902 resultados para Digital Library Collection Development Policy
The aim of this work is to improve retrieval and navigation services on bibliographic data held in digital libraries. This paper presents the design and implementation of OntoBib¸ an ontology-based bibliographic database system that adopts ontology-driven search in its retrieval. The presented work exemplifies how a digital library of bibliographic data can be managed using Semantic Web technologies and how utilizing the domain specific knowledge improves both search efficiency and navigation of web information and document retrieval.
While E-learning technologies are continuously developing, there are number of emerging issues and challenges that have significant impact on e-learning research and design. These include educational, technological, sociological, and psychological viewpoints. The extant literature points out that a large number of existing E-learning systems have problems with offering reusable, personalized and learner-centric content. While developers are placing emphasis on the technology aspects of e-learning, critical conceptual and pedagogical issues are often ignored. This paper will reports on our research in design and development of personalised e-learning systems and some of the challenges and issues faced.
Kurzel(2004) points out that researchers in e-learning and educational technologists, in a quest to provide improved Learning Environments (LE) for students are focusing on personalising the experience through a Learning Management System (LMS) that attempts to tailor the LE to the individual (see amongst others Eklund & Brusilovsky, 1998; Kurzel, Slay, & Hagenus, 2003; Martinez,2000; Sampson, Karagiannidis, & Kinshuk, 2002; Voigt & Swatman; 2003). According to Kurzel (2004) this tailoring can have an impact on content and how it’s accessed; the media forms used; method of instruction employed and the learning styles supported. This project is aiming to move personalisation forward to the next generation, by tackling the issue of Personalised e-Learning platforms as pre-requisites for building and generating individualised learning solutions. The proposed development is to create an e-learning platform with personalisation built-in. This personalisation is proposed to be set from different levels of within the system starting from being guided by the information that the user inputs into the system down to the lower level of being set using information inferred by the system’s processing engine. This paper will discuss some of our early work and ideas.
This article describes an ethnographic study that was used to critically assess the links between rural development policy and practice. It does so from the novel perspective of the researcher as an employee in the organisation where the ethnography study was conducted. The article argues that this distinctive position gives rise to specific methodological issues. Particular attention is paid in the analysis to marginalised issues in reflexive practice literature, namely, the structural context. In so doing this research places at centre stage the importance of reflexivity in the field of rural sociology, an area in which to date it has had limited acceptance.
This paper explores the interaction between rural development policy and spatial planning policies for rural housing within the context of the island of Ireland. It draws on research commissioned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for a high level review of its rural housing policy. The paper highlights issues of wider relevance comprising a strained relationship between rural communities and rural planning, and argues for the adoption of cultural, environmental and community values within the rural planning policy arena.
A recent issue of EuroChoices (7:1) was devoted to a discussion of comparative US-EU rural development policies. This article discusses the concept of growth coalitions, well developed in urban literature but less so in rural literature. Some light is shed on the different positions of rural and environmental issues in EU and US policies. The agricultural lobby is the dominant actor in agricultural growth coalitions because it perceives land in terms of its exchange value. Environmental and rural development actors perceive land in terms of its use value and its contributions to quality of life: they form a rural development coalition, seeing the need to balance growth with quality of life, but they have less political power than the agricultural growth coalition. In the European context, rural and environmental agendas are linked to a multi-functional agricultural agenda allowing common ground between these two coalitions and greater visibility in the policy arena. In the US, rural interests and environmental groups are more often in opposition to agriculture. This reduces their political visibility and clout. The challenge is how to link the power of the agricultural growth coalitions with rural development coalitions to achieve a broader balance of concerns and a more effective rural development policy.
The language of EU rural development policy appears more interested in social inclusion and that of US policy more interested in market competitiveness. We seek to determine why policies directed at rural development in the EU and the USA differ. In both contexts new rural development policies emphasize partnership and participation but we find local participation is used to promote social inclusion in the EU and market competitiveness in the USA. An examination of these dimensions illustrates important transcontinental differences and similarities in rural development policies. We explore the socio-historical reasons for differences in the commitment to social inclusion, while also noting similarities in the priority of market competitiveness.
