476 resultados para EMIGRATION


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Für lange Zeit wurde die Mastzelle nur als Effektorzelle im Rahmen von Erkrankungen des atopischen Formenkreises gesehen. Erst lange Zeit nach ihrer ersten Beschreibung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Mastzelle einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Abwehr von Pathogenen leistet. Dies wird vor allem durch Wege der alternativen Mastzellaktivierung, z.B. über Toll- like Rezeptoren, ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit sollte daher zunächst die mögliche Funktion der Mastzelle bei der durch den synthetischen TLR7- Liganden Imiquimod induzierten Entzündungsreaktion der Haut und der Auswanderung von Langerhans Zellen in einem Mausmodell untersucht werden. Beide Reaktion waren dabei von Mastzellen abhängig sind. Für die frühe und schnelle Induktion der Entzündungsreaktion zeigten sich vor allem die Mastzellcytokine IL-1 und TNF-α verantwortlich. Bei der Auswanderung der Langerhans Zellen hingegen spielt das Mastzell-IL1 eine entscheidende Rolle. Imiquimod wurde in Form der Creme Aldara bereits erfolgreich zur transkutanen Immunisierung (TCI) in Mausversuchen verwendet. Da die oben beschriebenen Reaktionen, welche durch Imiquimod vermittelt werden, eine deutliche Abhängigkeit von Mastzellen zeigten, sollte nun auch die Funktion der Mastzelle bei der Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort am Modell der transkutanen Immunisierung untersucht werden. Der Immunisierungserfolg und damit die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort konnte auch hier auf die Anwesenheit von Mastzellen zurückgeführt werden. Mastzellen können somit als ein weiteres wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen angeborener und erworbener Immunität gesehen werden und können so einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort nehmen.


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Neueste Arbeiten zeigen, dass Mastzellen wichtige Funktionen innerhalb des angeborenen und erworbenen Immunsystems ausüben. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist hierbei die Fähigkeit der Mastzelle, auf IgE-unabhängige Signale zu reagieren und ein breites Spektrum an Cytokinen und Chemokinen zu produzieren. Transkriptionsfaktoren der NFAT-Familie sind wichtige Regulatoren der Immunhomöostase und Cytokinproduktion. In Mausmodellen führt die Defizienz des NFATc2 zu überschießenden Immunreaktionen, was ursächlich auf die Hyperreaktivität NFATc2-defizienter T-Zellen zurückgeführt wird. Demgegenüber zeigten unsere eigenen in vitro durchgeführten Arbeiten, dass die Produktion wichtiger entzündungsfördernder Cytokine in Mastzellen abhängig ist von NFATc2. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Bedeutung von NFATc2 in einem Mastzell-abhängigen Modell der transkutanen Immunisierung mit einem TLR7-Liganden als Adjuvans zu untersuchen. Experimente an NFATc2-defizienten Mäusen ergaben zunächst, dass die Schlüsselprozesse Entzündung, Auswanderung antigenpräsen-tierender Zellen, Lymphknotenhypertrophie sowie Expansion und Funktion spezifischer T-Zellen in Abwesenheit des Transkriptionsfaktors NFATc2 extrem beeinträchtigt sind. Dieser experimentell induzierte Phänotyp gleicht somit dem mastzellloser Mäuse in dieser Immunisierungsstudie. Rekonstitutionsexperimente erlaubten es, in vitro generierte Mastzellen aus NFATc2-defizienten und NFATc2-kompetenten Spendern in mastzelllose Mäuse zu transferieren und deren Reaktivität in dem angewandten TLR7-abhängigen Entzündungsmodell in vivo zu vergleichen. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die in NFATc2-defizienten Mäusen nach transkutaner Immunisierung zu beobachtenden Beeinträchtigungen gänzlich auf die Abwesenheit des NFATc2 in Mastzellen zurückzuführen sind. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen somit, dass der Transkriptionsfaktor NFATc2 für die Funktion der Mastzelle in vivo eine bedeutsame Rolle spielt. Dies betrifft sowohl Reaktionen des angeborenen als auch des erworbenen Immunsystems. Darüber hinaus könnte NFATc2 ein wichtiges Ziel bei therapeutischen Maßnahmen gegen mastzellabhängige Krankheiten darstellen.


