302 resultados para Essex


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The period 2010–2013 was a time of far-reaching structural reforms of the National Health Service in England. Of particular interest in this paper is the way in which radical critiques of the reform process were marginalised by pragmatic concerns about how to maintain the market-competition thrust of the reforms while avoiding potential fragmentation. We draw on the Essex school of political discourse theory and develop a ‘nodal’ analytical framework to argue that widespread and repeated appeals to a narrative of choice-based integrated care served to take the fragmentation ‘sting’ out of radical critiques of the pro-competition reform process. This served to marginalise alternative visions of health and social care, and to pre-empt the contestation of a key norm in the provision of health care that is closely associated with the notions of ‘any willing provider’ and ‘any qualified provider’: provider-blind provision.


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This dissertation examines the discursive practice of Argentine costumbrista texts from a novel perspective. In (re)reading the works of selected prominent writers from the late colonial period to the end of the Nineteenth Century, including those of Alonso Carrió de la Vandera, Emeric Essex Vidal, León Pallière, Lucio Vicente López, Lucio V. Mansilla, and Pastor Obligado we focus on the presence of ekphrastic enunciations with a view toward linking the plastic, painterly dimensions of the prose to parallel representations by artists of the same period. Thus the costumbristas are studied in tandem with the watercolors, oil paintings and lithographic compositions of artists such as Carlos Enrique Pellegrim, César Hipólito Bacle, Raymond Monvoisin and Hipólito Moulin. The resulting comparative study of the two arts---the verbal and the pictorial---illustrates the notion described by W. J. T. Mitchell that a literary text may well "represent a work of visual or graphic art." And thus, it provides us with visual, spatial motifs that enhance its powers of representation. ^ In developing our focus on ekphrastic representations we have followed the theoretic studies of Murray Krieger, Jean H. Hagstrum, James Hefferman, John Hollander, W. J. T. Mitchell, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Wendy Steiner among others, all of whom in various ways take their cue from Horace's Ut pictura poesis and the notion that poetry, that is literary discourse, can be likened to a panting and that in both arts there is a refractive quality that makes literature a spoken vehicle of expression and painting a silent, complementary voice. ^ In studying the literary and plastic discourses comparatively what becomes evident is that they share cultural and ideological concerns that center around the notion of self-definition, national identity, and the relation of the individual to the incipient national community (Benedict Anderson). These concerns are highlighted via the depiction of customs, mores, dress, work habits, professions, and social classes. In late colonial literature and painting and especially in the Nineteenth Century, which constitutes the defining period of Argentine political independence, the confluence of the two disciplinary discourses addresses, and underscores the issues of socio-political empowerment in the new Argentine nation. ^


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This paper takes some of Melanie Klein’s ideas, which Bion (1961/1998) previously used to understand group dynamics, to analyse the discipline of management studies since its ‘birth’ in the United States in the late 19th century. Specifically, it focuses on the idealisation of work and play, and argues that at its inception, for idiosyncratic historical reasons, the discipline was rooted in a ‘paranoid-schizoid’ position in which work was idealised as good and play as bad. The paper maps out the peculiar set of factors and influences that brought this about. It then examines how and if, again following Klein, the discipline has evolved to the ‘depressive’ position, where the idealisations are replaced by a more ambiguous, holistic semantic frame. Seven different relationships between work and play are then described. The paper contends that the originary splitting and idealisation is foundational to the discipline, and provides an enduring basis for analysing management theory and practice. It concludes by using this splitting to map out five potential future trajectories for the discipline.


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Research on women’s employment has proliferated over recent decades, often under a perspective that conceptualizes female labour market activity as independent of male presences and absences in the productive and reproductive spheres. In the face of these approaches, the article argues the need to focus on the couple as the unit of analysis of work-life articulation. After referring to the main theoretical arguments that, from a gender perspective within labour studies, have pointed out the relevance of placing the household as the central space for the analysis of the sexual division of labour, the article reviews different empirical contributions that have incorporated such perspective in the international literature. Next, the state of the art in the Spanish literature is presented, before arguing the desirability of applying such framework of analysis to the study of employment and care work in Spanish households, which are at present undergoing major transformations.