This paper builds on and extends previous research to contribute to ongoing discussion on the use of resource and carbon accounting tools in regional policy making. The Northern Visions project has produced the first evidence-based footpath setting out the actions that need to be taken to achieve the step changes in the Ecological and Carbon Footprint of Northern Ireland. A range of policies and strategies were evaluated using the Resources and Energy Analysis Programme. The analysis provided the first regional evidence base that current sustainable development policy commitments would not lead to the necessary reductions in either the Ecological Footprint or carbon dioxide emissions. Building on previous applications of Ecological Footprint analysis in regional policy making, the research has demonstrated that there is a valuable role for Ecological and Carbon Footprint Analysis in policy appraisal. The use of Ecological and Carbon Footprint Analysis in regional policy making has been evaluated and recommendations made on ongoing methodological development. The authors hope that the research can provide insights for the ongoing use Ecological and Carbon Footprint Analysis in regional policy making and help set out the priorities for research to support this important policy area
In an information-driven society where the volume and value of produced and consumed data assumes a growing importance, the role of digital libraries gains particular importance. This work analyzes the limitations in current digital library management systems and the opportunities brought by recent distributed computing models. The result of this work is the implementation of the University of Aveiro integrated system for digital libraries and archives. It concludes by analyzing the system in production and proposing a new service oriented digital library architecture supported in a peer-to-peer infrastructure
Cost-effective semantic description and annotation of shared knowledge resources has always been of great importance for digital libraries and large scale information systems in general. With the emergence of the Social Web and Web 2.0 technologies, a more effective semantic description and annotation, e.g., folksonomies, of digital library contents is envisioned to take place in collaborative and personalised environments. However, there is a lack of foundation and mathematical rigour for coping with contextualised management and retrieval of semantic annotations throughout their evolution as well as diversity in users and user communities. In this paper, we propose an ontological foundation for semantic annotations of digital libraries in terms of flexonomies. The proposed theoretical model relies on a high dimensional space with algebraic operators for contextualised access of semantic tags and annotations. The set of the proposed algebraic operators, however, is an adaptation of the set theoretic operators selection, projection, difference, intersection, union in database theory. To this extent, the proposed model is meant to lay the ontological foundation for a Digital Library 2.0 project in terms of geometric spaces rather than logic (description) based formalisms as a more efficient and scalable solution to the semantic annotation problem in large scale.
"L’auteur présente une analyse générale de l’évolution historique et des développements récents du régime des droits d’auteur au Canada. Avec le développement des nouvelles technologies de l’information, et plus spécifiquement de l’Internet, le régime canadien des droits d’auteur nécessiterait d’importantes réformes. L’auteur déplore toutefois les modifications récentes issues de la loi C-60. En effet, selon lui, ces changements ne correspondent pas au régime international proposé par l’Organisation Mondiale de Propriété Intellectuelle. En fait, ceux-ci cadrent beaucoup plus avec la perspective américaine de protection limitative des droits d’auteur. Michael Geist trace d’abord l’historique du développement du régime de protection des droits d’auteur au Canada. Il souligne notamment les modifications législatives importantes de la fin des années 1980 et 1990 qui visaient à renforcer les règles de reconnaissance et de protection des droits que les auteurs canadiens possèdent sur leurs œuvres. Parallèlement, à ces modifications législatives, la Cour Suprême du Canada s’est aussi prononcée sur la question des droits d’auteur en interprétant limitativement la portée de ce régime, facilitant ainsi l’accès des œuvres artistiques au domaine public. L’auteur souligne les divergences et les contradictions entre la conception législative et celle jurisprudentielle de la fonction du régime canadien des droits d’auteur. Le législateur canadien a récemment proposé une nouvelle modification du régime de droits d’auteurs qui consisterait en l’extension des délais obligatoire avant qu’une œuvre couverte par le régime ne soit incluse dans le domaine public. Michael Geist s’oppose à une telle modification et soutient qu’elle entraînerait de nombreuses conséquences négatives pour les auteurs et les artistes canadiens. En effet, cette modification limiterait l’accès des auteurs aux oeuvres antérieures, elle entraverait les opportunités et les capacités commerciales des œuvres canadiennes et restreindrait les domaines de recherche académique. L’auteur aborde par la suite la problématique reliée aux ""Mesures de Protection Techniques"" et à la législation qui les encadre. En analysant les problèmes causés par ces mesures aux États-Unis, il présente leurs effets nuisibles pour les domaines fondamentaux de la liberté de parole et de la recherche académique. Les réformes possibles du régime canadien des droits d’auteur se situent dans une perspective plus ouverte du régime de protection et de promotion des œuvres canadiennes. Ces réformes auraient l’avantage de promouvoir et de protéger les œuvres canadiennes tout en évitant les problèmes causés par les mesures trop limitatives. À ce sujet, l’auteur propose l’établissement d’une bibliothèque digitale nationale, l’abrogation des droits d’auteur de la couronne et un nouveau régime permettant l’utilisation du matériel radiodiffusé de la Société Radio-Canada."
Digital library Initiatives in India, models of electronic and print publishing, digitallibrary and funding, chaalenges and oppertunities,digital ibrary initiatives in India, current digital library moedels etc
Ausgehend von langfristigen Veränderungen im wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesen und in der Informationsvermittlung werden die Bedingungen und möglichen Folgen dieser Entwicklung beleuchtet. Je nach Standpunkt haben Bibliothekare, Verleger oder Wissenschaftsautoren unterschiedliche Wahrnehmungen von dem, was eine (digitale) Bibliothek ausmacht. Bespielhaft wird die Funtionalität des hessischen Digibib-Projektes beschrieben, in dem Standard Such- und Retrieval-Protokolle (Z39.50, HTTP) für den Anschluß von OPAC und Client-Server-Datenbanken mit Volltextsammlungen sorgen.
A collection of materials on digital printing geared for WSA. PDF being the defacto standard to print from.
These slides support students in understanding how to respond to the challenge of: "I’ve been told not to use Google or Wikipedia to research my essay. What else is there?" The powerpoint guides students in how to identify high quality, up to date and relevant resources on the web that they can reliably draw upon for their academic assignments. The slides were created by the subject liaison librarian who supports the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, Fiona Nichols.