939 resultados para FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION


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Flagella confer upon bacteria the ability to move and are therefore organelles of significant bacteriological importance. The innate immune system has evolved to recognise flagellin, (the major protein component of the bacterial flagellar filament). Flagellate microbes can potentially stimulate the immune systems of mammals, and thus have significant immunomodulatory potential. The flagellum-biogenesis genotype and phenotype of Lactobacillus ruminis, an autochthonous intestinal commensal, was studied. The flagellum-biogenesis genotypes of motile enteric Eubacterium and Roseburia species were also investigated. Flagellin proteins were recovered from these commensal species, their amino-termini were sequenced and the proteins were found to be pro-inflammatory, as assessed by measurement of interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion from human intestinal epithelial cell lines. For L. ruminis, this IL-8 secretion required signalling through Toll Like Receptor 5. A model for the regulation of flagellum-biogenesis in L. ruminis was inferred from transcriptomics data and bioinformatics analyses. Motility gene expression in this species may be under the control of a novel regulator, LRC_15730. Potential promoters for genes encoding flagellin proteins in the Eubacterium and Roseburia genomes analysed were inferred in silico. Relative abundances of the target Eubacterium and Roseburia species in the intestinal microbiota of 25 elderly individuals were determined. These species were found to be variably abundant in these individuals. Motility genes from these species were variably detected in the shotgun metagenome databases generated by the ELDERMET project. This suggested that a greater depth of sequencing, or improved evenness of sequencing, would be required to capture the full diversity of microbial functions for specific target or low abundance species in microbial communities by metagenomics. In summary, this thesis used a functional genomics approach to describe flagellum-mediated motility in selected Gram-positive commensal bacteria. The regulation of flagellum biosynthesis in these species, and the consequences of flagella expression from a host-interaction perspective were also considered.


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Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) are one of the key players in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The origin of neointimal VSMC has thus become a prime focus of research. VSMC originate from multiple progenitors cell types. In embryo the well-defined sources of VSMC include; neural crest cells, proepicardial cells and EPC. In adults, though progenitor cells from bone marrow (BM), circulation and tissues giving rise to SMC have been identified, no progress has been made in terms of isolating highly proliferative clonal population of adult stem cells with potential to differentiate into SMC. Smooth muscle like stem progenitor cells (SMSPC) were isolated from cardiopulmonary bypass filters of adult patients undergoing CABG. Rat SMSPC have previously been isolated by our group from the bone marrow of Fischer rats and also from the peripheral blood of monocrotaline induced pulmonary hypertension (MCT-PHTN) animal model. Characterization of novel SMSPC exhibited stem cell characteristics and machinery for differentiation into SMC. The expression of Isl-1 on SMSPC provided unique molecular identity to these circulating stem progenitor cells. The functional potential of SMSPC was determined by monitoring adoptive transfer of GFP+ SMSPC in rodent models of vascular injury; carotid injury and MCT-PHTN. The participation of SMSPC in vascular pathology was confirmed by quantifying the peripheral blood, and engrafted levels of SMSPC using RT-PCR. In terms of translating into clinical practice, SMSPC could be a good tool for detecting the atherosclerotic plaque burden. The current study demonstrates the existence of novel adult stem progenitor cells in circulation, with the potential role in vascular pathology.


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The ability to adapt to and respond to increases in external osmolarity is an important characteristic that enables bacteria to survive and proliferate in different environmental niches. When challenged with increased osmolarity, due to sodium chloride (NaCl) for example, bacteria elicit a phased response; firstly via uptake of potassium (K+), which is known as the primary response. This primary response is followed by the secondary response which is characterised by the synthesis or uptake of compatible solutes (osmoprotectants). The overall osmotic stress response is much broader however, involving many diverse cellular systems and processes. These ancillary mechanisms are arguably more interesting and give a more complete view of the osmotic stress response. The aim of this thesis was to identify novel genetic loci from the human gut microbiota that confer increased tolerance to osmotic stress using a functional metagenomic approach. Functional metagenomics is a powerful tool that enables the identification of novel genes from as yet uncultured bacteria from diverse environments through cloning, heterologous expression and phenotypic identification of a desired trait. Functional metagenomics does not rely on any previous sequence information to known genes and can therefore enable the discovery of completely novel genes and assign functions to new or known genes. Using a functional metagenomic approach, we have assigned a novel function to previously annotated genes; murB, mazG and galE, as well as a putative brp/blh family beta-carotene 15,15’-monooxygenase. Finally, we report the identification of a completely novel salt tolerance determinant with no current known homologues in the databases. Overall the genes identified originate from diverse taxonomic and phylogenetic groups commonly found in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, such as Collinsella and Eggerthella, Akkermansia and Bacteroides from the phyla Actinobacteria, Verrucomicrobia and Bacteroidetes, respectively. In addition, a number of the genes appear to have been acquired via lateral gene transfer and/or encoded on a prophage. To our knowledge, this thesis represents the first investigation to identify novel genes from the human gut microbiota involved in the bacterial osmotic stress response.


