999 resultados para Early Organogenesis
Resumo: Este artigo analisa a relação entre o nível de consciência fonológica, conhecimento das letra e as estratégias utilizadas para ler e escrever, em crianças de cinco anos, ensinadas em catalão. Participaram 69 crianças de três classes diferentes. Cada um dos seus professores utilizava um método diferente de ensino: analítico, sintético ou analítico-sintético. As crianças foram avaliadas no início e no final do ano letivo em: Reconhecimento de letras, segmentação palavra oral, leitura de palavras, leitura de um texto curto e um ditado. Foram realizadas análises de granulação fina em nas respostas das crianças, para identificar estratégias e padrões específicos. A análise qualitativa indica que a capacidade de segmentar uma palavra em sílabas por via oral parece ser suficiente para as crianças começarem a ler de uma forma convencional. Além disso, a consciência fonológica e o conhecimento das letras são usados em formas relativamente diferentes, dependendo do tipo de texto a ser lido. As abordagens de ensino dos professores parecem ter uma influência nos resultados das crianças.
The importance of disturbance and the subsequent rate and pattern of recovery has been long recognised as an important driver of community structure. Community recovery is affected by processes operating at local and regional scales yet the examination of community level responses to a standardised disturbance at regional scales (i.e. among regions under different environmental conditions) has seldom been attempted. Here, we mechanically disturbed rocky intertidal lower shore algal dominated assemblages at three locations within each of three different regions within the Lusitanian biogeographical province (Azores, northern Portugal and the Canary Islands). All organisms were cleared from experimental plots and succession followed over a period of 12 months at which time we formally compared the assemblage structure to that of unmanipulated controls. Early patterns of recovery of disturbed communities varied among regions and was positively influenced by temperature, but not by regional species richness. Different components of the assemblage responded differently to disturbance. Regional differences in the relative abundance and identity of species had a key influence on the overall assemblage recovery. This study highlights how regional-scales differences in environmental conditions and species pool are important determinants of recovery of disturbed communities.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between growth patterns in early childhood and the onset of menarche before age 12. METHODS: The study included 2,083 women from a birth cohort study conducted in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, starting in 1982. Anthropometric, behavioral, and pregnancy-related variables were collected through home interviews. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson's chi-square and chi-square test for linear trends. A multivariable analysis was carried out using Poisson regression based on a hierarchical model. RESULTS: Mean age of menarche was 12.4 years old and the prevalence of menarche before age 12 was 24.3%. Higher weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height z-scores at 19.4 and 43.1 months of age were associated with linear tendencies of increased prevalence and relative risks of the onset of menarche before age 12. Girls who experienced rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score from birth to 19.4 months of age and in weight-for-age or height-for-age z-scores from 19.4 to 43.1 months of age also showed higher risk of menarche before age 12. Higher risk was seen when rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score was seen during these age intervals and the highest risk was found among those in the first tertile of Williams' curve at birth. Rapid growth in weight-for-height z-score was not associated with menarche before age 12. CONCLUSIONS: Menarche is affected by nutritional status and growth patterns during early childhood. Preventing overweight and obesity during early childhood and keeping a "normal" growth pattern seem crucial for the prevention of health conditions during adulthood.
Pesticide exposure during brain development could represent an important risk factor for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies investigated the effect of permethrin (PERM) administered at 34 mg/kg, a dose close to the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from post natal day (PND) 6 to PND 21 in rats. Despite the PERM dose did not elicited overt signs of toxicity (i.e. normal body weight gain curve), it was able to induce striatal neurodegeneration (dopamine and Nurr1 reduction, and lipid peroxidation increase). The present study was designed to characterize the cognitive deficits in the current animal model. When during late adulthood PERM treated rats were tested for spatial working memory performances in a T-maze-rewarded alternation task they took longer to choose for the correct arm in comparison to age matched controls. No differences between groups were found in anxiety-like state, locomotor activity, feeding behavior and spatial orientation task. Our findings showing a selective effect of PERM treatment on the T-maze task point to an involvement of frontal cortico-striatal circuitry rather than to a role for the hippocampus. The predominant disturbances concern the dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum and, the serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NE) unbalance together with a hypometabolic state in the medial prefrontal cortex area. In the hippocampus, an increase of NE and a decrease of DA were observed in PERM treated rats as compared to controls. The concentration of the most representative marker for pyrethroid exposure (3-phenoxybenzoic acid) measured in the urine of rodents 12 h after the last treatment was 41.50 µ/L and it was completely eliminated after 96 h.