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Estructura formal, textual y oral del discurso públicoExisten tres competencias comunicativas muy valoradas en la sociedad de la información. Primero, la búsqueda, selección y gestión de grandes cantidades de información. Segundo, la redacción de textos claros, concisos y rigurosos. Y en tercer lugar, la exposición y defensa oral de esta información en un discurso público. Tradicionalmente, los estudios de periodismo han abordado estas competencias de forma independiente. Pero actualmente, instituciones y empresas de ámbitos diferentes demandan un perfil profesional capaz de aplicarlas ante cualquier tipo de información y con objetivos diversos. Se propone un modelo integral en tres niveles estructurales basado en teorías, conceptos y estudios específicos de periodismo, oratoria, retórica… o comunicación, en los últimos años. Este modelo puede contribuir a encauzar las investigaciones de académicos y representa una herramienta de entrenamiento para profesionales.


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No presente trabalho procuramos investigar a influência, de características sociodemográficas e de variáveis pessoais e relacionais da perceção do suporte social e do bem-estar psicológico na transição e adaptação ao ensino superior dos estudantes cabo-verdianos. A investigação incidiu sobre uma amostra de 200 estudantes Caboverdianos, inscritos entre o 1.ºano do 1.ºciclo de estudos e o 2.ºano do 2.ºciclo de estudos, nas comunidades académicas do Algarve e de Coimbra. Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo foram utilizados, para além de um questionário socio-demográfico, o “Questionário de Suporte Social” (SSQ6; Sarason, Sarason, Shearin& Pierce, 1987), a“Escala de Bem-Estar Psicológico” (EBEP; Ryff&Essex, 1992) e o Questionário de Vivências Académicas (QVA; Almeida, Ferreira & Soares, 1999). Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as variáveis sociodemográficas: género, entrada na instituição de ensino superior pretendida, entrada na 1.ª opção de curso, comunidade académica em que se estuda e estatuto de estudante-trabalhador); e as variáveis do bem-estar psicológico, domínio do meio, relações positivas com outras, objetivos na vida e aceitação de si são importantes preditores da transição/adaptação ao ensino superior dos estudantes cabo-verdianos.


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In this extended abstract, we discuss recent research at Worcester into the inclusion of AI into ‘Serious Games’. Serious Games research intends to harness the power of computer game technology to produce educational and training materials. We prefer the name ‘Immersive Environments’ (IEs) since this emphasises the human psychological dimension. Creation of compelling and convincing learning software requires a rich engagement of the learner, and a convincing learning experience. We believe that various aspects of the AI tradition can inform the production of such learning.


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Questo lavoro di tesi riguarda lo studio e l’implementazione di un algoritmo di multiple kernel learning (MKL) per la classificazione e la regressione di dati di neuroimaging ed, in particolare, di grafi di connettività funzionale. Gli algoritmi di MKL impiegano una somma pesata di vari kernel (ovvero misure di similarità) e permettono di selezionare le features utili alla discriminazione delle istanze durante l’addestramento del classificatore/regressore stesso. L’aspetto innovativo introdotto in questa tesi è stato lo studio di un nuovo kernel tra grafi di connettività funzionale, con la particolare caratteristica di conservare l’informazione relativa all’importanza di ogni singola region of interest (ROI) ed impiegando la norma lp come metodo per l’aggiornamento dei pesi, al fine di ottenere soluzioni sparsificate. L’algoritmo è stato validato utilizzando mappe di connettività sintetiche ed è stato applicato ad un dataset formato da 32 pazienti affetti da deterioramento cognitivo lieve e malattia dei piccoli vasi, di cui 16 sottoposti a riabilitazione cognitiva tra un’esame di risonanza ma- gnetica funzionale di baseline e uno di follow-up. Le mappe di con- nettività sono state ottenute con il toolbox CONN. Il classificatore è riuscito a discriminare i due gruppi di pazienti in una configurazione leave-one-out annidata con un’accuratezza dell’87.5%. Questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto durante un periodo di ricerca presso la School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering dell’University of Essex (Colchester, UK).


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L’annonce d’un diagnostic de cancer a un impact important sur l’individu. En se basant sur des informations sociales, environnementales et personnelles, celui-ci tentera de se représenter la maladie. Cette représentation constitue une grille d’informations cognitives et émotionnelles servant à donner un sens à la maladie et y réagir. Le modèle d’autorégulation de Leventhal propose qu’en fonction de sa représentation de la maladie, un individu mettra de l’avant différentes stratégies d’adaptation; ultimement, ces stratégies auront un impact sur l’issue de la maladie dont le niveau de bien-être. La présente recherche propose de considérer l’avenue tant hédonique qu’eudémonique du bien-être, en y incluant le bien-être subjectif, correspondant aux affects positifs et négatifs et à la satisfaction de vie et le bien-être psychologique correspondant à un état d’épanouissement personnel. L’étude a pour objectif principal de documenter les liens entre les dimensions cognitives et émotionnelles de la représentation de la maladie et les dimensions du bien-être subjectif (avenue hédonique) et le bien-être psychologique (avenue eudémonique). Plus précisément, les hypothèses postulent qu’une représentation plus positive de la maladie a pour effet d’augmenter le bien-être subjectif et psychologique. Les hypothèses postulent que la dimension de la représentation émotionnelle de la maladie joue un rôle médiateur entre les dimensions cognitives de la représentation de la maladie et le bien-être subjectif et psychologique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 70 participants âgés entre 31 et 75 ans ayant été atteints de cancer dans les cinq dernières années ont été recrutés. Les données ont été recueillies à l’aide de questionnaires autorapportés : un questionnaire sociodémographique, les versions francophones du Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R : Moss-Morris et al., 2002), du Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS ; Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), du Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985) et du The Scales of Psychological Well-Being (Ryff & Essex, 1992). Des analyses statistiques de régressions multiples et de médiation ont été réalisées à l’aide du logiciel Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Les résultats indiquent que seulement certaines dimensions de la représentation de la maladie exercent un effet unique sur le bien-être subjectif et/ou psychologique soit le contrôle personnel perçu, la représentation émotionnelle de la maladie, les conséquences perçues de la maladie et le cours aigu/chronique de la maladie. La représentation émotionnelle de la maladie semble exercer un effet médiateur complet entre certaines dimensions cognitives de la représentation de la maladie et les niveaux de bien-être. C’est le cas pour l’identité, le cours aigu/chronique de la maladie, le cours cyclique de la maladie, les conséquences perçues de la maladie et l’efficacité perçue du traitement, lorsque mis en lien avec les affects négatifs. C’est aussi le cas pour l’identité et le cours cyclique de la maladie, lorsque mis en lien avec la satisfaction de vie, et pour le cours cyclique de la maladie et les conséquences perçues de la maladie, lorsque mis en lien avec le bien-être psychologique. Les affects positifs associés au volet affectif du bien-être subjectif ne sont pas affectés par la représentation de la maladie.