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BACKGROUND: Impaired myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signaling, including desensitization and functional uncoupling, is a characteristic of congestive heart failure. A contributing mechanism for this impairment may involve enhanced myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) activity because levels of this betaAR-desensitizing G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) are increased in heart failure. An hypothesis has emerged that increased sympathetic nervous system activity associated with heart failure might be the initial stimulus for betaAR signaling alterations, including desensitization. We have chronically treated mice with drugs that either activate or antagonize betaARs to study the dynamic relationship between betaAR activation and myocardial levels of betaARK1. METHODS AND RESULTS: Long-term in vivo stimulation of betaARs results in the impairment of cardiac +betaAR signaling and increases the level of expression (mRNA and protein) and activity of +betaARK1 but not that of GRK5, a second GRK abundantly expressed in the myocardium. Long-term beta-blocker treatment, including the use of carvedilol, improves myocardial betaAR signaling and reduces betaARK1 levels in a specific and dose-dependent manner. Identical results were obtained in vitro in cultured cells, demonstrating that the regulation of GRK expression is directly linked to betaAR signaling. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates, for the first time, that betaAR stimulation can significantly increase the expression of betaARK1 , whereas beta-blockade decreases expression. This reciprocal regulation of betaARK1 documents a novel mechanism of ligand-induced betaAR regulation and provides important insights into the potential mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, in the treatment of heart failure.


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Heart failure is accompanied by severely impaired beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) function, which includes loss of betaAR density and functional uncoupling of remaining receptors. An important mechanism for the rapid desensitization of betaAR function is agonist-stimulated receptor phosphorylation by the betaAR kinase (betaARK1), an enzyme known to be elevated in failing human heart tissue. To investigate whether alterations in betaAR function contribute to the development of myocardial failure, transgenic mice with cardiac-restricted overexpression of either a peptide inhibitor of betaARK1 or the beta2AR were mated into a genetic model of murine heart failure (MLP-/-). In vivo cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. Both MLP-/- and MLP-/-/beta2AR mice had enlarged left ventricular (LV) chambers with significantly reduced fractional shortening and mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening. In contrast, MLP-/-/betaARKct mice had normal LV chamber size and function. Basal LV contractility in the MLP-/-/betaARKct mice, as measured by LV dP/dtmax, was increased significantly compared with the MLP-/- mice but less than controls. Importantly, heightened betaAR desensitization in the MLP-/- mice, measured in vivo (responsiveness to isoproterenol) and in vitro (isoproterenol-stimulated membrane adenylyl cyclase activity), was completely reversed with overexpression of the betaARK1 inhibitor. We report here the striking finding that overexpression of this inhibitor prevents the development of cardiomyopathy in this murine model of heart failure. These findings implicate abnormal betaAR-G protein coupling in the pathogenesis of the failing heart and point the way toward development of agents to inhibit betaARK1 as a novel mode of therapy.


