1000 resultados para Fila de São Miguel Dog


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No cenário mundial e belorizontino, as Doenças e Agravos Não Transmissíveis crescem consideravelmente e as Doenças Cardiovasculares lideram as morbidades e mortalidades. Para prevenir e enfrentar essas doenças e agravos é necessário o aporte de múltiplos conhecimentos, competências e ações coordenadas de vários profissionais. No entanto, o que se observa na prática é o trabalho fragmentado dos profissionais nos diferentes níveis de atenção. Com o levantamento desse problema, o objetivo do trabalho é de elaborar um plano de ação para o desenvolvimento de um trabalho interdisciplinar e intersetorial para o enfrentamento dos fatores de risco cardiovasculares da população assistida pela Equipe de Saúde da Família que envolva de modo particular os profissionais da Educação Física. No método foram levantadas revisões de literatura sobre interdisciplinaridade, intersetorialidade e os fatores de risco cardiovascular que favoreceram a construção da árvore explicativa dos problemas com duas regionais, os Centros de Saúde Monte Azul e São Miguel Arcanjo e as Academias da cidade do Monte Azul e Vila Fátima. O plano de ação foi desenvolvido para o enfrentamento de nós críticos "Dificuldade de comunicação entre os profissionais", "Processos de Capacitação Fragmentados", "Processos de monitoramento e avaliação pouco efetivos ou inexistentes", "Processo de Gestão pouco participativa", "Tabagismo e outras drogas" e "Sedentarismo/Obesidade/Dislipidemia" que resultaram em operações que são denominadas como "Comunica SUS", "Educando em rede", "Monitora BH", "Vamos construir juntos?", "Droga pra quê?", "Movimente com qualidade nas atividades da cidade" e "BH nutri em ação". Foram construídas as planilhas de acompanhamento e monitoramento de indicadores para a implementação das ações para provocar o trabalho intersetorial e interdisciplinar no combate as doenças cardiovasculares. Para esta implementação é importante que a construção das mudanças seja de estratégias construídas pelo gestor para o serviço (descendente: decisão institucionalizada), ou do serviço para a rede (ascendente: com experiências bem sucedidas demonstra-se para o gestor que os planos de enfrentamento funcionam para o problema em questão).


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A gravidez na adolescência no bairro São Miguel no município de Nioaque é um desafio a ser enfrentado pelas equipes de saúde da família. Este fato chamou a atenção durante a realização do diagnóstico situacional realizado no território correspondente à Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família Jonas Pedro Silva. O objetivo principal deste projeto de intervenção foi o enfrentamento dos agravos a saúde relacionados à gestação na adolescência e da pratica sexual precoce nesta fase da vida. Os dados foram coletados no SIAB e nos registros da equipe da UBSF Jonas Pedro Silva. Em março de 2014. O número de pessoas cadastradas era de 3156, deste total 27 (0,85%) eram gestantes, sendo que 7 (0,22%) destas estavam na faixa etária de dez a dezenove anos de idade. Temos então que (25,9%) das gestantes atendidas por essa equipe eram adolescentes, fato bastante significativo e motivador da realização deste trabalho. Foi iniciado um trabalho de treinamento e capacitação da equipe por meio de reuniões, elaborou-se uma cartilha que continha o passo-a-passo da abordagem da adolescente gestante. Os objetivos almejados pelo projeto foram em sua maioria alcançados. Houve um aumento da demanda dessas jovens em relação às consultas pré-natal, mostrando-se cada vez mais interessadas no seguimento correto de suas gestações.


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O presente estudo é oriundo das necessidades elaboradas no diagnóstico situacional realizado por uma Equipe de Saúde de São Miguel dos Campos, Alagoas, sendo selecionado o uso indiscriminado de antibióticos como principal problema a ser enfrentado dentro do âmbito de atuação. A resistência bacteriana é um importante problema de Saúde Pública por afetar a saúde individual e coletiva. Com o uso irracional de antibióticos, o desenvolvimento de futura resistência muitas vezes é inevitável. O principal objetivo desse estudo é identificar os fatores que resultam no uso indiscriminado de antibióticos pela população adstrita e elaborar um Projeto de Intervenção. O Projeto de Intervenção foi iniciado através de relatos dos pacientes em consultas médicas, nas quais os mesmos referiam realizar automedicação com antibióticos, assim como o uso inadequado. Definido o nó crítico, a Equipe de Saúde criou alternativas para solucionar ou amenizar o problema. Desta ação espera-se a prevenção e a redução da resistência bacteriana entre a população adstrita e, consequentemente, a diminuição da morbimortalidade e da transmissão de doenças infectocontagiosas


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O projecto “Principais tendências no cinema português contemporâneo” nasceu no Departamento de Cinema da ESTC, com o objectivo de desenvolver investigação especializada a partir de um núcleo formado por alunos da Licenciatura em Cinema e do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico, a que se juntaram professores-investigadores membros do CIAC e convidados. O que agora se divulga corresponde a dois anos e meio de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de investigação, entre Abril de 2009 e Novembro de 2011. Dada a forma que ele foi adquirindo, preferimos renomeá-lo, para efeitos de divulgação, “Novas & velhas tendências no cinema português contemporâneo”.