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Leucocyte migration into the central nervous system is a key stage in the development of multiple sclerosis. While much has been learnt regarding the sequential steps of leucocyte capture, adhesion and migration across the vasculature, the molecular basis of leucocyte extravasation is only just being unravelled. It is now recognized that bidirectional crosstalk between the immune cell and endothelium is an essential element in mediating diapedesis during both normal immune surveillance and under inflammatory conditions. The induction of various signalling networks, through engagement of cell surface molecules such as integrins on the leucocyte and immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecules on the endothelial cell, play a major role in determining the pattern and route of leucocyte emigration. In this review we discuss the extent of our knowledge regarding leucocyte migration across the blood-brain barrier and in particular the endothelial cell signalling pathways contributing to this process.


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Zarna is witness to the disappearance of the Swabian community in Santana, a process which seems to date back to before the major changes in Central and Eastern Europe. His project showed how a strong German ethnic community, formed more than 250 years ago, has virtually disappeared from the village of Santana (Romania). Zarna presents the causes leading to the loss of their ethnic identity, of their culture, traditions and of the collective reproduction of their ethnicity, although the last Swabians remaining in the village have preserved their individual identity and not let themselves be assimilated. The policy of the former communist regime is not sufficient to explain the decline of the German ethnic group, nor is the present international context with its varying effects on the form and reproduction of their ethnic identity. Zarna has analysed the origins of the Swabian community, its development, historical changes (both desired and imposed) and the disappearance of elements that determined their German culture and their pride in being German. The Germans have demobilised more rapidly than other ethnic groups in Romania, partly because of Germany's pro-emigration policy over the last two decades. Many of the emigrants were however, poorly prepared for emigration and have not been able to recreate the prosperous financial situation which they left. The prevalent feeling among those interviewed was disappointment and this increases with age and education.


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Background Understanding the demographic processes underlying population dynamics is a central theme in ecology. Populations decline if losses from the population (i.e., mortality and emigration) exceed gains (i.e., recruitment and immigration). Amphibians are thought to exhibit little movement even though local populations often fluctuate dramatically and are likely to go exinct if there is no rescue effect through immigration from nearby populations. Terrestrial salamanders are generally portrayed as amphibians with low migratory activity. Our study uses demographic analysis as a key to unravel whether emigration or mortality is the main cause of "losses" from the population. In particular, we use the analysis to challenge the common belief that terrestrial salamanders show low migratory activity. Results The mark-recapture analysis of adult salamanders showed that monthly survival was high (> 90%) without a seasonal pattern. These estimates, however, translate into rather low rates of local annual survival of only ~40% and suggest that emigration was important. The estimated probability of emigration was 49%. Conclusion Our analysis shows that terrestrial salamanders exhibit more migratory activity than commonly thought. This may be due either because the spatial extent of salamander populations is underestimated or because there is a substantial exchange of individuals between populations. Our current results are in line with several other studies that suggest high migratory activity in amphibians. In particular, many amphibian populations may be characterized by high proportions of transients and/or floaters.


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Der Aufsatz schildert am Beispiel der Familie Seligmann aus Ronnenberg die Vertreibung einer jüdischen mittelständischen Familie aus Deutschland unter besonderer Beachtung der Rolle der Devisenstelle der Oberfinanzdirektion Hannover im Vertreibungsprozess. Die gegen Seligmanns eingeleiteten behördlichen Maßnahmen zeigen das Zusammenspiel von Finanzbehörden und NS-Verfolgungsapparat, wenn der Verdacht auf Auswanderung oder Devisentransfer ins Ausland bestand, und das eigenständige Handeln der Devisenstelle. Die Geschäfte der Familie wurden 'arisiert', das Vermögen wegen Verdachts auf Auswanderung nach § 37a des Devisengesetzes gesperrt, jede finanzielle Transaktion kontrolliert. Bei der Emigration verloren sie den größten Teil ihres Vermögens an den NS-Staat. Die Analyse verdeutlicht den Machtzuwachs, den die Devisenstellen ab 1936/37 erfuhren und der sie zu wirksamen Instrumenten bei Vertreibung und Ausraubung machte: Durch § 37a wurde der Widerspruch zwischen diesen beiden Elementen der NS-Judenpolitik gelöst, da die Devisenstellen faktisch über die Vermögen der zu Auswanderern erklärten Juden verfügten und damit ihre Vertreibung erzwangen.


