987 resultados para Developmental Expression


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We isolated two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cDNA clones, tomPRO1 and tomPRO2, specifying Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), the first enzyme of proline (Pro) biosynthesis. tomPRO1 is unusual because it resembles prokaryotic polycistronic operons (M.G. García-Ríos, T. Fujita, P.C. LaRosa, R.D. Locy, J.M. Clithero, R.A. Bressan, L.N. Csonka [1997] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 8249–8254), whereas tomPRO2 encodes a full-length P5CS. We analyzed the accumulation of Pro and the tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 messages in response to NaCl stress and developmental signals. Treatment with 200 mm NaCl resulted in a >60-fold increase in Pro levels in roots and leaves. However, there was a <3-fold increase in the accumulation of the tomPRO2 message and no detectable induction in the level of the tomPRO1 message in response to NaCl stress. Although pollen contained approximately 100-fold higher levels of Pro than other plant tissues, there was no detectable increase in the level of either message in pollen. We conclude that transcriptional regulation of these genes for P5CS is probably not important for the osmotic or pollen-specific regulation of Pro synthesis in tomato. Using restriction fragment-length polymorphism mapping, we determined the locations of tomPRO1 and tomPRO2 loci in the tomato nuclear genome. Sequence comparison suggested that tomPRO1 is similar to prokaryotic P5CS loci, whereas tomPRO2 is closely related to other eukaryotic P5CS genes.


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The expression of the alternative oxidase (AOX) was investigated during cotyledon development in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings. The total amount of AOX protein increased throughout development, not just in earlier stages as previously thought, and was correlated with the increase in capacity of the alternative pathway. Each AOX isoform (AOX1, AOX2, and AOX3) showed a different developmental trend in mRNA abundance, such that the increase in AOX protein and capacity appears to involve a shift in gene expression from AOX2 to AOX3. As the cotyledons aged, the size of the mitochondrial ubiquinone pool decreased. We discuss how this and other factors may affect the alternative pathway activity that results from the developmental regulation of AOX expression.


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Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) contains a large family of tyrosine/dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (tydc) genes involved in the biosynthesis of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamic acid amides. Eight members from two distinct gene subfamilies have been isolated, tydc1, tydc4, tydc6, tydc8, and tydc9 in one group and tydc2, tydc3, and tydc7 in the other. The tydc8 and tydc9 genes were located 3.2 kb apart on one genomic clone, suggesting that the family is clustered. Transcripts for most tydc genes were detected only in roots. Only tydc2 and tydc7 revealed expression in both roots and shoots, and TYDC3 mRNAs were the only specific transcripts detected in seedlings. TYDC1, TYDC8, and TYDC9 mRNAs, which occurred in roots, were not detected in elicitor-treated opium poppy cultures. Expression of tydc4, which contains a premature termination codon, was not detected under any conditions. Five tydc promoters were fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in a binary vector. All constructs produced transient GUS activity in microprojectile-bombarded opium poppy and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell cultures. The organ- and tissue-specific expression pattern of tydc promoter-GUS fusions in transgenic tobacco was generally parallel to that of corresponding tydc genes in opium poppy. GUS expression was most abundant in the internal phloem of shoot organs and in the stele of roots. Select tydc promoter-GUS fusions were also wound induced in transgenic tobacco, suggesting that the basic mechanisms of developmental and inducible tydc regulation are conserved across plant species.


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The expression of desacetoxyvindoline 4-hydroxylase (D4H), which catalyzes the second to the last reaction in vindoline biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus, appears to be under complex, multilevel developmental and light regulation. Developmental studies with etiolated and light-treated seedlings suggested that although light had variable effects on the levels of d4h transcripts, those of D4H protein and enzyme activity could be increased, depending on seedling development, up to 9- and 8-fold, respectively, compared with etiolated seedlings. However, light treatment of etiolated seedlings could stop and reverse the decline of d4h transcripts at later stages of seedling development. Repeated exposure of seedlings to light was also required to maintain the full spectrum of enzyme activity observed during seedling development. Further studies showed that a photoreversible phytochrome appeared to be involved in the activation of D4H, since red-light treatment of etiolated seedlings increased the detectable levels of d4h transcripts, D4H protein, and D4H enzyme activity, whereas far-red-light treatment completely reversed this process. Additional studies also confirmed that different major isoforms of D4H protein exist in etiolated (isoelectric point, 4.7) and light-grown (isoelectric point, 4.6) seedlings, suggesting that a component of the light-mediated activation of D4H may involve an undetermined posttranslational modification. The biological reasons for this complex control of vindoline biosynthesis may be related to the need to produce structures that could sequester away from cellular activities the cytotoxic vinblastine and vincristine dimers that are derived partially from vindoline.


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Genomic clones of two nonspecific lipid-transfer protein genes from a drought-tolerant wild species of tomato (Lycopersicon pennellii Corr.) were isolated using as a probe a drought- and abscisic acid (ABA)-induced cDNA clone (pLE16) from cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Both genes (LpLtp1 and LpLtp2) were sequenced and their corresponding mRNAs were characterized; they are both interrupted by a single intron at identical positions and predict basic proteins of 114 amino acid residues. Genomic Southern data indicated that these genes are members of a small gene family in Lycopersicon spp. The 3′-untranslated regions from LpLtp1 and LpLtp2, as well as a polymerase chain reaction-amplified 3′-untranslated region from pLE16 (cross-hybridizing to a third gene in L. pennellii, namely LpLtp3), were used as gene-specific probes to describe expression in L. pennellii through northern-blot analyses. All LpLtp genes were exclusively expressed in the aerial tissues of the plant and all were drought and ABA inducible. Each gene had a different pattern of expression in fruit, and LpLtp1 and LpLtp2, unlike LpLtp3, were both primarily developmentally regulated in leaf tissue. Putative ABA-responsive elements were found in the proximal promoter regions of LpLtp1 and LpLtp2.


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The pattern of expression of two genes coding for proteins rich in proline, HyPRP (hybrid proline-rich protein) and HRGP (hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein), has been studied in maize (Zea mays) embryos by RNA analysis and in situ hybridization. mRNA accumulation is high during the first 20 d after pollination, and disappears in the maturation stages of embryogenesis. The two genes are also expressed during the development of the pistillate spikelet and during the first stages of embryo development in adjacent but different tissues. HyPRP mRNA accumulates mainly in the scutellum and HRGP mRNA mainly in the embryo axis and the suspensor. The two genes appear to be under the control of different regulatory pathways during embryogenesis. We show that HyPRP is repressed by abscisic acid and stress treatments, with the exception of cold treatment. In contrast, HRGP is affected positively by specific stress treatments.


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We have analyzed the developmental molecular programs of the mouse hippocampus, a cortical structure critical for learning and memory, by means of large-scale DNA microarray techniques. Of 11,000 genes and expressed sequence tags examined, 1,926 showed dynamic changes during hippocampal development from embryonic day 16 to postnatal day 30. Gene-cluster analysis was used to group these genes into 16 distinct clusters with striking patterns that appear to correlate with major developmental hallmarks and cellular events. These include genes involved in neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and synapse formation. A complete list of the transcriptional changes has been compiled into a comprehensive gene profile database (http://BrainGenomics.Princeton.edu), which should prove valuable in advancing our understanding of the molecular and genetic programs underlying both the development and the functions of the mammalian brain.


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Globin genes are subject to tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific regulation. A switch from human fetal (gamma)-to adult (beta)-globin expression occurs within erythroid precursor cells of the adult lineage. Previously we and others showed by targeted gene disruption that the zinc finger gene, erythroid Krüppel-like factor (EKLF), is required for expression of the beta-globin gene in mice, presumably through interaction with a high-affinity binding site in the proximal promoter. To examine the role of EKLF in the developmental regulation of the human gamma-globin gene we interbred EKLF heterozygotes (+/-) with mice harboring a human beta-globin yeast artificial chromosome transgene. We find that in the absence of EKLF, while human beta-globin expression is dramatically reduced, gamma-globin transcripts are elevated approximately 5-fold. Impaired silencing of gamma-globin expression identifies EKLF as the first transcription factor participating quantitatively in the gamma-globin to beta-globin switch. Our findings are compatible with a competitive model of switching in which EKLF mediates an adult stage-specific interaction between the beta-globin gene promoter and the locus control region that excludes the gamma-globin gene.


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It is now well understood that chromatin structure is perturbed in the neighborhood of expressed genes. This is most obvious in the neighborhood of promoters and enhancers, where hypersensitivity to nucleases marks sites that no longer carry canonical nucleosomes, and to which transcription factors bind. To study the relationship between transcription factor binding and the generation of these hypersensitive regions, we mutated individual cis-acting regulatory elements within the enhancer that lies between the chicken beta- and epsilon-globin genes. Constructions carrying the mutant enhancer were introduced by stable transformation into an avian erythroid cell line. We observed that weakening the enhancer resulted in creation of two classes of site: those still completely accessible to nuclease attack and those that were completely blocked. This all-or-none behavior suggests a mechanism by which chromatin structure can act to sharpen the response of developmental systems to changing concentrations of regulatory factors. Another problem raised by chromatin structure concerns the establishment of boundaries between active and inactive chromatin domains. We have identified a DNA element at the 5' end of the chicken beta-globin locus, near such a boundary, that has the properties of an insulator; in test constructions, it blocks the action of an enhancer on a promoter when it is placed between them. We describe the properties and partial dissection of this sequence. A third problem is posed by the continued presence of nucleosomes on transcribed genes, which might prevent the passage of RNA polymerase. We show, however, that a prokaryotic polymerase can transcribe through a histone octamer on a simple chromatin template. The analysis of this process reveals that an octamer is capable of transferring from a position in front of the polymerase to one behind, without ever losing its attachment to the DNA.


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In many plants, osmotic stress induces a rapid accumulation of proline through de novo synthesis from glutamate. This response is thought to play a pivotal role in osmotic stress tolerance [Kishor, P. B. K., Hong, Z., Miao, G.-H., Hu, C.-A. A. and Verma, D. P. S. (1995) Plant Physiol. 108, 1387-1394]. During recovery from osmotic stress, accumulated proline is rapidly oxidized to glutamate and the first step of this process is catalyzed by proline oxidase. We have isolated a full-length cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana, At-POX, which maps to a single locus on chromosome 3 and that encodes a predicted polypeptide of 499 amino acids showing significant similarity with proline oxidase sequences from Drosophila and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (55.5% and 45.1%, respectively). The predicted location of the encoded polypeptide is the inner mitochondrial membrane. RNA gel blot analysis revealed that At-POX mRNA levels declined rapidly upon osmotic stress and this decline preceded proline accumulation. On the other hand, At-POX mRNA levels rapidly increased during recovery. Free proline, exogenously added to plants, was found to be an effective inducer of At-POX expression; indeed, At-POX was highly expressed in flowers and mature seeds where the proline level is higher relative to other organs of Arabidopsis. Our results indicate that stress- and developmentally derived signals interact to determine proline homeostasis in Arabidopsis.


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To study the involvement of cyclin D1 in epithelial growth and differentiation and its putative role as an oncogene in skin, transgenic mice were developed carrying the human cyclin D1 gene driven by a bovine keratin 5 promoter. As expected, all squamous epithelia including skin, oral mucosa, trachea, vaginal epithelium, and the epithelial compartment of the thymus expressed aberrant levels of cyclin D1. The rate of epidermal proliferation increased dramatically in transgenic mice, which also showed basal cell hyperplasia. However, epidermal differentiation was unaffected, as shown by normal growth arrest of newborn primary keratinocytes in response to high extracellular calcium. Moreover, an unexpected phenotype was observed in the thymus. Transgenic mice developed a severe thymic hyperplasia that caused premature death due to cardio-respiratory failure within 4 months of age. By 14 weeks, the thymi of transgenic mice increased in weight up to 40-fold, representing 10% of total body weight. The hyperplastic thymi had normal histology revealing a well-differentiated cortex and medulla, which supported an apparently normal T-cell developmental program based on the distribution of thymocyte subsets. These results suggest that proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells are under independent genetic controls in these organs and that cyclin D1 can modulate epithelial proliferation without altering the initiation of differentiation programs. No spontaneous development of epithelial tumors or thymic lymphomas was perceived in transgenic mice during their first 8 months of life, although they continue under observation. This model provides in vivo evidence of the action of cyclin D1 as a pure mediator of proliferation in epithelial cells.


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At least three distinct beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) subtypes exist in mammals. These receptors modulate a wide variety of processes, from development and behavior, to cardiac function, metabolism, and smooth muscle tone. To understand the roles that individual beta-AR subtypes play in these processes, we have used the technique of gene targeting to create homozygous beta 1-AR null mutants (beta 1-AR -/-) in mice. The majority of beta 1-AR -/- mice die prenatally, and the penetrance of lethality shows strain dependence. Beta l-AR -/- mice that do survive to adulthood appear normal, but lack the chronotropic and inotropic responses seen in wild-type mice when beta-AR agonists such as isoproterenol are administered. Moreover, this lack of responsiveness is accompanied by markedly reduced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in cardiac membranes from beta 1-AR -/- mice. These findings occur despite persistent cardiac beta 2-AR expression, demonstrating the importance of beta 1-ARs for proper mouse development and cardiac function, while highlighting functional differences between beta-AR subtypes.


