797 resultados para Encapsulated


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Highly stable silver nanoclusters with narrow size distribution have been prepared by heating a third-generation poly(propyleneimine) dendrimer/AgNO3 aqueous solution without the additional step of introducing other reducing agents and protect agents. UV-vis absorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) have been used to characterize the resulting products. The as-obtained sample was in coexistence of Ag and Ag2O. It also suggested that increasing temperature resulted in both the decrease in number of small particles and the increase in size of large particles.


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Substantial progress has been made recently in extending the supramolecular assembly of biomimetic structures to vesicle-based sophisticated nanocomposites and mesostructures. We report herein the successful preparation of unilamellar surfactant vesicles coated with a monolayer of ring-shaped {Mo-154} polyoxometalate (POM) nanoclusters, (NH4)(28)[Mo-154 (NO)(14)O(448)Hi(4)(H2O)(70)].approximate to 350H(2)O, by coulomb attractions using preformed didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB) surfactant vesicles as templates. The resultant vesicle-templated supramolecular assemblies are robust (they do not disintegrate upon dehydration) both at room-temperature ambient and vacuum conditions, as characterized by conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The flexibility of the complex soft assemblies was also revealed by AFM measurements. The effect of POM-vesicle coulomb attractions on the dimensions of the templating vesicles was also investigated by using dynamic light scattering (DLS).Although origins of the structure stability of the as-prepared supramolecular assemblies are not clear yet, the nanometer scale cavities and the related properties of macroions of the POM clusters may play an important role in it.


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Fractionated crystallization behavior of dispersed PA6 phase in PP/PA6 blends compatibilized with PP-g-MAH was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), polarized light microscopy (PLM), and wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) in this work. The lack of usual active heterogeneities in the dispersed droplet was the key factor for the fractionated crystallization of PA6. The crystals formed with less efficient nuclei might contain more defects in the crystal structures than those crystallized with the usual active nuclei. The lower the crystallization temperature, the lesser the perfection of the crystals and the lower crystallinity would be. The fractionated crystallization of PP droplets encapsulated by PA6 domains was also observed. The effect of existing PP-g-MAH-g-PA6 copolymer located at the interface on the fractionated crystallization could not be detected in this work.


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Novel Au-Pt bimetallic flower nanostructures fabricated on a polyamidoamine dendrimers-modified surface by electrodeposition are reported. These polyamidoamine dendrimers were stable, and they assisted the formation of Au-Pt bimetallic nanoflowers during the electrodeposition process. These nanoflowers were characterized by field-emitted scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction, and electrochemical methods. FE-SEM images showed that the bimetallic nanoflower included two parts: the "light" and the "pale" part. The two parts consisted of many small bimetallic nanoparticles, which was attributed to the progressive nucleation process. Moreover, the "light" part contained more bimetallic nanoparticles. The morphologies of bimetallic nanoflowers depended on the electrodeposition time and potential and the layer number of assembled dendrimers. The average size of nanoflowers increased with the increase in electrodeposition time. The layer number of assembled dendrimers obviously affected the size and morphologies of the "pale" parts of deposited nanoflowers.


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This paper reports on a successful application of the concept of nanoreactors to effectively controlling the selectivity of the free radical grafting of maleic anhydride (MAH) onto polypropylene (PP) in the melt, an industrially relevant process. More specifically, a free radical initiator of type ROOR was first confined into (or encapsulated by) the galleries of an organically modified montmorillonite (o-MMT) whose interdistance was 2.4 nm. Primary free radicals (RO center dot) formed inside the o-MMT galleries had to diffuse out before they could react with the PP backbone. The controlled release of the primary free radicals significantly increased the grafting degree of MAH onto PP and greatly reduced the level of the chain scission of the latter. Those results were better understood by electron spin resonance studies on model systems and by Monte Carlo simulations.


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Three new cage-like mixed-valent polyoxovanadates [Ni(1,10'-phen)(3)](2)[V10O26] 1, [Zn(2,2'-biPY)(3)](3)[V15O36Cl](.)3H(2)O (2) and [Co(2,2'-biPY)(3)](3)[V15O36Cl](.)3H(2)O (3) have been hydrothermally synthesized for the first time and characterized by elemental analyses, IR, EPR spectra, TG analyses and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The polyoxoanion of I exhibits an interesting empty ellipsoidal [V-2(IV) V-8(V) O-26](4-) 'host' shell, while the oxo vanadium clusters of 2 and 3 possess a spherical [V-8(IV) V-7(V) O36Cl](6-) cage with a Cl- ion encapsulated. The structure-directing role of organic templates (1,10'-phen and 2,2'-bipy) on the formation of the polyoxoanion structures is discussed.


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A toluidine blue modified gold electrode was constructed using self-assembled silica gel technique. Firstly, toluidine blue was encapsulated within 3D network of silica self-assembly monolayer on the surface of gold electrode. Secondly, another layer of silica sol was further assembled to protect from leaching of mediator or possible contamination. The electrochemical characteristics of toluidine blue immobilized within self-assembled silica gel were studied in detail. The modified electrode was applied for electrochemical oxidation of NADH with satisfactory results.


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Fe2O3 sol with the particle diameter of 3-5 nm was flocculated by the addition of SDS, and the flocculate formed was redispersed by the further addition of that surfactant. Thus the surfactant bilayer was formed on the surface of Fe2O3. The emulsion polymerization of styrene (St) adsolubilized oil the surfactant adsorbed bilayer was carried out by initiator potassium persulfate (KPS). The UV-Vis and surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) indicate that the Fe2O3 particles were encapsulated in polystyrene(PSt) successfully.


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The rational synthesis and the structural and magnetic characterization of a nickel cluster are presented. The compound comprises a rhomblike Ni4O16 group encapsulated between two-heptadentate tungstoarsenate ligands [AsW9O34](9-). The crystal structure of K-10[Ni-4(H2O)(2)(AsW9O34)(2)](.)4H(2)O was solved in monoclinic, P2(1)/n symmetry, with a = 12.258(3) Angstrom, b = 21.232(4) Angstrom, c = 15.837(3) Angstrom, beta = 92.05(3)degrees, V = 4119.1(14) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, and R = 0.0862. The crystal structure of the Ni(II) derivative was compared with that of the Cu(II), Zn(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) derivatives. The Ni4O14(H2O)(2) unit in the compound shows no Jahn-Teller distortion. On the other hand, the Ni(II) derivative shows ferromagnetic exchange interactions within the Ni4O16 group (J = 7.8 cm(-1), J' = 13.7 cm(-1)) and an S = 4 ground state, the highest spin state reported in a heteropoly complex. Its redox electrochemistry has been studied in acid buffer solutions using cyclic voltammetry. It exhibited two steps of one-electron redox waves attributed to redox processes of the tungsten-oxo framework. The new catalyst showed an electrocatalytic effect on the reduction of NO2-.


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The rare earth complex Eu(TTA)(3) was successfully encapsulated into MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieve by the addition of the complex into the sol-gel mixture for the synthesis of MCM-41 mesoporous material under microwave radiation. The as-synthesized MCM-41-hosted Eu(TTA)(3) mesophase was confirmed to possess hexagonally ordered mesostructure and a uniform crystal. size of about 30 nm with XRD and HRTEM techniques. Moreover, the IR spectrum, photoluminescence effect and fluorescence lifetime of the Eu(TTA)(3)/MCM-41 hybrid were also studied. An increase in Stokes' shift and no change in luminescence lifetime were observed to the resultant mesophase in comparison with Eu(TTA)(3) in ethanol solution.


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This overview presents the recent progress in the area of endohedral metallofullerenes in the past several years. The important results have been summarized as follows: (1) Many metals including Group 3 metals, most of the lanthanide series elements, and Group 2 metals have been encapsulated into a fullerene cage to form mono-, di-, and trimetallofullerenes by using the arc-evaporation technique. (2) Some endohedral metallofullerenes such as Group 3 metals, most of the lanthanide series elements, Group 2 metals, and some of their isomers have been successfully isolated and purified by a two-step or several-step HPLC technique. By using high-temperature and high-pressure extraction with pyridine, Ln@C-80, Ln@C-82, and Ln2@C-80 for most rare-earth metals have been selectively extracted in high yield (about 1% of the saw soot) from fullerenes and other size metallofullerenes. (3) The endohedral nature of metallofullerenes such as Y@C-82, Sc2@C-84, and Sc@C-82 has been finally confirmed by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. The symmetries and the structures of metallofullerenes such as Ca@C-82(III), La-2@C-80(I-h), Sc-2@C-84(D-2d), and Sc-2@C-84(C-s) have been confirmed by NMR measurements. (Lb) The information on the electronic structures and properties of endohedral metallofullerenes has been obtained by various spectrometric means Such as EPR, W-vis-MR, XPS, CV. It is generally accepted that three-electron transfer is favorable when M = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu but Sc, Eu, Sm, Yb, Tm, Ca, Sr, Ba prefer to donate two electrons to the fullerene cages. (5) Several chemical reactions of endohedral metallofullerenes have been reported in which reagents are disilacyclopropane, digermacyclopropane, diphenyldiazomethane, and trifluoroacetic acid. (6) Mass spectrometry provided the crucial evidence that led to the discovery of metallofullerenes in 1985 and has always played a key role in their identification and characterization, Ion-mobility measurements of gas-phase ions have obtained the information of structures and the formation mechanism of endohedral metallofullerenes. till Theoretical calculations on the endohedral metallofullerenes have made an important contribution to the studies on the symmetry of the cage, the position of metal atom(s) inside the cage, the number of electronic transfer between metal atom(s) and fullerene cage, etc. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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In view of the growing interest in endohedral lanthanide fullerenes, Ce, as a typical +4 oxidation state lanthanide element, has been systematically studied. The synthesis, extraction and electronic structure of Ce@C-2n are investigated. Soot containing Ce@C-2n was synthesized in high yield by carbonizing CeO2-containing graphite rods and are back-burning the CeC2-enriched cathode deposit in a DC are plasma apparatus. Ce@C-2n, dominated by Ce@C-82, can be efficiently extracted from the insoluble part of the soot after toluene Soxhlet extraction by pyridine at high temperature and high pressure in a closed vessel. About 60% Ce@C-2n (2n = 82,80,78,76) and 35% Ce@C-82 can be enriched in the pyridine extract. This fact is identified by desorption electron impact mass spectrometry (DEI MS). The electronic structure of Ce@C-2n is analyzed by using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) of pyridine-free film. It is suggested that the encapsulated Ce atom is in a charge state close to +3 and was effectively protected from reaction with water and oxygen by the enclosing fullerene cage. Unlike theoretical expectation, the electronic state of Ce@C-82 is formally described as Ce+3@C-82(3-). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Thirteen extracting solutions of rare-earth metallofullerenes containing La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb respectively have been investigated by means of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-night, mass spectrometry. The influences of the positive-ion/negative-ion mode, laser intensity, matrix and mass discrimination to the analytical results are studied, based on which the optimal analytical conditions have been determined. The results show that the extracting solutions contain large quantities of rare-earth metallofullerenes brs;des empty fullerenes, On the basis of comparing their relative intensities, the different structure stabilities and solubilities of metallofullerenes with different rare-earth metals encapsulated into the fullerene cages, as well as some possible reasons to those differences, are discussed.


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Endohedral dilutetium fullerenes, Lu-2@C-2n(2n = 76 similar to 112), have been extracted from the soot prepared by are-burning method for the first time and different from other lanthanide encapsulated fullerenes, there is no signal corresponding to Lu@C-82 even in mass spectrum of the high-temperature, high-pressure extract.


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A new and efficient extraction method of endohedral metallofullerenes, especially of rare-earth elements encapsulated metallofullerenes, has been reported in this paper. Soxhlet-extraction of raw soot with toluene was used in the first step to wash away most accompanying C-60, C-70. Then pyridine was chosen as solvent to obtain high-temperature and high pressure extract. Two kinds of extract were analysed by DEI-MS and LDI-MS, the results indicate that this two-step method can provide the extract which has the highest fraction of endohedral metallofullerenes. So it will greatly simplify the following separation and purification processes of metallofullerenes.