A new wader (Aves, Charadriiformes, Recurvirostridae) from the Early Eocene site of Silveirinha, in Lower Mondego region, Central Portugal, is described. Comparisons have been made with other forms, both extant and fossil; its affmities are discussed. Silveirinha wader is ascribed to Fluviatilavis antunesi, n. gen. n. sp.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
The first representative of the extinct mammalian order Taeniodonta in Europe is described, Eurodon silveirinhensis n. gen., n. sp., from the early Eocene locality of Silveirinha, Portugal. A formerly enigmatic form, Lessnessina Hooker, 1979, from Abbey Wood, England, and approximately contemporary, is also referred to the Taeniodonta.
A collection of fossil gastropods and bivalves assembled at the Thanetian/Ypresian vertebrate site of Silveirinha (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) is analysed from the point of view of systematics and palaeoecology. The diversity is scarce but the age and exceptional characteristics of the site are factors that substantiate a detailed study. The taxa identified are: Bithynia soaresi sp. nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov., Chlamys sp. and Cardiiacea gen. sp. indet. The prevailing of freshwater gastropods and the occurrence of 2 fragments of marine bivalves suggest a palaeoenvironmental setting that is in conformity with interpretations already established, which are based both in sedimentologic and vertebrate data. These interpretations point out the existence of a freshwater environment opened from time to time to marine influences, resulting from a palaeoatlantic coast placed some kilometres westwards.
Constituted of isolated fragments with a smooth decoration, the turtle material from Silveirinha is examined in order to define its sure belonging to Neochelys, by comparison with other smooth turtles which may be present during the Palaeogene of Europe (freshwater Testudinidae, Erymnochelyinae, Bothremydidae). The elements are compared with the already known Neochelys species of the Eocene European localities. Questions are made about the possible geographical migrations of turtles between South and North during the early Eocene of western Europe. The phyletic relationships cannot be established but the species, seeming new and one of the more primitive as a whole (after the preserved elements), is the older from the Iberian Peninsula.
Presented thesis at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade de Lisboa, to obtain the Master Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Textiles
Antibodies to a number of parasite antigens are found in schistosomiasis patients, and antibodies to early developmental stages were demonstrated to be efficient immunologic markers for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis. In the present study, decay patterns of IgM and IgG antibodies against cercariae and schistosomula were investigated, in comparison to antibodies against worms and eggs in schistosomiasis patients after chemotherapy, for an investigation of seroepidemiologic aspects. Data obtained in the study of 359 serum samples from patients with Schistosoma mansoni infection, noninfected individuals, and patients followed-up for a period of 12 to 15 months after treatment provided the basis to postulate a general pattern for the kinetics of antibody decay. Before treatment, the antibody pattern was represented by a unimodal curve, which shifted to a bimodal curve after treatment, and ended with a unimodal curve similar to that for the noninfected group. Different types of antibodies were classified into four categories according to their decay features, and anti-schistosomulum IgM was classified into the moderate-decay caterogy, whereas other antibodies to early parasite stages were classified into the slow-decay category. The present methodology permits the identification of the most suitable antibodies to be detected in field control programs for schistosomiasis or other parasitoses
Microcystin-leucine and arginine (microcystin- LR) is a cyanotoxin produced by cyanobacteria like Microcystis aeruginosa, and it’s considered a threat to water quality, agriculture, and human health. Rice (Oryzasativa) is a plant of great importance in human food consumption and economy, with extensive use around the world. It is therefore important to assess the possible effects of using water contaminated with microcystin-LR to irrigate rice crops, in order to ensure a safe, high quality product to consumers. In this study, 12 and 20-day-old plants were exposed during 2 or 7 days to a M. aeruginosa extract containing environmentally relevant microcystin-LR concentrations, 0.26–78 lg/L. Fresh and dry weight of roots and leaves, chlorophyll fluorescence, glutathione S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase activities, and protein identification by mass spectrometry through two-dimensional gel electrophoresis from root and leaf tissues, were evaluated in order to gauge the plant’s physiological condition and biochemical response after toxin exposure. Results obtained from plant biomass, chlorophyll fluorescence, and enzyme activity assays showed no significant differences between control and treatment groups. How- ever, proteomics data indicates that plants respond to M. aeruginosa extract containing environmentally relevant microcystin-LR concentrations by changing their metabolism, responding differently to different toxin concentrations. Biological processes most affected were related to protein folding and stress response, protein biosynthesis, cell signalling and gene expression regulation, and energy and carbohydrate metabolism which may denote a toxic effect induced by M. aeruginosa extract and microcystin- LR. Theimplications of the metabolic alterations in plant physiology and growth require further elucidation.
ABSTRACT – Background: Primary Health Care (PHC) is usually the first contact with the health system, and health professionals are key mediators for enabling citizens to take care of their health. In Portugal, great improvements have been achieved in the biometric indicators of maternal and child health during the last decades. Nevertheless, scant attention has been paid to the mental health dimension, in spite of the recognition of its importance, being pregnancy and early childhood crucial opportunities in the lifecycle for mental health promotion, especially in the early years of life, with a strong impact in the health of the child. The impact of early attachment between mother and baby on maternal and child health has long been recognized. This attachment can be influenced by some factors, as the mother’s emotional adjustment. Attention to these factors may facilitate implementation of both positive conditions and preventative measures. Family support during the transition to parenthood has been highlighted as an effective measure and PHC professionals are in a privileged position as information sources as well as mediators. Aims: The project we present describes an action-research process developed together among academic researchers and health professionals to embrace these issues. We intend to enable health professionals to support families in the transition to parenthood thereby promoting children’s mental health. Approach: The project is driven by a participatory approach intended to lead to reorganization of health care during pregnancy and early childhood. Effective change happens when those involved are interested and motivated, what makes their participation so important. Reflection about current practices and needs, and knowledge about evidence-based interventions have been guiding the selection of changes to introduce in clinical practice for family support and development of parenthood skills and self-confidence. Development: We summarize the main steps in development: the initial assessment and the picture taken from the community under study; the decision making process; the training programme of PHC professionals in action; the review of the protocols of maternal consultation, home visits and antenatal education; the implementation planning; the plan for evaluation the effectiveness of the changes introduced in the delivery of maternal and child health care units. The already developed work has shown that motivation, leadership and organizational issues are decisive for process development.-------------------------- RESUMO - Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários são habitualmente o primeiro contacto com o sistema de saúde e os profissionais de saúde são mediadores chave na capacitação dos cidadãos para cuidarem da sua saúde. Em Portugal, nas últimas décadas, têm-se alcançado grandes melhorias nos indicadores biométricos de saúde materno-infantil. Contudo, tem-se dedicado pouca atenção à dimensão de saúde mental, apesar do reconhecimento da sua importância. A gravidez e primeira infância têm sido apontadas como uma oportunidade crucial no ciclo de vida para a promoção da saúde mental. É dado especial enfoque aos primeiros tempos de vida, dado o forte impacto na saúde da criança. O impacte da vinculação precoce entre a mãe e o bebé na saúde da mãe e da criança há muito que é reconhecido. Esta vinculação pode ser influenciada por vários factores, nomeadamente pelo ajustamento emocional da mãe. A focalização nestes aspectos pode facilitar a criação de condições favoráveis e a implementação de medidas preventivas. O suporte familiar durante o período de transição para a parentalidade tem sido enfatizado como uma medida eficaz e os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão numa posição privilegiada como fontes de informação e como mediadores. O projecto que apresentamos descreve um processo de investigação- acção desenvolvido em parceria entre investigadores académicos e profissionais de saúde para abordar os aspectos referidos. Pretende-se capacitar os profissionais de saúde para apoiarem as famílias na transição para a parentalidade, promovendo assim a saúde mental das crianças. O projecto baseia-se numa abordagem participativa, direccionada para a reorganização dos cuidados durante a gravidez e primeiros tempos de vida. A mudança efectiva acontece quando os envolvidos estão interessados e motivados, o que torna a sua participação tão importante. A reflexão acerca das práticas e necessidades actuais e o conhecimento acerca de intervenções baseadas na evidência têm guiado a selecção das alterações a introduzir na prática clínica, no sentido de promover o suporte familiar e o desenvolvimento de competências parentais e auto-confiança. Neste artigo, apresentamos as etapas principais do desenvolvimento do projecto: avaliação inicial da comunidade em estudo; processo de tomada de decisão; programa de formação dos profissionais dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários; revisão dos protocolos da consulta de saúde materna, visita domiciliária e educação pré-natal; planeamento da implementação; plano de avaliação da efectividade das alterações introduzidas na prestação de cuidados. O trabalho já desenvolvido tem mostrado que a motivação, liderança e aspectos
Business History, Vol, 51 Issue 1, p45-58