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Der Pilsudski-Kult ist ein typischer politischer Kult, der durch die Komponenten Mythos, Ritual und Symbole sowie durch eine damit einhergehende Institutionalisierung definiert wird. In den Ausdrucks- und Vermittlungsformen ähneln sich politische Kulte, während die inhaltlichen Aspekte Bezug auf die jeweiligen Traditionen und den historischen Kontext nehmen müssen. Da der Totenkult um Pilsudski auf dem Personenkult aufbaut, wird dieser seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis 1935 skizziert und im Folgenden die Begräbnisfeierlichkeiten als Katalysator und Auftakt des Totenkultes, der Totenkult selbst bis 1939 und die Ausdrucksformen und Funktionen des Kultes bis 1939 dargestellt. Anschließend wird dessen Entwicklung im Zweiten Weltkrieg, in der Pilsudski-nahen Emigration, während der Volksrepublik Polen und in der Dritten Republik untersucht. Es soll verdeutlicht werden, dass man den Pilsudski-Kult jederzeit politisch instrumentalisierte, wobei der Mythos als inhaltlicher Bestandteil jeweils nuanciert wurde. Er erhielt legitimatorische und über die Zeit der Zweiten Republik hinausführend identitätsstiftende Funktionen und beeinflusste das historische Gedächtnis.


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In the literature on migration, as well as in social policies regarding this phenomenon, the situation of returning emigrants receives scant attention. This essay establishes an intricate connection between attitudes and policies that prevail in a country regarding emigration and those concerning immigration. The case of Italy provides a prime example for this as it once was a classical country of emigration, only to turn, in recent decades, into a country that appears highly attractive (and relatively accessible) to immigrants. The essay traces the pervasive ambiguity that characterizes this country’s attitudes towards emigration from the beginning of mass emigration shortly after the unification of Italy in 1868 to the emigration policies of the fascist regime of Mussolini and the post-World War II waves of emigration right through to the corresponding ambiguity concerning the status of immigrants in contemporary society, including the indifferent treatment of returning Italian emigrants who constitute a considerable numerical phenomenon. These reflections take their origin from the impending closure of a reception centre in Lazio, the Casa dell’Emigrante near Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, Province of Frosinone, ostensibly for financial reasons. This centre had been the only one of its kind in the whole of Italy dealing officially with the needs of repatriated Italians. It had assisted returning emigrants both with practical matters, such as negotiating the labyrinth of Italian bureaucracy , and with psychological implications of a return, which are often considerable given the time lag of experiences with current social realities and the frequently unrealistic expectations associated with the return. Questions of identity become highly acute in those circumstances. The threatened closure of the centre illustrates the unwillingness of the state to face up to the factual prevalence of migratory experiences in the country as a whole and as a core element of national history, experiences of migration in both directions. The statistics speak for themselves: of the 4.660.427 persons who left Italy between 1880 and 1950, 2.322.451 have returned, almost exactly 50%. To those have to be added 3.628.430 returnees of the 5.109.860 emigrants who left Italy between the end of World War II and 1976 for Europe alone. Attitudes towards people leaving changed ostensibly over time. In the first two decades after Unification parliament on the one hand wanted to show some concern over the fate of its citizens, not wanting to abandon those newly created citizens entirely to their own destiny, while on the other portraying their decisions to emigrate as expressions of individual liberty and responsibility and not necessitated by want and poverty. Emigrants had to prove, paradoxically that they had the requisite means to emigrate when in fact poverty was largely driving them to emigrate. To admit that publicly would have amounted to admission of economic and political failure made evident through emigration. In contrast to that Mussolini’s emigration policies not only enforced large population movements within the territory of Italy to balance unemployment between regions and particularly between North and South, but also declared it citizen’s duty to be ready to move also to the colonies, thereby ‘turning emigration as a sign of social crisis into a sign of national strength and the success of the country’s political agenda’ (Gaspari 2001, p. 34). The duplicity continued even after World War II when secret deals were done with the USA to allow a continuous flow of Italian immigrants and EU membership obviously further facilitated the departure of unemployed, impoverished Italians. With the growing prosperity of Italy the reversal of the direction of migration became more obvious. On the basis of empirical research conducted by one of the author on returning emigrants four types of motives for returning can be distinguished: 1. Return as a result of failure – particularly the emigrants who left during the 1950-1970 period usually had no linguistic preparation, and in any case the gap between the spoken and the written language is enormous with the latter often being insurmountable. This gives rise to nostalgic sentiments which motivates a return into an environment where language is familiar 2. Return as a means of preserving an identity – the life of emigrants often takes place within ghetto-like conditions where familiarity is being reproduced but under restricted conditions and hence not entirely authentic. The necessity for saving money permits only a partial entry into the host society and at the same time any accumulating savings add to the desire to return home where life can be lived fully again – or so it seems. 3. Return of investment – the impossibility to become fully part of another society often motivates migrants to accumulate not so much material wealth but new experiences and competences which they then aim to reinvest in their home country. 4. Return to retire – for many emigrants returning home becomes acute once they leave a productive occupation and feelings of estrangement build up, in conjunction with the efforts of having invested in building a house back home. All those motives are associated with a variety of difficulties on the actual return home because, above all, time in relation to the country of origin has been suspended for the emigrant and the encounter with the reality of that country reveals constant discrepancies and requires constant readjustment. This is where the need for assistance to returning emigrants arises. The fact that such an important centre of assistance has been closed is further confirmation of the still prevailing politics of ambiguity which nominally demand integration from nationals and non-nationals alike but deny the means of achieving this. Citizenship is not a natural result of nationality but requires the means for active participation in society. Furthermore, the experiences of returning immigrants provide important cues for the double ambivalence in which immigrants to Italy live between the demands made on them to integrate, the simultaneous threats of repatriation and the alienation from the immigrants’ home country which grows inexorably during the absence. The state can only regain its credibility by putting an end to this ambiguity and provide to returning emigrants, and immigrants alike, the means of reconstructing strong communal identities.