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The developmental changes in hemoglobin gene expression known as "switching" involve both the sequential activation and silencing of the individual globin genes. We postulated that in addition to changes in transcription, posttranscriptional mechanisms may be involved in modulating globin gene expression. We studied globin RNA transcripts in human adult erythroid cells (hAEC to analyze the mechanism of silencing of the embryonic epsilon-globin gene in the adult stage and in K562 erythroleukemic cells to analyze the inactive state of their adult beta-globin genes. In hAEC, which express primarily the beta-globin gene, quantitative PCR analysis shows that beta-mRNA exon levels are high and comparable among the three exons; the RNA transcripts corresponding to exons of the gamma-globin gene are low, with slight differences among the three exons. Although epsilon-globin is not expressed, epsilon-globin RNA transcripts are detected, with exon I levels comparable to that of gamma-globin exon I and much higher than epsilon-exons II and III. As expected, in K562 cells that express high levels of epsilon- and gamma-globin, epsilon- and gamma-mRNA levels are high, with comparable levels of exons I, II, and III. In K562 cells beta-mRNA levels are very low but beta-exon I levels are much higher than that of exons II or III. Moreover, all or most of the globin transcripts for the highly expressed globin genes in both cell types (gamma and beta in hAEC, epsilon and gamma in K562 cells) found in the cytoplasm or nucleus are correctly processed. The globin transcripts that are detected both in the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells without expression of the corresponding protein are largely unspliced (containing one or two intervening sequences). These studies suggest that in addition to changes in transcription rates, changes in completion or processing of globin RNA transcripts may contribute to the developmental regulation of the hemoglobin phenotype.


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Transmitting tissue-specific (TTS) protein is a pollen tube growth-promoting and attracting glycoprotein located in the stylar transmitting tissue extracellular matrix of the pistil of tobacco. The TTS protein backbones have a deduced molecular mass of about 28 kDa, whereas the glycosylated stylar TTS proteins have apparent molecular masses ranging between 50 and 100 kDa. TTS mRNAs and proteins are ectopically produced in transgenic tobacco plants that express either a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter-TTS2 transgene or a CaMV 35S-promoter-NAG1 (NAG1 = Nicotiana tabacum Agamous gene) transgene. However, the patterns of TTS mRNA and protein accumulation and the quality of the TTS proteins produced are different in these two types of transgenic plants. In 35S-TTS transgenic plants, TTS mRNAs and proteins accumulate constitutively in vegetative and floral tissues. However, the ectopically expressed TTS proteins in these transgenic plants accumulate as underglycosylated protein species with apparent molecular masses between 30 and 50 kDa. This indicates that the capacity to produce highly glycosylated TTS proteins is restricted to the stylar transmitting tissue. In 35S-NAG transgenic plants, NAG1 mRNAs accumulate constitutively in vegetative and floral tissues, and TTS mRNAs are induced in the sepals of these plants. Moreover, highly glycosylated TTS proteins in the 50- to 100-kDa molecular mass range accumulate in the sepals of these transgenic, 35S-NAG plants. These results show that the tobacco NAGI gene, together with other yet unidentified regulatory factors, control the expression of TTS genes and the cellular capacity to glycosylate TTS proteins, which are normally expressed very late in the pistil developmental pathway and function in the final stage of floral development. The sepals in the transgenic 35S-NAG plants also support efficient pollen germination and tube growth, similar to what normally occurs in the pistil, and this ability correlates with the accumulation of the highest levels of the 50- to 100-kDa glycosylated TTS proteins.


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We have analyzed the developmental pattern of beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression in the cerebral cortex of the beta 2nZ3'1 transgenic mouse line, which was generated using regulatory elements of the beta 2-microglobulin gene and shows ectopic expression in nervous tissue. From embryonic day 10 onward, beta-gal was expressed in the medial and dorsal cortices, including the hippocampal region, whereas lateral cortical areas were devoid of labeling. During the period of cortical neurogenesis (embryonic days 11-17), beta-gal was expressed by selective precursors in the proliferative ventricular zone of the neocortex and hippocampus, as well as by a number of migrating and postmigratory neurons arranged into narrow radial stripes above the labeled progenitors. Thus, the transgene labels a subset of cortical progenitors and their progeny. Postnatally, radial clusters of beta-gal-positive neurons were discernible until postpartum day 10. At this age, the clusters were 250 to 500 microns wide, composed of neurons spanning all the cortical layers and exhibiting several neuronal phenotypes. These data suggest molecular heterogeneity of cortical progenitors and of the cohorts of postmitotic neurons originating from them, which implies intrinsic molecular mosaicism in both cortical progenitors and developing neurons. Furthermore, the data show that neurons committed to the expression of the transgene migrate along very narrow, radial stripes.