980 resultados para Fat loss
This paper is concerned with evaluating the performance of loss networks. Accurate determination of loss network performance can assist in the design and dimen- sioning of telecommunications networks. However, exact determination can be difficult and generally cannot be done in reasonable time. For these reasons there is much interest in developing fast and accurate approximations. We develop a reduced load approximation that improves on the famous Erlang fixed point approximation (EFPA) in a variety of circumstances. We illustrate our results with reference to a range of networks for which the EFPA may be expected to perform badly.
Improving the treatment of obesity remains a critical challenge. Several health behaviour change models, often based on a social-cognitive framework, have been used to design weight management interventions (Baranowski et al., 2003). However, most interventions have only produced modest weight reductions (Wadden et al., 2002) and socialcognitive variables have shown limited power to predict weight outcomes (Palmeira et al., 2007). Other predictors, and possibl alte nati e e planatory models, are needed to better understand the mechanisms by which weight loss and other obesity treatment-outcomes are brought about (Baranowski, 2006). Self-esteem is one of these possible mechanisms, because is commonly reported to change during the treatment, although these changes are not necessarily associated with weight loss (Blaine et al., 2007; Maciejewski et al., 2005). This possibility should be more evident if the program integrates regular exercise, as it promotes improvements in subjective well-being (Biddle & Mutrie, 2001), with possible influences on long-term behavioral adherence (e.g. diet, exercise). Following the reciprocal effects model tenets (Marsh & Craven, 2006), we expect that the influences between changes in weight, selfesteem and exercise to be reciprocal and might present one of the mechanisms by which obesity treatments can be improved.
The deposition of amyloid fibers at the peripheral nervous system can induce motor neuropathy in Familial Amiloidotic Polyneuropethy (FAP) patients. This produces progressive reductions in functional capacity. The only treatment for FAP is a liver transplant, followed by aggressive medication that can affect patients' metabolism. To our knowledge, there are no data on body fat distribution or comparison between healthy and FAP subjects, which may be important for clinical assessment and management of this disease. PURPOSE: To analyze body fat content and distribution between FAP patients and healthy subjects. METHODS: Body fat content and distribution were measured through Double Energy X-ray Densitometry (DXA) in two groups. Group 1 consisted of 43 Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy patients (19 males, 32 + 8 Yrs, and 24 females, 37 + 5 yrs), who had liver transplant less than 2 months before. Group 2 consisted of 18 healthy subjects of similar age (8 males, 36 + 7 yrs, and 10 females, 39 + 5 yrs). RESULTS: Healthy subjects showed higher values than FAP patients for: BMI (24,2+2,3kg/m2 vs 22,3+3,8 kg/m2 respectively, p<0,05), % trunk BF (26,21+8,34kg vs 20,78+9,05kg respectively, p<0,05), % visceral BF (24,43+7,97% vs 19,21+9,30% respectively, p<0,05), % abdominal BF (26,63+8,51% vs 20,63+10,35% respectively, p<0,05) abdominal subcutaneous BF (0,533+0,421kg vs 0,353+0,257kg respectively, p=0,05), abdominal BF/BF ratio (0,09+0,02 vs 0,08+0,02 respectively, p<0,05) and abdominal BF/trunk BF ratio (0,19+0,03 vs 0,17+0,03 respectively, p<0,05). CONCLUSIONS: These results showed that FAP patients soon after liver transplantation exhibited a healthier body fat profile compared to controls. However, fat content and distribution varied widely in FAP subjects, suggesting an individualized approach for assessment and intervention rather than general guidelines. Future research is needed to investigate the long term consequences on body fat following liver transplant in this population.
The deposition of amyloid fibers at the peripheral nervous system can induce motor neuropathy in Familial Amiloidotic Polyneuropethy (FAP) patients. This produces progressive reductions in functional capacity. The only treatment for FAP is a liver transplant, followed by aggressive medication that can affect patients' metabolism. To our knowledge, there are no data on body fat distribution or comparison between healthy and FAP subjects, which may be important for clinical assessment and management of this disease.
Since Samuelson, Redington and Fisher and Weil, duration and immunization are very important topics in bond portfolio analysis from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. Many results have been established, especially in semi-deterministic framework. As regards, however, the loss may be sustained, we do not think that the subject has been investigated enough, except for the results found in the wake of the theorem of Fong and Vasicek. In this paper we present some results relating to the limitation of the loss in the case of local immunization for multiple liabilities.
Myocardial perfusion-gated-SPECT (MP-gated-SPECT) imaging often shows radiotracer uptake in abdominal organs. This accumulation interferes frequently with qualitative and quantitative assessment of the infero-septal region of myocardium. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of ingestion of different fat content on the reduction of extra-myocardial uptake and to improve MP-gated-SPECT image quality. In this study, 150 patients (65 ^ 18 years) who were referred for MP-gated-SPECT underwent a 1-day-protocol including imaging after stress (physical or pharmacological) and resting conditions. All patients gave written informed consent. Patients were subdivided into five groups: GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV. In the first four groups, patients ate two chocolate bars with different fat content. Patients in GV – control group (CG) – had just water. Uptake indices (UI) of myocardium (M)/liver(L) and M/stomach–proximal bowel(S) revealed lower UI of M/S at rest in all groups. Both stress and rest studies using different food intake indicate that patients who ate chocolate with different fat content showed better UI of M/L than the CG. The UI of M/L and M/S of groups obtained under physical stress are clearly superior to that of groups obtained under pharmacological stress. These differences are only significant in patients who ate high-fat chocolate or drank water. The analysis of all stress studies together (GI, GII, GIII and GIV) in comparison with CG shows higher mean ranks of UI of M/L for those who ate high-fat chocolate. After pharmacological stress, the mean ranks of UI of M/L were higher for patients who ate high- and low-fat chocolate. In conclusion, eating food with fat content after radiotracer injection increases, respectively, the UI of M/L after stress and rest in MP-gated-SPECT studies. It is, therefore, recommended that patients eat a chocolate bar after radiotracer injection and before image acquisition.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although global biodiversity is declining, local ecosystems are not systematically losing diversity, but rather experiencing rapid turnover in species.
Background & aims: Crohn’s disease (CD) is a multifactorial disease where resistance to apoptosis is one major defect. Also, dietary fat intake has been shown to modulate disease activity. We aimed to explore the interaction between four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in apoptotic genes and dietary fat intake in modulating disease activity in CD patients. Methods: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) techniques were used to analyze Caspase9þ93C/T, FasLigand-843C/T, Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gammaþ161C/T and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNPs in 99 patients with CD and 116 healthy controls. Interactions between SNPs and fat intake in modulating disease activity were analyzed using regression analysis. Results: None of the polymorphisms analyzed influenced disease susceptibility and/or activity, but a high intake of total, saturated and monounsaturated fats and a higher ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), was associated with a more active phenotype (p < 0.05). We observed that the detrimental effect of a high intake of total and trans fat was more marked in wild type carriers of the Caspase9þ93C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 4.64 (1.27e16.89) and O.R (95%CI) 4.84 (1.34e17.50)]. In the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNP, we also observed that a high intake of saturated and monounsaturated fat was associated to a more active disease in wild type carriers [OR (95%CI) 4.21 (1.33e13.26) and 4.37 (1.52e12.51)]. Finally, a high intake of n-6 PUFA was associated with a more active disease in wild type carriers for the FasLigand-843C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 5.15 (1.07e24.74)]. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to disclose a synergism between fat intake and SNPs in apoptotic genes in modulating disease activity in CD patients.
Background - Both genetic and environmental factors affect the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Objective - We aimed to examine the interaction between the D1822V polymorphism of the APC gene and dietary intake in persons with CRC. Design - Persons with CRC (n = 196) and 200 healthy volunteers, matched for age and sex in a case-control study, were evaluated with respect to nutritional status and lifestyle factors and for the D1822V polymorphism. Results - No significant differences were observed in energy and macronutrient intakes. Cases had significantly (P < 0.05) lower intakes of carotenes, vitamins C and E, folate, and calcium than did controls. Fiber intake was significantly (P = 0.004) lower in cases than in controls, whereas alcohol consumption was associated with a 2-fold risk of CRC. In addition, cases were significantly (P = 0.001) more likely than were controls to be sedentary. The homozygous variant for the APC gene (VV) was found in 4.6% of cases and in 3.5% of controls. Examination of the potential interactions between diet and genotype found that a high cholesterol intake was associated with a greater risk of colorectal cancer only in noncarriers (DD) of the D1822V APC allele (odds ratio: 1.66; 95% CI: 1.00, 2.76). In contrast, high fiber and calcium intakes were more markedly associated with a lower risk of CRC in patients carrying the polymorphic allele (DV/VV) (odds ratio: 0.50; 95% CI: 0.27, 0.94 for fiber; odds ratio: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.28, 0.93 for calcium) than in those without that allele. Conclusion - These results suggest a significant interaction between the D1822V polymorphism and the dietary intakes of cholesterol, calcium, and fiber for CRC risk.
Sendo, o exercício físico uma parte importante na Reabilitação de pacientes com patologia cardíaca, o presente estudo tem por Objectivo: verificar se um programa de exercícios aeróbios, mesmo quando associadas a patologias crónicas poderão ter efeito nas variáveis da capacidade funcional, ansiedade e depressão e qualidade de vida. Tipo de estudo: série de estudos de caso prospectivo. Métodos: O programa de exercício realizou-se em 8 semanas tendo cada um dos doentes cardíacos sido avaliados no início do plano e no fim das 8 semanas sobre os seguintes aspectos: a composição corporal (massa magra, massa gorda, Taxa metabólica basal e água), o teste dos 6 minutos de marcha, em termos de ansiedade /depressão e percepção do estados de saúde. Resultados: Em relação à composição corporal, destacase a perda de peso no caso clínico 4 com uma variação de -4.54%; aumento de massa magra de 46.6% e uma diminuição de massa gorda de -41 .1% no caso clínico 2 e um aumento de 4,78% da taxa de metabolismo basal no caso clínico 1 . Na capacidade funcional de exercício houve uma variação média positiva de 16,8% na distância percorrida; verifica-se também um aumento gradual de tempo de exercício ao longo das 8 semanas de tratamento. Por último, uma variação média negativa nos níveis de ansiedade de -28,5% e depressão de -40%; um aumento de 30% na percepção subjectiva do estado de saúde nos 4 casos clínicos deste estudo. Conclusão: O programa de exercícios teve efeitos positivos nos 4 casos clínicos estudados. No entanto, pelas características individuais de cada caso, os seus efeitos tiveram impacto diferente em cada caso, devendo por isso, ser prescrito exercício de forma individualizada.
The didactic update on requirements, types of feeding and dosages of nutrients by Su is a useful guide for clinicians on optimization of nutrition in preterm infants. We take this opportunity to focus on postdischarge nutrition in very preterm infants, which has not yet reached consensus, because of concerns regarding the potentially negative consequences of rapid catch-up growth on obesity and metabolic programming. Some formula feeding approaches have been proposed when mother’s milk is not available.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the validity of three single questions used to assess self-reported hearing loss as compared to pure-tone audiometry in an adult population. METHODS: A validity study was performed with a random sub-sample of 188 subjects aged 30 to 65 years, drawn from the fourth wave of a population-based cohort study carried out in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected in household visits using questionnaires. Three questions were used to separately assess self-reported hearing loss: Q1, "Do you feel you have a hearing loss?"; Q2, "In general, would you say your hearing is 'excellent,' 'very good,' 'good,' 'fair,' 'poor'?"; Q3, "Currently, do you think you can hear 'the same as before', 'less than before only in the right ear', 'less than before only in the left ear', 'less than before in both ears'?". Measures of accuracy were estimated through seven measures including Youden index. Responses to each question were compared to the results of pure-tone audiometry to estimate accuracy measures. RESULTS: The estimated sensitivity and specificity were 79.6%, 77.4% for Q1; 66.9%, 85.1% for Q2; and 81.5%, 76.4% for Q3, respectively. The Youden index ranged from 51.9% (Q2) to 57.0% (Q1) and 57.9% (Q3). CONCLUSIONS: Each of all three questions provides responses accurate enough to support their use to assess self-reported hearing loss in epidemiological studies with adult populations when pure-tone audiometry is not feasible.
Food lipid major components are usually analyzed by individual methodologies using diverse extractive procedures for each class. A simple and fast extractive procedure was devised for the sequential analysis of vitamin E, cholesterol, fatty acids, and total fat estimation in seafood, reducing analyses time and organic solvent consumption. Several liquid/liquid-based extractive methodologies using chlorinated and non-chlorinated organic solvents were tested. The extract obtained is used for vitamin E quantification (normal-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection), total cholesterol (normal-phase HPLC with UV detection), fatty acid profile, and total fat estimation (GC-FID), all accomplished in <40 min. The final methodology presents an adequate linearity range and sensitivity for tocopherol and cholesterol, with intra- and inter-day precisions (RSD) from 3 to 11 % for all the components. The developed methodology was applied to diverse seafood samples with positive outcomes, making it a very attractive technique for routine analyses in standard equipped laboratories in the food quality control field.