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Background: In contrast with established evidence linking high doses of ionizing radiation with childhood cancer, research on low-dose ionizing radiation and childhood cancer has produced inconsistent results. Objective: We investigated the association between domestic radon exposure and childhood cancers, particularly leukemia and central nervous system (CNS) tumors. Methods: We conducted a nationwide census-based cohort study including all children < 16 years of age living in Switzerland on 5 December 2000, the date of the 2000 census. Follow-up lasted until the date of diagnosis, death, emigration, a child’s 16th birthday, or 31 December 2008. Domestic radon levels were estimated for each individual home address using a model developed and validated based on approximately 45,000 measurements taken throughout Switzerland. Data were analyzed with Cox proportional hazard models adjusted for child age, child sex, birth order, parents’ socioeconomic status, environmental gamma radiation, and period effects. Results: In total, 997 childhood cancer cases were included in the study. Compared with children exposed to a radon concentration below the median (< 77.7 Bq/m3), adjusted hazard ratios for children with exposure ≥ the 90th percentile (≥ 139.9 Bq/m3) were 0.93 (95% CI: 0.74, 1.16) for all cancers, 0.95 (95% CI: 0.63, 1.43) for all leukemias, 0.90 (95% CI: 0.56, 1.43) for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and 1.05 (95% CI: 0.68, 1.61) for CNS tumors. Conclusions: We did not find evidence that domestic radon exposure is associated with childhood cancer, despite relatively high radon levels in Switzerland.


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Living in high-rise buildings could influence the health of residents. Previous studies focused on structural features of high-rise buildings or characteristics of their neighbourhoods, ignoring differences within buildings in socio-economic position or health outcomes. We examined mortality by floor of residence in the Swiss National Cohort, a longitudinal study based on the linkage of December 2000 census with mortality and emigration records 2001-2008. Analyses were based on 1.5 million people living in buildings with four or more floors and 142,390 deaths recorded during 11.4 million person-years of follow-up. Cox models were adjusted for age, sex, civil status, nationality, language, religion, education, professional status, type of household and crowding. The rent per m² increased with higher floors and the number of persons per room decreased. Mortality rates decreased with increasing floors: hazard ratios comparing the ground floor with the eighth floor and above were 1.22 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15-1.28] for all causes, 1.40 (95% CI 1.11-1.77) for respiratory diseases, 1.35 (95% CI 1.22-1.49) for cardiovascular diseases and 1.22 (95% CI 0.99-1.50) for lung cancer, but 0.41 (95% CI 0.17-0.98) for suicide by jumping from a high place. There was no association with suicide by any means (hazard ratio 0.81; 95% CI 0.57-1.15). We conclude that in Switzerland all-cause and cause-specific mortality varies across floors of residence among people living in high-rise buildings. Gradients in mortality suggest that floor of residence captures residual socioeconomic stratification and is likely to be mediated by behavioural (e.g. physical activity), and environmental exposures, and access to a method of suicide.


