985 resultados para Equimultiple Locus
En este artículo pondremos en tensión la construcción del NOA, Catamarca y específicamente Santa María, a través del tiempo, como ámbitos periféricos desde un punto de vista hegemónico. Desde la perspectiva de la colonialidad del poder, problematizaremos entonces sobre la manera de realizar periodizaciones desde un locus de enunciación que podemos denominar colonialista-capitalista-neoliberal, el que se tornó hegemónico desde la conquista de América. Primero en el período colonial, luego en el desarrollo del capitalismo, y actualmente en el neoliberalismo este locus habilitó una dinámica expropiatoria en el presente vinculada a la mega-minería, que en las últimas dos décadas acentúa la condición de periferia de la región. Esta dinámica entendida como la continuidad de un patrón de poder colonial operó configurando territorios, subjetividades y naturaleza, a lo que agregaremos, la manera de periodizar el tiempo
The ecological theory of adaptive radiation predicts that the evolution of phenotypic diversity within species is generated by divergent natural selection arising from different environments and competition between species. Genetic connectivity among populations is likely also to have an important role in both the origin and maintenance of adaptive genetic diversity. Our goal was to evaluate the potential roles of genetic connectivity and natural selection in the maintenance of adaptive phenotypic differences among morphs of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in Iceland. At a large spatial scale, we tested the predictive power of geographic structure and phenotypic variation for patterns of neutral genetic variation among populations throughout Iceland. At a smaller scale, we evaluated the genetic differentiation between two morphs in Lake Thingvallavatn relative to historically explicit, coalescent-based null models of the evolutionary history of these lineages. At the large spatial scale, populations are highly differentiated, but weakly structured, both geographically and with respect to patterns of phenotypic variation. At the intralacustrine scale, we observe modest genetic differentiation between two morphs, but this level of differentiation is nonetheless consistent with strong reproductive isolation throughout the Holocene. Rather than a result of the homogenizing effect of gene flow in a system at migration-drift equilibrium, the modest level of genetic differentiation could equally be a result of slow neutral divergence by drift in large populations. We conclude that contemporary and recent patterns of restricted gene flow have been highly conducive to the evolution and maintenance of adaptive genetic variation in Icelandic Arctic charr.
The failure locus, the characteristics of the stress–strain curve and the damage localization patterns were analyzed in a polypropylene nonwoven fabric under in-plane biaxial deformation. The analysis was carried out by means of a homogenization model developed within the context of the finite element method. It provides the constitutive response for a mesodomain of the fabric corresponding to the area associated to a finite element and takes into account the main deformation and damage mechanisms experimentally observed. It was found that the failure locus in the stress space was accurately predicted by the Von Mises criterion and failure took place by the localization of damage into a crack perpendicular to the main loading axis.
The pattern of damage localization and fracture under uniaxial and biaxial tension was studied in glass–fiber nonwoven felts. The analyses were carried out within the framework of the finite-element simulation of plain and notched specimens in which the microstructure of the felt, made up of fiber bundles connected at the cross point through an organic binder, was explicitly represented. Following previous experimental observations, fracture by interbundle decohesion and energy dissipation by frictional sliding between the bundles were included in the model. It was found that the failure path in these materials was controlled by the maximum applied normal stress, regardless of the loading path, and that the failure locus under biaxial tension was well represented by the von Mises failure criteria. The notch sensitivity of the nonwoven felts was limited and the presence of a notch did not modify the failure path.
The relationship between pairs of individuals is an important topic in many areas of population and quantitative genetics. It is usually measured as the proportion of thegenome identical by descent shared by the pair and it can be inferred from pedigree information. But there is a variance in actual relationships as a consequence of Mendelian sampling, whose general formula has not been developed. The goal of this work is to develop this general formula for the one-locus situation,. We provide simple expressions for the variances and covariances of all actual relationships in an arbitrary complex pedigree. The proposed method relies on the use of the nine identity coefficients and the generalized relationship coefficients; formulas have been checked by computer simulation. Finally two examples for a short pedigree of dogs and a long pedigree of sheep are given.
Bread wheat quality constitutes a key trait for the demands of the baking industry as well as the broad consumer preferences. The role of the low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) with regard to bread quality is so far not well understood owing to their genetic complexity and to the use of different nomenclatures and standards for the LMW-GS assignment by different research groups, which has made difficult the undertaking of association studies between genotypes and bread quality. The development of molecular markers to carry out genetic characterization and allele determination is demanding. Nowadays, the most promising LMW gene marker system is based on PCR and high resolution capillary electrophoresis for the simultaneous analysis of the complete multigene family. The molecular analysis of the bread wheat Glu-B3 locus in F2 and F4:6 populations expressed the expected one-locus Mendelian segregation pattern, thus validating the suitability of this marker system for the characterization of LMW-GS genes in segregating populations, allowing for the successful undertaking of studies related to bread-making quality. Moreover, the Glu-B3 allele characterization of standard cultivars with the molecular marker system has revealed its potential as a complementary tool for the allelic determination of this complex multigene family.
