policy debate concerning consumer protection in the algorithmic society. In particular, two normative concepts underlying the EU fairness standard are analysed: manipulation, as a substantive regulatory standard that limits commercial behaviours in order to protect consumers’ informed and free choices and vulnerability, as a concept of social policy that portrays people who are more exposed to marketing practices.


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I set out the pros and cons of conferring legal personhood on artificial intelligence systems (AIs), mainly under civil law. I provide functionalist arguments to justify this policy choice and identify the content that such a legal status might have. Although personhood entails holding one or more legal positions, I will focus on the distribution of liabilities arising from unpredictably illegal and harmful conduct. Conferring personhood on AIs might efficiently allocate risks and social costs, ensuring protection for victims, incentives for production, and technological innovation. I also consider other legal positions, e.g., the capacity to act, the ability to hold property, make contracts, and sue (and be sued). However, I contend that even assuming that conferring personhood on AIs finds widespread consensus, its implementation requires solving a coordination problem, determined by three asymmetries: technological, intra-legal systems, and inter-legal systems. I address the coordination problem through conceptual analysis and metaphysical explanation. I first frame legal personhood as a node of inferential links between factual preconditions and legal effects. Yet, this inferentialist reading does not account for the ‘background reasons’, i.e., it does not explain why we group divergent situations under legal personality and how extra-legal information is integrated into it. One way to account for this background is to adopt a neo-institutional perspective and update its ontology of legal concepts with further layers: the meta-institutional and the intermediate. Under this reading, the semantic referent of legal concepts is institutional reality. So, I use notions of analytical metaphysics, such as grounding and anchoring, to explain the origins and constituent elements of legal personality as an institutional kind. Finally, I show that the integration of conceptual and metaphysical analysis can provide the toolkit for finding an equilibrium around the legal-policy choices that are involved in including (or not including) AIs among legal persons.


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This dissertation proposes an analysis of the governance of the European scientific research, focusing on the emergence of the Open Science paradigm: a new way of doing science, oriented towards the openness of every phase of the scientific research process, able to take full advantage of the digital ICTs. The emergence of this paradigm is relatively recent, but in the last years it has become increasingly relevant. The European institutions expressed a clear intention to embrace the Open Science paradigm (eg., think about the European Open Science Cloud, EOSC; or the establishment of the Horizon Europe programme). This dissertation provides a conceptual framework for the multiple interventions of the European institutions in the field of Open Science, addressing the major legal challenges of its implementation. The study investigates the notion of Open Science, proposing a definition that takes into account all its dimensions related to the human and fundamental rights framework in which Open Science is grounded. The inquiry addresses the legal challenges related to the openness of research data, in light of the European Open Data framework and the impact of the GDPR on the context of Open Science. The last part of the study is devoted to the infrastructural dimension of the Open Science paradigm, exploring the e-infrastructures. The focus is on a specific type of computational infrastructure: the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility. The adoption of HPC for research is analysed from the European perspective, investigating the EuroHPC project, and the local perspective, proposing the case study of the HPC facility of the University of Luxembourg, the ULHPC. This dissertation intends to underline the relevance of the legal coordination approach, between all actors and phases of the process, in order to develop and implement the Open Science paradigm, adhering to the underlying human and fundamental rights.


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Biobanks are key infrastructures in data-driven biomedical research. The counterpoint of this optimistic vision is the reality of biobank governance, which must address various ethical, legal and social issues, especially in terms of open consent, privacy and secondary uses which, if not sufficiently resolved, may undermine participants’ and society’s trust in biobanking. The effect of the digital paradigm on biomedical research has only accentuated these issues by adding new pressure for the data protection of biobank participants against the risks of covert discrimination, abuse of power against individuals and groups, and critical commercial uses. Moreover, the traditional research-ethics framework has been unable to keep pace with the transformative developments of the digital era, and has proven inadequate in protecting biobank participants and providing guidance for ethical practices. To this must be added the challenge of an increased tendency towards exploitation and the commercialisation of personal data in the field of biomedical research, which may undermine the altruistic and solidaristic values associated with biobank participation and risk losing alignment with societal interests in biobanking. My research critically analyses, from a bioethical perspective, the challenges and the goals of biobank governance in data-driven biomedical research in order to understand the conditions for the implementation of a governance model that can foster biomedical research and innovation, while ensuring adequate protection for biobank participants and an alignment of biobank procedures and policies with society’s interests and expectations. The main outcome is a conceptualisation of a socially-oriented and participatory model of biobanks by proposing a new ethical framework that relies on the principles of transparency, data protection and participation to tackle the key challenges of biobanks in the digital age and that is well-suited to foster these goals.


