892 resultados para Dispersed production system


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o sistema de monitoramento computadorizado da produção de gás in vitro. Essa técnica facilita estudos da degradação das frações solúveis e insolúveis das forragens, quantificadas pela produção de gás (CO2 e CH4) oriunda do metabolismo microbiano e medida por sensor de pressão. Diversas quantidades de amostras (50 a 110 mg de feno de alfafa) e outros alimentos foram testadas. Também, a influência da quantidade de líquido ruminal (2,0 ou 3,0 mL), com ou sem barras magnéticas agitadoras nos frascos incubatórios, na digestibilidade de 100 mg de feno de alfafa, foi estudada. A quantidade de 100 mg de amostra, 2,0 mL de líquido ruminal e sem barra magnética agitadora, proporcionou os menores coeficientes de variação na produção de gás. em conclusão, 2,0 mL de líquido ruminal, sem barra e com 100 mg de amostra, apresentaram maior precisão na curva de digestão.


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RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o sistema de monitoramento computadorizado da produção de gás in vitro com os métodos in vivo e in situ. Nas comparações, foram utilizadas silagens de milho com alto/baixo teores de matéria seca, com/sem inoculante. A digestibilidade das silagens com alto teor de matéria seca (MS), com/sem inoculação, não apresentou diferenças entre os métodos analisados. Quando avaliadas separadamente do efeito do inóculo, essas silagens diferiram nos métodos in vitro/gás e in situ, mas não no in vivo. Entretanto, quando analisadas somente sob efeito do inoculante, apenas no método in situ houve diferença. Não foram encontradas diferenças na digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) das silagens com alta ou baixa MS, inoculadas ou não, bem como em relação ao pH ao final da digestão. em conclusão, o desaparecimento da MS e FDN quantificada pelo resíduo no sistema in vitro/gás foi semelhante aos demais métodos avaliados.


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RESUMO - Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o sistema de monitoramento computadorizado da produção de gás in vitro e compará-lo com os métodos in vivo e in situ. Nos métodos de digestibilidade (MS), foram utilizadas amostras de silagens de milho com alto/baixo teor de MS, com/sem inoculante. Avaliando a digestibilidade das silagens, pelo gás produzido na fermentação, os resultados da extensão da degradação (A+D) foram: 21,5; 22,6; 22,1; e 20,9 mL de gás/100 mg MS, sem diferença significativa. Os coeficientes de determinação obtidos na produção de gás total, em relação ao potencial de degradação obtido in situ, mostraram-se elevados para silagem de milho com alta MS inoculada (R²= 0,99), alta MS não-inoculada (R²= 0,98), baixa MS inoculada (R²= 0,94) e baixa MS não-inoculada (R²=0,93). O desaparecimento da MS e/ou fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), quantificada pelo gás produzido no sistema in vitro/gás, apresentou resultados semelhantes aos demais métodos avaliados.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver um sistema computacional que efetue o dimensionamento e a evolução de rebanhos bovinos e criar uma ferramenta que possibilite ao usuário efetuar simulações em um sistema de produção de carne e/ou leite. Foi utilizada a linguagem CA Clipper. As rotinas foram desenvolvidas de forma conversacional, com acesso aos diversos programas, por meio de menus auto-explicativos. O sistema desenvolvido pode auxiliar o técnico e o pecuarista no dimensionamento e na evolução de um rebanho bovino com precisão e considerável rapidez; possibilita ao usuário efetuar inúmeras simulações; e constitui -se em importante ferramenta no auxílio da tomada de decisões.


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This work intended to calculate the rentability of the guava culture Paluma cv. in Monte Alto region-SP, estimating the costs of the implantation, maintenance, production and the gross income of this culture in the first three years of cultivation. The production system utilized refers to the cultural treatments usually used in this culture in the region. The costs estimates were based on the total operational costs methodology used by the Agricultural Economics Institute (I.E.A.). The results obtained showed that the implantation and maintenance costs of the culture, in the two first years was R$7.402,3 l/alqueire*. Considering the possibility that in guava orchard, on irrigated conditions, reach in the fourthy year a productivity of 80t/alqueire and that the current price is R$0,20/kg, it is possible to estimate the gross income around of R$16.000,00/alqueire, resulting in a net income of R$9.497,06/alqueire.


