978 resultados para Disulfide Bond Formation


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A covalently cross-linked dimer of yeast DNA topoisomerase II was created by fusing the enzyme with the GCN4 leucine zipper followed by two glycines and a cysteine. Upon oxidation of the chimeric protein, a disulfide bond forms between the two carboxyl termini, covalently and intradimerically cross-linking the two protomers. In addition, all nine of the cysteines naturally occurring in topoisomerase II have been changed to alanines in this construct. This cross-linked, cysteine-less topoisomerase II is catalytically active in DNA duplex passage as indicated by ATP-dependent DNA supercoil relaxation and kinetoplast DNA decatenation assays. However, these experiments do not directly distinguish between a "one-gate" and a "two-gate" mechanism for the enzyme.


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B1(dsFv)-PE33 is a recombinant immunotoxin composed of a mutant form of Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) that does not need proteolytic activation and a disulfide-stabilized Fv fragment of the anti-Lewis(y) monoclonal antibody B1, which recognizes a carbohydrate epitope on human carcinoma cells. In this molecule, amino acids 1-279 of PE are deleted and domain Ib (amino acids 365-394) is replaced by the heavy chain variable region (VH) domain of monoclonal antibody B1. The light chain (VL) domain is connected to the VH domain by a disulfide bond. This recombinant toxin, termed B1(dsFv)-PE33, does not require proteolytic activation and it is smaller than other immunotoxins directed at Lewis(y), all of which require proteolytic activation. Furthermore, it is more cytotoxic to antigen-positive cell lines. B1(dsFv)-PE38 has the highest antitumor activity of anti-Lewis(y) immunotoxins previously constructed. B1(dsFv)-PE33 caused complete regression of tumors when given at 12 micrograms/kg (200 pmol/kg) every other day for three doses, whereas B1(dsFv)-PE38 did not cause regressions at 13 micrograms/kg (200 pmol/kg). By bypassing the need for proteolytic activation and decreasing molecular size we have enlarged the therapeutic window for the treatment of human cancers growing in mice, so that complete remissions are observed at 2.5% of the LD50.


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Previous molecular mechanics calculations suggest that strands of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) and complementary oligonucleotides form antiparallel duplexes stabilized by interresidue hydrogen bonds. In the computed structures, the amide carbonyl oxygen nearest the nucleobase (O7') forms an interresidue hydrogen bond with the backbone amide proton of the following residue, (n + 1)H1'. Of the 10 published two dimensional 1H NMR structures of a hexameric PNA.RNA heteroduplex. PNA(GAACTC).r(GAGUUC), 9 exhibit two to five potential interresidue hydrogen bonds. In our minimized average structure, created from the coordinates of these 10 NMR structures, three of the five possible interresidue hydrogen bond sites within the PNA backbone display the carbonyl oxygen (O7') and the amide proton (n + 1)H1' distances and N1'-H1'-(n - 1)O7' angles optimal for hydrogen bond formation. The finding of these interresidue hydrogen bonds supports the results of our previous molecular mechanics calculations.


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There are now several crystal structures of antibody Fab fragments complexed to their protein antigens. These include Fab complexes with lysozyme, two Fab complexes with influenza virus neuraminidase, and three Fab complexes with their anti-idiotype Fabs. The pattern of binding that emerges is similar to that found with other protein-protein interactions, with good shape complementarity between the interacting surfaces and reasonable juxtapositions of polar residues so as to permit hydrogen-bond formation. Water molecules have been observed in cavities within the interface and on the periphery, where they often form bridging hydrogen bonds between antibody and antigen. For the most part the antigen is bound in the middle of the antibody combining site with most of the six complementarity-determining residues involved in binding. For the most studied antigen, lysozyme, the epitopes for four antibodies occupy approximately 45% of the accessible surface area. Some conformational changes have been observed to accompany binding in both the antibody and the antigen, although most of the information on conformational change in the latter comes from studies of complexes with small antigens.


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For three decades, mammalian paraoxonase (A-esterase, aromatic esterase, arylesterase; PON, EC has been thought to be a cysteine esterase demonstrating structural and mechanistic homologies with the serine esterases (cholinesterases and carboxyesterases). Human, mouse, and rabbit PONs each contain only three cysteine residues, and their positions within PON have been conserved. In purified human PON, residues Cys-41 and Cys-352 form an intramolecular disulfide bond and neither could function as an active-center cysteine. Highly purified, enzymatically active PON contains a single titratable sulfhydryl group. Thus, Cys-283 is the only probable candidate for an active-center cysteine. Through site-directed mutagenesis of the human cDNA, Cys-283 was replaced with either serine (C283S) or alanine (C283A). The expressed C283 (wild-type) enzyme was inactivated by para-hydroxymercuribenzoate, but the C283S and C283A mutant enzymes were not inactivated. C283A and C283S mutant enzymes retained both paraoxonase and arylesterase activities, and the Km values for paraoxon and phenyl acetate were similar to those of the wild type. Clearly, residue Cys-283 is free in active PON, but a free sulfhydryl group is not required for either paraoxonase or arylesterase activities. Consequently, it is necessary to examine other models for the active-site structure and catalytic mechanism of PON.


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The transforming growth factors beta (TGF-beta s) are important modulators of growth and differentiation. They are intermolecular disulfide-bonded homodimeric molecules. The monomer fold has a conserved cystine knot and lacks a hydrophobic core. The biological specificity of a given member of the family is believed to be determined by the conformational flexibility of the variable loop regions of the monomer. The monomer subunit assembly in the dimer is stabilized mainly by hydrophobic contacts and a few hydrogen bonds. Since these interactions are nondirectional, we examined subunit assemblies of TGF-beta by using conformational analysis. The different subunit assemblies in TGF-beta 2 dimer were characterized in terms of the intersubunit disulfide torsion. Our analyses show that the subunit assemblies fall into two states: the crystallographically observed gauche+conformation and the previously not reported gauche--conformation, both having almost identical interaction energies. Furthermore, there is significant flexibility in the subunit assembly within the gauche+ and the gauche- states of the disulfide bond. The monomer subunit assembly is independent of the variations about the loop regions. The variations in the loop regions, coupled with flexibility in the monomer assembly, lead to a complex flexibility in the dimer of the TGF-beta superfamily. For the TGF-beta superfamily, the cystine knot acts as a scaffold and complex flexibility provides for biological selectivity. Complex flexibility might provide an explanation for the diverse range of biological activities that these important molecules display.


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Diversas classes de compostos orgânicos de telúrio foram exploradas neste trabalho. Inicialmente foi estudada a transmetalação entre teluretos alílicos e dibutil cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, levando aos respectivos cianocupratos alílicos de lítio. Estes, por sua vez, foram acoplados com triflatos vinílicos, importantes intermediários sintéticos preparados previamente a partir de teluretos vinílicos, levando a sistemas altamente insaturados em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 1). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Em seguida, foi explorada a reatividade de teluretos aromáticos frente a reagentes organometálicos. Cianocupratos arílicos, gerados a partir da transmetalação entre teluretos aromáticos com cianocupratos de lítio de ordem superior, foram adicionados a cetonas α,β -insaturadas, levando aos produtos de adição 1,4 em bons rendimentos (Esquema 2). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) Teluretos vinílicos funcionalizados de configuração Z também foram alvo de estudo visando a formação de ligação carbono-carbono. Reações de substituição entre estes teluretos e cianocupratos de lítio de ordem inferior levaram a cetonas e ésteres α,β- insaturados com estereoquímica defInida em ótimos rendimentos (Esquema 3). (Ver no arquivo em PDF) De agosto/20OJ a março/2004, a aluna realizou um estágio sanduíche na University of California, Santa Barbara, sob a orientação do Prof. Bruce H. Lipshutz, onde realizou estudos sobre a ciclização de Bergman, visando a síntese do fragmentobiarílico A-B da vancornicina. Diversas condições para a ciclização foram estudadas com um composto modelo (Esquema 4) (Ver no arquivo em PDF) e parte da síntese total do fragmento da vancomlcma, onde a ciclização seria a etapa-chave, foi realizada com sucesso (Esquema 5). (Ver no arquivo em PDF)


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As translation is the final step in gene expression it is particularly important to understand the processes involved in translation regulation. It was shown in the last years that a class of RNA, the nonprotein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), is involved in regulation of gene expression via various mechanisms (e.g. gene silencing by microRNAs). Almost all of these ncRNA discovered so far target the mRNA in order to modulate protein biosynthesis, this is rather unexpected considering the crucial role of the ribosome during gene expression. However, recent data from our laboratory showed that there is a new class of ncRNAs, which target the ribosome itself [Gebetsberger et al., 2012/ Pircher et al, 2014]. These so called ribosome-associated ncRNAs (rancRNAs) have an impact on translation regulation, mainly by interfering / modulating the rate of protein biosynthesis. The main goal of this project is to identify and describe novel potential regulatory rancRNAs in H. volcanii with the focus on intergenic candidates. Northern blot analyses already revealed interactions with the ribosome and showed differential expression of rancRNAs during different growth phases or under specific stress conditions. To investigate the biological relevance of these rancRNAs, knock-outs were generated in H. volcanii which were used for phenotypic characterization studies. The rancRNA s194 showed association with the 50S ribosomal subunit in vitro and in vivo and was capable of inhibiting peptide bond formation. These preliminary data for the rancRNA s194 make it an interesting candidate for further functional studies to identify the molecular mechanisms by which rancRNAs can modulate protein biosynthesis. Characterization of further rancRNA candidates are also underway.


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The most potent known naturally occurring Bowman-Birk inhibitor, sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), is a bicyclic 14-amino acid peptide from sunflower seeds comprising one disulfide bond and a cyclic backbone. At present, little is known about the cyclization mechanism of SFTI-1. We show here that an acyclic permutant of SFTI-1 open at its scissile bond, SFTI-1[ 6,5], also functions as an inhibitor of trypsin and that it can be enzymatically backbone-cyclized by incubation with bovine beta-trypsin. The resulting ratio of cyclic SFTI-1 to SFTI1[6,5] is similar to9:1 regardless of whether trypsin is incubated with SFTI-1[ 6,5] or SFTI-1. Enzymatic resynthesis of the scissile bond to form cyclic SFTI-1 is a novel mechanism of cyclization of SFTI-1[ 6,5]. Such a reaction could potentially occur on a trypsin affinity column as used in the original isolation procedure of SFTI-1. We therefore extracted SFTI-1 from sunflower seeds without a trypsin purification step and confirmed that the backbone of SFTI-1 is indeed naturally cyclic. Structural studies on SFTI-1[ 6,5] revealed high heterogeneity, and multiple species of SFTI-1[ 6,5] were identified. The main species closely resembles the structure of cyclic SFTI-1 with the broken binding loop able to rotate between a cis/trans geometry of the I7-P8 bond with the cis conformer being similar to the canonical binding loop conformation. The non-reactive loop adopts a beta-hairpin structure as in cyclic wild-type SFTI-1. Another species exhibits an isoaspartate residue at position 14 and provides implications for possible in vivo cyclization mechanisms.


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In recent years an increasing number of miniproteins containing an amide-cyclized backbone have been discovered. The cyclotide family is the largest group of such proteins and is characterized by a circular protein backbone and six conserved cysteine residues linked by disulfide bonds in a tight core of the molecule. These form a cystine knot in which an embedded ring formed by two of the disulfide bonds and the connecting backbone segment is threaded by a third disulfide bond. In the current study we have undertaken high resolution structural analysis of two prototypic cyclotides, kalata B1 and cycloviolacin O1, to define the role of the conserved residues in the sequence. We provide the first comprehensive analysis of the topological features in this unique family of proteins, namely rings (a circular backbone), twists (a cis-peptide bond in the Mobius cyclotides) and knots (a knotted arrangement of the disulfide bonds).


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Cytochromes from the SoxAX family have a major role in thiosulfate oxidation via the thiosulfate-oxidizing multi-enzyme system (TOMES). Previously characterized SoxAX proteins from Rhodovulum sulficlophilum and Paracoccus pantotrophus contain three heme c groups, two of which are located on the SoxA subunit. In contrast, the SoxAX protein purified from Starkeya novella was found to contain only two heme groups. Mass spectrometry showed that a disulfide bond replaced the second heme group found in the diheme SoxA subunits. Apparent molecular masses of 27,229 +/- 10.3 Da and 20,258.6 +/- 1 Da were determined for SoxA and SoxX with an overall mass of 49.7 kDa, indicating a heterodimeric structure. Optical redox potentiometry found that the two heme cofactors are reduced at similar potentials (versus NHE) that are as follows: + 133 mV (pH 6.0); + 104 mV (pH 7.0); +49 (pH 7.9) and +10 mV (pH 8.7). EPR spectroscopy revealed that both ferric heme groups are in the low spin state, and the spectra were consistent with one heme having a His/Cys axial ligation and the other having a His/Met axial ligation. The His/Cys ligated heme is present in different conformational states and gives rise to three distinct signals. Amino acid sequencing was used to unambiguously assign the protein to the encoding genes, soxAX, which are part of a complete sox gene cluster found in S. novella. Phylogenetic analysis of soxA- and soxX-related gene sequences indicates a parallel development of SoxA and SoxY, with the diheme and monoheme SoxA sequences located on clearly separated branches of a phylogenetic tree.


