897 resultados para Families of royal descent
When a suspect's DNA profile is admitted into court as a match to evidence the probability of the perpetrator being another individual must be calculated from database allele frequencies. The two methods used for this calculation are phenotypic frequency and likelihood ratio. Neither of these calculations takes into account substructuring within populations. In these substructured populations the frequency of homozygotes increases and that of heterozygotes usually decreases. The departure from Hardy- Weinberg expectation in a sample population can be estimated using Sewall Wright's Fst statistic. Fst values were calculated in four populations of African descent by comparing allele frequencies at three short tandem repeat loci. This was done by amplifying the three loci in each sample using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and separating these fragments using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The gels were then silver stained and autoradiograms taken, from which allele frequencies were estimated. Fst values averaged 0.007+- 0.005 within populations of African descent and 0.02+- 0.01 between white and black populations.
In the last decades, cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes have drawn a large interest for their unique properties: they are excellent triplet state emitters, thus the emission is phosphorescent in nature; typically high quantum yields and good stability make them good candidates for luminescent materials. Moreover, through an opportune choice of the ligands, it is possible to tune the emission along the whole visible spectra. Thanks to these interesting features, Ir(III) complexes have found different applications in several areas of applied science, from OLEDs to bioimaging. In particular, regarding the second application, a remarkable red-shift in the emission is required, in order to minimize the problem of the tissue penetration and the possible damages for the organisms. With the aim of synthesizing a new family of NIR emitting Ir(III) complexes, we envisaged the possibility to use for the first time 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine as bidentate ligand able to provide the required red-shift of the emission of the final complexes. Exploiting the versatility of the ligand, I prepared two different families of heteroleptic Ir(III) complexes. In detail, in the first case the 2-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)pyridine was used as bis-chelating N^N ligand, leading to cationic complexes, while in the second case it was used as cyclometalating C^N ligand, giving neutral complexes. The structures of the prepared molecules have been characterised by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Moreover, the neutral complexes’ emissive properties have been measured: emission spectra have been recorded in solution at both room temperature and 77K, as well as in PMMA matrix. DFT calculation has then been performed and the obtained results have been compared to experimental ones.
Agreed-upon procedures report on the City of Royal, Iowa for the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016
artículo -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Centro Investigación en Biología Molecular y Celular, 2010. Este documento es privado debido a limitaciones de derechos de autor.
Approximately 1.6 per 1,000 newborns in the U.S. are born with hearing loss. Congenital hearing loss poses a risk to their speech, language, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Early detection and intervention can improve outcomes. Every state has an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program (EHDI) to promote and track screening, audiological assessments and linkage to early intervention. However, a large percentage of children are “lost to system (LTS),” meaning that they did not receive recommended care or that it was not reported. This study used data from the 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and data from the 2011 EHDI Hearing Screening and Follow-Up Survey to examine how 1) family characteristics; 2) EHDI program effectiveness, as determined by LTS percentages; and 3) the family conditions of education and poverty are related to parental report of inadequate care. The sample comprised 684 children between the ages of 0 and 5 years with hearing loss. The results indicated that living in states with less effective EHDI programs was associated with an increased likelihood of not receiving early intervention services (EIS) and of reporting poor family-centered communication. Sibling classification was associated with both receipt of EIS and report of unmet need. Single mothers were less likely to report increased difficulties accessing care. Poor and less educated families, assessed separately, who lived in states with less effective EHDI programs, were more likely to report non-receipt of EIS and less likely to report unmet need as compared to similar families living in states with more effective programs. Poor families living in states with less effective programs were more likely to report less coordinated care than were poor families living in states with more effective programs. This study supports the conclusion that both family characteristics and the effectiveness of state programs affect quality of care outcomes. It appears that less effective state programs affect disadvantaged families’ service receipt report more than that of advantaged families. These findings are important because they may provide insights into the development of targeted efforts to improve the system of care for children with hearing loss.
"An alphabetical catalogue of English and Scotch names of plants ...": vol. II, p. [809]-840.
The thesis is concerned with a number of problems in Combinatorial Set Theory. The Generalized Continuum Hypothesis is assumed. Suppose X and K are non-zero cardinals. By successively identifying K with airwise disjoint sets of power K, a function/: X-*•K can be viewed as a transversal of a pairwise disjoint (X, K)family A . Questions about families of functions in K can thus bethought of as referring to families of transversals of A. We wish to consider generalizations of such questions to almost disjoint families; in particular we are interested in extensions of the following two problems: (i) What is the 'maximum' cardinality of an almost disjoint family of functions each mapping X into K? (ii) Describe the cardinalities of maximal almost disjoint families of functions each mapping X into K. Article in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 27(03):477 - 479 · June 1983
In this paper, dedicated to Prof. Lou Kauffman, we determine the Thurston’s geometry possesed by any Seifert fibered conemanifold structure in a Seifert manifold with orbit space (Formula presented.) and no more than three exceptional fibers, whose singular set, composed by fibers, has at most three components which can include exceptional or general fibers (the total number of exceptional and singular fibers is less than or equal to three). We also give the method to obtain the holonomy of that structure. We apply these results to three families of Seifert manifolds, namely, spherical, Nil manifolds and manifolds obtained by Dehn surgery on a torus knot (Formula presented.). As a consequence we generalize to all torus knots the results obtained in [Geometric conemanifolds structures on (Formula presented.), the result of (Formula presented.) surgery in the left-handed trefoil knot (Formula presented.), J. Knot Theory Ramifications 24(12) (2015), Article ID: 1550057, 38pp., doi: 10.1142/S0218216515500571] for the case of the left handle trefoil knot. We associate a plot to each torus knot for the different geometries, in the spirit of Thurston.