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The abundance of many invertebrates with planktonic larval stages can be determined shortly after they reach the benthos. In this study, we quantified patterns of abundance and habitat utilization of early benthic phases of the American lobster Homarus americanus and the rock crab Cancer irroratus. These 2 decapods are among the most common and abundant macroinvertebrates in coastal zones of the Gulf of Maine, with similar densities of larger individuals. Settlement and early postsettlement survival indicate that lobsters are highly substrate-specific early in life, settling predominantly in cobble beds. Crabs appear to be less selective, setting both in cobble and sand. Cumulative settlement of crabs, inferred from weekly censuses over the summer, was an order of magnitude greater than that of lobsters over the same time period. However, only crabs showed significant postsettlement losses. Although the identity of specific predators is unknown, predator exclusion experiments and placement of vacant uninhabited nursery habitat suggested that post-settlement mortality rather than emigration was responsible for these losses. The selective habitat-seeking behavior and lower post-settlement mortality of lobsters is consistent with their lower fecundity and later onset of reproductive maturity. The patterns observed for crabs, however, suggest a different strategy which is more in accordance with their higher fecundity and earlier onset of maturity. It is possible that lower fecundity but greater per-egg investment, along with strict habitat selection at settlement and lower post-settlement mortality, allows adult lobster populations to equal adult populations of crabs. This occurs despite crabs being more fecund and less habitat-selective settlers but sustaining higher postsettlement mortality.


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Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a proinflammatory cytokine produced by human monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial and epithelial cells, is effective not only on cells and tissues of human beings but also on those of several animal species. We investigated the importance of recombinant human IL-8 for the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro and its potential for inducing inflammation in vivo. Shape change (10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8) and chemotaxis (10(-10)-10(-6) M IL-8) assays were used to determine the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro. Chemotaxis was induced by IL-8 at doses > 10(-8) M with a maximum response at 10(-6) M. A rapid shape change of comparable intensity was elicited by 10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8. Thirty minutes after intradermal injection of 10(-9) moles of IL-8, emigration of neutrophils could be observed and became more intense at 60 minutes and 240 minutes, respectively. Zymosan-activated canine plasma, which served as a positive control, induced a rapid, massive, and more diffuse neutrophil accumulation, whereas the reaction after IL-8 was weaker but still significant. The neutrophil accumulation after IL-8 was preferentially located in perivenular areas of the deep dermis. Recombinant human IL-8 is capable of activating canine neutrophils in vitro and is able to generate significant neutrophil accumulation in dog skin. Its activity is lower than that in human, rabbit, and rat systems.


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Milan Kundera emigrierte 1975 nach Frankreich. Der Zeitpunkt seiner Emigration trifft mit jenem zusammen, in dem sich in seiner Arbeit Überlegungen zu Exil, Grenzen und Raum entwickeln. In seinen politischen Schriften hebt er die Veränderung der europäischen Grenzen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg hervor sowie den Umstand, dass sich die Tschechoslowakei und Zentraleuropa in der Sowjetunion im „Exil“ befinden. In seinen Exilromanen bewegen sich die Figuren zwischen heimischem und exilischem Raum, und diese territoriale Grenzüberschreitung wird systematisch von einem metaphysischen Grenzübergang begleitet. Schliesslich zeigt Kundera in seinen Erwägungen zur Literatur, dass literarische Werke, um in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt berücksichtigt zu werden, in anderen Kulturräumen als ihrem eigenen zirkulieren müssen. Diese „Reise“ durch Kunderas Werk wird uns denn auch dazu bringen, über mögliche paradigmatische Figuren des zeitgenössischen Exils nachzudenken.