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The chapters of the thesis focus on a limited variety of selected themes in EU privacy and data protection law. Chapter 1 sets out the general introduction on the research topic. Chapter 2 touches upon the methodology used in the research. Chapter 3 conceptualises the basic notions from a legal standpoint. Chapter 4 examines the current regulatory regime applicable to digital health technologies, healthcare emergencies, privacy, and data protection. Chapter 5 provides case studies on the application deployed in the Covid-19 scenario, from the perspective of privacy and data protection. Chapter 6 addresses the post-Covid European regulatory initiatives on the subject matter, and its potential effects on privacy and data protection. Chapter 7 is the outcome of a six-month internship with a company in Italy and focuses on the protection of fundamental rights through common standardisation and certification, demonstrating that such standards can serve as supporting tools to guarantee the right to privacy and data protection in digital health technologies. The thesis concludes with the observation that finding and transposing European privacy and data protection standards into scenarios, such as public healthcare emergencies where digital health technologies are deployed, requires rapid coordination between the European Data Protection Authorities and the Member States guarantee that individual privacy and data protection rights are ensured.


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This thesis is about the smart home, a connected ambience that will help consumers to live a more environmentally sustainable life and will help vulnerable categories of consumers to live a more autonomous life, thanks to the pervasive use of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In particular, civil liability for the malfunctioning of the smart home is the filter through which the research is carried out. I analyse whether the actual legal liability rules are ready or not to adapt to this new connected environment, such as the IoT-powered smart home. Through careful mapping of the technical and legal state of the art, the thesis argues that the EU rules on product liability contained in the Product Liability Directive (PLD) will apply consistently to these objects. This holds true even if at the time of the drafting of the thesis, the proposal on the update of the PLD had not been published yet. Through the analysis of past PLD cases, new American products liability case-law on domestic IoT objects and the latest legal scholarship’s contributions and policy inputs it was possible to anticipate some of the contents of the newly published EU PLD Update proposal.


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The advent of Bitcoin suggested a disintermediated economy in which Internet users can take part directly. The conceptual disruption brought about by this Internet of Money (IoM) mirrors the cross-industry impacts of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). While related instances of non-centralisation thwart regulatory efforts to establish accountability, in the financial domain further challenges arise from the presence in the IoM of two seemingly opposing traits: anonymity and transparency. Indeed, DLTs are often described as architecturally transparent, but the perceived level of anonymity of cryptocurrency transfers fuels fears of illicit exploitation. This is a primary concern for the framework to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation (AML/CFT/CPF), and a top priority both globally and at the EU level. Nevertheless, the anonymous and transparent features of the IoM are far from clear-cut, and the same is true for its levels of disintermediation and non-centralisation. Almost fifteen years after the first Bitcoin transaction, the IoM today comprises a diverse set of socio-technical ecosystems. Building on an analysis of their phenomenology, this dissertation shows how there is more to their traits of anonymity and transparency than it may seem, and how these features range across a spectrum of combinations and degrees. In this context, trade-offs can be evaluated by referring to techno-legal benchmarks, established through socio-technical assessments grounded on teleological interpretation. Against this backdrop, this work provides framework-level recommendations for the EU to respond to the twofold nature of the IoM legitimately and effectively. The methodology cherishes the mutual interaction between regulation and technology when drafting regulation whose compliance can be eased by design. This approach mitigates the risk of overfitting in a fast-changing environment, while acknowledging specificities in compliance with the risk-based approach that sits at the core of the AML/CFT/CPF regime.


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The thesis represents the conclusive outcome of the European Joint Doctorate programmein Law, Science & Technology funded by the European Commission with the instrument Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks actions inside of the H2020, grantagreement n. 814177. The tension between data protection and privacy from one side, and the need of granting further uses of processed personal datails is investigated, drawing the lines of the technological development of the de-anonymization/re-identification risk with an explorative survey. After acknowledging its span, it is questioned whether a certain degree of anonymity can still be granted focusing on a double perspective: an objective and a subjective perspective. The objective perspective focuses on the data processing models per se, while the subjective perspective investigates whether the distribution of roles and responsibilities among stakeholders can ensure data anonymity.