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Human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) provide a promising source for cell therapy and drug screening. Several high-yield protocols exist for hESC-CM production; however, methods to significantly advance hESC-CM maturation are still lacking. Building on our previous experience with mouse ESC-CMs, we investigated the effects of 3-dimensional (3D) tissue-engineered culture environment and cardiomyocyte purity on structural and functional maturation of hESC-CMs. 2D monolayer and 3D fibrin-based cardiac patch cultures were generated using dissociated cells from differentiated Hes2 embryoid bodies containing varying percentage (48-90%) of CD172a (SIRPA)-positive cardiomyocytes. hESC-CMs within the patch were aligned uniformly by locally controlling the direction of passive tension. Compared to hESC-CMs in age (2 weeks) and purity (48-65%) matched 2D monolayers, hESC-CMs in 3D patches exhibited significantly higher conduction velocities (CVs), longer sarcomeres (2.09 ± 0.02 vs. 1.77 ± 0.01 μm), and enhanced expression of genes involved in cardiac contractile function, including cTnT, αMHC, CASQ2 and SERCA2. The CVs in cardiac patches increased with cardiomyocyte purity, reaching 25.1 cm/s in patches constructed with 90% hESC-CMs. Maximum contractile force amplitudes and active stresses of cardiac patches averaged to 3.0 ± 1.1 mN and 11.8 ± 4.5 mN/mm(2), respectively. Moreover, contractile force per input cardiomyocyte averaged to 5.7 ± 1.1 nN/cell and showed a negative correlation with hESC-CM purity. Finally, patches exhibited significant positive inotropy with isoproterenol administration (1.7 ± 0.3-fold force increase, EC50 = 95.1 nm). These results demonstrate highly advanced levels of hESC-CM maturation after 2 weeks of 3D cardiac patch culture and carry important implications for future drug development and cell therapy studies.


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Nutrient availability profoundly influences gene expression. Many animal genes encode multiple transcript isoforms, yet the effect of nutrient availability on transcript isoform expression has not been studied in genome-wide fashion. When Caenorhabditis elegans larvae hatch without food, they arrest development in the first larval stage (L1 arrest). Starved larvae can survive L1 arrest for weeks, but growth and post-embryonic development are rapidly initiated in response to feeding. We used RNA-seq to characterize the transcriptome during L1 arrest and over time after feeding. Twenty-seven percent of detectable protein-coding genes were differentially expressed during recovery from L1 arrest, with the majority of changes initiating within the first hour, demonstrating widespread, acute effects of nutrient availability on gene expression. We used two independent approaches to track expression of individual exons and mRNA isoforms, and we connected changes in expression to functional consequences by mining a variety of databases. These two approaches identified an overlapping set of genes with alternative isoform expression, and they converged on common functional patterns. Genes affecting mRNA splicing and translation are regulated by alternative isoform expression, revealing post-transcriptional consequences of nutrient availability on gene regulation. We also found that phosphorylation sites are often alternatively expressed, revealing a common mode by which alternative isoform expression modifies protein function and signal transduction. Our results detail rich changes in C. elegans gene expression as larvae initiate growth and post-embryonic development, and they provide an excellent resource for ongoing investigation of transcriptional regulation and developmental physiology.


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The zinc-finger protein Rotund (Rn) plays a critical role in controlling the development of the fly olfactory system. However, little is known about its molecular function in vivo. Here, we added protein tags to the rn locus using CRISPR-Cas9 technology in Drosophila to investigate its subcellular localization and the genes that it regulates . We previously used a reporter construct to show that rn is expressed in a subset of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) precursors and it is required for the diversification of ORN fates. Here, we show that tagged endogenous Rn protein is functional based on the analysis of ORN phenotypes. Using this method, we also mapped the expression pattern of the endogenous isoform-specific tags in vivo with increased precision. Comparison of the Rn expression pattern from this study with previously published results using GAL4 reporters showed that Rn is mainly present in early steps in antennal disc patterning, but not in pupal stages when ORNs are born. Finally, using chromatin immunoprecipitation, we showed a direct binding of Rotund to a previously identified regulatory element upstream of the bric-a-brac gene locus in the developing antennal disc.


