915 resultados para Ethical-political project


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This paper describes the evaluation of an educational project, delivered in a Bachelor in Social Work degree (BSW) program in Northern Ireland. The project aimed to equip social work students to be more culturally competent in this divided society, with a central focus on including victim/survivor service users in social work training. A number of pedagogical approaches are noted, with particular consideration of Boler's ‘pedagogy of discomfort’ as a model that includes the multidimensional nature of the learning process when topics carry a high emotional tariff. The evaluation of the students' experience indicated that: there was strong support among students for the project; the unique contribution of service users was affirmed; and the project appeared to increase students' awareness and capacity to practice in a divided society. The evaluation of the trainers' experience highlighted key processes in the delivery of collaborative training. The authors argue that the lessons learned are broadly applicable to other forms of service user and carer involvement in social work training and in other societies in which health and social care professionals have to deal with the legacies of political conflict.


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Architects typically interpret Heidegger to mean that dwelling in the Black Forest, was more authentic than living in an industrialised society however we cannot turn back the clock so we are confronted with the reality of modernisation. Since the Second World War production has shifted from material to immaterial assets. Increasingly place is believed to offer resistance to this fluidity, but this belief can conversely be viewed as expressing a sublimated anxiety about our role in the world – the need to create buildings that are self-consciously contextual suggests that we may no longer be rooted in material places, but in immaterial relations.
This issue has been pondered by David Harvey in his paper From Place to Space and Back Again where he argues that the role of place in legitimising identity is ultimately a political process, as the interpretation of its meaning is dependent on whose interpretation it is. Doreen Massey has found that different classes of people are more or less mobile and that mobility is related to class and education rather than to nationality or geography. These thinkers point to a different set of questions than the usual space/place divide – how can we begin to address the economic mediation of spatial production to develop an ethical production of place? Part of the answer is provided by the French architectural practice Lacaton Vassal in their book Plus. They ask themselves how to produce more space for the same cost so that people can enjoy a better quality of life. Another French practitioner, Patrick Bouchain, has argued that architect’s fees should be inversely proportional to the amount of material resources that they consume. These approaches use economics as a starting point for generating architectural form and point to more ethical possibilities for architectural practice


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Ecologism or green political theory is the most recent of schools of political thinking. On the one hand, it focuses on issues that are extremely old in politics and philosophical inquiry – such as the relationship between the human and nonhuman worlds, the moral status of animals, what is the ‘good life’, and the ethical and political regulation of technological innovation. Yet on the other, it is also characterised as dealing with some specifically contemporary issues such as the economic and political implications of climate change, peak oil, overconsumption, resource competition and conflicts, and rising levels of global and national inequalities. It is also an extremely broad school of political thought covering a wide variety of concerns, contains a number of distinct sub-schools of green thought (here sharing a similarity with other political ideologies) and combines normative and empirical scientific elements in a unique manner making it distinctive from other political ideologies.


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This chapter explores how the EU is a largely overlooked exporter of normative power through its facilitation and use of clinical trials data produced abroad for the marketing of safe pharmaceuticals at home; a move that helps to foster the growing resort to pharmaceuticals as a fix for public health problems. This is made possible by the EU’s (de)selection of international ethical frameworks in preference to the international technical standards it co-authors with other global regulators. Clinical trials abroad underscore how ethics are contingent and revisable in light of market needs, producing weak protections for the vulnerable subjects of EU law. I argue that these components and effects of the regime are ultimately about that which undergirds, shapes and directs regulatory design. That is, I point to the use, infiltration, perpetuation and extension of market-oriented ideas, values and rationalities into formally non-market domains like biomedical knowledge production and public health. I explain how these are central to efforts at producing and legitimating the EU, its related imagined socio-political order based on a more innovative, profitable and competitive pharmaceutical sector in order to foster economic growth, jobs and prosperity, and with them the project of European integration. ‘Bioethics as risk’ is highlighted as a way to reshape and redirect the regulatory regime in ways that are more consistent with the spirit and letter of the ethical standards (and through them the human rights) the EU claims to uphold.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Human research ethics committees provide essential review of research projects to ensure the ethical conduct of human research. Several recent reports have highlighted a complex process for successful application for human research ethics committee approval, particularly for multi-centre studies. Limited resources are available for the execution of human clinical research in Australia and around the world.

METHODS: This report overviews the process of ethics approval for a National Health and Medical Research Council-funded multi-centre study in Australia, focussing on the time and resource implications of such applications in 2007 and 2008.

RESULTS: Applications were submitted to 16 hospital and two university human research ethics committees. The total time to gain final approval from each committee ranged between 13 and 77 days (median = 46 days); the entire process took 16 months to complete and the research officer's time was estimated to cost $A34 143.

CONCLUSIONS: Obstacles to timely human research ethics committee approval are reviewed, including recent, planned and potential initiatives that could improve the ethics approval of multi-centre research.


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This article uses feminist scholarship to investigate ‘the elderly mystique’ – which contends that the potential of old age is masked by a set of false beliefs about ageing (i.e. ageism) which permeate social, economic and political life (Cohen, 1988).
The article presents a theoretical model which explores the extent to which institutionalised ageism shapes the trajectory of life after 60. The hypothesis under-pinning the model is simple: The challenge for ageing societies is not the average age of a given population but, rather, how age is used to structure economic, social and political life. An inter-disciplinary framework is used to examine how biological facts about ageing are used to segregate older from younger people, giving older people the status of “other”; economically through retirement, politically through assumptions about ‘the grey vote’ and socially through ageist stereotyping in the media and through denial and ridicule of the sexuality of older people. Each domain is informed by the achievements of feminist theory and research on sexism and how its successes and failures can inform critical investigations of ageism.
The paper recognises the role of ageism in de-politicising the lived experience of ageing. The paper concludes that feminist scholarship, particularly work by feminists in their seventies, eighties and nineties has much to offer in terms of re-framing gerontology as an emancipatory project for current and future cohorts of older people.


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Participatory and socially engaged art practices have, for a couple of decades, emerged a myriad of aesthetic and methodological strategies across different media. These are artistic practices that have a primary interest in participation, affecting social dynamics, dialogue and at times political activism. Nato Thompson in “Living Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011” surveys these
practices, which range from theatre to urban planning, visual art to healthcare. Linked to notions such as relational aesthetics (Bourriaud, 1998), community art and public art, socially engaged art often focuses on the development of a sense of ownership by the part of participants. If an artist is working truly collaboratively with participants and addressing the reality of a particular community, the long-term effect of a project lies in the process of engagement as well as in the artwork itself. Projects by New York based artist Pablo Helguera, for example, use different media to engage with social inequalities through participative action while rejecting the notion of art for art sake.

“Socially engaged art functions by attaching itself to subjects and problems that normally belong to other disciplines, moving them temporarily into a space of ambiguity. It is this temporary snatching away of subjects into the realm of art-making that brings new insights to a particular problem or condition and in turn makes it visible to other disciplines.” (Helguera, 2011)

Socially engaged practices develop the notion of artwork about or by a community, to work of a community. In this chapter we address how socially engaged, participatory approaches can form a context for the sonic arts, arguably less explored than practices such as theatre and performance art. The use of sound is clearly present in a wide range of socially engaged work (e.g. Helguera’s “Aelia Media” enabling a nomadic radio station in Bologna or Maria Andueza “Immigrant Sounds – Res(on)Art (Stockholm)” exploring ways of sonically resonating a city, or Sue MacCauley’s “The Housing Project” addressing ways of representing the views of urban dwellers on public scape through sound art. It is nevertheless rare to encounter projects which take our experience of sound in the everyday as a trigger for community social engagement in a participatory context.
We address concepts and methodologies behind the project Som da Maré, a participatory sonic arts project in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro.


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Raymond Geuss has been viewed as one of the figureheads of the recent debates about realism in political theory. This interpretation, however, depends on a truncated understanding of his work of the past 30 years. I will offer the first sustained engagement with this work (in English and German) which allows understanding his realism as a project for reorienting political theory, particularly the relationship between political theory and politics. I interpret this reorientation as a radicalization of realismin political theory through the combination of the emphasis on the critical purpose of political theory and the provision of practical, contextual orientation. Their compatibility depends on Geuss’ understanding of criticism as negative, of power as ‘detoxified’ and of the critical purchase of political theory as based on the diagnostic engagement with its context. This radicalization particularly challenges the understanding of how political theory relates to its political context.


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From March 1999 to August 2000, the authors were involved in simultaneous internal and external evaluations of the social civic and political education (SCaPE) project in Northern Ireland. This project was a major initiative established by the Citizenship Foundation, the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examination and Assessment (CCEA), and the School of Education at the University of Ulster at Coleraine. It was a 2-year project in 25 secondary schools established to design, develop, pilot and evaluate a new programme of social, civic and political education for Northern Ireland. It also aimed to serve as a model for future Citizenship curriculum developments throughout Northern Ireland and elsewhere. This paper describes the background to the project, the design and conduct of the two evaluations, and the links between them. It outlines the main conclusions of each evaluation and describes the way SCaPE has since evolved into a mainstream curriculum development project. The final part of the paper analyses the key opportunities, tensions and challenges involved in running such evaluations at a critical time in the history of Northern Ireland – a time when innovation is both necessary and controversial. It argues that, especially in such circumstances, evaluation cannot be conducted from a neutral, objective standpoint, and that it is incumbent on evaluators to recognise the emotional, personal and political commitment they make to the projects in which they are engaged.


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Do philosophers have a responsibility to their society that is distinct from their responsibility to it as citizens? This edited volume explores both what type of contribution philosophy can make and what type of reasoning is appropriate when addressing public matters now. These questions are posed by leading international scholars working in the fields of moral and political philosophy. Each contribution also investigates the central issue of how to combine critical, rational analysis with a commitment to politically relevant public engagement. The contributions to this volume analyse issues raised in practical ethics, including abortion, embryology, and assisted suicide. They consider the role of ethical commitment in the philosophical analysis of contemporary political issues, and engage with matters of public policy such as poverty, the arts, meaningful work, as well as the evidence base for policy. They also examine the normative legitimacy of power, including the use of violence.


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A linha de investigação deste estudo é a ‘articulação da Investigação em Didáctica das Ciências e Práticas de Ensino dos Professores de Ciências’. O seu enquadramento teórico e metodológico inicial assentou nos estudos das áreas ‘Relações entre Investigação e as Práticas’ e ‘Avaliação da Formação Pós-Graduada – vertente impacte/articulação’. Inicialmente, fez-se uma análise histórico-epistemológica da Didáctica desde a sua génese até aos dias de hoje, para se compreender quer as raízes do gap entre académicos e práticos em geral, quer a crescente necessidade de articulação. Posteriormente, avançou-se para a primeira área, partindo da polémica despoletada por Hargreaves, ao defender que o ensino deveria ser uma profissão baseada na investigação. Em seguida, partiu-se de uma análise mais geral sobre a Investigação e as Práticas no contexto educacional em vários países antes se centrar especificamente no contexto da Didáctica das Ciências (impacte da IDC nas Práticas e constrangimentos na articulação). Analisou-se também brevemente as relações entre a IDC e Práticas no contexto da Formação de Professores, e não a área da Formação de Professores, para mantermos sempre o foco nas questões inerentes à articulação. Culminou-se na análise das culturas e epistemologias da acção e da investigação, com especial destaque para o conceito de professorinvestigador na actualidade e para a descrição das barreiras epistemológicas e ontológicas. Concluiu-se que as comunidades da investigação e da acção utilizavam o conceito ‘articulação’ indiscriminadamente como sinónimo de interacções, contacto, aproximação, impacte, etc., o que acabou esvaziando-o do seu verdadeiro significado. No que diz respeito à segunda área, a sua análise partiu da descrição da evolução de dez anos (1997-2007) de estudos sobre a Avaliação do Impacte dos CM nas práticas por ser considerada uma forma eficaz de articular as dimensões da Didáctica em direcção a um novo olhar sobre o conceito ‘articulação’. Além disso, apontou a dificuldade de se avaliar o impacte ao nível macro, por um lado, por não se tratar de uma prática investigativa institucionalizada no estatuto da carreira dos professores dos EB e ES e, por outro, por ainda colidir com diferentes concepções da natureza das investigações realizadas por Professores encontradas em ambas as comunidades, entendida ora como processo cognitivo (para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores), ora como prática social (para construção de conhecimento no campo da Didáctica). Foram compiladas ainda as sugestões para se potenciar o impacte da IDC nas Práticas e/ou a articulação entre a IDC-Práticas em contexto formativo de diversos estudos avaliativos. Finalizou-se a análise chamando a atenção para cinco aspectos que ainda carecem de maior aprofundamento nesta área. Este longo enquadramento evidenciou a complexidade da problemática ‘articulação’ decorrente da interdependência das várias dimensões (epistemológica, política, ontológica, psicológica, ética, entre outras). Por exemplo, a ausência de consenso sobre critérios para a avaliação da qualidade da investigação produzida por professores (dimensões política e epistemológica) acaba, por vezes, por não conferir legitimidade às mesmas e por influenciar a legitimação pela comunidade académica, o que resulta na necessidade de diferenciação dos contributos e no maior afastamento entre as comunidades (dimensão ontológica), entre outros. Assim, optou-se por iniciar a análise do fenómeno ‘articulação entre IDCPráticas’ através dos primeiros modelos de articulação investigação-ensino, os quais visavam, contudo, fundamentalmente o impacte da IDC nas Práticas de Ensino das Ciências. Posteriormente, foram apresentadas as potencialidades da Avaliação ↔ Feedback, TIC e Colaboração (estratégias/métodos) para potenciar a articulação entre Investigação- Práticas. No que diz respeito à investigação empírica, realizou-se um estudo de caso descritivo e explorativo de natureza mista. O caso único, crítico e instrumental foi o fenómeno “articulação entre a IDC-Práticas na Formação Didáctica Pós- Graduada” no contexto da unidade curricular ‘Metodologia do Ensino da Física’ (MEF) do Curso de Mestrado em Ensino de Física. A técnica de análise geral utilizada foi a “descrição do caso” pelo facto de não se ter um referencial teórico especificamente sobre o caso. O caso contemplou três unidades de análise, a saber: Caracterização dos Professores-Formandos; Funcionamento da Unidade Curricular e Dinâmica dos currículos dos módulos articuladores. Estas unidades de análises permitiram evidenciar de que forma as características e/ou alterações implementadas na disciplina MEF contribuíram (ou podem contribuir) para a articulação da IDC-Práticas e descrever as dinâmicas do currículo (intencional – negociado – acção), evidenciando em que medida promoveram (ou inibiram) a articulação IDC – práticas. O estudo de caso aqui descrito revelou, ainda, a existência de dois níveis de articulação entre a Investigação e as Práticas no contexto formativo. O primeiro nível foi a articulação entre a Investigação sobre o Ensino Superior/Formação de Professores de Ciências (patente nas estratégias/métodos utilizados na disciplina) e a prática formativa dos IF no contexto da disciplina. O segundo nível centrou-se na articulação entre a Investigação sobre o Ensino não-Superior/Didáctica das Ciências e as práticas de Ensino das Ciências, base orientadora do currículo da disciplina aqui analisada, concretizado nos dois módulos articuladores descritos. Destacam-se algumas dimensões de análise descritas na presente investigação empírica, a saber: Utilização das TIC; Avaliação do Ensino baseada no feedback dos alunos; Avaliação Formativa das Aprendizagens e feedback; Trabalho de grupo realizado nos módulos articuladores; Currículo centrado na IDC; Currículo centrado na articulação da IDC-Práticas de Ensino das Ciências; Currículo centrado nas Práticas de Ensino das Ciências; Currículo centrado na articulação da Investigação-Práticas formativas e Currículo centrado nas Políticas Educativas. Relativamente a dinâmica dos currículos (intencional - negociado - acção) dos dois módulos articuladores, foram definidos quatro construtos (objectos de ensino, objectos de aprendizagem, objectivos de ensino e objectivos de aprendizagem) que culminaram na discussão de vários aspectos a serem considerados nos próximos cursos como, por exemplo: 1) Importância de o contrato didáctico prever a inclusão de objectos de aprendizagem; 2) Incompatibilidade do objectivo de aprendizagem ‘compreender a importância da IDC e a sua relevância para as práticas lectivas em contextos específicos’ num quadro formativo articulador; e 3) Importância de os cursos de formação de professores explicitarem quais ferramentas investigativas são necessárias à produção autónoma de conhecimento no contexto escolar e académico (mesmo que não sejam mobilizadas), de forma a que os professores possam delinear previamente planos individuais de formação/investigação. O estudo termina com a apropriação do modelo de articulação entre a Investigação Educacional e Práticas de McIntyre (2005) ao contexto da Didáctica das Ciências evidenciando uma relação dialógica com a investigação empírica. Apesar de este modelo priorizar a dimensão epistemológica (que aceita o gap pela impossibilidade epistemológica do seu total desaparecimento), na sua apropriação foi considerada a influência das outras dimensões. Esta apropriação assentou, portanto, numa visão moderada de articulação e na complexidade inerente à interdependência das dimensões. Foram propostos três caminhos epistemológicos complementares para a articulação entre a IDC-Práticas: 1º) Interacções entre Didáctica Investigativa – Didáctica Profissional; 2º) Utilização de estratégias na IDC especialmente desenhadas para informar as práticas de ensino; e 3º) Realização de IDC pela escola. Em cada um destes caminhos procurou-se enquadrar algumas sugestões e iniciativas já levadas a cabo para potenciar o impacte e/ou articulação e que se encontravam referenciadas na literatura em geral e no contexto português em particular. O primeiro caminho (composto por cinco etapas) evidenciou-se como aquele que leva a maior vantagem pelas inúmeras intervenções possíveis. A investigação empírica aqui apresentada enquadrou-se inclusivamente neste primeiro caminho pelo facto de ter sido uma iniciativa com a intencionalidade explícita de articular a Didáctica Investigativa e Profissional e por ter sido realizada no contexto da Formação Pós-Graduada (cenário considerado privilegiado para a promoção de interacções). Esta iniciativa foi realizada exclusivamente no âmbito curricular da Formação Pós-Graduada (Didáctica Curricular) e procurou articular as dimensões epistemológicas da Didáctica através da utilização de ‘mecanismos potencialmente articuladores’ (Avaliação - feedback, TIC e Colaboração). Foram descritas as quatro etapas deste primeiro caminho percorridas empiricamente com variações no grau de concretização, com excepção da quinta etapa ‘Investigação sobre a prática de ensino com generalização situada’ porque a vertente dissertativa do respectivo curso não fez parte do corpus. Assim, a articulação ocorreu fundamentalmente no nível epistemológico (currículo da disciplina). No que diz respeito ao 2º caminho, é aquele em que a comunidade académica mais tem investido, quer pelas críticas voltadas especificamente para a investigação, quer pelo sucesso na potenciação do impacte nas propostas até agora implementadas. Deve ser utilizado de forma complementar ao 1º, envolvendo, de preferência, os Professores que percorrem frequentemente o 1º caminho na sua prática diária. Esta condição justifica-se pela necessidade de se integrar legitimamente os professores nas equipas de investigação, aumentando concomitantemente a contribuição das Práticas para a construção de conhecimento no campo educacional. Finalmente, o 3º caminho é aquele que ainda não pode ser concretizado porque, para as Escolas serem diferentes das actuais na dimensão epistemológica (tornando-se produtoras de conhecimento didáctico), seriam necessárias medidas estruturais e articuladas nas várias dimensões anteriormente referidas. Entretanto, foram apontadas algumas soluções como, por exemplo, a utilização de investigações de generalização situada nas Escolas e a ligação das Escolas em redes. Estas investigações locais não substituiriam, mas mobilizariam a IDC produzida nas Universidades (centradas na construção do campo Didáctica das Ciências). Este caminho visionário culmina por um lado, com uma análise prospectiva assente na relação de complementaridade entre as evidências científicas e experienciais porque uma prática sem suporte investigativo é imprudente e uma investigação sem suporte experiencial é imatura. Por outro com uma constatação tardia (deveras reconfortante) que os estudos centrados na relação entre a Investigação e Práticas são estudos voltados para a Formação de Investigadores-Seniores por exigirem uma meta-reflexão da prática investigativa e do processo investigativo. As implicações do estudo são: (i) futuras iniciativas de articulação entre IDCPráticas; (ii) implementar e avaliar as sugestões advindas em novos contextos formativos; e (iii) na Educação a distância na área da Didáctica e Formação Didáctica de Professores. Assume-se a limitação estrutural da investigação resultante da alteração do projecto inicial que o restringiu a uma única etapa. Faz-se ainda uma reflexão do processo formativo-investigativo mediante a descrição dos constrangimentos de natureza interna e externa. Explicitam-se as limitações de carácter geral e específico e algumas tentativas de minimização dos respectivos efeitos no estudo. Finaliza-se o estudo com algumas sugestões de trabalhos futuros, a saber: (i) Continuidade dos estudos centrados na articulação entre IDC-Práticas; (ii) Continuidade dos estudos de Avaliação da Formação Pós-Graduada em termos de eficiência, eficácia, impacte e articulação; (iii) Análise da Epistemologia da Prática Docente em comunidades de práticas escolares; (iv) Articulação entre a Investigação sobre a Formação de Professores e as práticas dos formadores e futuros-formadores; e (v) Constituição de “Scholarship of teaching” na Formação de Professores.


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Sociology has come late to the field of Human Animal Studies (HAS), and such scholarship remains peripheral to the discipline. Early sociological interventions in the field were often informed by a critical perspective, in particular feminism but also Marxism and critical race studies. There have also been less critical routes taken, often using approaches such as actor-network theory and symbolic interactionism. These varied initiatives have made important contributions to the project of animalizing sociology and problematizing its legacies of human-exclusivity. As HAS expands and matures however, different kinds of study and different normative orientations have come increasingly into relations of tension in this eclectic field. This is particularly so when it comes to the ideological and ethical debates on appropriate human relations with other species, and on questions of whether and how scholarship might intervene to alter such relations. However, despite questioning contemporary social forms of human-animal relations and suggesting a need for change, the link between analysis and political strategy is uncertain. This paper maps the field of sociological animal studies through some examples of critical and mainstream approaches and considers their relation to advocacy. While those working in critical sociological traditions may appear to have a more certain political agenda, this article suggests that an analysis of 'how things are' does not always lead to a coherent position on 'what is to be done' in terms of social movement agendas or policy intervention. In addition, concepts deployed in advocacy such as rights, liberation and welfare are problematic when applied beyond the human. Even conceptions less entrenched in the liberal humanist tradition such as embodiment, care and vulnerability are difficult to operationalize. Despite complex and contested claims however, this paper suggests that there might also be possibilities for solidarity.