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During the early Stuart period, England’s return to male monarchal rule resulted in the emergence of a political analogy that understood the authority of the monarch to be rooted in the “natural” authority of the father; consequently, the mother’s authoritative role within the family was repressed. As the literature of the period recognized, however, there would be no family unit for the father to lead without the words and bodies of women to make narratives of dynasty and legitimacy possible. Early modern discourse reveals that the reproductive roles of men and women, and the social hierarchies that grow out of them, are as much a matter of human design as of divine or natural law. Moreover, despite the attempts of James I and Charles I to strengthen royal patriarchal authority, the role of the monarch was repeatedly challenged on stage and in print even prior to the British Civil Wars and the 1649 beheading of Charles I. Texts produced at moments of political crisis reveal how women could uphold the legitimacy of familial and political hierarchies, but they also disclose patriarchy’s limits by representing “natural” male authority as depending in part on women’s discursive control over their bodies. Due to the epistemological instability of the female reproductive body, women play a privileged interpretive role in constructing patriarchal identities. The dearth of definitive knowledge about the female body during this period, and the consequent inability to fix or stabilize somatic meaning, led to the proliferation of differing, and frequently contradictory, depictions of women’s bodies. The female body became a site of contested meaning in early modern discourse, with men and women struggling for dominance, and competitors so diverse as to include kings, midwives, scholars of anatomy, and female religious sectarians. Essentially, this competition came down to a question of where to locate somatic meaning: In the opaque, uncertain bodies of women? In women’s equally uncertain and unreliable words? In the often contradictory claims of various male-authored medical treatises? In the whispered conversations that took place between women behind the closed doors of birthing rooms? My dissertation traces this representational instability through plays by William Shakespeare, John Ford, Thomas Middleton, and William Rowley, as well as in monstrous birth pamphlets, medical treatises, legal documents, histories, satires, and ballads. In these texts, the stories women tell about and through their bodies challenge and often supersede male epistemological control. These stories, which I term female bodily narratives, allow women to participate in defining patriarchal authority at the levels of both the family and the state. After laying out these controversies and instabilities surrounding early modern women’s bodies in my first chapter, my remaining chapters analyze the impact of women’s words on four distinct but overlapping reproductive issues: virginity, pregnancy, birthing room rituals, and paternity. In chapters 2 and 3, I reveal how women construct the inner, unseen “truths” of their reproductive bodies through speech and performance, and in doing so challenge the traditional forms of male authority that depend on these very constructions for coherence. Chapter 2 analyzes virginity in Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s play The Changeling (1622) and in texts documenting the 1613 Essex divorce, during which Frances Howard, like Beatrice-Joanna in the play, was required to undergo a virginity test. These texts demonstrate that a woman’s ability to feign virginity could allow her to undermine patriarchal authority within the family and the state, even as they reveal how men relied on women to represent their reproductive bodies in socially stabilizing ways. During the British Civil Wars and Interregnum (1642-1660), Parliamentary writers used Howard as an example of how the unruly words and bodies of women could disrupt and transform state politics by influencing court faction; in doing so, they also revealed how female bodily narratives could help recast political historiography. In chapter 3, I investigate depictions of pregnancy in John Ford’s tragedy, ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore (1633) and in early modern medical treatises from 1604 to 1651. Although medical texts claim to convey definitive knowledge about the female reproductive body, in actuality male knowledge frequently hinged on the ways women chose to interpret the unstable physical indicators of pregnancy. In Ford’s play, Annabella and Putana take advantage of male ignorance in order to conceal Annabella’s incestuous, illegitimate pregnancy from her father and husband, thus raising fears about women’s ability to misrepresent their bodies. Since medical treatises often frame the conception of healthy, legitimate offspring as a matter of national importance, women’s ability to conceal or even terminate their pregnancies could weaken both the patriarchal family and the patriarchal state that the family helped found. Chapters 4 and 5 broaden the socio-political ramifications of women’s words and bodies by demonstrating how female bodily narratives are required to establish paternity and legitimacy, and thus help shape patriarchal authority at multiple social levels. In chapter 4, I study representations of birthing room gossip in Thomas Middleton’s play, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside (1613), and in three Mistris Parliament pamphlets (1648) that satirize parliamentary power. Across these texts, women’s birthing room “gossip” comments on and critiques such issues as men’s behavior towards their wives and children, the proper use of household funds, the finer points of religious ritual, and even the limits of the authority of the monarch. The collective speech of the female-dominated birthing room thus proves central not only to attributing paternity to particular men, but also to the consequent definition and establishment of the political, socio-economic, and domestic roles of patriarchy. Chapter 5 examines anxieties about paternity in William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale (1611) and in early modern monstrous birth pamphlets from 1600 to 1647, in which children born with congenital deformities are explained as God’s punishment for the sexual, religious, and/or political transgressions of their parents or communities. Both the play and the pamphlets explore the formative/deformative power of women’s words and bodies over their offspring, a power that could obscure a father’s connection to his children. However, although the pamphlets attempt to contain and discipline women’s unruly words and bodies with the force of male authority, the play reveals the dangers of male tyranny and the crucial role of maternal authority in reproducing and authenticating dynastic continuity and royal legitimacy. My emphasis on the socio-political impact of women’s self-representation distinguishes my work from that of scholars such as Mary Fissell and Julie Crawford, who claim that early modern beliefs about the female reproductive body influenced textual depictions of major religious and political events, but give little sustained attention to the role female speech plays in these representations. In contrast, my dissertation reveals that in such texts, patriarchal society relies precisely on the words women speak about their own and other women’s bodies. Ultimately, I argue that female bodily narratives were crucial in shaping early modern culture, and they are equally crucial to our critical understanding of sexual and state politics in the literature of the period.


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This thesis examines three key moments in the intersecting histories of Scotland, Ireland and England, and their impact on literature. Chapter one Robert Bruce and the Last King of Ireland: Writing the Irish Invasion, 1315- 1826‘, is split into two parts. Part one, Barbour‘s (other) Bruce‘ focuses on John Barbour‘s The Bruce (1375) and its depiction of the Bruce‘s Irish campaign (1315-1318). It first examines the invasion material from the perspective of the existing Irish and Scottish relationship and their opposition to English authority. It highlights possible political and ideological motivations behind Barbour‘s negative portrait of Edward Bruce - whom Barbour presents as the catalyst for the invasion and the source of its carnage and ultimate failure - and his partisan comparison between Edward and his brother Robert I. It also probes the socio-polticial and ideological background to the Bruce and its depiction of the Irish campaign, in addition to Edward and Robert. It peers behind some of the Bruce‘s most lauded themes such as chivalry, heroism, loyalty, and patriotism, and exposes its militaristic feudal ideology, its propaganda rich rhetoric, and its illusions of freedom‘. Part one concludes with an examination of two of the Irish section‘s most marginalised figures, the Irish and a laundry woman. Part two, Cultural Memories of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, 1375-1826‘, examines the cultural memory of the Bruce invasion in three literary works from the Medieval, Early Modern and Romantic periods. The first, and by far the most significant memorialisation of the invasion is Barbour‘s Bruce, which is positioned for the first time within the tradition of ars memoriae (art of memory) and present-day cultural memory theories. The Bruce is evaluated as a site of memory and Barbour‘s methods are compared with Icelandic literature of the same period. The recall of the invasion in late sixteenth century Anglo-Irish literature is then considered, specifically Edmund Spenser‘s A View of the State of Ireland, which is viewed in the context of contemporary Ulster politics. The final text to be considered is William Hamilton Drummond‘s Bruce’s Invasion of Ireland (1826). It is argued that Drummond‘s poem offers an alternative Irish version of the invasion; a counter-memory that responds to nineteenth-century British politics, in addition to the controversy surrounding the publication of the Ossian fragments. Chapter two, The Scots in Ulster: Policies, Proposals and Projects, 1551-1575‘, examines the struggle between Irish and Scottish Gaels and the English for dominance in north Ulster, and its impact on England‘s wider colonial ideology, strategy, literature and life writing. Part one entitled Noisy neighbours, 1551-1567‘ covers the deputyships of Sir James Croft, Sir Thomas Radcliffe, and Sir Henry Sidney, and examines English colonial writing during a crucial period when the Scots provoked an increase in militarisation in the region. Part two Devices, Advices, and Descriptions, 1567-1575‘, deals with the relationship between the Scots and Turlough O‘Neill, the influence of the 5th Earl of Argyll, and the rise of Sorley Boy MacDonnell. It proposes that a renewed Gaelic alliance hindered England‘s conquest of Ireland and generated numerous plantation proposals and projects for Ulster. Many of which exhibit a blurring‘ between the documentary and the literary; while all attest to the considerable impact of the Gaelic Scots in both motivating and frustrating various projects for that province, the most prominent of which were undertaken by Sir Thomas Smith in 1571 and Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex in 1573.