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MOTIVATION: Although many network inference algorithms have been presented in the bioinformatics literature, no suitable approach has been formulated for evaluating their effectiveness at recovering models of complex biological systems from limited data. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approach to evaluate network inference algorithms according to their ability to recover a complex functional network from biologically reasonable simulated data. RESULTS: We designed a simulator to generate data representing a complex biological system at multiple levels of organization: behaviour, neural anatomy, brain electrophysiology, and gene expression of songbirds. About 90% of the simulated variables are unregulated by other variables in the system and are included simply as distracters. We sampled the simulated data at intervals as one would sample from a biological system in practice, and then used the sampled data to evaluate the effectiveness of an algorithm we developed for functional network inference. We found that our algorithm is highly effective at recovering the functional network structure of the simulated system-including the irrelevance of unregulated variables-from sampled data alone. To assess the reproducibility of these results, we tested our inference algorithm on 50 separately simulated sets of data and it consistently recovered almost perfectly the complex functional network structure underlying the simulated data. To our knowledge, this is the first approach for evaluating the effectiveness of functional network inference algorithms at recovering models from limited data. Our simulation approach also enables researchers a priori to design experiments and data-collection protocols that are amenable to functional network inference.


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Whooping cough still represents a major health problem, despite the use of effective vaccines for several decades. Being classically a typical childhood disease, whooping cough in young adults is now more common than it used to be, suggesting that protection after vaccination wanes during adolescence. As an alternative to the current vaccines, we wish to develop live attenuated vaccines to be delivered by the nasal route, such as to mimic the natural route of infection and to induce long lasting immunity. Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough, produces a number of virulence factors, including toxins. Its recently determined genome sequence makes it now possible to apply functional genomics, such as transcriptomics and systematic knock-out mutagenesis. The expression of most known B. pertussis virulence genes is controlled by the two-component system BvgA/S. DNA microarray analyses have led to the identification of novel genes in the BvgA/S regulon, some of which are activated by BvgA/S and others are repressed by BvgA/S. In addition, some genes appear to be differentially modulated by nicotinic acid and MgSO4, both known to modulate the expression of BvgA/S-regulated genes. Among others, the functional genomics approach has uncovered two strongly BvgA/S-activated genes, named hotA and hotB (for 'homolog of toxin'), the products of which show high sequence similarities to pertussis toxin subunits. The identification of the full array of virulence factors, as well as an integrated understanding of the bacterial physiology should allow us to design attenuated B. pertussis strains useful for intranasal vaccination. A first generation of attenuated strains has already shown full protection in mice after a single intranasal administration. Such strains may also serve as vaccine carriers for heterologous antigens, in order to vaccinate against several different pathogens simultaneously.


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Fifty-one in vivo characterized autonomous single adenomas have been studied for functional parameters in vitro, for gene and protein expression and for pathology, and have been systematically compared to the corresponding extratumoral quiescent tissue. The adenomas were characterized by a high level of iodide trapping that corresponds to a high level of Na+ /iodide symporter gene expression, a high thyroperoxidase mRNA and protein content, and a low H2O2 generation. This explains the iodide metabolism characteristics demonstrated before, ie, the main cause of the "hot" character of the adenomas is their increased iodide transport. The adenomas spontaneously secreted higher amounts of thyroid hormone than the quiescent tissue and in agreement with previous in vivo data, this secretion could be further enhanced by thyrotropin (TSH). Inositol uptake was also increased but there was no spontaneous increase of the generation of inositol phosphates and this metabolism could be further activated by TSH. These positive responses to TSH are in agreement with the properties of TSH-stimulated thyroid cells in vitro and in vivo. They are compatible with the characteristics of mutated TSH receptors whose constitutive activation accounts for the majority of autonomous thyroid adenomas in Europe. The number of cycling cells, as evaluated by MIB-1 immunolabeling was low but increased in comparison with the corresponding quiescent tissue or normal tissue. The cycling cells are observed mainly at the periphery; there was very little apoptosis. Both findings account for the slow growth of these established adenomas. On the other hand, by thyroperoxidase immunohistochemistry, the whole lesion appeared hyperfunctional, which demonstrates a dissociation of mitogenic and functional stimulations. Thyroglobulin, TSH receptor, and E-cadherin mRNA accumulations were not modified in a consistent way, which confirms the near-constitutive expression of the corresponding genes in normal differentiated tissue. On the contrary, early immediate genes expressions (c-myc, NGF1B, egr 1, genes of the fos and jun families) were decreased. This may be explained by the proliferative heterogeneity of the lesion and the previously described short, biphasic expression of these genes when induced by mitogenic agents. All the characteristics of the autonomous adenomas can therefore be explained by the effect of the known activating mutations of genes coding for proteins of the TSH cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) cascade, all cells being functionally activated while only those at the periphery multiply. The reason of this heterogeneity is unknown.