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Data from 1983 through 1991 on reproductive performance, collected from the Beef Cattle production system at Embrapa Gado do Corte, were analyzed. This system, based on exclusive grazing, presented a pregnancy rate (2-3 years old heifers and cows) of 75.9%. The others observed index were first calving reconception rate, 62.1%, total herd loss rate, 2.2%, and calf loss rate until weaning, 6.0%. The calf loss rate represented 53.7% of the total herd loss rate. For calf loss rate (CLR) data analysis, the used model included the effects of sex (S), calf birth year (ANB), cow birth year (ANV) and the interactions between S x ANB and ANV x ANB. Sex had a significant effect on CLR, with 8.1 and 3.8% for male and female loss rate, respectively. For calving interval analysis, the used model included the following fixed effects: ANV, birth month of cow (MNV), birth cow order when it was a calf (OPV) and the ANV x MNV interaction. The 205-day cow weight and her age at first calving were used as covariables. The calving interval was 463.45 days (15.2 mo), ranging from 388 to 543 days, and it was significantly affected by ANV. It is suggested that more research attention should be directed to the highest loss rate observed for male calves, which represent higher commercial value than females.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Since ancient times, the utilization of yeasts by the man has a great impact on the socio-economic development. After the advent of the technology of recombinant DNA, great advances have occurred due to the acquisition of strains of mutant yeasts in the field of applied research, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has soon been outstanding as an interesting candidate for the expression of heterologous proteins of biotechnological interest. As the time goes by other alternative systems of expression have been shown because they have advantages over Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Among those new systems, Pichia pastoris is outstanding as methylotrophic yeast capable of growing in a culture medium containing methanol as the only source of carbon and energy. The induction of production of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD, NAD(+): oxido-redutase EC 1.1. 1.8) by Pichia pastoris was accomplished in the medium containing methanol. One of the most important key parameters in Pichia pastoris expression system is the methanol concentration. Bibliographic reviews on the Pichia pastoris production system have shown that the best culture conditions vary according to the strain used and/or kind of heterologous protein desired to be expressed. Therefore, we have sought to develop a system, involving expression of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the yeast Pichia pastoris, for generating sufficient quantities of the enzyme in order to asses its potential value for use in various food bioanalytical determination. Dehydrogenases have been widely used in the enzymatic assays of diverse composites of industrial interest, being enclosed among them glycerol and a number of important bioanalytical applications.


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This work intended to calculate the rentability of the guava culture Paluma cv. in Monte Alto region-SP, estimating the costs of the implantation, maintenance, production and the gross income of this culture in the first three years of cultivation. The production system utilized refers to the cultural treatments usually used in this culture in the region. The costs estimates were based on the total operational costs methodology used by the Agricultural Economics Institute (I.E.A.). The results obtained showed that the implantation and maintenance costs of the culture, in the two first years was Rs7.402,31/alqueire. Considering the possibility that in guava orchard, on irrigated conditions, reach in the fourthy year a productivity of 80t/alqueire and that the current price is Rs0,20/kg, it is possible to estimate the gross income around of Rs16.000,00/alqueire, resulting in a net income of Rs9.497,06/alqueire.


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This research was carried out to compare the effect of phytase on performance, in the incorporation and excretion phosphorus in Nile tilápia. Four diets were used: one standard (contol), composed by 3,200 DE kcal ED/kg of ration and 30.0% CP and supplemented with phosphorus (4.0% of dicalcium phosphate), considering the treatment control, and others three, without phosphorus supplementation, with different phytase levels (1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 uf/kg), with four replication, per a period of 82 days. Circular tanks of fiber glass, with constant flow and aeration were used. The results demonstrated that the use of phytase in diets for fish production can reduce the levels of inorganic phosphorus in the diets and minimizing the impacts caused by phosphorus in the production system and in the natural environment and also can improve the productivity, increasing the amount of feed to be supplied and, consequently, facilitating the increase of biomass of fish to be used per production area. © 2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate intake behavior of lambs in pasture systems: (1) lambs kept with their dams in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) without supplementation; (2) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep feeding; (3) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep grazing with white clover. Three evaluations of intake behavior were performed to check the activities carried out by animals (grazing, rumination, suckling and other activities). Grazing, rumination and other activities times were different (p < 0.05) for non-supplemented lambs. For these lambs, grazing and rumination times were longer than other activities time compared to other systems. Creep feeding reduced grazing time (p < 0.05), probably due to easy access and quality of concentrate. Lambs in creep grazing had reduced (p < 0.05) rumination time. Bite mass in creep grazing was higher (p < 0.05), probably due to easy harvesting of leaves by lambs. It was concluded that the production system affects feeding strategy of lambs and the preference for legumes suggests the use of creep grazing for finishing lambs.


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This work describes a control and supervision application takes into account the virtual instrumentation advantages to control and supervision industrial manufacturing stations belonging to the modular production system MPS® by Festo. These stations integrate sensors, actuators, conveyor belt and other industrial elements. The focus in this approach was to replace the use of programmable logic controllers by a computer equipped with a software application based on Labview and, together, performs the functions of traditional instruments and PLCs. The manufacturing stations had their processes modeled and simulated in Petri nets. After the models were implemented in Labview environment. Tests and previous similar works in MPS® installed in Automation Laboratory, at UNESP Sorocaba campus, showed the materials and methods used in this work allow the successful use of virtual instrumentation. The results indicate the technology as an advantageous approach for the automation of industrial processes, with gains in flexibility and reduction in project cost. © 2011 IEEE.