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Relata-se o caso de um cão, macho, da raça Fila Brasileiro, com nove anos de idade, acometido por neoformação tecidual na membrana nictitante do olho direito, com cerca de quatro meses de evolução. Realizou-se exame oftálmico rotineiro, a partir do qual se notaram hiperemia e edema conjuntivais, secreção ocular serossangüinolenta e neoformação saliente na conjuntiva da membrana nictitante. Realizou-se a exérese cirúrgica da neoformação. À histopatologia, encontraram-se células endoteliais pouco diferenciadas e pleomórficas que originavam intensa neoformação vascular, compatíveis com hemangiossarcoma da membrana nictitante.


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Coprological examination was used to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in stray and domiciled dogs from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Risk factors for dog infection were assessed in relation to demographic, husbandry and management data. The dog owners completed a questionnaire survey on some aspects of dog parasitism such as parasite species, mechanisms of infection, awareness of zoonotic diseases and history of anthelmintic usage. Parasites were found in the faeces of 138 dogs, with an overall prevalence of 54.3%. Dogs harbouring one parasite were more common (31.4%) than those harbouring two (18.5%), three (3.2%) or four (1.2%). The following parasites and their respective frequencies were detected: Ancylostoma (37.8%), Giardia (16.9%), Toxocara canis (8.7%), Trichuris vulpis (7.1%), Dipylidium caninum (2.4%), Isospora (3.5%), Cryptosporidium (3.1%) and Sarcocystis (2.7%). Stray dogs were found more likely to be poliparasitized (P < 0.01) and presented higher prevalence of Ancylostoma, T. canis and Giardia (P < 0.01) than domiciled ones. Toxocara canis was detected more frequently in dogs with < 6 months of age (P < 0.05) and no effect of sex or breed could be observed (P > 0.05). Except for Ancylostoma, that showed a significantly higher prevalence in dogs living in a multi-dog household (P < 0.01), parasite prevalences were similar in single- and multi-dog household. The answers of dog owners to the questionnaire showed that the majority does not know the species of dog intestinal parasites, the mechanisms of transmission, the risk factors for zoonotic infections, and specific prophylactic measures. The predominance of zoonotic species in dogs in the studied region, associated with the elevated degree of misinformation of the owners, indicates that the risk of zoonotic infection by canine intestinal parasite may be high, even in one of the most developed regions of Brazil.


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A 5-year-old Brazilian Fila dog was presented with a history of vision loss, alopecia, and generalized depigmentation of the skin and hair. Clinical examination confirmed generalized depigmentation and pyodermitis. on ophthalmic examination there was depigmentation at the eyelid mucocutaneous junction, associated with anterior uveitis, and bilateral posterior synechia at 360degrees. Both the complete blood count and skin scraping were normal. Skin biopsy showed histiocytary lichenoid interface dermatitis with an absence of pigment within the queratinocytes, and a moderate lymphomononuclear infiltrate and predominance of histiocytes in the papilar derma suggestive of uveodermatologic syndrome. Clinical management consisted of oral and topical administration of prednisone, associated with 1% indometacine eye drops. Methylprednisone was also used twice via the subconjunctival route, at an interval of 15 days. To prevent the development of secondary glaucoma due to posterior synechiae, dorzolamide and timolol eye drops were indicated. Both dermatologic and ophthalmic signs showed good improvement, vision was preserved, and some repigmentation of the skin and hair occurred.


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The aim of this study was to quantify radiographically the periapical bone resorption in dogs' teeth contaminated with bacterial endotoxin (LPS), associated or not with calcium hydroxide. After pulp tissue removal, 60 premolars were randomly assigned to 4 groups and were either filled with LPS (group 1), filled with LPS plus calcium hydroxide (group 2) or filled with saline (group 3) for a period of 30 days. In group 4, periapical lesion formation was induced with no canal treatment. Standardized radiographs were taken at the beginning of the treatment and after 30 days and the Image J Program was used for measurement of periapical lesion size. Periapical lesions were observed in groups 1 (average of 8.44 mm2) and 4 (average of 3.02 mm2). The lamina dura was intact and there were no areas of periapical bone resorption in groups 2 and 3. It may be concluded that calcium hydroxide was effective in inactivating LPS, as demonstrated by the absence of apical periodontitis in the roots that were filled with bacterial endotoxin plus calcium hydroxide.