The success of childhood weight management programmes relies on family engagement. While attendance offers many benefits including the support to make positive lifestyle changes, the majority of families referred to treatment decline. Moreover, for those who do attend, benefits are often compromised by high programme attrition. This systematic review investigated factors influencing attendance at community-based lifestyle programmes among families of over-weight or obese children. A narrative synthesis approach was used to allow for the inclusion of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method study designs. Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Results suggest that parents provided the impetus for programme initiation, and this was driven largely by a concern for their child's psychological health and wellbeing. More often than not, children went along without any real reason or interest in attending. Over the course of the programme, however, children's positive social experiences such as having fun and making friends fostered the desire to continue. The stigma surrounding excess weight and the denial of the issue amongst some parents presented barriers to enrolment and warrant further study. This study provides practical recommendations to guide future policy makers, programme delivery teams and researchers in developing strategies to boost recruitment and minimise attrition.
Les dystrophies musculaires des ceintures (ou limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, LGMD) sont un groupe hétérogène de dystrophies musculaires chez l’adulte et sont définies par une atrophie et une faiblesse progressive qui surviennent dans les muscles proximaux. Chez une cohorte canadienne-française, nous avons précédemment décrit une nouvelle forme récessive, désignée LGMD2L et marquée par une atrophie asymétrique du quadriceps, que nous avions cartographiée au chromosome 11p12-p13 grâce à des analyses de liaison. L’objectif de ce projet de thèse était de raffiner l’intervalle candidat, puis d’identifier et de caractériser le gène muté responsable de la LGMD2L. Grâce à une cartographie par homozygotie de polymorphismes de nucléotide simple (SNPs) réalisée sur une grande famille consanguine, nous avons redéfini l’intervalle candidat à une région du chromosome 11p14.3-p15.1. Par séquençage de l’ADN génomique et complémentaire au gène Anoctamine 5 (ANO5) inclus dans cet intervalle, nous avons identifié trois mutations, chez autant de familles: une substitution créant un site d’épissage aberrant, une insertion d’un nucléotide et une mutation faux-sens. Les deux premières mutations étaient associées à une hausse de la dégradation de l’ARN messager médiée par une troncation prématurée. Nous avons également identifié des mutations ANO5 chez une seconde dystrophie musculaire de type distal cartographiant au même locus que la LGMD2L, nommée MMD3, et dont la manifestation initiale était une faiblesse des mollets, mais qui pouvait progresser vers une atrophie des quadriceps. Une réparation membranaire défective avait été observée chez les fibroblastes de deux patients MMD3, suggérant un rôle pour ANO5 dans ce mécanisme. La localisation et la fonction d’ANO5 dans le muscle sont inconnues, mais cette protéine fait partie d’une famille conservée de protéines à huit domaines transmembranaires, les Anoctamines, dont certains membres sont des transporteurs chloriques activés par le calcium. Les résultats de nos études d’immunofluorescence suggèrent qu’ANO5 se localise peu au sarcolemme, mais plutôt à une structure intracellulaire qui suit la ligne Z des myofibrilles. De façon étonnante, cette localisation était préservée chez un patient LGMD2L porteur homozygote de la mutation d’épissage, en dépit du fait que cette dernière était considérée comme une mutation nulle. Néanmoins, nous avons identifié un épissage alternatif de l’exon 15 qui se produisait sur une proportion des transcrits porteurs de la mutation d’épissage, ce qui rétablirait le cadre de lecture, soulignant la complexité de la régulation de l’épissage d’ANO5 et laissant croire que la LGMD2L pourrait être causée par une perte de fonction partielle, et non complète, d’ANO5. Des études subséquentes par des groupes européens ont montré que les anoctaminopathies 5 sont une cause fréquente de dystrophies musculaires des ceintures chez l’adulte. Notre découverte de mutations au gène Anoctamine 5 a mis en évidence une nouvelle classe de protéines importantes pour la biologie du muscle et a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles pistes pour étudier les mécanismes par lesquels un défaut de réparation membranaire progresse en une dystrophie musculaire.
Review question/objective What are the most effective information sharing strategies used to reduce anxiety in families of patients undergoing elective surgery? This review seeks to synthesize the best available evidence in relation to the most effective information-sharing intervention to reduce anxiety for families waiting for patients undergoing an elective surgical procedure. The specific objectives are to review the effectiveness of evidence of interventions designed to reduce the anxiety of families waiting whilst their loved one undergoes a surgical intervention. A variety of interventions exist and include surgical nurse liaison services, intraoperative reporting either by face-to-face or telephone delivery, informational cards, visual information screens, and intraoperative paging devices for families. Inclusion criteria Types of participants All studies of family members over 18 years of age waiting for patients undergoing an elective surgical procedure will be included, including those waiting for both adult and paediatric patients. Studies of families waiting for other patient populations, eg emergency surgery, chemotherapy or intensive care patients will be excluded. Types of intervention(s)/phenomena of interest All information-sharing Interventions for families of patients undergoing an elective surgical procedure will be included, including but not limited to: surgical nurse liaison services, in-person intraoperative reporting, visual information screens, paging devices, informational cards and telephone delivery of intraoperative progress reports. Interventions that take place during the intraoperative phase of care only will be included in the review. Preadmission information sharing interventions will be excluded. Types of outcomes The outcomes of interest include: Primary outcome: the level of anxiety amongst family members or close relatives whilst waiting for patients undergoing surgery, as measured by a validated instrument (such as the S-Anxiety portion of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory).4 Secondary outcomes: family satisfaction and other measurements that may be considered indicators of stress and anxiety, such as mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate.