889 resultados para Elastic Energy-storage
Due to concerns about rational use of energy, several alternative technologies of power generation appeared, including the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy by photovoltaic panels. In low-income households, the refrigerator represents considerable impact on the electric bill, since it requires constant power given its use in food preservation. It is possible to reduce this share, with the use of an alternative energy source. This work presents a timed switching electronic system, which allows commercial equipment that is not affected by short interruptions in the power supply to use a photovoltaic panel as a source of alternative energy, which usually do not provide energy continuously. Switching is made automatically in case of low incidence of sunlight, and without any form of energy storage. Between each switching, there is a dead time without power supply, therefore preventing the use of synchronizers circuits between the photovoltaic panel and the public power grid. A circuit containing a 80C31 microcontroller is used to control the system’s switching. The photovoltaic panel’s voltage inverter is in H bridge configuration, and is also controlled by the microcontroller through Pulse Width Modulation, which makes use of preprogrammed tables to generate the control signals of the power transistors. Through the use of software simulations, the proposed system was tested, which is capable of supplying intermittent single-phase loads. The simulations indicates that the project developed in this paper can be assembled into a prototype and be tested under real operating conditions, as long as the scaling of components, the characteristics of the photovoltaic panel to be used, and the project involved load are taken into account
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The composite SmBa2Cu3O7-delta (Sm-123), obtained by the substitution of the ion Y for Sm in the very well known and studied YBa2Cu3O7-delta (Y-123), is potentially attractive for better understanding superconductivity mechanisms and for its applications as electronic devices. Sm-123 samples show higher critical temperatures than Y-123 ones do and a larger solubility of Sm in Ba-Cu-O solvent, which makes their growth process faster. When oxygen is present interstitially, it strongly affects the physical properties of the material. The dynamics of oxygen can be investigated by anelastic spectroscopy measurements, a powerful technique for the precise determination of the oscillation frequency and the internal friction when atomic jumps are possible. Anelastic spectroscopy allows determining the elasticity modulus (related to the oscillation frequency) and the elastic energy loss (related to the internal friction) as a function of the temperature. The sample was also investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and electric resistivity. The results obtained show a thermally activated relaxation structure composed by at least 3 relaxation processes. These processes may be attributed to the jumps of oxygen atoms present of the Cu-O plane in the orthorhombic phase.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Artificial selection for starvation resistance provided insight into the relationships between evolved physiological and life history trait responses following exposure to biologically induced stress. Investigations of alterations to body composition, metabolic rate, movement, and life history traits including development time, female egg production, and longevity in response to brief periods of starvation were conducted on genetically based starvation-resistant and control lines of Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of the starvation-resistant lines indicated increased energy storage with increased triglyceride deposition and conversion of carbohydrates to lipid, as identified by respiratory quotient values. Correlations between reductions in metabolic rates and movement in the starvation-resistant lines, suggested the presence of an evolved physiological response resulting in energy conservation. Investigations of life history traits in the starvation-resistant lines indicated no significant differences in development time or reproduction between the selected and control lines. Measurements of longevity, however, indicated a significant reduction in starvation-resistant D. melanogaster lifespan. These results suggested that elevated lipid concentrations, similar to that observed with obesity, were correlated with premature mortality. Exposure of the starvation-resistant and control lines to diets supplemented with glucose, palmitic acid, and a 2:1 mixture of casein to albumin were used to investigate alterations in body composition, movement, and life history traits. Results obtained from this study indicated that increased sugar in the diet led to increased carbohydrate, glycogen, total sugar, trehalose, and triglyceride concentrations, while increased fat and protein in the diet resulted in increased soluble protein, carbohydrate, glycogen, total sugar, and trehalose concentrations. Examination of life history trait responses indicated reduced fecundity in females exposed to increased glucose concentrations. Increased supplementations of palmitic acid was consistently correlated with an overall reduction in lifespan in both the starvation-resistant and control Drosophila lines, while measurements of movement indicated increased female activity levels in flies exposed to diets supplemented with fat and protein. Analyses of the physiological and life history trait responses to starvation and dietary supplementation on Drosophila melanogaster used in the present study has implications for investigating the mechanisms underlying the development and persistence of human obesity and associated metabolic disorders.
The objective was to determine the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on exercise-induced hormone responses and post-training intramyocellular lipid stores (IMCL). Twenty-four elite male athletes (28.0 +/- 1.2 years) were randomized to receive CHO (maltodextrin solution) or zero energy placebo solution (control group). The high-intensity running protocol consisted of 10 x 800 m at 100% of the best 3000-m speed (Vm3 km) and 2 x 1000 m maximal bouts in the morning and a submaximal 10-km continuous easy running in the afternoon of day 9. IMCL concentrations were assessed by H-1-MRS before (-day 9) and after training (day 9) in soleus (SO) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. Blood hormones were also measured before, during, and post-exercise. The percent change (Delta%) in TA-IMCL was higher in the CHO group (47.9 +/- 24.5 IMCL/Cr) than in the control group (-1.7 +/- 13.1, respectively) (P=.04). Insulin concentrations were higher in the CHO group post-intermittent running compared to control (P=.02). Circulating levels of free fatty acids and GH were lower in the CHO group (P>.01). The decline in performance in the 2nd 1000-m bout was also attenuated in this group compared to control (P<.001 and P=.0035, respectively). The hormonal milieu (higher insulin and lower GH levels) in the CHO group, together with unchanged free fatty acid levels, probably contributed to the increased IMCL stores. This greater energy storage capacity may have improved post-exercise recovery and thus prevented performance deterioration. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Das Studium der Auflösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse an Feststoff-Flüssigkeits-Grenzflächen unter nicht-hydrostatischen Beanspruchungen ist wesentlich für das Verständnis von Defor-mationsprozessen, die in der Erde ablaufen. Unter diesen genannten Prozessen gehört die Drucklösung zu den wichtigsten duktilen Deformationsprozessen, von der Diagenese bishin zur niedrig- bis mittelgradigen metamorphen Bedingungen. Bisher ist allerdings wenig darüber bekannt, welche mechanischen, physikalischen oder chemischen Potentialenergie-Gradienten die Drucklösung steuern. I.a. wird angenommen, daß die Drucklösung durch Un-terschiede kristallplastischer Verformungsenergien oder aber durch Unterschiede der Normal-beanspruchung an Korngrenzen gesteuert wird. Unterschiede der elastischen Verformungs-energien werden dabei allerdings als zu gering erachtet, um einen signifikanten Beitrag zu leisten. Aus diesem Grund werden sie als mögliche treibende Kräfte für die Drucklösung vernachlässigt. Andererseits haben neue experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen gezeigt, daß die elastische Verformung in der Tat einen starken Einfluß auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsmechanismen von Kristallen in einer Lösung haben kann. Da die in der Erdkruste vorherrschenden Deformationsmechanismen überwiegend im elastischen Verformungsbereich der Gesteine ablaufen, ist es sehr wichtig, das Verständnis für die Effekte, die die elastische Verformung verursacht, zu erweitern, und ihre Rolle während der Deformation durch Drucklösung zu definieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Experimenten, bei denen der Effekt der mechanisch kompressiven Beanspruchung auf Lösungs- und Wachstumsprozesse von Einzelkristallen unterschiedlicher, sehr gut löslicher, elastisch/spröder Salze untersucht wurde. Diese Salze wurden als Analoga gesteinsbildender Minerale wie Quarz und Calcit ausgewählt. Der Einfluß von Stress auf die Ausbildung der Oberflächenmikrostrukturen in einer untersättigten Lösung wurde an Kaliumalaun untersucht.Lösungsrillen (20 40 µm breit, 10 40 µm tief und 20 80 µm Abstand) entwickelten sich in den Bereichen, in denen die Beanspruchung im Kristall am größten war. Sie verschwanden wieder, sobald der Kristall entlastet wurde. Diese Rillen entwickelten sich parallel zu niedrig indizierten kristallographischen Richtungen und sub-perpendikular zu den Trajektorien, die der maximalen, lokalen kompressiven Beanspruchung entsprachen. Die Größe der Lösungsrillen hing von der lokalen Oberflächenbeanspruchung, der Oberflächenenergie und dem Untersättigungsgrad der wässrigen Lösung ab. Die mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung der Kristalloberflächen stimmte gut mit den theoretischen Vorhersagen überein, die auf den Modellen von Heidug & Leroy (1994) und Leroy & Heidug (1994) basieren. Der Einfluß der Beanspruchung auf die Auflösungsrate wurde an Natriumchlorat-Einzelkristallen untersucht. Dabei wurde herausgefunden, daß sich gestresste Kristalle schneller lösen als Kristalle, auf die keine Beanspruchung einwirkt. Der experimentell beobachtete Anstieg der Auflösungsrate der gestressten Kristalle war ein bis zwei Größenordnungen höher als theoretisch erwartet. Die Auflösungsrate stieg linear mit dem Stress an, und der Anstieg war um so größer, je stärker die Lösung untersättigt war. Außerdem wurde der Effekt der Bean-spruchung auf das Kristallwachstum an Kaliumalaun- und Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat-Ein-zelkristallen untersucht. Die Wachstumsrate der Flächen {100} und {110} von Kalium-alaun war bei Beanspruchung stark reduziert. Für all diese Ergebnisse spielte die Oberflächenrauhigkeit der Kristalle eine Schlüsselrolle, indem sie eine nicht-homogene Stressverteilung auf der Kristalloberfläche verursachte. Die Resultate zeigen, daß die elastische Verformung eine signifikante Rolle während der Drucklösung spielen kann, und eine signifikante Deformation in der oberen Kruste verursachen kann, bei Beanspruchungen, die geringer sind, als gemeinhin angenommen wird. Somit folgt, daß die elastische Bean-spruchung berücksichtigt werden muß, wenn mikrophysikalische Deformationsmodelle entwickelt werden sollen.
Chalcogenides are chemical compounds with at least one of the following three chemical elements: Sulfur (S), Selenium (Sn), and Tellurium (Te). As opposed to other materials, chalcogenide atomic arrangement can quickly and reversibly inter-change between crystalline, amorphous and liquid phases. Therefore they are also called phase change materials. As a results, chalcogenide thermal, optical, structural, electronic, electrical properties change pronouncedly and significantly with the phase they are in, leading to a host of different applications in different areas. The noticeable optical reflectivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases has allowed optical storage devices to be made. Their very high thermal conductivity and heat fusion provided remarkable benefits in the frame of thermal energy storage for heating and cooling in residential and commercial buildings. The outstanding resistivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases led to a significant improvement of solid state storage devices from the power consumption to the re-writability to say nothing of the shrinkability. This work focuses on a better understanding from a simulative stand point of the electronic, vibrational and optical properties for the crystalline phases (hexagonal and faced-centered cubic). The electronic properties are calculated implementing the density functional theory combined with pseudo-potentials, plane waves and the local density approximation. The phonon properties are computed using the density functional perturbation theory. The phonon dispersion and spectrum are calculated using the density functional perturbation theory. As it relates to the optical constants, the real part dielectric function is calculated through the Drude-Lorentz expression. The imaginary part results from the real part through the Kramers-Kronig transformation. The refractive index, the extinctive and absorption coefficients are analytically calculated from the dielectric function. The transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated using the Fresnel equations. All calculated optical constants compare well the experimental ones.
BTES (borehole thermal energy storage)systems exchange thermal energy by conduction with the surrounding ground through borehole materials. The spatial variability of the geological properties and the space-time variability of hydrogeological conditions affect the real power rate of heat exchangers and, consequently, the amount of energy extracted from / injected into the ground. For this reason, it is not an easy task to identify the underground thermal properties to use when designing. At the current state of technology, Thermal Response Test (TRT) is the in situ test for the characterization of ground thermal properties with the higher degree of accuracy, but it doesn’t fully solve the problem of characterizing the thermal properties of a shallow geothermal reservoir, simply because it characterizes only the neighborhood of the heat exchanger at hand and only for the test duration. Different analytical and numerical models exist for the characterization of shallow geothermal reservoir, but they are still inadequate and not exhaustive: more sophisticated models must be taken into account and a geostatistical approach is needed to tackle natural variability and estimates uncertainty. The approach adopted for reservoir characterization is the “inverse problem”, typical of oil&gas field analysis. Similarly, we create different realizations of thermal properties by direct sequential simulation and we find the best one fitting real production data (fluid temperature along time). The software used to develop heat production simulation is FEFLOW 5.4 (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system). A geostatistical reservoir model has been set up based on literature thermal properties data and spatial variability hypotheses, and a real TRT has been tested. Then we analyzed and used as well two other codes (SA-Geotherm and FV-Geotherm) which are two implementation of the same numerical model of FEFLOW (Al-Khoury model).
The main objective of this work was to investigate the impact of different hybridization concepts and levels of hybridization on fuel economy of a standard road vehicle where both conventional and non-conventional hybrid architectures are treated exactly in the same way from the point of view of overall energy flow optimization. Hybrid component models were developed and presented in detail as well as the simulations results mainly for NEDC cycle. The analysis was performed on four different parallel hybrid powertrain concepts: Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), High Speed Flywheel Hybrid Vehicle (HSF-HV), Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle (HHV) and Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicle (PHV). In order to perform equitable analysis of different hybrid systems, comparison was performed also on the basis of the same usable system energy storage capacity (i.e. 625kJ for HEV, HSF and the HHV) but in the case of pneumatic hybrid systems maximal storage capacity was limited by the size of the systems in order to comply with the packaging requirements of the vehicle. The simulations were performed within the IAV Gmbh - VeLoDyn software simulator based on Matlab / Simulink software package. Advanced cycle independent control strategy (ECMS) was implemented into the hybrid supervisory control unit in order to solve power management problem for all hybrid powertrain solutions. In order to maintain State of Charge within desired boundaries during different cycles and to facilitate easy implementation and recalibration of the control strategy for very different hybrid systems, Charge Sustaining Algorithm was added into the ECMS framework. Also, a Variable Shift Pattern VSP-ECMS algorithm was proposed as an extension of ECMS capabilities so as to include gear selection into the determination of minimal (energy) cost function of the hybrid system. Further, cycle-based energetic analysis was performed in all the simulated cases, and the results have been reported in the corresponding chapters.
When a liquid crystal is confined to a cavity its director field becomes subject to competing forces: on the one hand, the surface of the cavity orients the director field (``surface anchoring''), on the other hand deformations of the director field cost elastic energy. Hence the equilibrium director field is determined by a compromise between surface anchoring and elasticity. One example of a confined liquid crystal that has attracted particular interest from physicists is the nematic droplet. In this thesis a system of hard rods is considered as the simplest model for nematic liquid crystals consisting of elongated molecules. First, systems of hard spherocylinders in a spherical geometry are investigated by means of canonical Monte Carlo simulations. In contrast to previous simulation work on this problem, a continuum model is used. In particular, the effects of ordering near hard curved walls are studied for the low-density regime. With increasing density, first a uniaxial surface film forms and then a biaxial surface film, which eventually fills the entire cavity. We study how the surface order, the adsorption and the shape of the director field depend on the curvature of the wall. We find that orientational ordering at a curved wall in a cavity is stronger than at a flat wall, while adsorption is weaker. For densities above the isotropic-nematic transition, we always find bipolar configurations. As a next step, an extension of the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model for colloid-polymer mixtures to anisotropic colloids is considered. By means of computer simulations we study how droplets of hard, rod-like particles optimize their shape and structure under the influence of the osmotic compression caused by the presence of spherical particles that act as depletion agents. At sufficiently high osmotic pressures the rods that make up the drops spontaneously align to turn them into uniaxial nematic liquid crystalline droplets. The nematic droplets or ``tactoids'' that so form are not spherical but elongated, resulting from the competition between the anisotropic surface tension and the elastic deformation of the director field. In agreement with recent theoretical predictions we find that sufficiently small tactoids have a uniform director field, whilst large ones are characterized by a bipolar director field. From the shape and director-field transformation of the droplets we estimate the surface anchoring strength.