Imprinted genes tend to occur in clusters. We have identified a cluster in distal mouse chromosome (Chr) 2, known from early genetic studies to contain both maternally and paternally imprinted, but unspecified, genes. Subsequently, one was identified as Gnas, which encodes a G protein α subunit, and there is clinical and biochemical evidence that the human homologue GNAS1, mutated in patients with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, is also imprinted. We have used representational difference analysis, based on parent-of-origin methylation differences, to isolate candidate imprinted genes in distal Chr 2 and found two oppositely imprinted genes, Gnasxl and Nesp. Gnasxl determines a variant G protein α subunit associated with the trans-Golgi network and Nesp encodes a secreted protein of neuroendocrine tissues. Gnasxl is maternally methylated in genomic DNA and encodes a paternal-specific transcript, whereas Nesp is paternally methylated with maternal-specific expression. Their reciprocal imprinting may offer insight into the distal Chr 2 imprinting phenotypes. Remarkably, Gnasxl, Nesp, and Gnas are all part of the same transcription unit; transcripts for Gnasxl and Nesp are alternatively spliced onto exon 2 of Gnas. This demonstrates an imprinting mechanism in which two oppositely imprinted genes share the same downstream exons.
In filamentous fungi, het loci (for heterokaryon incompatibility) are believed to regulate self/nonself-recognition during vegetative growth. As filamentous fungi grow, hyphal fusion occurs within an individual colony to form a network. Hyphal fusion can occur also between different individuals to form a heterokaryon, in which genetically distinct nuclei occupy a common cytoplasm. However, heterokaryotic cells are viable only if the individuals involved have identical alleles at all het loci. One het locus, het-c, has been characterized at the molecular level in Neurospora crassa and encodes a glycine-rich protein. In an effort to understand the role of this locus in filamentous fungi, we chose to study its evolution by analyzing het-c sequence variability in species within Neurospora and related genera. We determined that the het-c locus was polymorphic in a field population of N. crassa with close to equal frequency of each of the three allelic types. Different species and even genera within the Sordariaceae shared het-c polymorphisms, indicating that these polymorphisms originated in an ancestral species. Finally, an analysis of the het-c specificity region shows a high occurrence of nonsynonymous substitution. The persistence of allelic lineages, the nearly equal allelic distribution within populations, and the high frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions in the het-c specificity region suggest that balancing selection has operated to maintain allelic diversity at het-c. Het-c shares this particular evolutionary characteristic of departing from neutrality with other self/nonself-recognition systems such as major histocompatibility complex loci in mammals and the S (self-incompatibility) locus in angiosperms.
Sixty-six haplotypes at a locus containing a simple dinucleotide (CA)n microsatellite repeat were isolated by PCR–single-strand conformational polymorphism from populations of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus. These haplotypes were sequenced to assess nucleotide variation directly. Thirty-four distinct sequences (alleles) were identified in a region 570 bp long that included the microsatellite motif. In the repeat region itself, CA-number varied in integer values from 5 to 11 across alleles, except that a (CA)8 class was not observed. Differences among alleles were due also to polymorphisms at 22 sites in regions immediately flanking the microsatellite repeats. Nucleotide substitutions in these regions were used to estimate phylogenetic relationships among alleles, and the gene phylogeny was used to trace the evolution of length variation and CA repeat numbers. A low correlation between size variation and genealogical relationships among alleles suggests that absolute fragment size (as normally scored in microsatellite assays) is an unreliable indicator of historical affinities among alleles. This finding on the molecular fine structure of microsatellite variation suggests the need for caution in the use of repeat counts at microsatellite loci as secure indicators of allelic relationships.
The specific-locus test (SLT) detects new mutants among mice heterozygous for seven recessive visible markers. Spontaneous mutations can be manifested not only as singleton whole-body mutants in controls (for which we report new data), but as mosaics—either visible (manifesting mottled coat color) in the scored generation (G2) or masked, among the wild-type parental generation (G1). Masked G1 mosaics reveal themselves by producing clusters of whole-body mutants in G2. We provide evidence that most, if not all, mosaics detected in the SLT (both radiation and control progenies) result from a single-strand spontaneous mutation subsequent to the last premeiotic mitosis and before the first postmeiotic one of a parental genome—the “perigametic interval.” Such events in the genomes of the G1 and G0 result, respectively, in visible and masked 50:50 mosaics. Per cell cycle, the spontaneous mutation rate in the perigametic interval is much higher than that in pregamete mitotic divisions. A clearly different locus spectrum further supports the hypothesis of different origin, and casts further doubt on the validity of the doubling-dose risk-estimation method. Because mosaics cannot have arisen in mitotic germ cells, and are not induced by radiation exposure in the perigametic interval, they should not be included in calculations of radiation-induced germ-line mutation rates. For per-generation calculations, inclusion of mosaics yields a spontaneous frequency 1.7 times that calculated from singletons alone for mutations contributed by males; including both sexes, the multiple is 2.2.