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Film is a highly attractive teaching instrument for the study of different terminal diseases, exploring bioethics (Beauchamp and Childress, 2009) and is a preferred medium over traditional lectures (Edmunds, 2013) to provide realistic examples for adult learners. It can tap into ethical issues; facilitate decision-making; and examine underlying issues such as euthanasia; assisted suicide; and professional responsibility. Contrast this with standard means of teaching, such as scenarios- although a useful pedagogic tool, these are limited because students must imagine the clinical scenario. Film can fill that imaginative gap (Volandes, 2007). It can be utilised as an active teaching strategy for a variety of topics in nursing (Edmunds, 2013) providing a unique way to promote active learning in nursing education (Herrman, 2006). The objectives of the study, aim to help pre registration student nurses from each year of study to engage with their role as health care professionals; provide open discussion and debate on how they view the personal experience of illness/disease/disability/death and to reflect on their role and provision of patient care. It is delivered in 3 tiers to provide a range of data for thematic analysis; 1) Film screening followed by a ‘5 minute reaction’ discussion and post screening questionnaire; 2) Pre screening guided activities for reflection and discussion; 3) Focus groups. This project meets identified aims from the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) by fostering creative and innovative approaches to teaching and learning; facilitating and supporting the design and delivery of continuing education development programmes and activities; and demonstrates professionalism that staff and institutions bring to teaching. Preliminary feedback and themes will be presented.


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In this paper I advance the theory of critical communication design by exploring the politics of data, information and knowledge visualisation in three bodies of work. Data reflects power relations, special interests and ideologies that determine which data is collected, what data is used and how it is used. In a review of Max Roser’s Our World in Data, I develop the concepts of digital positivism, datawash and darkdata. Looking at the Climaps by Emaps project, I describe how knowledge visualisation can support integrated learning on complex problems and nurture relational perception. Finally, I present my own Mapping Climate Communication project and explain how I used discourse mapping to develop the concept of discursive confusion and illustrate contradictions in this politicised area. Critical approaches to information visualisation reject reductive methods in favour of more nuanced ways of presenting information that acknowledge complexity and the political dimension on issues of controversy.