1000 resultados para Economia -- Investigació
A finales de la Edad del Bronce comienzan a producirse importantes transformaciones en el seno de las comunidades del noreste peninsular que tendrán continuidad durante los siglos VII y VI ANE y que se caracterizarán por la paulatina formación de una clase aristocrática de carácter guerrero. Sin embargo, esta élite no se consolidará definitivamente en el poder hasta el ibérico antiguo, constituyéndose así la estructura social sobre la que se desarrollarán los estados arcaicos durante el ibérico pleno.
[cat]El Serrat dels Espinyers constitueix, per si mateix, un punt important en el poc conegut poblament ibéric del Pallars. En el panorama arqueològic català esdevé un cas únic pel que fa a la utiliztzació dels animals en activitats rituals vinculades tant a espais funeraris com domèstics, en particular pel volum i la qualitat de les dades aportades. L'anàlisi de les restes òssies animals i d'altes materials associats han procurart un conjunt de dades que permeten establir hipòtesis sobre els comportaments rituals de la societat ibèrica que va ocupar el jaciment. D'altra banda, es posa en evidència la importància de dos tàxons: els èquids i els gossos, i la seva relació amb l'activitat econòmica que hi va poder tenir lloc. [eng]Serrat dels Espinyers is an important site within the little known Iberian culture settlement of the Pallars area in Catalonia. Regarding the use of animals in ritual activities related to both domestic and funerary spaces, the data provided by this site are unique within the Catalan archaeology. The results obtained in the analysis of animal bones and other associated materials have allowed us to establish new hypotheses about the ritual behavior in Iberian society. Moreover, the importance of two taxa: horses and dogs, has been highlighted, as well as their relationship with the economic activity that could have taken place on the site.
The use of private funding and management enjoys an increasing trend in airports. The literature has not paid enough attention to the mixed management models in this industry, although many European airports take the form of mixed firms or Institutional PPP, where ownership is shared between public and private sectors. We examine the determinants of the degree of private participation in the European airport sector. Drawing on a sample of the 100 largest European airports we estimate a multivariate equation in order to determine the role of airport characteristics, fiscal variables and political factors on the extent of private involvement. Our results confirm the alignment between public and private interests in PPPs. Fiscal constraints and market attractiveness promote private participation. Integrated governance models and the share of network carriers prevent the presence of private ownership, while the degree of private participation appears to be pragmatic rather than ideological.
Els Camps d’Aprenentatge són uns Serveis Educatius de la Generalitat de Catalunya distribuïts pel territori Català. Personalment penso que són poc coneguts pels docents, per això, la meva investigació tracta de conèixer la seva història i descobrir quins temes es treballen en cadascun. Principalment, investigo el Camp d’Aprenentatge de la Noguera situat en la meva població, Sant Llorenç de Montgai, per aprofundir-me en aquest i descobrir el seu funcionament. D’aquesta manera, pretenc potenciar aquests serveis educatius que utilitzen estratègies metodològiques innovadores. Pel que fa la part pràctica d’aquesta recerca, analitzo les valoracions que van realitzar els centres escolars del primer i l’últim curs, per tal d’observar l’evolució i el creixement d’aquest CdA. A més, també analitzo les observacions de la sortida realitzada amb els infants de P-5 i 1r de Primària de l’escola Dos Rius de Camarasa. Per acabar, es troben les conclusions d’aquesta investigació.
Modest Prats i l'estudi i la investigació de la llengua catalana
El present article reflexiona sobre el paper i la rellevància de les produccions infantils per al millor coneixement de fets històrics i de com la infància ha de tenir un lloc en l'explicació i la interpretació culturals de les nostres societats. En concret, el text recull alguns elements resultants d'una recerca en curs per part del GREUV (Grup de Recerca Educativa de la Universitat de Vic ), que analitza els dibuixos de guerra realitzats per nens i nenes de l'escola barcelonina Grup Escolar Lluís Vives, durant el període de la Guerra Civil (1936-1939). El material analitzat ajuda a entendre la vida escolar, la vida quotidiana i la visió de la guerra que tenen els autors dels dibuixos, la qual cosa permet aprofundir i complementar el coneixement històric d'aquella contesa des d'una perspectiva social, cultural i educativa de gran interès.
This paper aims to estimate the impact of research collaboration with partners in different geographical areas on innovative performance. By using the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel, this study provides evidence that the benefits of research collaboration differ across different dimensions of the geography. We find that the impact of extra-European cooperation on innovation performance is larger than that of national and European cooperation, indicating that firms tend to benefit more from interaction with international partners as a way to access new technologies or specialized and novel knowledge that they are unable to find locally. We also find evidence of the positive role played by absorptive capacity, concluding that it implies a higher premium on the innovation returns to cooperation in the international case and mainly in the European one.
The vast majority of users don’t seek results beyond the second page offered by the search engine, so if a site fails to be among the top 20 (second page), it says that this page does not have good SEO and, therefore, is not visible to the user. The overall objective of this project is to conduct a study to discover the factors that determine (or not) the positioning of websites in a search engine.
Academics and policy makers are increasingly shifting the debate concerning the best form of public service provision beyond the traditional dilemma between pure public and pure private delivery modes, because, among other reasons, there is a growing body of evidence that casts doubt on the existence of systematic cost savings from privatization, while any competition seems to be eroded over time. In this paper we compare the relative merits of public and private delivery within a mixed delivery system. We study the role played by ownership, transaction costs, and competition on local public service delivery within the same jurisdiction. Using a stochastic cost frontier, we analyze the public-private urban bus system in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Our results suggest that private firms tendering the service have higher delivery costs than those incurred by the public firm, especially when transaction costs are taken into account. Tenders, therefore, do not help to reduce delivery costs. Our results suggest that under a mixed delivery scheme, which permits the co-existence of public and private production, the metropolitan government and the regulator can use private delivery to contain costs in the public firm and, at the same time, benefit from the greater flexibility of private firms for dealing with events not provided for under contract.
For economical and ecological reasons, synthetic chemists are confronted with the increasing obligation of optimizing their synthetic methods. Maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs in the production of molecules and macromolecules constitutes, therefore, one of the most exciting challenges of synthetic chemistry. The ideal synthesis should produce the desired product in 100% yield and selectivity, in a safe and environmentally acceptable process. In this highlight the concepts of atom economy, molecular engineering and biphasic organometallic catalysis, which address these issues at the molecular level for the generation of "green" technologies, are introduced and discussed.