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O objetivo deste artigo é discutir quais caminhos ou descaminhos estão sendo percorridos nos processos de capacitação rural de extensionistas e agricultores de algumas localidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, a pesquisa aqui relatada teve como pressuposto analisar as práticas pedagógicas e os processos de comunicação que ocorrem durante as capacitações formativas entre extensionistas e agricultores, bem como entre formadores e extensionistas. Buscou-se, ainda, identificar as influências da comunicação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, a fim de se repensar práticas relativas à comunicação que devem ser utilizadas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, o método de coleta de dados foi o estudo de caso com viés fenomenológico. Os dados anunciam a necessidade da formação continuada com orientação de profissionais da pedagogia a fim de que mudanças efetivas possam ser realizadas.


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The blood feeding of a population of Cx. nigripalpus from Parque Ecológico do Tietê (PET) was investigated using an indirect ELISA protocol. Mosquitoes were captured outside houses. Five hundred sixteen engorged females collected in a reforested area and 25 in an open area were tested. Rodents and dogs were the most common blood sources, accounting for approximately 65.3% of blood meals. Human blood was detected in 10.9%, dog blood in 26.1%, chicken blood in 2.4%, and rodent blood in 39.2% of the 541 insects tested. ELISA failed in identifying the blood sources of 233 engorged females, indicating that the mosquitoes may have fed on a host which was not tested. One hundred six individuals were positive for more than one host. The unweighted human blood index was 0.14 and the rodent/human, human/chicken, and dog/rodent feeding index values were 2.70, 1.51, and 1.33, respectively. Furthermore, rodents are defensive hosts for this haematophagous insect which looks for another host to complete blood-feeding. Considering that rodents are potential reservoirs for Mucambo virus and Saint Louis encephalitis virus and that Cx. nigripalpus feed on the blood of those mammals, we hypothesize that mosquito population in PET could participate in the transmission cycle of those arboviruses. Additionally, this species might be involved in the transmission of Dirofilaria immitis to dogs at this area.


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A morphological and cell culture study from nasal mucosa of dogs was performed in order to establish a protocol to obtain a cell population committed to neuronal lineage, as a proposal for the treatment of traumatic and degenerative lesions in these animals, so that in the future these results could be applied to the human species. Twelve mongrel dogs of 60-day aged pregnancy were collected from urban pound dogs in São Paulo. Tissue from cribriform ethmoidal lamina of the fetuses was collected at necropsy under sterile conditions around 1h to 2h postmortem by uterine sections and sections from the fetal regions described above. Isolated cells of this tissue were added in DMEM/F-12 medium under standard conditions of incubation (5% CO², >37ºC). Cell culture based on isolated cells from biopsies of the olfactory epithelium showed rapid growth when cultured for 24 hours, showing phase-bright sphere cells found floating around the fragments, attached on culture flasks. After 20 days, a specific type of cells, predominantly ellipsoids or fusiform cells was characterized in vitro. The indirect immunofluorescence examination showed cells expressing markers of neuronal precursors (GFAP, neurofilament, oligodendrocyte, and III â-tubulin). The cell proliferation index showed Ki67 immunostaining with a trend to label cell groups throughout the apical region, while PCNA immunostaining label predominantly cell groups lying above the basal lamina. The transmission electron microscopy from the olfactory epithelium of dogs revealed cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and preserving the same distribution as those of positive cell staining for PCNA. Metabolic activity was confirmed by presence of euchromatin in the greatest part of cells. All these aspects give subsidies to support the hypothesis about resident progenitor cells among the basal cells of the olfactory epithelium, committed to renewal of these cell populations, especially neurons.


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The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of Cryptosporidium in domestic animals in rural properties surrounding rain forest fragments within the municipality of Teodoro Sampaio, southeastern Brazil. Conventional sucrose flotation method followed by molecular characterization of the parasites by sequencing PCR products amplified from SSU rRNA gene were used. Stool samples were collected from domestic animals raised as pets and livestock in all rural properties surrounding three forest fragments. Samples from cattle (197), equine (63), pigs (25), sheep (11), and dogs (28) were collected from 98 rural properties. The frequency of occurrence of Cryptosporidium within each animal species was 3.0% (6/197) among cattle and 10.7% (3/28) among dogs. Cryptosporidium was not detected in stool samples from equine, sheep, and pigs. All sequences obtained from the six samples of calves showed molecular identity with Cryptosporidium andersoni while all sequences from dog samples were similar to C. canis. The frequency of occurrence of Cryptosporidium in these domestic animal species was low. The absence of C. parvum in the present study suggests that the zoonotic cycle of cryptosporidiosis may not be relevant in the region studied. The presence of Cryptosporidium species seldom described in humans may be, otherwise, important for the wild fauna as these animals are a source of infection and dissemination of this protozoan to other animal species. The impact and magnitude of infection by C. andersoni in wild ruminants and C. canis in wild canids have to be assessed in future studies to better understand the actual importance of these species in this region.


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Background and Purpose: Radiofrequency (RF) ablation of renal tumors is a major technique for tumor cell destruction while preserving healthy renal parenchyma. There is no consensus in the literature regarding the optimal temperature, impedance, and time for RF application for effective cell destruction. This study investigated two variables while keeping time unchanged: Temperature for RF cell destruction and tissue impedance in dog kidneys. Materials and Methods: Sixteen dogs had renal punctures through videolaparoscopy for RF interstitial tissue ablation. A RF generator was applied for 10 minutes to the dog's kidney at different target temperatures: 80 degrees C, 90 degrees C, and 100 degrees C. On postoperative day14, the animals were sacrificed and nephrectomized. All lesions were macroscopically and microscopically examined. The bioelectrical impedance was evaluated at three different temperatures. Results: Renal injuries were wider and deeper at 90 degrees C (P < 0.001), and they were similar at 80 degrees C and 100 degrees C. The bioelectrical impedance was lower at 90 degrees C than at the temperatures of 80 degrees C and 100 degrees C (P < 0.001). Viable cells in the RF ablation tissue area were not found in the microscopic examination. Conclusion: The most effective cell destruction in terms of width and depth was achieved at 90 degrees C, which was also the optimal temperature for tissue impedance. RF ablation of renal cells eliminated all viable cells.


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Background: Rhipicephalus sanguineus, known as the brown dog tick, is a common ectoparasite of domestic dogs and can be found worldwide. R. sanguineus is recognized as the primary vector of the etiological agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis and canine babesiosis. Here we present the first description of a R. sanguineus salivary gland transcriptome by the production and analysis of 2,034 expressed sequence tags (EST) from two cDNA libraries, one consctructed using mRNA from dissected salivary glands from female ticks fed for 3-5 days (early to mid library, RsSGL1) and the another from ticks fed for 5 days (mid library, RsSGL2), identifying 1,024 clusters of related sequences. Results: Based on sequence similarities to nine different databases, we identified transcripts of genes that were further categorized according to function. The category of putative housekeeping genes contained similar to 56% of the sequences and had on average 2.49 ESTs per cluster, the secreted protein category contained 26.6% of the ESTs and had 2.47 EST's/clusters, while 15.3% of the ESTs, mostly singletons, were not classifiable, and were annotated as ""unknown function"". The secreted category included genes that coded for lipocalins, proteases inhibitors, disintegrins, metalloproteases, immunomodulatory and antiinflammatory proteins, as Evasins and Da-p36, as well as basic-tail and 18.3 kDa proteins, cement proteins, mucins, defensins and antimicrobial peptides. Comparison of the abundance of ESTs from similar contigs of the two salivary gland cDNA libraries allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes, such as genes coding for Evasins and a thrombin inhibitor, which were over expressed in the RsSGL1 (early to mid library) versus RsSGL2 (mid library), indicating their role in inhibition of inflammation at the tick feeding site from the very beginning of the blood meal. Conversely, sequences related to cement (64P), which function has been correlated with tick attachment, was largely expressed in the mid library. Conclusions: Our survey provided an insight into the R. sanguineus sialotranscriptome, which can assist the discovery of new targets for anti-tick vaccines, as well as help to identify pharmacologically active proteins.


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Of the various genetic homologues to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), the Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) dog, which presents a variable but usually severe and progressive muscle weakness, has the closest relevance to DMD in both clinical severity and histopathological change. Among 77 GRMD dogs born in our colony in Brazil, we have identified a very mildly affected dog, Ringo, born July 2003. Among his descendants, at least one male, Suflair, is also showing a mild course. In an attempt to better characterize these two dogs, we studied the pattern of muscle proteins expression in Ringo and Suflair, as compared to severely affected and normal control dogs. Dystrophin was absent in both and utrophin was overexpressed in a pattern similar to the observed in severely affected dogs. Understanding the mechanism that is protecting Ringo and Suflair from the deleterious effect of the dystrophin gene mutation is of utmost interest, In addition it points out that the clinical impact of therapeutic trials should be interpreted with caution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.