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Successful fertilization depends upon the activation of metaphase II arrested oocytes by sperm-borne oocyte activating factor (SOAF). Failure of oocyte activation is considered as the cause of treatment failure in a proportion of infertile couples. SOAF induces the release of intracellular calcium in oocyte which leads to meiotic resumption and pronuclear formation. Calcium release is either in the form of single calcium transient in echinoderm and amphibian oocytes or several calcium oscillations in ascidian and mammalian oocytes. Although the SOAF attributes are established, it is not clear which sperm protein(s) play such role. Sperm postacrosomal WW binding protein (PAWP) satisfies a developmental criteria set for a candidate SOAF. This study shows that recombinant human PAWP protein or its transcript acts upstream of calcium release and fully activates the amphibian and mammalian oocytes. Interference trials provided evidence for the first time that PAWP mediates sperm-induced intracellular calcium release through a PPXY/WWI domain module in Xenopus, mouse and human oocytes. Clinical applications of PAWP were further investigated by prospective study on the sperm samples from patients undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). PAWP expression level, analyzed by flow cytometry, was correlated to ICSI success rate and embryonic development. This study also explored the developmental expression of the other SOAF candidate, PLCζ in male reproductive system and its function during fertilization. Our findings showed for the first time that PLCζ most likely binds to the sperm head surface during epididymal passage and is expressed in epididymis. We demonstrated that PLCζ is also compartmentalized early in spermiogenesis and thus could play an important role during spermiogenesis. Detailed analysis of in vitro fertilization revealed that PLCζ disappears from sperm head during acrosome reaction and is not detectable during sperm incorporation into the oocyte cytoplasm. In conclusion, this dissertation provides evidence for the essential non-redundant role of sperm PAWP in amphibian and mammalian fertilization; recommends PAWP as a biomarker for prediction of ICSI outcomes in infertile couples; and proposes that sperm PLCζ may have functions other than inducing oocyte activation during fertilization.


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Several lines of evidence indicate that altered expression of SEPT9 is seen in human neoplasia. In particular there is evidence of altered expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform. The functional consequences of this remain unclear. We have studied the expression of wild-type- and GTP-binding mutants (G144V and S148N) of the SEPT9_v4 isoform in the MCF7 cell line as a model for its deregulation in neoplasia. We find that SEPT9_v4 expression induces dramatic actin cytoskeletal reorganization with the formation of processes around the cell periphery. Expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform and a G144V mutant cause delocalization of endogenous SEPT9 from filamentous structures but the S148N mutant does not have this effect. In addition SEPT9_v4 isoform expression enhances cell motility and is associated with perturbation of directional movement. Expression of SEPT9_v4 GTP binding mutants also has potent effects on morphology and motility and causes loss of normal polarity, as judged by Golgi reorientation assays. The phenotypes induced by expression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform and the GTP mutants provide an insight into possible mechanisms of SEPT9_v4 function and suggest that the GTPase functions have both ras- and rab-like features. We propose a model in which overexpression of the SEPT9_v4 isoform in neoplasia is associated with perturbation of SEPT9 complexes, leading to phenotypes associated with neoplasia. Copyright (c) 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a cytoprotective molecule and increased expression in experimental transplant models correlates with reduced graft injury. A functional dinucleotide repeat (GT)n polymorphism, within the HO-1 promoter, regulates gene expression; a short number of repeats (S-allele


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The dielectric properties of Au/[93%Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-7%PbTiO3] (PMN-PT)/(La0.5Sr0.5)CoO3/MgO thin-film capacitor heterostructures, made using pulsed laser deposition, have been investigated, with particular emphasis on the changes in response associated with increasing the magnitude of the ac measuring field. It was found that increasing the ac field caused a change in the frequency spectrum of relaxators, increasing the speed of response of "slow" relaxators, with an associated decrease in the freezing temperature (T-f) of the relaxor system; in addition, other characteristic parameters relating to polar relaxation (activation energy E-a and attempt frequency 1/tau(0)), described by fitting of the dielectric response to a Vogel-Fulcher expression, were found to change continuously as ac field levels were increased.