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Surface ozone is formed in the presence of NOx (NO + NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and is hazardous to human health. A better understanding of these precursors is needed for developing effective policies to improve air quality. To evaluate the year-to-year changes in source contributions to total VOCs, Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) was used to perform source apportionment using available hourly observations from June through August at a Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (PAMS) in Essex, MD for each year from 2007-2015. Results suggest that while gasoline and vehicle exhaust emissions have fallen, the contribution of natural gas sources to total VOCs has risen. To investigate this increasing natural gas influence, ethane measurements from PAMS sites in Essex, MD and Washington, D.C. were examined. Following a period of decline, daytime ethane concentrations have increased significantly after 2009. This trend appears to be linked with the rapid shale gas production in upwind, neighboring states, especially Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Back-trajectory analyses similarly show that ethane concentrations at these monitors were significantly greater if air parcels had passed through counties containing a high density of unconventional natural gas wells. In addition to VOC emissions, the compressors and engines involved with hydraulic fracturing operations also emit NOx and particulate matter (PM). The Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model was used to simulate air quality for the Eastern U.S. in 2020, including emissions from shale gas operations in the Appalachian Basin. Predicted concentrations of ozone and PM show the largest decreases when these natural gas resources are hypothetically used to convert coal-fired power plants, despite the increased emissions from hydraulic fracturing operations expanded into all possible shale regions in the Appalachian Basin. While not as clean as burning natural gas, emissions of NOx from coal-fired power plants can be reduced by utilizing post-combustion controls. However, even though capital investment has already been made, these controls are not always operated at optimal rates. CMAQ simulations for the Eastern U.S. in 2018 show ozone concentrations decrease by ~5 ppb when controls on coal-fired power plants limit NOx emissions to historically best rates.


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Este estudio presenta un análisis exploratorio sobre la correlación entre la fortaleza institucional, las condiciones de paz, y el emprendimiento en una muestra de 23 departamentos en Colombia usando datos de 2014. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo se propusieron y construyeron tres índices siguiendo definiciones conceptuales seminales o estándares de evaluación internacional, a saber: 1) El Índice de Fortaleza Institucional, 2) El Índice de Construcción de Paz (construido a partir del índice de paz negativa y el índice de paz positiva) y 3) El Índice de Emprendimiento Productivo. Los resultados no muestran una correlación significativa entre todos los tres índices. Por un lado, existe una correlación significativa (p<0.05) entre los índices de fortaleza institucional y emprendimiento productivo. Por otro lado, existen correlaciones negativas no significativas entre los índices de paz positiva y fortaleza institucional, emprendimiento productivo y paz positiva y emprendimiento productivo y construcción de paz. En un segundo acercamiento, la población de los departamentos fue la variable con mayor número de correlaciones significativas (p<0.01) entre variables relacionadas con emprendimiento productivo, empleo, producto interno bruto, sofisticación industrial, innovación (patentes) y crimen. Finalmente, se discuten las conclusiones y las futuras investigaciones.


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El objetivo de esta investigación diagnóstica es evaluar las acciones de la Comunidad Internacional en materia de resocialización de niños soldados desvinculados del Ejército de Resistencia del Señor (ERS) en Uganda durante el periodo de 2002 a 2013. Para ello, se hace un análisis de las causas de la existencia de niños soldados, donde se tiene en cuenta la evolución del concepto de la infancia y las particularidades que éste representa en el contexto africano. Así mismo, son analizados los alcances y limitaciones del modelo de asistencia humanitaria para la protección de la niñez enfatizando en los procesos de resocialización brindados a los niños desvinculados del ERS. Esto con el fin de evidenciar las limitaciones de la actuación de la Comunidad Internacional, y brindar una serie de recomendaciones para la implementación de programas de resocialización enfocados en la infancia.