1000 resultados para Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Helen Keller.


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Music can be found in peculiar historical and social context with distinct functions, such as religious rituals, ethic-esthetic education of subjects, therapeutic elements, critic and maintenance of established patterns, among others. Considered as language, music acts on dialogue dimensions of the body, the senses, the affectionate-cognitive and of social interactions. Their uses reveal the social forces that cross the culture and constitution of subjectivities. The attribution of senses by the subjects to musical production reveals the cultural voices in dialogue, that circumscribe determined social places to them. Our aim in this work is to investigate the child musical appreciation, with children about 7 to 9 years old, and, by attributing uses and senses to music, unveil the voices that settle the places intended and assumed by infancy in contemporaneity The child constructs its musical appreciation through cultural access and mediation, possible by circulation in several socializing groups like family, school, church, infant groups, community groups and, more recently, publicity and media These last two spheres, enabled by the development of the technological means of communication, contributed to the dissemination of the set of consume ideas and for the emergence of the cultural industry, characteristic of the capitalistic production way in its present configuration. They develop new possibilities of perception of the world, in which the limits between childhood and adulthood are not anymore the same that have been established in previous centuries. So, the child musical appreciation is constituted by homogeneity regarding the senses built and disseminated by cultural industry and by the logical merchandizing, and singularities, associated to the construction of senses in interaction with global, local, and multiple contexts, through which the subject circulates and constitutes himself polyphonically


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Reconhecendo a exposição a riscos à saúde a que adolescentes obesos estão submetidos e a necessidade da produção de estudos, os quais relacionem excesso de peso corporal e capacidade física durante a puberdade, configura-se como objetivo da presente comunicação explorar as relações entre o sobrepeso e a aptidão física dos alunos de ensino fundamental e médio de escola particular paulista. Trata-se de estudo de coorte, considerando como variável independente o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e como dependentes a resistência muscular localizada (RML) abdominal, força de membros inferiores (MMII), flexibilidade e agilidade. Os dados de interesse foram colhidos em duas oportunidades (no início de dois anos letivos subseqüentes), segundo testes específicos. Foi realizada análise multivariada dos perfis médios, complementada com a construção dos intervalos de confiança simultâneos, ao nível de 5% de significância. Constatou-se prevalência de 21,42% de sobrepeso e associação deste com: i) em meninos, menores RML abdominal e força de MMII e não evolução nas médias de agilidade; ii) em meninas, menor RML abdominal e agilidade, no início do período considerado. Ao se compararem os resultados entre os dois momentos de avaliação, notou-se que: i) a agilidade, das meninas com peso corporal adequado diminuiu significantemente; ii) a RML abdominal, mesmo do grupo masculino com sobrepeso, aumentou; e iii) a agilidade, somente em meninos com IMC inferior, melhorou. Verificaram-se, também entre o sexo masculino, médias de RML abdominal, força de MMII e agilidade significantemente maiores que as do grupo feminino. Nesse sentido, revela-se que a prescrição da atividade física para adolescentes deve realmente ser específica segundo composição corporal e sexo.


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The present study has the objective to analyze with teachers from Elementary School the knowledge mobilized in the organization of the teaching-learning process, and its implications in the exploitation of that process. The investigation was developed with two teachers from the first years of the Elementary School, from a public school in Pau dos Ferros-RN. It adopts as basis the notion of knowledge as a set of individual and social relations that the individuals maintain with the world and with themselves, in the teaching and learning relation. (CHARLOT, 2000). It considers yet that the knowledges are immediate processes, reconstructed and mobilized by the practice of reflection, in dialogical and interactional contexts in contact with others. (BAKHTIN, 2002, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 1991, 2004, 2005). The collaborative approach was the theoretical and methodological background that oriented the investigative-educative process. By choosing a collaborative research as basis of the investigative pathway, it starts from the knowledge that the critical and collaborative reflection developed with the teachers from the first years of the Elementary School contribute to explicitate and resignify the meanings assigned to the knowledges that these teachers mobilize in the organization of the teaching-learning and its implications in this process. The results of the reflexive and investigative process developed with the teachers demonstrate that the familiar, scholastic, academic, professional, and the work knowledges lived, constitute the consciousness of being a teacher, and that these knowledges implicate in the dynamics of the process of teaching-learning, but not always the teachers take consciousness about these knowledges. The critical and collaborative reflection, mediated by the actions of describing, announcing, facing and reconstructing allowed to the participants of the research to realize the knowledges of themselves and of the other, the difficulties and possibilities in the organization of the teaching-learning process


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Este trabalho, de natureza qualitativa e de cunho etnográfico, tem como cenário um Projeto de Línguas Estrangeiras, implementado nos Ciclos 1 e 2 do Ensino Fundamental Público de uma cidade do interior paulista. O objetivo principal do estudo é investigar as visões implícitas da avaliação proposta pelo livro didático em uso no mencionado contexto de ensino, confrontando-as com a abordagem explícita do material acerca do processo avaliatório e com as crenças dos professores sobre a avaliação em foco. Para tanto, tomamos como referencial os princípios sociointeracionistas (Vygotsky, 1978) e comunicacionais (Almeida Filho, 1993, 2005) de linguagem e aprendizagem, assim como construtos referentes às crenças sobre ensino e aprendizagem de línguas (Barcelos, 1995, 2004a, b; Silva, 2005) e também referentes à avaliação (Scaramucci, 1997, 2004) no ensino de línguas para crianças (Cameron, 2001).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC