834 resultados para Education, Secondary.
Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Repräsentation Afrikas in schulischen Geschichtsbüchern. Am Beispiel von drei aktuellen Lehrwerken zeigen die Autorinnen sowohl negative Darstellungsweisen als auch positive Entwicklungen in Bezug auf den Umgang mit dem Kontinent, seiner Geschichte und Bevölkerung auf. In einem abschließenden Teil stellen sie einen Zusammenhang zwischen den Analyseergebnissen und dem Bewusstsein über bis in die heutige Zeit reproduzierte Diskurse und über Alltagsrassismen dar. (DIPF/Orig.)
Research points to a gap between academic or disciplinary based geography and what is taught in secondary classes across the nation. This study documents a teacher’s journey and efforts to bring a more disciplinary approach to two suburban heterogeneous sixth grade geography classrooms. The researcher traces student perspectives on geography and facility with geographic reasoning as well as his own perspectives and pedagogy with respect to student data. The study attempts to map the space where school geography meets and interacts with disciplinary oriented geography based upon the Geography for Life National Geography Standards. Participants completed two sets of baseline assessments and two sets of end of year assessments as well as an initial intake survey. The seven primary participants were interviewed five times each throughout the academic school year and data were openly coded. The data suggest that students can learn geography and geographic reasoning from a disciplinary perspective. Students sharpened their geographic skills through deeper subject matter knowledge and developing spatial and ecological perspectives. The data also indicate that the teacher researcher faced considerable challenges in implementing a disciplinary approach to teaching geography. The coverage demands of a crowded history-centric curriculum together with ill-fitting resources required a labor-intensive effort to put together and execute this study. Study findings indicate that the path to good geography pedagogy can be impeded by a host of external and internal challenges. However, to forward thinking practitioners, the effort to straddle the gap between school geography and disciplinary-based geography may be well worth it.
Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)
This study tested whether the gender intensification hypothesis applies to relations between multiple domain-specific self-concept facets and self-esteem. This hypothesis predicts gender-stereotypic differences in these relations and assumes they intensify with age. Furthermore, knowledge about gender-related or age-related differences in self-concept-self-esteem relations might provide valuable knowledge for designing effective self-esteem enhancement interventions. We investigated grade and gender differences in the relations between domain-specific self-concept facets and self-esteem within a sample of 1958 German students in Grades 3 to 6. Results indicated no difference in the self-concept - self-esteem relations between the subsamples of third and fourth graders and fifth and sixth graders or between boys and girls. These relations also did not differ between boys and girls in the subsamples of third and fourth graders and fifth and sixth graders. These results suggest self-concept-self-esteem relations to be invariant across grade levels and gender and thus did not support the gender intensification hypothesis.
Auf der Basis eines theoretischen Modells zum Übergangsprozess, in dem primäre und sekundäre Herkunftseffekte nach Boudon unterschieden werden, fasst der vorliegende Beitrag den empirischen Kenntnisstand zum Einfluss der familiären Herkunft auf den Übergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe I zusammen. Dabei wird neben den primären Effekten zwischen verschiedenen Arten von sekundären Herkunftseffekten unterschieden: sekundäre Effekte der Leistungsbeurteilung, der Schullaufbahnempfehlung und des Übergangsverhaltens. Die Befunde sprechen für die Existenz primärer und sekundärer Herkunftseffekte im deutschen Schulsystem: Kinder aus sozial schwachen Familien haben schlechtere Schulleistungen, erhalten jedoch selbst bei gleichen Testleistungen noch schlechtere Beurteilungen durch die Lehrkräfte (Noten und Schullaufbahnempfehlungen) und gehen bei gleichen Testleistungen und Schulnoten und gleicher Empfehlung häufiger auf niedrigere Schulformen über. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse aus Studien zur Quantifizierung und Neutralisation von primären und sekundären Herkunftseffekten vorgestellt und diskutiert sowie mögliche Interventions- und Fördermöglichkeiten zur Verringerung der Herkunftseffekte beim Übergang aufgezeigt.
The aim of the study was to investigate the structure of affective and cognitive engagement using the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI; Appleton, Christenson, Kim, & Reschly, 2006) and to examine the associations to behavioral engagement, as well as student-reported self-esteem, burnout, and academic achievement among Finnish junior high school students. The analyses were carried out in the main sample of 2,485 students, as well as in an independent sample of 821 students. The results showed that the original five-factor structure of the SEI construed along three affective and two cognitive engagement factors fit the current data relatively well. Affective and cognitive student engagement correlated positively with an independent measure of behavioral engagement. Furthermore, affective and cognitive engagement were positively associated with student-reported self-esteem and academic achievement, and negatively with school burnout. The findings provided corroborating evidence for the psychometric properties and utilization of the SEI instrument for assessing the engagement of junior high school students. (DIPF/Orig.)
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el grado de aceptación que tienen los deberes y derechos docentes y de la comunidad educativa entre las madres y padres que tienen hijos escolarizados en institutos y colegios. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva. Como instrumento de evaluación se ha empleado el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa”. En los resultados se demuestra que las madres y los padres consideran muy importantes los deberes y derechos presentados, sin que se observen diferencias significativas en función de la titularidad de los centros educativos, el cargo que ostentan en la asociación, la edad o el género de los participantes.
Rezension von: Christian Efing (Hrsg.): Ausbildungsvorbereitung im Deutschunterricht der Sekundarstufe I. Die sprachlich-kommunikativen Facetten von „Ausbildungsfähigkeit“. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2013 (371 S.; ISBN 978-3-631-63387-8)
Los autores realizan una investigación descriptiva para comprobar si existen diferencias significativas en las percepciones que madres, padres y profesorado tienen de los deberes y derechos docentes y las posibilidades de colaboración. En la recolección de datos se utiliza el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa”. Participan 394 docentes y 348 madres y padres de alumnos de toda España. Los resultados corroboran la hipótesis en Educación Primaria pero no en Secundaria, donde se deben introducir cambios sustanciales para que los institutos puedan beneficiarse de la colaboración de madres y padres. Se concluye que los deberes y derechos docentes pueden servir para promover la colaboración entre la escuela y las familias y ayudar a conseguir el equilibrio entre el derecho de los padres a participar y la autonomía de los docentes como profesionales.
This paper analyzes the impact of change processes experienced by many student populations when completing primary education (1st-6th grade) and starting secondary education (7th-11th grade). Based on the research conducted, this paper describes situations and aspects that may result in conditional factors for the student’s adjustment at this level: time-space changes, as well as organizational and dynamic changes that would set the new educational environment and social context in which this new stage will be developed. Such conditional factors that affect learning in incoming students: programs, teaching methodology, learning styles and new evaluation methods will be discussed. As a result of this research, a proposal is presented to facilitate transition from primary to the secondary education. This proposal includes guidelines for awareness and strengthening of pedagogical mediation, which would contribute to the permanence of students from all types of institutions in the education system. (1) [Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade).]
The advantages of networking are widely known in many areas (from business to personal ones). One particular area where networks have also proved their benefits is education. Taking the secondary school education level into account, some successful cases can be found in literature. In this paper we describe a particular remote lab network supporting physical experiments accessible to students of institutions geographically separated. The network architecture and application examples of using some of the available remote experiments are illustrated in detail.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Didáctica Do Inglês
Business Intelligence (BI) can be seen as a method that gathers information and data from information systems in order to help companies to be more accurate in their decision-making process. Traditionally BI systems were associated with the use of Data Warehouses (DW). The prime purpose of DW is to serve as a repository that stores all the relevant information required for making the correct decision. The necessity to integrate streaming data became crucial with the need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision process. In primary and secondary education, there is a lack of BI solutions. Due to the schools reality the main purpose of this study is to provide a Pervasive BI solution able to monitoring the schools and student data anywhere and anytime in real-time as well as disseminating the information through ubiquitous devices. The first task consisted in gathering data regarding the different choices made by the student since his enrolment in a certain school year until the end of it. Thereafter a dimensional model was developed in order to be possible building a BI platform. This paper presents the dimensional model, a set of pre-defined indicators, the Pervasive Business Intelligence characteristics and the prototype designed. The main contribution of this study was to offer to the schools a tool that could help them to make accurate decisions in real-time. Data dissemination was achieved through a localized application that can be accessed anywhere and anytime.
This guidance is for all those who have a responsibility for the social and emotional wellbeing of young people in secondary education. This includes teachers, support staff, governors and professionals with public health as part of their remit working in education (including the independent sector), local authorities, the NHS and the wider public, voluntary and community sectors. It focuses on interventions to support all young people aged 11-19 who attend any education establishment. Social and emotional wellbeing includes being happy, confident and in control, with the ability to solve and cope with problems and have good relationships with other people. The six recommendations cover: strategy, the key principles and conditions, working in partnership with parents, families and young people, the curriculum, and training and professional development. They include: â?¢ Secondary education establishments should have access to the specialist skills, advice and support they require. â?¢ Practitioners should have the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to develop young peopleâ?Ts social and emotional wellbeing. â?¢ Secondary education establishments should provide a safe environment which nurtures and encourages young peopleâ?Ts sense of self-worth, reduces the threat of bullying and violence and promotes positive behaviour. â?¢ Social and emotional skills education should be tailored to the developmental needs of young people.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
Aquest projecte té la intenció d'identificar i analitzar els efectes de la introducció d'Internet a les escoles catalanes (educació primària i secundària). L'objectiu és posar de manifest la manera com s'utilitza la xarxa en aquest àmbit i en quina mesura contribueix a l'aparició, en els centres educatius, d'una nova cultura adaptada a les necessitats de la societat xarxa. Amb aquest propòsit, aquest projecte desplega les seves línies d'anàlisi per a fer atenció al procés d'incorporació d'Internet, principalment, en tres direccions: la pràctica pedagògica, les formes d'organització i gestió dels centres educatius i la seva vinculació amb la comunitat i el territori. Aquesta investigació ha estat desenvolupada pel grup de recerca ENS (Education and Network Society). Amb una perspectiva comparativa, el treball d'aquest grup vol contribuir, sobre la base de dades empíriques, a interpretar la transformació de l'àmbit educatiu no universitari en els paràmetres que estableix, avui dia, la nostra societat.