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The cyclotides constitute a recently discovered family of plant-derived peptides that have the unusual features of a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a cystine knot core. These features are thought to contribute to their exceptional stability, as qualitatively observed during experiments aimed at sequencing and characterizing early members of the family. However, to date there has been no quantitative study of the thermal, chemical, or enzymatic stability of the cyclotides. In this study, we demonstrate the stability of the prototypic cyclotide kalata B1 to the chaotropic agents 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdHCl) and 8 M urea, to temperatures approaching boiling, to acid, and following incubation with a range of proteases, conditions under which most proteins readily unfold. NMR spectroscopy was used to demonstrate the thermal stability, while fluorescence and circular dichroism were used to monitor the chemical stability. Several variants of kalata B1 were also examined, including kalata 132, which has five amino acid substitutions from B1, two acyclic permutants in which the backbone was broken but the cystine knot was retained, and a two-disulfide bond mutant. Together, these allowed determinations of the relative roles of the cystine knot and the circular backbone on the stability of the cyclotides. Addition of a denaturant to kalata B1 or an acyclic permutant did not cause unfolding, but the two-disulfide derivative was less stable, despite having a similar three-dimensional structure. It appears that the cystine knot is more important than the circular backbone in the chemical stability of the cyclotides. Furthermore, the cystine knot of the cyclotides is more stable than those in similar-sized molecules, judging by a comparison with the conotoxin PVIIA. There was no evidence for enzymatic digestion of native kalata B1 as monitored by LC-MS, but the reduced form was susceptible to proteolysis by trypsin, endoproteinase Glu-C, and thermolysin. Fluorescence spectra of kalata B1 in the presence of dithiothreitol, a reducing agent, showed a marked increase in intensity thought to be due to removal of the quenching effect on the Trp residue by the neighboring Cys5-Cys17 disulfide bond. In general, the reduced peptides were significantly more susceptible to chemical or enzymatic breakdown than the oxidized species.


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Peptidyl privileged structures have been widely used by many groups to discover biologically active molecules. In this context, privileged substructures are used as hydrophobic anchors, to which peptide functionality is appended to gain specificity. Utilization of this concept has led to the discovery of many different active compounds at a wide range of biological receptors. A synthetic approach to these compounds has been developed on a safety-catch linker that allows rapid preparation of large libraries of these molecules. Importantly, amide bond formation/cleavage through treatment with amines is the final step; it is a linker strategy that allows significant diversification to be easily incorporated, and it only requires the inclusion of an amide bond. In addition, chemistry has been developed that permits the urea moiety to be inserted at the N-terminus of the peptide, allowing the same set of amines (either privileged substructures or amino acid analogues) to be used at both the N- and C-termini of the molecule. To show the robustness of this approach, a small library of peptidyl privileged structures were synthesized, illustrating that large combinatorial libraries can be synthesized using these technologies.


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This paper describes a generic method for the site-specific attachment of lathanide complexes to proteins through a disulfide bond. The method is demonstrated by the attachment of a lanthanide-binding peptide tag to the single cysteine residue present in the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of the Echerichia coli arginine repressor. Complexes with Y3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+ and Yb3+ ions were formed and analysed by NMR spectroscopy. Large pseudocontact shifts and residual dipolar couplings were induced by the lanthanide-binding tag in the protein NMR spectrum, a result indicating that the tag was rigidly attached to the protein. The axial components of the magnetic susceptibility anisostropy tensors determined for the different lanthanide ions were similarly but not identically oriented. A single tag with a single protein attachment site can provide different pseudocontact shifts from different magnetic susceptibility tensors and thus provide valuable nondegenerate long-range structure information in the determination of 3D protein structures by NMR spectroscopy.